' 11 FFUSSY 1 Drug Store OR the Corner Extend the SEASON'S GREETINGS' Quarry Drug Co. A b~ox of selected Chocolates that touches top notch is candy making. FUSSY PACKAGE For Fastidious F61k6 Calkins' Pharmacy -324 S. State St. ,, Senior engineer basketball practice, city Y. M. C. A. at 5:30 o'clock. Junior lit basketball practice im- mediately after Christmas. Soph engineer basketball practice City Y. M. C. A, at 5:30 o'clock. Chess and Checker club meets to- night at 7:30 o'clock at McMillan hall. Will elect team for Chicago tourna- ment. AVONANS ILEMAXE TO GIVE PARTY I)VRlNG lOLIDAYS., The Woman's League is planning a Christmas party for the benefit of all university women who expect to re- main in town during the holidays. Flue books, in which names may be written, are hung in the woman's room in University hall, and also at "H~arbour gymnasium, and all who have not done so are urged to sign up as soon as possible. The party will be at Barbour gym, and will feature many interesting Christmas stunts, The date -has not yet been decided upon, but will be announced later. Junior Lit Announces Engagement. Florence Roberts,'14, announced her engagement last night to Robert E. Gordon of Marine City. Miss Roberts attended the university for two years and was a member of the local chap- ter of the Delta Gamma sorority. AD)S IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO BE PAID FOR IN AD)VANCE. All the latest popular song hits can be bought at Grinnells, 120-122 E. Lib- erty St. for ten cents per copy.' U. of M. song book, one dollar. We save you money on anything in the music line:~ Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, etc. 67-69 Get our prices on Chafing Dishes, H. L. Switzer Co. 66-69 Slip a box of Huyler's Candy in your gripz It makes you doubly welcome. Agency 214 S.. Main St. 65-70 Royal-Rochester and Manning and Bowman Chafing dishes and percola- tors at right prices. H. L. Switzer Co. 66-61. We are never undersold. Goodyear Drug Store. 2 tf LOST LostBlack card case, containing $12. Reward for honesty. Call 63. 66-68 Lost-Setter dog; black and white, spotted with brown. Age four years. Answers to name of "Cap." Any word concerning him will be great- ly appreciated at Sigma Nu House, 915 Oakland Ave. 67 FOR RENT For Rtent.-Fine downstairs suite of rooms at 414 East Washington. 67-68 F .._ WERW - I I Useful Christmas lis Tinker & Company Hatters and Furnishers 342 S. State St. Philip or rit s (Original London) The oldest high- grade Turkish Cigar- ettes in the world!1 A I THE NEWEST IN NECKWEAR, REEFERS, AND CLOVES MAILISTI C Silver Souvenirs Free to Ladies Matineec Today 3 p.m. Russian Dancers I I Music for xinmas GiftsI IThe 061ocest in Clas-%lcs and Latest in Operatic and Popular i I Made of Turkish only.r the purest Tobaccos AND A GREAT SHOW I Gibson Mandolins and Guitars Complete line of Miusical M-rchan dise Press Building Maynard Street Across from Majestic {'l he Little Brown Box" PH-ILLIP MORRIS & CO., Ltd. 402 West Broadway, New York TUTTLE'S ON STATE STREET We Serve Hot Lunches I s Now is the time to select Artistic Christmas CardIs from the usual large awsortment found at DE FRIES ART STORtE 223 S. MAIN FI 6' . _______ V1.' Some as CandY'lAll Candies made by Sweets Viiversity Lowney and Morse at the WVe are sole agents for: SPECIAL Belle Meade A.AMAS PACKAGES WMle Insiet on Satisfying COULDINO & WIKEL 1219 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE. ! Al Broken Lots of Overcoats at,,Gral Reduced Prices 'c ~