*. THE UNION'S REPORT. The financial report of the Michigan Union, published yesterday in the col- umns of The Michigan Daily, is as interesting, as it is conclusive. Iti comes an unanswerable answer to the murmurings of sundry cracker-barrel' critics who "allow" that the Union exists for the purpose of cornering the money market and expending the same in mansard roofs and palm gardens. Thankful we are that such and simi- lar rantings have been confined to a very small minority but the time has come when even those obnoxious few should have their noses pinched and their feet started on a double quick in the direction of the exits. The deficit facing the Union from last year need cause no alarm among its owners, the past and present stu- dent bodies. It is to be remembered that the organization is undergoing a phenomenal growth and the expenses must, keep pace in accordance, for a while at least. The wonder of it all lies in the great good the Union is ac- complishing with its limited resourc- es. Essentially, it is our Union, the embodiment of our ideals and of the ideals of generations that have gone before. And it doesn't take a strong imagination to bring into mind's eye, that new club-house, which, day by day, draws nearer its realization. ILLINI CLUB PLAN SOCIAL EVENTS TO BE HELD SOON. The Illini club will hold its first dance of the year Thursday night, Dec. 19. Packard academy has been pro- cured for the occasion and Dean and Mrs. Effinger will chaperone the par- ty. Tickets may be secured for $1.00 and the number of couples will be limited to 45. Arrangements are in the hands of W. J. Millar, '14L. Two other social events have been planned by the club to occur soon after the holidays, a smoker, the date of which has not yet been set, and a banquet on Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12.- A car has been secured on the special train leaving Ann Arbor at 2:00 o'clock Friday afternoon, Dec. 20, on the Michigan Central and about a hundred men from Illinois have al- ready signified their intention of go- ing at this time. NUMBER OF CANDIDATES FOR ORATORICAL PLAY INCREASES MAGAZINES for 1913 Better give us your order now. We are in a position to give you the BEST CLUB PRICES Have you seen the new Better than ever, only 25 cents w AHR'S University Bookstore WHY NOT HAVE YOUR MICIIIGANENSIAN PICTURE now so that you can have some of Platinum Portraits made from the negative-your friends at home will appreciate them for X'mas. Studio 319 M. liiroin St. Phojme 961-16 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Mandolins, Guitars, Violins, and a large assortment of Music Bags. Best for the least Money. All popular songs ten cents per copy. Definite Selection of Cast Will Made Within the Next Ten Days. Be Candidates for the oratorical asso- ciation play were swelled in numbers more than 50 by the final tryouts last week. , Professor Hollister is greatly pleased at the wealth of ma- terial available, as the prospects point to the finest cast the association has ever had. The definite selection of the cast will be made within the next ten days, none of the parts have been assigned as yet. The manuscripts of the play arrived yesterday, and as soon as the roles are assigned actual work will begin. The date of the production has been set for March 7, the early start being for the purpose of avoiding any sacri- fice of other scholastic work by the members of the cast. This year's play, "The Fan," by Carlo Goldoni, requires 14 characters. ssa -20 ",Distinctively Individuid15 I Strenuous work, old man, but that pure, wholesome Fatima will help. With each package of Fatima you geta pennancoupon,25 ofwhichsecure a and. somernfelfpennant- Colleges, Unioeitlesand Fraternal Carders ( 12x32) selection of 115. rU Banquets and Club Dinners are served in best of style at MACK'S TEAROcOM Also dinners,lunches and refreshment Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.--Saturdays till p. m. Orchestra Saturdays---Noon and Evening SECOND FLOOR Mack & Co. MAINS TREET ARROW SHIRTS The makers depend on their good qual- ities- to sell you another bearing the same label. $L.50 up Cluett, Peabody & Company. Makers ____________IL~ U Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking The State Savings Bank Wm J. Booth, President Win. Arnold, Vice-President C. John Waiz, Jr., Cashier b Try our work. One pair trousers Cut lus utpres-ed r--to anyone bringing in this ad with them. OTTO F. MALCOLM 338 Maynard fit. Up to dafe pressing parlor ..., ,_~ LML a-. I'~s "'"M""!!!'"M: