ail $2.30
T he
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ANN A-R t MIC NWA, D)CEMBER 18, 1912.
D a ly
T Iail $2.50
XXIII, No. 67.
. . . . ........ ..... . .... ..
lION 1 _ I
Campaign to be Instituted Through
Agency of Committees Appointed
in All Departments of the
Students Will Present Proposition to
Representatives in Their
Own Districts.
Active work on the campus in the
interests of the campaign for Michigan
student suffrage will be begun imme-
diately through the agency of com-
mittees which have been appointed for
all the departments excepting the
medic. After the holidays, a general
mass meeting of students will be call-
ed at which final preparations will be
made for the submission of the propo-
sition to the legislature. The work of
the committees will be to interest
their friends in the measure, and 'to vi-
tali e the agitation.
Many of the students interested have
signified their intention of sounding
the representatives in their own dis-
tricts with the intention of finding out
what is the general attitude toward
such a proposition as the one propos-
ed, of students voting by mail. Sone
plan to interview the legislators per-
sonally, and it is. expected that Henry
Rottschaefer, the original drafter of
the bill, will visit Representative Mur-
phy, of Berrien county,to ascertain his
view on the matter, and to inquire as
to his plans regarding a similar meas-
The committees which have thus far
been appointed have as their chair-
men: H. V. Spike, '14L; D. M. Daron,
'ill; Joseph H. Motley, '14D; and W.
R. Melton, '13.
Plans are being formulated for the
seventh anniversary of the founding
of the Michigan chapter of the Corda-
Fratres Cosmopolitan club which oc-
curs on January 13. As it will be the
biggest affair of the season given by
the club, efforts are being made to ob-
tain some men of national repute for
the meeting.
Kiyo Sue Inui, '06, the Japanese or-
ator and peace-advocate, who was the
tunder and the first president of the
local club, will be one of the speakersi
Five manuscripts have already been
submitted to the committee in charge
of the junior women's annual play,
which is the largest number that has
ever been handed In before the Christ-
mas holidays. All the plays show
great promise of first rate productions.
Many of the third year women are
still working upon their manuscripts,'
and judging from the number who are
to place librettos before the
judges, the play will be one of the best
that the junior women have ever stag-
ed. All maniuscripts must be submit-
ted in final form by January 7.
Cosmopolitans Will Send Delegates,
The local Cosmopolitan club has ac-
cepted the invitation to participate in
the " Eighth International Congress of
Students" to be held at Cornell Uni-
versity, Ithaca, N. Y. Delegates will
be elected to represent the Michigan
chapter at the congress.
T. G. Kane Talks to Prof. Scott's Class.
Frank G. Kane, chief editorial writ-
er of the Detroit News-Tribune, lec-
tured before Prof. F. N. Scott's class
in journalism yesterday morning. His
subject was "Story Writing," and he
presented to the members of the class
many valuable points of newspaper
Forecast for Ann Arbor-Wednesday,
snow flurries and colder; brisk and
high south winds shifting to the north-
University Observatory - Tuesday,
7:00 p. m., temperature, 40.5; maxi-
mum. temperature 24 hours preceding,
48.6; minimum temperature 24 hours
preceding,. 32.5; average wind velocity
11 miles per hour. Rainfall .05.
Harry W. Laidler, organizer of the
Intercollegiate Socialist society, ad-
dresed the local chapter of that organ-
ization last night at the Unitarian
church on "Socialism and the Colle-
"The socialistic movement should
be understood by all collegians," said
Mr. Laidler, "as it is the greatest po-
litical phenomenon of the present cent
tury. Forty years ago there were on-
ly a few thousand socialist voters in
the world, and today the movement
claims about 30,000,000 adherents. In
the last election practically 900,000 so-
cialist votes were cast in the United
States alone. These are facts which
the student should consider."
More Senior Lits are Needed Before
Work is Begun With the
Fre'i iHe s Cbn it
- n C ailg
to d bo e to s o
mitte of the ss
wvere (h.y at a :t e
yesterday. The ar en a i ~
11. M. Lowe, T 1. VeiL i.I.fa
ker, anti l . 1i en e o to he
will be is trred al e . we '4by
other menibers oe ua ho he
eeted am e hca e , n
if foun d jab b: y iti <i A h
convice '' e -i 4 t
draw fris ot ~Ia
findng o te o-a;Ie i~
JUNIOR A'V4 lI1 Id) t
Student advisors have now been
provided for all freshmen women, but
there are still 15 senior lits needed to
serve in that capacity for the first
year men. The plan as arranged by
the faculty committee in charge call
for three advisors to each group, one
member of the faculty, one senior who
will have charge of the men in each
grup, and one junior woman, for the
women students, making a group of
nc more than 10 in all, including the
freshmen and their advisors.
During the.holidays, a booklet will
be printed which will contain the list
of groups, the names of the advisors,
and the addresses of both. The names
of the freshmen will be given in alpha-
betical order, and there will be a com-
plete index, both of names and groups.
These books are to be sent by mail to
all the advisors, and are to be ac-
companied by a circular letter de-
scribing the plan which it is urged
should be pursued, and a general out-
"line of the advisory work. According
to the plans of the committee, the vol-
unteer advisors are to commence
work immediately after the vacation,
and will therefore proceed to get ac-
quainted with the members of his or
her particular group as soon as pos-
In order that the booklet m'ay be
complete, it is important that the req-
uisite number of senior lits is made
up, and all who wish to volunteer their
services for the work are urged to call
Rolfe Spinning, 1505, and turn in their
names before the end of this week.
An article on the Chinese republic
entitled 'The Deferred Recognition,"
by K. Wu, '14; various photographs
of the Chinese conference held in Sep-
tember, and portraits of V. T. Maw,
'14E, and T. Y. Tam, '14E, who were
recently elected vice-chairman and
treasurer of the mid-western section
of the Chinese Students' Alliance, are
matters of particular local interest in
the December number of the Chinese
Students' monthly.
Cabinet Club to Dance in Washington
Michigan music and Michigan deco-
rations will feature a dance to be giv-
en December 27, in Washington, D. C.,
y the Cabinet club, a local organiza-
ion composed of men from that city.
embers of the club together with
ti e alumni of the capital city will at-
X1ia I, 1
Junior lits vi i
the Union tbis evenin: for th a se
ciml esent of the sear in 1'i b-
circles. Both the msen li'( wormn m
the class wid asse ale t I J O'ClOCk
for a Christmas dinner. to he I V
by a program of spses an m
numbers. Thernniner of w evn-
ing wi l1 be danal to nehe hi
will contti' 11rom 2:) ( J:l i
he progrmn iolwi;L diner
)avid Hunti ' a as to
~naster, and lo aI Leama, IKe 11 1
inud Gordon ELdr e a w iii reAi'nd ta
xoasts. Mildda yior, .'by His ium:
md Waldo Fellows tarnish mu-
sical numbers.
Feature dances ci (ry d1mipt'o
and particularly of t Yuleide xa-
riety, are pronmis'd for the dance. Spa
cial decoratioms and red and green
lightig effects wi he wed. -he
harmony w ill he rut " :
Fischer's augnmcnted r i
Six piece , in(cluid ; a 7
All tickets for tonht' dente ad
dinner have been collected frori doi::i-
tors,and will be on sale at the Vin
counter today. According to tho sn
charge, the number 1' admies on car ds
to the dance will be absohinly limit-
ed to 100 co pier.
To PrinM L~s of l'aiul i' Be liion
Librarian Theo. IX. K och is ag:ed
in editing a new list of pnmcV'n
by the faculty !n1 cl :wa-
ber is reiIested to iH oul on he cir-
culars dietlributed by the ibray, a lisi
of his ov;n published writing. lip to
the present time more ba: b a f the
circulars dietributed ha 'een n
swered, and the dao he
will depend on the arr
nmaining replies. It is pcIeh-
ever, that the list wi be eo d
Some thie in lo brery
FNY i ,r r m
dier o Enrance Requirements
Acted en 1y Lit Faculty.
xwo stu dents were suspended from
the mirri asity an account of poor
work, by the literary department fac-
uty at a meeting held last night. Pro-
iions were also made whereby a
st odent may offer as an entrance re-
(jeleieli into the university, one-
di hunit of physiography and one-
Twa 1 11. of botany. A resolution con-
t 'The rel'irements for entrance
tn ho six year medical course was re-
a~ -d to a ommittee for further dis-
<. us 220 wit liemlberS of the medi-
U t'tment naculty.
C at ho V t u dents Gh e Party Tomght,
C it *: ecortions suggestive of Yule-
r K.ity, th:e Catholic Students' club
wil ie'a preoiday party tonight
at- >t' Thimas ball at 8:00 o'clock.
1 1 e'2char's 'axophon(' (uartet
x1i e in iish 1 emusic, and electrical
< aad tableaux (ances will fea-
ti n he affair. Tickets, which sell
a t 5 c ts, may be purchased of mem-
ber' o'the connnittee or at the door.
[T, a sarless and firm hearted neo-
pihytestrod the hot and burning sands
.e Sahara last night and were
ibn a madmit te and acquainted with
the iaie isi secrets of the Sphinx
soiet. Afkt r the munmification and
ilinba thu fl< -cereniies, the newly ad-
ua ll' I~ oine<listened to talks by Prof.
C. ,. Van Tyne, "Cy" Quinn, "Carp"
Carpenter, apd "Dav' Hunting. The
following junior lits were successfully
fitted into the mummy case: "Dave"
unti ng, 'Jack" Lippincott, 'Rosy"
tosenibaun, "Shortie" Alerton, and
Chuck' Webber.
anfil rbor wi be a righte merrie
t, sis Vuletide for ye "left-over"
ttudenta, aeaordin' to plans now being
,.o nl txed by the University Y. M. C.
X. Tle aas oation will combine with
dl the churches to provide for some
sort of entertainment every night at
Newberry hall. These evenings will
be iiformal, and will continue
brou hot the holidays. There will
bo musi, and talks, and games that
will be guaranteed cures for "the
uiacat." ('bristmas night a dinner will
e lald, following which students will
el of the way in which they spend
t'liv :us at home.
i)re sh La vs ieature First Dance.
Mor than 10 couples attended the
r ' ; .aY' lxva (lance at Granger's last
n a many unique features were
ni'aodute l by the embryo barristers.
The Michigan Union will be open
during the Christmas vacation and the
dining room will not be closed. On
Christmas day, a regulation turkey
dinner has been planned. The new ad-
dition has been rented to several pr
vate parties.who will hold dances dur-
ing this period. The regular Saturday
night membership parties are to be
continued throughout the vacation.
Advice Will be Given to Prospective
Authors by the "imes."
All men who intend to submit orig-
inal lyrics and plots of th 1914 Mich-
igan Union opera will meet tonight at
7:00 o'clock at the Union. Last year
on the same occasion, 18 men signified
heir intentions to compete. On account
of the increased membership in the
Union and the growing interest in
these university productions, the
"Mimes" elpect at least 20 candi-
dates to enter the race. At the meet-
ing this evening, advice will ,be given
as to the nature of the work. "Bob"
Beck, the writer of this year's book,
Philip K. Fletcher, the general chair-
man of this year's production, and oth-
er members of the "Mimes" will give
short talks. All prospective authors
are urged to be present tonight.
Michigan's State Peace Representa-
tive Will be Selected Tomor-
row Night.
Five picked speakers will declaim
tomorrow night for the honor of rep-
resenting the university against the
other colleges of Michigan in the-State
Peace oratorical contest. The contest
will be held in Sarah Caswell Angell
Hall, and and ex-congressman Edwin
L. Denby, '96L, of Detroit, will preside.
The order in which the men will
speak, and the subjects of their ora-
tions are as follows: J. W. Harding,
14L, "The Armed Peace of the United,
States;" H. C. Tallmadge, '14, "The
Disarmament of Nations;" Paul B.
Blanshard, '14, The Evolution of Pa-
triotism;" S. S. Grosner, '14L, "Our
Country's Call;" and N. H. Goldstick,
'15L, "The Mockery of Peace."
The winner of the university con-
test will represent Michigan at the
state contest to be held at the Michi-
gan State Normal college, at Ypsilanti,
March 24. The victor of this contest
goes to the national contest at the
Lake Mohonk Peace Conference next
summer. Last year Michigan's rep-
resentative won both contests.
Senior Lits Must Verify Credits.
One hundred senior lits have been
notified to verify their credits with
Registrar Hall today. This is the
last week the seniors will have to,
check over their work and an effort
is being made to have them attend to
the matter at once in order to avoid
trouble in the spring.
Cosmopolitans Hold Smoker Saturday
The third monthly smoker of the
Cosmopolitan club will be held at the
Michigan Union Saturday afternoon
at 2:00 o'clock. Music will be render-
ed, and refreshments served and mem-
bers are requested to bring their
friends. Several unique features will
be contained in the program.
R. G. Manning Addresses Engineers.
R. G. Manning, of the American
Bridge Company, addressed a meeting
of the engineering society last night
on "Examples of Recent Bridge Engi-
neering." The lecture was.illustrated
by views and' drawings of bridge ar-
Action Will be Taken at Fach of the
]Fraternity Houses Repreented
at the Big Annual
Musical and Comedy Clubs 'Will Have
l'sual Entertainmentg for
Home isItors.
Extreme dancing of all kinds will be
absent at the 1914 Junior hop. At a
business meeting of the combined
committees held at the Alpha Delta
Phi house yesterday afternoon, a com-
mittee was appointed to discuss unap-
proved dances, and at the next meet-
ing of the committees it will report
on the kinds of dancing to be permit-
ted at the hop.
The action in regard to extreme
dancing will be somewhat different
than is generally pursued. Instead of
having a floor committee to "call" the
couples who are doing the unauthoriz-
ed varieties, action will be taken pre-
vious to the dance at the pfraerit
houses represented. Each of the 19
representatives will urge the matter
at his own house according to the sug-
gestions of the committee. It is ex-
peted that thereby any necessity of
a floor committee will be done away
Contracts are Lt
As in previous years the music con-
tract was let to Fisher of Kalamazoo
and Finzel of Detroit. The Finzel or-
ganization will have 15 pieces, a larger
number than that orchestra has ever
sent to the hop. The. Kalamazoo or-
chestra will also be represented by
15 pieces and will feature three selec-
tions composedespecially for the oc-
The contract for decorations will be
let this week to the NationalaFlag
Decorating Co., of Detroit, which has
decorated Waterman gymnasium for
the hop for tthe past 12 years. This
company will have charge of the gen-
eral decoration, including the big can-
opy and hanging baskets, as wellas
the favors and favor receptales. hey
will also plan the numerous novelties.,
In general the decoration will be
the same as last year but some innova-
tions in details will help to convert
the bare interior of the gym into a
dgreater wonderland than ever before.
The general color scheme of yellow
and blue will be followed out in the
ecoration of the main part of the gym
asium, but for the most part the
booths will be decorated in fraternity
Many Amusements Planned.
As usual campus organizations have
planned amusements for hop visitors.
On the Thursday night preceding the
dance the combined musical clubs will
give their annual recital instead of
on Saturday night as has been recent-
ly considered. The hop itself will oc-
cur on Friday 'night and on Saturday
afternoon the Comedy club will pre-
sent "Money" at the New Whitney
At the first meeting of the ndepend-
ents Monday afternoon about 20 were
present. The meeting was in the 'na-
ture of a get-acquainted affair and no
actual plans were made. The third
business meeting of the combined
committees for the hop will be held
on the Thursday after vacation at the
Alpha Delta Phi house. At this meet-
ing the other contracts will be let and
the matter of unapproved dancing will
be discussed further.
Will Initiate Women Into Verein.
There will be a meeting of the soph-
omore women's section of the Deuts-
cher Verein tomorrow night at 7:00
o'clock to initiate the women who
were elected at the last meeting.
Illinois Club Dances Tomorrow Night,
The pre-Christmas dance of the Ill-
ini club will be held at the Packard
academy tomorrow night. Dean and
Mrs. J. R. Effinger will chaperone the
party. It is expected that 45 couples
will be in attendance.
Actual tli.hls to ' he Irosed plans of the University
Aa' absL() zit np a building on or near
feet were aromonpb -4 by it en us were discussed at the
bers of the Aero (bit N n a 'en ting Monday evening
biplaiwe glitter which that er i ad h 'ard over to the board of
constructed last x '. ' a'c a wx't the recommendation
ful attempts we<-z made x a t . - : ,ha leak i 0 the matter thorough-
ei'age distance negt a -A h l a nd id oat whether the erection
feet, ' a - ' bee was financially feas-
The flights oc Oin i 'I i' h 'ntary to published reports no
interest, an i ata i ic t 0aion was taken, providing
club's machine ere s a x n 1 ] e ;ldng ef a permanent home
it in full light wh is plO o e u
field used by the a, ix ere are nuty ways in which the
ed about a i!? - O( a a d b illing for the club would
A slight netid Ito ee O a to the university," said Prof.
in alighting l- ' xaatd lrrut yesterday. "Well-
plane and made it io : n scientists and lecturers 'who
tinue the lilt p bt o the city as the guests of this
now bin< rpiir. aI u-v et COUl lie more fittingly en-
pcients w ill ha a (id they would not be oblig-
days. 1i'e:-0 . -a hotels. I feel sure that
of the ma nie "' t-uicld in the matter is
will speak to the sa 'e cl in favor of erecting the
to be held imm a ' citi huo bat wx-hen the subject is
tiot. -ans'r 'd frOm a financial point of
The society w icc 1in xxxk on i-n', i may not prove to be feasible."
the construction of a h'droplue ti 'Ihe Ctuahx'ardens, and the Apos-
use on the ncx lake abox'e the dam ts. the ttx-o faculty dining clubs, have
next spring. The now tn i - for diacuased the proposal of eating in
cylinder Krlt nmotm' tct i lam bti ta club house if it is built, and in
found too eiavy for the machint they all probability will do so, They will
now have, and it wIll be used for x- not, however, lose their identity as
perimEntation only. separate organizations.
Complete Gyroscope for Testing Lab.
A gyroscope designed for illustrat-
ing the dynamics of retaining bodies,
has just been completed by the engi-
neering shops for the testing laborato-
ry. The wheel which maintains the
equilibrium of the gyroscope is pro-
pelled by a compactly electric motor.