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December 12, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-12-12

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"Bottles" Thompson Will be Affected
by New Ruling of Law Depart-
ment Attendance

fn Other Departments Absences
Athletic Trips are not Con-
sidered as Regular.


In the interpretation of the new at-
tendance rules of the law department,
it is evident that the absences of Var-
sity football men while on trips will
prove no exception. Captain "Bottles"
Thomson, having been absent from
class more than 18 times, has been in-
formed by the attendance committee
that for an equivalent of one hour's
work per week for the semester he
will receive no credit. Eight of the
hours were missed by Thomson on ac-
count of the football trips. According
to the rule of the attendance commit-
tee, this would leave him with a mar-
gin of but ten absences. A sickness
which would keep him from these ten
classes would cause him to lose an
hour's credit; whereas a student in
the law department not a football man
would be allowed an absence of 18
hours on account of sickness, provid-
ing no other absences had been regis-
tered against him. That is, the rule
says that for a total of absences
amounting to an equivalent of one
hour's loss per week for the semester,
the student shall lose one hour's cred-
it, and absences of football players
shall be made no exception. It is here
that the rule workts th hardship, for
the football player, having been com-
pelled to absent himself from classes
to take part in the games, finds him-
self with a margin of but a few hours
in case of an emergency. As a matter
of fact, the remainder of Thomson's
absences, except three, were due to
Other football players in the depart-
ent are also in danger of losing cred-
it. " One man has already reached the
forbidden number, half of his absen-
ces having been due to trips with the
team. Another has but a few left;
should he fall sick for a day or two
an hour's credit will be lost. Any
man in the law department who has
taken trips with the team has subject-
ed himself to this danger.
In the literary department students
are deprived of credit only for a giv-
en number of unexcused absences.
Football men are excused entirely
when they present excuses from the
board in control, and no credit is de-
ducted. One player has 18 absences
marked up against ,him, some
11 or 12 of which are due'
to football, yet he is in no
danger of losing any credit. In the
engineering department, no ruling is
in force for the deduction of credit.
More than one football player in that
department has missed many classes,
but each has the privilege by special
arrangement with his instructors of
making up whatever work may be
A meeting of all men interested in
the poster contest for the Michigan
Union opera has been called by Chair-
man Jacques of the music publishing
committee for this evening. The meet-
ing will be held at the Union at 7:00
o'clock this evening and the men will
be told of the requirements of the pos-
ter contest and given the necessary in-
formation of the play.
Professors Join Efforts as Authors.
"The Psychology of Language," or
"A Handbook of General Linguistics"
is the title of a volume which is now
being written by Prof. W. B. Pillsbury
of the psychology department and
Prof. C. L. Meader of the classical de-
partment. It will contain about 300
pages and will probably be used as a
text .book when completed.

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Thursday,
fair and continued cold; moderate
westerly winds.
University Observatory -Wednes-
day 7:00 p. m., temperature, 14.5; max-
imum temperature 24 hours preceding,
36.4; minimum temperature 24 hours
preceding, 14.2; average wind velocity
10 miles per hour.
Governor-elect Woodbridge N. Fer-
ris has, agreed to preside at the Chi-
cago-Michigan debate to be held in
Ann Arbor January 17. Two of the
judges have also been secured, Judges
J. A. Barbour and L. W. Morris of the
northwestern circuit cour of Ohio,
having consented to serve in this ca-
pacity. 'The third judge will probably
be Prof. J. A. Macon, of Ohio State
This is one of the two annual varsi-
ty contests in the Central Debating
League, the other being held the same
evening against Northwestern at Ev-
anston. The subject this year is: "Re-
solved that the plan of banking reform
proposed by the national monetary
commission should be adopted by
Congress." Michigan will uphold the
affirmative at home and the negative
at Evanston.
Alexander Irvme, Socialist Speaker
Addresses Crowd of Over 600 at
Newberry Hall Last
"If I were a student in a university
I would fight for socialism or fight
against it," said Alexander Irvine last
night in a lecture on "The Failure of
Social Reform" at Newberry hall. He
emphasized that modern attempts at
social reform are superficial and that
people are clamoring for the same
fundamental reforms as they did 100
years ago. He illustrated this super-
ficiality in child labor, tenement con-
ditions, prostitution and labor prob-
lems. Further he spoke of the ability
of reform under socialism to eventual-
ly penetrate below the surface.
An audience of over 600 felt that
Jack London's recommendation of Ir-
vine was justified. In writing to the
Intercollegiate Socialist society Lon-
don said, "His skill in analyzing his
audience for the purpose of instant
adaptation of the subject to their
needs, his ready -wit and large humor,
have brought him enthusiastic approv-
The whole lecture was an appeal to
human sympathy and reason rather
than an advocation of socialist doc-
trines. He spoke in sincerity when
he said, "Give me men who can fash-
ion something with their hands rather
than the men who write out the checks
for those who do the fashioning."
Plans for Advisory System to be Con-
sidered at This Time.
The senior advisory system will be
the main topi of interest which will
be discussed by speakers at the Union

tonight, on the occasion of the second
dinner of the senior lits. Prof. M. P.
Tilley, who, with Prof. C. 0. Davis,
has been mainly instrumental in ex-
tending the faculty advisorship on a
co-operative basis, will be the princi-,
pal speaker of the evening. Prof.
Tilley has the success of the plan very
much at heart, and will try to commu-
nicate some of his enthusiasm to those
who, as yet, are undecided.I
A highly promising brand of en-.
tertainment is scheduled for the re-
mainder of the program. Clay Wilber
will do a "farmer" monologue turn,
and Le Grand H. Nutting will offer
selections from James Whitcomb Ril-
ey. N. W. Nicholson is down for a talk
on basketball and others of the
class will be called upon impromptu.

Normalites md Coach Douglas' Pupils
W ill Play a Game on Ferry
Field Saturday.
With eleven candidates out for yes-
terday afternoon's practice, Coach
Douglas will endeavor to build up a
team to play for Michigan in the com-
ing fracas with the soccerists from
Ypsilanti Normal college, scheduled
for Saturday afternoon at :00 o'clock
on South Ferry fheld.
Soccer is a game that can be played
as well in deep snow as on a bare,
fast field; no wintery tendencies on
the part of the weather on Saturday
afternoon will be allowed to interfere
with the playing of the contest. Warm-
ly clad in sweaters, the men played a
full hour yesterday. with special at-
tention paid to their method of drib-
bling ahead with the ball and coordi-
nating with their team-mates in plac-
ing the ball for a kick into the goal.
That they have learned the princi-
ples of defense was shown when the
coach divided his squad into two equal
teams and played a miniature game.
Neither side was able to score, so
impregnable was the technique of de-
fense that Coach Douglas had instilled
into them.
Ypsilanti is drilling hard, and has
the advantage of a week more of prep-
aration than the Michigan team. Mich-
igan, however, will be in good shape
for them if the next few practices go
as the one yesterday. Today's turn
out will be at 3:00 o'clock as usual.
Last Dance Before Holidays to be in
Nature of Chrismas
Tickets for the regular 'aturday
evening dance at the Michigan Union,
which will be the last to be given be-
fore the holiday recess, will go on
sale this afternoon at 5:00 o'clock. The
usual number of 100 pasteboards will
be put on sale, and it is expected that
these will go even more quickly than
usual, on account of Saturday even-
ing's dance b'eing somewhat in the na-
ture of a Christmas party.
It is planned by the management of
the Union to continue the regular
dances throughout the Christmas va-
cation, in order to provide amusement
for those who will remain in the city
during the holiday time. It is also
probable that a special dance will be
held on Christmas eve, and possibly a
party for faculty members only will be
a feature of New Year's eve.
' The committee for Saturday night's
dance is composed of: H. Beach Car-
penter, '14, chairman, James -Bond, '14,
and Wescott Smith, '15L.
Senior Engineers to Dance at Union.
Senior engineers will dance at the
Union tomorrow evening. Secretary
and Mrs. James P. Bird, and Prof. and
Mrs. E. D. Rich will chaperone the
affair. Dancing will commence at
9:00 o'clock.
Several new courses in railroad engi-
neering are now being arranged under
the superivision of Prof. H. E. Riggs,
head of the civil engineering depart-

ment. These courses will be offered
next semester to the senior civils, and
will consist of railroad accounting,
railroad maintenance, and a course in
surveying dealing with the special
problems of the transportation engi-

Classes Most Affected by Law About
Headgear Are in Favor
of It.
Sentiment on the campus is decid-
edly in favor of the new rule passed
by the student council Tuesday night,
which more closely regulates the wear-
ing of toques by students in irregular
length courses. The feeling is practi-
cally unanimous in all the departments
that such a ruling is just. Even the
pharmics and dents, who are most af-
fected, declare that they are in favor
of it.
"All of the dents with whom I have
spoken," stated Pres. H. H. McUmber,
of the senior dent class, "are in favor
of the plan." Councilman R. E. Wole-
slagel, of the same department report-
ed a similar attitude. Pres. W. L. Sei-
bert, of the freshman pharmic class,
the class which is more affected than
any one on the campus, stated
that no unfavorable comments relative
to the new rule had been heard among
the members of that class. Sopho-
more pharmics also declared their
friendly attitude toward the edict.
"The new plan is very fair," said
Pres. H. H. McUmber, "and I think
that it could be still further improved
by distinguishing the number of years
post graduate students have been
graduated by putting a corresponding
number of circles on their toques."
Another point of interest was brought
out, that is, that the pharmics, who
take work after graduating from the
two year course, can wear graduate
toques, which situation the council
rule fails to provide for.
62 Taan e Presented Themselves as Ad-
visors for Freshmen.
Junior women have responded
quickly to the call for volunteers as
student advisors to their first year
sisters, a total of 62 having reported
to Dean M. B. Jordan up to last night.
Judging from the number interested in
so short a time, the student advisory
plan has met with a more hearty re-
sponse from the women than from the
men of the senior lit class, who are
now planning to begin work with the
first year men.
A meeting of the women volunteers
will be held today at 5:00 o'clock, at
which the details of the plan will be
unfolded by Professors M. P. Tilley
and C. 0. Davis. Dean J. R. Effin-
ger will tell of the faculty's attitude
toward the student advisorship and
give a few words of general advice.
The meeting is to be held at Barbour
gym, and all junior women who wish
to offer their services are invited to
be present.
Senior Barristers to Dance Tonight.
Senior laws will dance at the Union
tonight. "Ike" Fischer's five piece or-
chestra will furnish the music and
some novel dances are on the pro-
gram. Dancing will begin sharply at
9:00 o'clock. The committee reports
that all of the 100 tickets are sold.
On account of many conflicting at-
tractions, the dance of the Commerce
club has been postponed until January
21. The affair will be held in the Pack-
ard academy.

The Hon. Frank F. Lodge, of De-
troit, will be the principal speaker
at a special smoker to be given by the,
club next Tuesday evening at 7:30
o'clock, at the Union. Mr. Lodge has
selected as his subject, "Business from
a Legal Viewpoint."

"Thursday is Dues-Day" Is Warning
That Meets Eyes of Senior
Lits on Campus.
"Thursday is Dues-day" is the warn-
ing that caught the eyes of the senior
lits yesterday on flaming posters dis-
tributed about the campus. Plans
have been perfected for the hardest
campaign for the collection of taxes
ever conducted by a literary class. It
is hoped to collect today not only the
current dues of 50 cents, but also
whatever delinquent dues from past
semesters any student may owe. Lists
have been prepared showing exactly
what each senior owes, so that any
in doubt may see at a glance just
what portion of the tax will fall upon
him. Besides many solicitors who
will collect personally from the mem-
bers of the class, there will be a stand
in University hall, at which Treasur-
er Ray Johnson will preside as col-
lector of tithes.
Former Anatomy Instructor Will Wed.
Dr. Mat.hew Kollig, former instruct-
or of anatomy here, will be married to
Miss Marguerite H. Van Auken, of Sag-
inaw, at that city, December 23. Dr.
Kollig was instructor here until last
fall when he received the appointment
of professor of anatomy and embryol-
ogy at George Washington University,
Washington, D. C.
P. B. Blanshard, N. H. Goldstick, S, S.
Grosner, J. W. Harding, and H.
C. Tallmadge Chosen in
Winner Will Speak in State Competi-
tion and if Successful, in Na-
tional Contest
Preliminaries in the Peace Oratori-
cal contest yesterday developed two of
the most closely contested forensic
battles of recent years. In the after-
noon group, Paul B. Blanshard, '14,
and J. W. Harding, '14L, qualified for
he finals, while the evening trials
placed N. H. Goldstck, '15L, S. S.
Grosner, '14L, and H. C. Tallmadge,
'14, in the successful list of candi-
These five men will meet in the fin-
al contest Dec. 19, which will be held
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Ex-
Congressman Edwin D. Denby, '96L, of
Detroit will preside. The order in
which the men will speak, and the,
subjects of their orations are as fol-
lows: Harding, "The Armed Peace
of the United States;" Talmadge, "The
Disarmament of Nations;" Blanshard,
"The Evolution of Patriotism;" Gros-
ner, "Our Country's Call," and Gold-
stick, whose subject has been previ-
ously incorrectly gfven, will close
with "The Mockery of Peace."
The winner of this contest will rep-
resent the university at the state con-
test to be held at the Michigan State
Normal College, at Ypsilanti, March
24. Should Michigan's representative
be successful in this intercollegiate
competition, he will go to the nation-
al contest, which is held in the sum-
mer at the Lake Mohonk Peace Con-

ference. Michigan's representative
last year, Percival Blanshard, '14,
whose brother is eligible for the fin-
als this year, won both the state and
national contests last year.
Prof. T. C. Trueblood, of the oratory
department presided at the afternoon
contest. Professors Holbrook and
Waite, of the law department; W. M.
Humphreys and Harry Rottschaefer,
of the literary department; and Dr.
L. A. Barrett acted as judges. - At the
evening contest, L. H. Dunten, '14, of
the Oratorical Board, presided; and
Prof. H. P. Thieme, of the French de-
partment; W. M. Aiken, of the high
school; Carl Smith, of the University
Y. M. C. A.; and Dr. J. L. French were


At Mass Meeting at Union Last Night
Agitators for Student Suffrage
Form Permanent
Read Letter From Dean Bates in Fa.
Tor of Bill; Prof. Friday
Delivers Tal.
The University of Michigan suffrage
association was formed at a mass
meeting on the suffrage question at
the Union last night. The purpose of
the organization will be to arouse en-
thusiasm among the Michigan stu-
dents of the university and to get ev-
ery representative interested in the
bill so that it will be brought before
the legislature in the winter.
Owing to an important engagement
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the law de-
partment, was unable to be present
at the meeting. He, however, sent the
following letter:
To the members of the student
suffrage committee:--
I wish in the first place t ex-
press my gratification at the
movement among the students to
secure a bill permitting them to
vote while in attendance at insti-
tutions of learning. The move-
ment is commendable not only
because of the practical training
in citizenship which it is giving,
but also because of the attitude
toward'public affairs and the re-
sponsibilities of citizenship which
it displays.
I regret exceedingly that I shall
not be able to attend the meeting
tonight for the purpose of joining
in discussion of the proposed
"Suffrage for college students is need-
ed for the upbuilding of American pol-
itics," declared Prof. David Friday,
in speaking on the general need and
demand for suffrage. "The more unbi-
ased men in this country has to vote,
the more efficient government we will
have. The lack of constructive states-
manship is a deplorable thing in
American politics and college men are
needed to bring this about."
"The constitutionality of the bill
will not be affected," said J. W. Mack-
ey, president of the Republican club
of the university, speaking in Dean
Bates' place. "It will not deter the
efforts of the movement. If the bill is
unable to be carried in the legislature
a constitutional amendment may be
In talking on the student viewpoint
of the movement Louis Haller, '14L,
said that the campus had a tendency
to overemphasize the importance of
the things on the campus and forget
about national questions.
An organized effort will be main-
tained to get every student in the uni-
versity interested in -the movement.
Committees will be appointed in every
iepartment to campaign for members
for the association and see that every
possible influence is exerted to have
the bill passed.
The following officers were elected
it the meeting: president, Henry
Rottschaefer; vice-president, J. W.
Mackey; recording secretary, H. Van
auken; treasurer, G. Fuller, and cor-
responding secretary, W. H. Hamilton.

At least half of the parts in the vau-
deville and minstrel show, to be given
by the Solidality of St. Thomas
;hurch, at St. Thomas hall tonight and
tomorrow night, will be handled by
students in the university, both men
and women. The performance will
start at 8:00 o'clock.
The minstrel is composed entirely
of young ladies. A Dutch dance, three
solos, a monologue, and several
sketches make up the rest of the pro-
gram. The admission has been fixed
at 25 cents.


Are You Going to Pay Your Class Dues Today?
C ,iA ** I IV 4l*....1t fl.. l*. ft 7.4 r A M1 +n 4 1(1 PI M

btand in u. han

5 C SC, out,

1:4 A'~f.MY. Lto'o.uu Y.2t .


the judges.

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