igan I U tD AY, DECEiMBlER 15, 1912. DEUTSCHER VEREIN UION HAS ANNOUNCES CAST Fifteen Tryouts are Selected by Man.- ; _genient~ for Characters i "Rail]R "Rail as thet ly prog noon.I of hisa his Phil( -Backingl I OF FICES I 1 ) eA PARTS TO1J the The list of those who the the cast: for "Koepnicke, ering Ann Arbor, for Sling of the rush of ho: students this week. holiday seekers leave railroads have a ner on their hands. To ,500~ people in an aft ght; is a big problem r agent, so details are dl now. Ticket officese d on thie campus as1 Lthe past. d students will have special train, which leave the Michigan C Friday afternoon at 2 cps will be made at es, including "time-o lunch, and Chicago v at 8:00 o'clock. Par )dations can be obtair arnd all those who des was made public yesterday by th~e management of the Deutscher Verein. The following statement was issued: "The director of the German play and7 the faculty advisory- committee have, upon full and due consideration of all the avaiable material selected provis- ionally the following students for this year's play: Gertrude lielmecke, Loretta Helms- dorfer, Laura Hollingshead, :Jane May-~ er, Mildred Nichterlein, Ethel Wheel- er, Irving Bassett, Lawrence Clayton, Aug;ust Gehirke, Emra Jaqua, Julius Herbert, John Miner, Reuben Peter- son, Leonard Rieser, and Jamnes Wil- kins," This selection was based upon the tryouts held early this month and the material available from last year's play. Of those selected, only four took part last year: Clayton, Bassett, Miner, and Wilkins. The assignment of parts will be made before Friday, after one or two meetings of the cast have been held. The first meeting will take place to- morrow afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in room 203 University hall. L1i.3 Y hen vial train will be run east- extra coaches will be acces- ch will be used as they are The Ann Arbor railroad and R. have also promised to add stude emorial, slept in a bed moi with uiis fifteen years; is sfor every night in the Jack has 1,500 chrono- os tuck~ed away in that ead of his. Familiarity, imemorial? Humph, that' LIUs, whose aim is to per- self as the greatest short- apher who ever lived, sglib tongue more facts tricity, boasting that he once slept a roof in Columbus, Ohio, with1 feet of snow ou the ground and thermometer registering ten belc and this living reference libraryn er touched liquor nor tobacco in odd life, Jack was here four years ago, ofthe 4wfty ~about the fifteen hundred greatest men' One of the ends of his return is to di who ever lived than you have fancies, cuss the possible systematizing of t1 For the benefit of those unifortun- brain with the psychological author ates who are not conversant with the ties of the university, He admits 1 ~facts of :Tack's life, these scattered in something of a wit, and conclu facts might prove interesting: Jck ed his social call at the sanctum ye was born in Missouri 48Seas go; trday bly remarking that a man wi went four years toOhos omahs memory could forget his mothe two to fRush Mdi;hi rgt name is, in-law.~i ad Arbor the un 0.0O. ment, night. as center frequently ht end for ayto sub- easyvrn WI) thr L rd A. Barrett, Minister J. Leslie French Studen Address by Mr, Barrett 'Anticipating Christmas" University Classes for Men and Women. 2E Socieiy spend." The bi mion P Mansfield, Qhlo,