THR MICHIGAN DAILY Just enough of the "English" swing to our new STEIN-BLOCU SMART CLOTHES to make them very stylish looking-of course they fit in that comfortable way which is the result of 58 years of knowing how to tailor good clothes. Yes, they will save you money too, and you will appreciate this better after an examination and try on. Come in to-day or to-morrow. 100 mackinaws on hand $6.50 to $10.00 I r CHESS MEN PLAN MUSIC AND DRAMA. in price Li ndenschmitt, Apfel & Co.= ,. . I- FUSSY The Drug Store on the Corner Buy Gym Towels and n I A box of selected Chocolates that touches top notch in candy making, FUSSY PACKAGE For Fatidious Folke A ICalkins' Pharmacy 324 s. State St. r Soap Quarry Drug Go., I TO HOLD MATCHES An intercollegiate chess tourna- ment, to be held in Chicago during the holidays, is being arranged by the Chess and Checkers clubs of Michi- gan, Illinois and Chicago. All middle western colleges and universities, in- cluding Minesota, Nebraska, and all others interested in the game, will be asked to send teams for the match. A trophy will be awarded the win- ning team, also the title of Middle- western Intercollegiate chess cham- pion to the individual player who proves the most invincible. Members of the local club who. will not be included in the team which will play at Chicago, expect to visit the Chess and Checkers clubs of Detroit, Saginaw and Battle Creek and win further laurels for Michigan. An ex- cellent instructor in the game has been secured in E. B. Escott of the engineering faculty, who is an honor- ary member; and it is hoped that Prof. Louis C. Karpinski may be in- duced to coach the team which will be sent to Chicago. At the meeting tonight Mr. Escott will give a lecture on the art of playing chess, and enough boards will bd sup- plied so that all members may follow his moves in the illustrative games and traps he will present. The club is still desirous of adding to its mem- bership, and is especially anxious to get men interested in checkers. Meet- ings are held on Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock in McMillan hall. PLAN TO HOLD CHRISTMAS FAIR AT NEWBERRY HALL. Fancy Work, Curios, and Home Cook. ed Goods of All Kinds Will be on Sale. Newberry hall is to be converted into a Christmas shopping house on Thursday and Friday of this week. The library and parlors will be trans- formed into a series of booths, deco- rated and set off in the season's colors, and a regular, up to date bazaar,where presents for father, mother, sister, brother and "him," may be purchased, in addition to all manner of good things to eat. Fancy work of all varieties, Jap- anese and Chinese curios, will be on sale. The ladies of the faculty have undertaken to furnish the home baked goods, so that there will be a rare op- portunity to get some "like mother used to make." All girls on the cam- pus whose specialty is "fudge mak- ing," have been pressed into service, and the candy booth will hold many attractions. The unique feature, or article, of the bazaar will be the little U. f M. Rec- ipe books, to which faculty ladies, and prominent women from all classes have contributed their own chafing dish recipes. The books are tastily and humorously gotten up, containing, in addition, a great deal of information in a small space. All university students, including men, and faculty members are cordi- ally invited to patronize the bazaar on Thursday and Friday of this week to do their Christmas shopping. Despite Quake, World Still Rolls On. As far as can be learned, no seri- ous results were reported from the seismographic disturbances recorded by the university observatory instru- ments early Monday morning. These movements of the earth are of com- mon occurrence, being recorded as of- ten as once a week, but as they gener- ally affect only uninhabited regions or the seas, very little attention is paid to them. Albert Lockwood Will Play. Albert Lockwood will give the fourth of the historical recitals on Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in High School hall. Rudolf Ganz Recital. It was a splendid exhibition of the art of pianoforte playing that Rudolf Ganz gave in high school hall last evening. The great characteristics of Mr. Ganz' art are virility boldly poetic conceptions, and above all, dash. His Beethoven was deeply thought and impressive; and to the novel Korn- gold sonata he gave an interest quite apart from its novelty. Some of his numbers were less interesting music- ally, but were technically superb, and full of gorgeous tonal effects and bril- liant virtuoso playing, notably the Liszt "Rakoczy March," which closed the program. Pres. Hutchins Speaks in Cassopolis. Pres. H. B. Hutchins will speak on subjects relating to the university be- fore the Women's club of Cassopolis Monday, December 16. It is custom- ary for the Cassopolis club to hold a university program once a year and Pres. Hutchins is usually asked to take part as the principal speaker. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Wednesday, December 11.-Junior en- gineer dance at the Michigan Union, 9:00 p. m. Wednesday, December 11.-Historical recital by Albert Lockwood at the high school auditorium, 4:15 p. m. Wednesday, December 11.-Public lec- ture by Alexander Irvine on "The Failure of Social Reform," at New- berry Hall, 8:00 p. m. Thursday, December j12.-Senior lit dinner at the Michigan Union, 6:00 p. m. Thursday, December 12.-Senior law dance at the Michigan Union, 9:00 p. m. When ,in doubt, you can make no mistake if you send her a box of Huy- ler's. 61 More good things come to those who go after them. Huyler's agency 214 S. Main St. 61 Feed the Squirrels. The price of 6 cigars will buy half a peck of nuts for the squirrels. Save the emblem of Ann Arbor by feeding the squirrels. tf We are never undersold. Goodyear Drug Store. 2 tf The best shoe sine next to Wag- ner's. eod tf If you give her a box of Huyler's candy you will not have to tell her what it cost to have her appreciate it. Agency 214 S. Main. 60 Bring in your dull razor blades to be sharpened. Satisfaction guaran- teed. H. L. Switzer, 310 S. State St. FOR RENT For Rent-Warm front room to rent cheap at 916 E. Washington St. 59-61 For Rent-Single room one block from campus, 645 S. Ingalls. tf Lost-Lady's gold watch, hunting case, monogram. Elgin works. On west side of State between South University and East Washington. Call 923-J. 61 Lost-On Monday evening between Bfrbour gymnasium and 303 East Ann St., a black and white civet fur scarf. Phone 435-J. Reward. 61 MAX-RUTSCH CHRISTMAS CALENDARS The Popular Price Tailor I Bell Phone 871-L Extra fine blue serges and Overcoats $28-$30 With a real photograph of a familiar face or an interesting scene make most acceptable gifts. Several beautiful styles from lIc up. CHRISTMAS KODAKS are the Kodake that record the merry times throughout the whole year They last longer and the pictures they make last longer than any pre- sent a person can select- Brownie's $1.00 to $12.00, Kodaks $6.00 to $65.00. ClHRISTrIAS POSTAL CARDS The "lit" of the year is the beautiful set of 10 hand-colored Local Views, Christmas Cards for 25c. On sale everywhere. 104 N. Fourth Ave GET ONE OF OUR Telephone T16. ALARM CLOCKS and you will get to your classes on time Prices always right and all clocks guaranteed. New location. 111 EAST WASHINGTON STREET J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler., van w Now is the time to seleet Artistle Christmas Cards trem the usual large assortment found at DE FRIES ART STORE =_3 S. MAIN LYNDON, FEATURE DAY 719 N, University a D1I s4 AT THE - I f Temple Fathe's bIg 3 reel FRENZIED FINANCE Don't Blame. the Im plement= woIf maps We now have on hand for your inspection a new and care- fully selected line of Shaw-Made Caps. You will find the fit and style as well, as the patterns of this English Golf to be correct in every detail. On Wed., Dec. lth blame yourself-if you can't play up to form with a strange racket, or golf club, or base ball. There is no e'ccuse for you. Spalding Athletic Goods are on sale in every town from Maine to Caliornia. A. G. Spalding& Bros. 254 Woodward Ave.Detroit Admission oc Tinker & Company Hatters and Furnishers 342 S. State SL I This store is a member of the Michigan "CO-Op" Association. usic f or Xmas Gifts The choicest in Classics and Latest in Operatic and Popular Gibson Mandolins and Guitars Complete line of flusical MerchandiseU Press Building AsMaynard Street Across Irem Majestic Before buying your Stit or Overcoat it would pay you to look over our assortmient Always the right tbingq in Rats, Caps and Furnish.. Iings, 1 New ine Mackinaws just receiv ed Holeproof Hose, Interwoven Hose WADHAMS & COMPANY I21-423 S. Main St. + ! U Nsr = 111 f y The fi - l' dlI YOU SHAVE BUY THAT SHAVING OUTFIT FOR HIM the Then Use The Best nest line of all Toilet Articles made in- Shaving Soaps, Shaving Mirrors, g Powders, Shaving Sets. Vniversity Pharmacy We Insist on Satisfying COULDING & WIKEL Bell Phone 416 . . '" Shavin 1219 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE. wror mr .. ... ^i::i#i '°: rrr. +a : All Broken Lots of Overcoats at Greatly Reduced Prices 4LEN'S GOOD CLOTH ES STORE Plain Street a,