THE MICHIGAN DAILY BOYS we wvant you to see onr Ne Flat Englishi Custom Lasts the very latest with the new flat 7}8 inch heels, in black and ta,'-i light or heavy weight, $5 to $7 per pair. N9 ri PAID FOR IN ADAQN CF. FOR SALE. For Sale-Hand-painted dresser set of 8 pieces. VVIll sell by the piece or whole set, Busy Bee, 313 S. State St. 66 LOST Last, Thimble- silver, gold lined, set with turquoise in sweet grass thim- ble basket, on State street between interurban station and Hill street; or Hill, between State and Church streets. Finder please phone Mrs. Chamberlain, Delta Gamma house, and receiv'e reward. 66 Lost--Black card case} containing $12. Reward for honesty. Call 63. 66-68 On sale no %.-the G~argoyle-at newsdealers. 6 Get our prices on Chafing dishes. Hf L. Switzer Co. 66-693 CHIINESE STUDENTS WILL GO T O E A S O NF R V C TUMany of the C hinese students in the university have been invited to spend part of their Christmas vacation at Ev- anston, Ill., where a conference known as the "Chinese Students' Christmas Retreat" will be held by the Chinese Students' Christian association. A program of speeches, soccer con- tests, bible-study, and evening enter- tainments of various kinds has been arranged. The retreat is a new idea and will be an annual affair if it is successful this year. Biuy a Xmias i-Ocation Gargoyle. 66 Frank P. Lodge 'of D~etroit, wll speak to the Commerce club at the Union this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Xm,,s Gargoyle out iiow-1% cents. 66 ;tOURclohcsoulwb igh andIyou nayb hnIfItt Syou can e _i ¢1~l it ~ hav syl ap r anhi gar 119 S. MAIN STREET Furnseens~,ias BagsauITic~ We have the largest stock of best fitting pumps you ever put on $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 per pair.I PeJace of Sweets JoeDown Town ,a a . , --.,, , ,. .t: 4 ? ,_ (- c i 4f l d o t5ravr Yi~ .. .J ... ,..... .'. ,. LET CO Yyi ;l] ALFREDO VECK-R 1S CH-N F'urrdsh the Ice Crese.txk Atlte n'tion to IFr. teranitles 2e. ON MAIN 8TRUUIT SALESMAN a Wanted salesman to .Arbor. Will consider during spare time. sell stocks arnd bonds in Ann college man willing to work Full Dress Tuxedo, and Prince Al- bert Suits for Hire. Whittington Co., 244 Woodward Ave., -Detroit. e o d All1 cars in the future will stop at Goodyear Drug Store. 1 tf~ Some good stuff ini "Der Weihnaclbt- yen Gargle." 661 W. A. HAMLIN & CO. Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Iichigan. '4 best shoe sine next to Wag- eod tf I m Wri~te Ideas For tro ouIze ally vertisers /,As L W W IT E .T U ITct - r15hr o A pecricl 0$i;g Ltd S ? paig ;f !?i,. id rE Forec e Nov.S t: 24th1 j fa " y~g{' Mwlngan Centrail-B g Ti'. h ur . 3i con'l \ti f w Quen&Crscnyad Su rP' a etroitoacko-vi7 .7, 1, Leave. Detroit' - 1 . .V a O AN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND YEARN $25 O MORE WEEKLY We ill Show You How ! If you have ideas-if you can THINK--we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no expleriernce or liter pry excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is wanted. Thle demand for phaotoplays is practically unlimited. The big fili manufactUrers are moving "heaven and earth" in their at- tempts to get ensough good plots to supply the ever increasing de-. mand. They are offering $ioo and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas. Nearly -ill the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays, are located in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being. right on the spot and knowing at all tinges just what sort of plots are wanted by the producers, our SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advant- age over agencies situated in distant cities, We have received mainy letters from the big film manufactur- crs, such as Vitagraph, Edison. Essanay, Lubin, Solax, Imp, Re- liance. Champion, Comet, Melies, Etc., urging us to send photo- plays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of success. We are selling photoplays written by people who ",never before wrote a line of publication," Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only oue good idea each week, and will write it out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25. a low figure, You Will Earn $100, Monthly For Spare Time Work REE Send your name and address at once for free copy of our illustrated book, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRiTING." Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now. and learn just what this new profession may mean for you and your future. The time to place Yourorr for Engr aved or '(mb., s ed tt ay i The Xmas rush is already on, and fro,: ten da eto w dk is required to fill an order. Fin te .u <