Local $2.00 Mail $2.50 rI The A& dgvowft -d -Nook lFS f:hig all' ' ;,; e. Local $2.00 flail $2.50 o Vol. XXIII, No. 63. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. PRICE FIVE CNTS MANY NEW MEN PRACTICE FOR TRACKSEASON Work in Waterman Gymnasium Has Begun in Earnest; Candidates Show Some Real Class. PROSPECTS ARE GOOD FOR DEVELOPING POLE-VAULTERS Trainer Farrell Is Working With Can- didates to Get Quartet for Eastern Relay. No time is being lost this year in starting the indoor track season in Waterman gymnasium as is evidenced ' by the quantity of material that con- gests the running track every after- noon and the numerous group of huskies who put the shot on the floor below. Train- er Steve Farrell is working with the candidates, getting a line on a quartet to send to the eastern relay contests. In recent years the custom was to let the track men lie idle until the be- ginning of the second semester, with only a month to get in shape for the first meets.. But no such policy is go- ing to be followed if "Steve" has any- thing to say about it. The area surrounding the ring from which the shot is hurled and the path it takes over to the mats in the cor- ner is roped off to protect the sprint- ers and the gymnasts from the dan- ger of being struck by the heavy pel- let. Some mighty good material has been. unearthed in the freshman class, es- pecially in the events that Michigan was deplorably weak in last year. Two of the youngsters are vaulting over the bar at ten feet-six, one of whom has had but very little experience. With the development that will come when he learns the proper form, it may be that Michigan will for the first time in many years be able to boast of a pole-vaulter that can class with the eastern talent. If the race that was run on Ferry field this fall is any criterion, it is safe to say that this same class should prove to furnish the university with some strong quarter-mile aspirants. In the shorter sprints it is too early to judge the possibilities of freshmen quality, but it is known that several have brilliant prep school records be- hind them. For the long distances the newcomers will have to discover some- thing yet unknown. Enlivening the scene are the Varsity men with their blue M's and aMa's Both Cole and Kohler are rounding rapidly into forty-five foot shape with the shot and Sargent is making sur- prisingly high jumps over the stick. With a wealth of material Michigan's chances on the field and, track sports assume a most roseate hue. Walker Exhibit Is Placed in Museum. The Andrews collection of marine shells which was donated to the uni- versity by Dr. Bryant Walker of De- troit has arrived and is now on exhi- bition in the museum. SENIORS ENTHUSE OVER NEW SYSTEM "' ou men want to leave the im- pression of a vigorous, virile person- THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Friday, generally fair with slowly rising tem- perature; moderate to brisk south- westerly winds. University Observatory-Thursday, 7:00 p. m., temperature, 10.4; maxi- mum temperature 24 hours preceding, 62.1; minimum temperature 24 hours preceding, 9.4; average wind velocity 11 miles per hour. UNIVERSITY CLUB MAY PUT UP BUILDING NEAR CAMPUS The University club, an organiza- tion composed of 200 faculty members, may erect a building on some lot near the campus in which to hold its meet- ings and social gatherings. The building committee made this recommendation in their recent report to the society, but the president, Prof. J. E. Reighard, deemed it advisable to defer the consideration of the proposed plans until some time in the future when a special meeting of the organ- ization will be called for this purpose. At present the club is holding its meetings and social affairs in its rooms located In the basement of Me- morial hall. To Hold Saxophone Party in January. The second of the Wright Saxophone Trio parties will be held at the Union January 17. Wright, himself, will again be present, so, that the music will not lack in "pep."! The number of couples will be strictly limited to 75 and tick- ets will sell for $2.00. The party will be informal. WILL LECTURE ON OLD TROUBADOURS M. Jean Bee to Give Address on Sub- ject Which Has Made Him Famous. FOUND KEY TO OLD NOTATION. M. Jean Bee, at present professor of philology in the University of Illi- nois, will address a local public this afternoon in Memorial hall at 4:00 o'clock under the auspices of the Cer- cle Francais. The management of that organization presents M. Bec as a speaker whose appeal will be made to musicians, to faculty and to students of the French languages alike. Having been for a number of years connected with the University of Strasbourg, in Germany, and a mas- ter of the German and French lan- guages, M. Bec became interested in that singular epoch of French history in which the troubadour, figured as an exponent of romance and maker of history with his verses, with his musi- cal accompaniments, and finally with that poetry which has come down to a later generation as a masterly expres- sion of the spirit and sentiments of a time when the troubadour journeyed from castle to castle and sang his bal- lads to the lords. M. Bee, during his researches, made a remarkable discovery, for which he has won international fame. He found the key to a system of notation in mu- sic which was unintelligible to a pos- terity , which could read the manu- pcripts of this ancient music, but which could not read its peculiar system of musical notation. He published a work on this subject which has gone into all languages as an authority on the troubadours. Professor A. A. Stanley says, "Too much cannot be said in praise of M. Bec as an authority either in musical research or expression. His lecture will afford added interest in the fact that he will use instruments construct- ed in the time of the troubadours to interpret their productions." DENTS DEBATE TOQUE QUESTION Rabid Discussion is Started Over Tuesday's Ruling by Student Council. WILL MEET YPSI TEAM TOMORROW Soccer Men to Play First Intercolle- giate Game Ever Partici- paited In. PETITION IS SIGNED BY MANY. I LAST PRACTICE HELD TODAY.I Partly through a misunderstanding in regard to the ultimatum laid down by the student council, partly due to an unwillingness to put away the jun- ior toques already in evidence, there is chaos andl confusion in the dent de- partment. Tuesday night the student council put through a measure to the effect that toques would hereafter sig- nify the years a man has spent upon the campus, and not his class. That is to say, a man who has spent a year in the lit department and then chang- ed to the law, need not wear a fresh- man toque his second year, But-the three year course men also come un- der this ruling: second year men, as the junior dents, for instance, are for- bidden the junior toque and must don red head-gear. The mistunderstanding comes in here: The council ruling does not go into eff'ect this year, and ismerely a seasonable inspiration to be held i abeyance until cold-ear time comes in 1913. This being true, the legislation does not affect the junior dents, among whom two views seem to prevail. One standpoint is, that as long as the council has seen fit to provide such measures, they will, abide by it and use all reasonable influence to impress the first-year men with the attitude "due to the council. The other view among the juniors is that the measure goes into effect this year, and therefore they refuse to discard toques already purchased, or refuse to purchase sophomore toques while some of their classmates are wearing third-year hoods. The situation among the freshmen has been brought to a more definite point. Yesterday a petition was cir- culated through the laboratories de- crying the council movement and this was signed by nearly all to whom it was given. The freshmen intend to hold a meeting with the juniors at an early date, to discuss the matter and bring it to a head. The stand taken is mainly one of absolute refusal to concur with the council ruling, and feeling runs high among the jaw-in- vestigating novitiates. But as in the case of the juniors, some few hesitate to toss the gauntlet to the council be- fore the matter is fully discussed in an official manner. On the other hand, the first-year laws and other men who have had more than a high school diploma be- fore entering their department, wel- come the change and intend to further the measure as much as possible. LOVE STORY PUBLISHED BY SHIRLEY SMITH'S SECRETARY "In the Land of Ought to Be," a charming love story, in booklet form, has just been published by Georgia Jackson, private secretary to Secre- tary Shirley Smith. The scene of the tale, which is a true one, is laid on Bois Blanc island, in the Straits of Mackinac. The authoress has never though she has had a number of ar- ticles accepted by different magazines. Junior Dents Will Meet This Morning,] A regular meeting of the junior dent class will be held this morning in the lecture hall, dental building, at 9:00 a. in. This will probably be the last meeting of the year and as some im- portant business is to be disposed of every member of the class is advised to be present. AMERICAN CHE3ICAL SOCIETY ELECTED OFFICERS YESTERDAY Augmented by the appearance of three new recruits at yesterday's prac- tice, real competition is beginning to develop among the soccer players for a place on the team that will meet the Ypsi Normalites tomorrow on Ferry field. It was bitter cold on the practice grounds, so the coach only kept his men out for a short scrimmage of twenty minutes. Today's session will be the longest of the week and will probably be the last before the game, as the practice on Saturday morning has been called off on account of con- flicting classes on that morning. The practice yesterday was short but hard, as Coach Douglas kept at the heels of the players continually, crit- icising their form of dribbling and making suggestions for the perfecting of this element of the game. Then af- ter a short talk on goal defense he chased his charges to the warmth of the club-house. Today's practice has been announced. for 3:00 o'clock and the men are urged to be at the field on time to receive the final touches for the first inter-collegiate soccer football contest that a Michigan team has ever participated in. JEFFERSONIANS HOLD LAST MEETING OF YEAR TONIGHT. Jeffersonian debating society will smoke, drink cider, etc., and have a general good time tonight at the Union at 7:30 o'clock. A few speeches, fun- ny and otherwise, given informally by members of the society will give va- riety and "pep" to this last get-togeth- er before Christmas vacation. The speakers of the evening will be Pres- ident Bie, Ex-Presidents Balkema and Avery, J. R. Conley, Thomas Read, and G. A. Cram. A large attendance is ex- pected. Just before the smoker at 7:00 o'clock sharp the society will elect officers for the next term in Jef- fersonian hall. Prof. H. R. Cross Lectures in East. Prof. H. R. Cross of the fine arts de- partment is now travelling through the eastern states lecturing for the Archaeological Institute of America and will probably attend the general meeting of the Institute in Washington on December 27-31. INDEPENDENTS MEET MONDAY TO OUTLINE PLANS FOR HOP. Independents who intend to go to the Junior hop will meet at 4:30 o'clock Monday at the Union. At this meeting ' the independents will begin work on the dance under the direction of Frank E. Kohler, independent representa- tive. Work will be outlined in a gen- eral way both for the "hop" and the informal party on the following even- ing. J-LIT PARTY TO OCCUR DEC. 18. Christmas Festivities Will Consist of Dinner and Dance. Final preparations have been made for the junior lit Christmas party to be held at the Michigan Union Wednes- day. 'jhe dinner will commence at 6:00 o'clock and will be attended by both men and women. Music and talks will be given by representative mem- bers. The dance will begin at 8:30, being the biggest junior lit class dance of the year. Admission will be limited to 100 couples and tickets are already nearly exhausted. There are a few left, how- ever,'and those who intend to go should procure their admission cards at once from members of the social commit- tee. Admission to the dinner for men is by series ticket or 65 cents; for women, 50 cents. Dance tickets are 35 cents each. Zoological Staff Lunch at Union. Members of the zoological staff din- ed at the Union yesterday at noon. The luncheon was the second of a se- ries planned for this year. UNION POSTER CONTEST KEEN. 1,,rge-cN niber, of artists Try Out for Opera Avrieet With a wealth of artistic material trying out for the Union opera poster contest this year, a drawing equally as attractive as that used on the ad- vertisements last December is prorhis- ed for the 1913 production. Nearly a score of men reported at the first meet- ing of tryouts last evening, at the Un- ion, and it is expected that nearly as many more will enter the contest be- fore Christmas. Among those present at the session last night were a number of men who handed in entries for the, contest in former years. The candidate who submitted the second best poster, for "The Awakened Rameses" is included in the number, as are also severe other well-known campus artists. Ien with talent for drawing who wish to compete in this year's contest are asked to call up the chairman of the committee in charge, G. F. Jac- ques, phone 371. WILL DEBATE ON SIX YEAR TERX FOR HEAD OF NATION. "Resolved, That the president of the United States should be elected for a single term of six years," is the ques- tion selected by the oratorical board for the Cup Debate this year. This contest between the four campus lit- erary societies "will be held in. the spring, the final meeting for the su- premacy being scheduled for May 9. The wining of this debate.carries with it the possession of the Detroit alumni cup. SMOKER WILL BE HELDUTOMORROW Banquet in Honor of Football Will be Given by Alumni at Detroit. Men GOVERNOR OSBORN TO SPEAK. The football smoker to be given by the Detroit alumni tomorrow night, promises, according to its sponsors, to be one of the greatest ever given. Ev- ery effort is being made to have old time Michigan stars present from all over this section of the country and the list of speakers promises rare or- atory. 'The smoker will start at 7:45 o'clock at the University club and a dutch lunch will be served during the evening. It is the hope of the donors of the banquet that many undergraduates will be present and a hearty invita- tion has been extended to the entire student body. A rate of $1.00 round trip has been secured for the occasion over the Michigan Central and every train Saturday will carry extra coach- es. Tickets for the smoker are $1.50 and may be secured at Huston's or the Union. The main speeches of the evening will be given by Governor Osborn and Judge Day and owing to the uncertain- ty of the athletic situation here what they have to say will be awaited with interest. Many other prominent alum- ni will respond with short talks as will probably members of the team. The team and athletic officials will go into Detroit tomorrow at 4:50 o'clock and will be guests at the ban- quet after which the smoker will be held. WOMEN SHOW LACK OF INTEREST Only Six Report at First Practice With Foil and Masque. Surprising lack of interest was shown by the women in the art of the foil and masque; when only six girls reported Wednesday at the meeting called to organize the new fencing club. There will be no class formed unless at least twelve enroll. Those in charge of the work are unable to ac- count for the small number, as more than 600 women are eligible. Fresh- men, however, will not be allowed to take part in the work. Prof. C. L. de Muralt, of the engi- neering department, will give the in- struction in the new branch. He will meet the class tomorrow at 11:00 o'clock. All who are interested are urged to report at this meeting. FACULTYME TSEFFRAGE BILL thei I fac lt sd ly in Iuro proped sfrat It bill ror 1,1 fchian s Vord tudentnd l "d m ersiy IISar a w'h ole WILL SAVE VTE lII ONY AN TIME LOST IN PRIESEfNT SSTEX President awutcins and Dean sain er T.dell of Advantages o f Prepos ed Legislation. ins. Sentiment among the r b hers of the faculty is decidely in favor of the proposed suffrage bill for Michigan students. "I am certainly in favor of an absent voter's law as applied to stuents, provided it can be so framed as to be in accordance with the organic law of the state," said president II. B. ,utch- ins. "Although I can pretend to no 'spe- cial knowledge concerning the legal points involved in the prposed stu- dents' suffrage bill, the measure seeis an admirable one in every way," de- r clared Acting-Dean J. I. Effinger, of the literary. departent, Assistant Dean W. -I. Butts, of the engineering department, is heartily in accord with the proposed mesure and when asked concerning the question said: "Looking at this question from an educational point of view, there is much to be gained for students and for the university. Under the present law, students waste much money and time in order to go home to vote, The stu- dent either spends his own n oney, which is often a hardship to him or to his parents, or he draws on a carm- paign fund, which is essentially a cor- ruption. Many students fail in their studies by losing two or three days at a crucial period in their courses. Our students must have continuity and freedom from distractions in order to succeed." "If such a law could be enacted, it would serve to make our work more continuous and therfore e feive," said Dean N. S. Hoff, of the dental de- partment. "Every year we are be- seiged by students wanting to be ex- cused to go home to vote. I would certainly approve the measure, i it can be accomplished without intro- ducing harmful results in othr ways." DEAN EFFINmE t SPEAKS TO WOMEN ON kl)VISORY SYSTE) Great enthusiasm was displayed last evening at the meeting of the junior women who have pledged themselves under the advisory system to aid and further the interests of freshmnen wo- en. Practically all of the 62 who sign- ed up were present. Prof. M. P. Til- ley, Dean J. R. Effinger, and Prof. C. 0. Davis gave short talks an the Purpoe and history of the new system. The general organization of the work of the junior women has been placed in the hands of a committee consisting of Dean Jordan, Nellie hana, and Phyllis Dunn. Replying to the letter of congratu- lation which the student council sent to Pennsylvania followng her ictor over the Varsity, George E. Nitzche, :manager of the bureau of publiity of that university says in part: "Your recent letter to the student body of the University of Pennsylvania was made known to our boys throug various publications and also through the daily newspapers, and tonght at the annual meeting of the athltic as- sociation I shall ask Mr. Jones, the ! secretary, to read it. "I can assure you that we all great- ly appreciate the spirit which prompt- ed your student body to take such ac- tion and I am sure.it will havea ten- dency to bind the two institutions more closely in athletic contests as well as in other phases of university life." i ality behind the class of 1913. Here is the opportunity to do it. It is an op- portunity to pass on the heritage of traditions to the freshmen as it has been passed on to you, but with this difference: instead of waiting until he is a junior or a senior before these traditions have all been acquired and he has caught the university spirit, he becomes an enlightened 'freshman. This is a splendid opportunity to pass on and vitalize the good you have re- ceived." With these words, Prof. M. P. Tilley evoked so much enthusiasm among the senior lits who gathered at the Union last night for their second dinner of the year, that at the close of the pro- (Continued on page 4.) Recent Graduate Talks to Geologists. Officers for the year were elected at V. E. Monnet, '12, gave a talk to the the meeting of the American Chemi- geologists last night and told them cal society yesterday afternoon. The about some recent work which he has results are as follows: chairman, Prof. done in connection with the United S. L. Bigelow; secretary and treasur- States Geological survey. He explain- er, Prof. W. G. Smeaton; councillor, ed how the topographical maps are Prof. M. Gomberg; executive commit- made and a few details of the manner tee, 'Prof. B. W. Peet of Ypsilanti, in which the Black hills of South Da- Prof. A. B. Stevens and Prof. H. H. kota were surveyed and mapped out.j Willard.