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Under Rul ng of Attendance Committee
in Law Department, Absences on
Trips Count Against
Similar Absences are Excused by At-
tendance Committees of Other
Football men in the law department
are somewhat dissatisfied with the de-
vious workings of the attendance com-
mittee. According to the rule in that
department, if a student is absent dur-
ing the semester a sufficient number
of times to constitute an equivalent
of missing one class per week, that
student will be deprived of one hour's
credit. It has developed that the ab-
sences of football men while away
on trips are treated as ordinary ab-
sences and count tow d the deduction
of credit. The men feel that this is
nard upon them, inasmuch as they
have missed their classes while work-
ing for tge university, and they think
that their absences should not be
counted against them in deducting
The system for deducting credit is
explainedby Professor F. C. Goddard
as follows: All absences, whether ex-
cused or not, will count toward the
deduction of credit; that is, if a man
misses an equivalent of one hour per
week of class work, he will lose an
hour's credit. If a football player is
away on a trip, and his absence Is ex-
cused by the board in control, the ab-
sence will be treatedin the same man-
ner as an absence for sickness. The
average absence of a player on ac-
count of football trips amounts to ten
hours for the season, which leaves
him a margin of but about eight
hours for other absences such as those
due to sickness; hence the feeling that
the rule works a hardship on the play-
ers in that department.
In the literary department no cred-
it is lost by excused absences, includ-
ing those of football players, and in
the engineering department, which has
no rule for the deduction of credit,
football absences are put on the same
basis as absencesfor sickness, which
are excused. Thus, while thehtreat-
ment of players' absences in the law
department falls entirely within the
rule of the attendance committee,
nevertheless it seems that tie rule is
not as fair to the football men, as are
the regulations of the other depart-
Cleveland and Toledo Clubs Are Lat
est Additions to L ist of See-
tional Societies.
Two more city clubs were added to
the already long list of sectional so-
cieties at Mihgan when the Cleve-
land club and the Toledo club form-
ally organized.
T'he body of men from Cleveland,
about 30 in number, elected the fol-
lowing officers: president,- Charles G.
Thomas, '14E; vice-president, Homer
L. Mueller, '14E; secretary, Henry J.
Lindherst, '1F; treasurer, Albert H.
Jenkins, '14. The following men were
elected on the social committee: W.
G. Kerr, chairman, '13, J. A. Ruetenik,
'14, 1L. T. Bushnell, '15, J. M. Loeb-
lein, '14?, . Humiston, '16E. A dance
is to be held in Cleveland during the
holidays by the club. Men desiring
tickets, should call the treasurer at
The gathering of the Toledo club
was in the form of a smoker. Speech-
es were given by Prof. Waite, Walker
Myers, Edwin Thurston, John Fow-
ler and Clair Hughes. The officers
elected were: president, Walker My-
ers, '14; vice-president, and treasur-
er, Kenelin Collainore, '13E; Norman
Reed, '13L, respectively. Merle Tabor
was appointed to arrange for a smok-
er to be held during the Christmas
Forecast for Ann Arbor-Wednes-
day, probably snow flurries and much
colder; brisk and high westerly winds.
University Observatory- Tuesday,
7:00 p. m., temperature 36.1; maxi-
mum temperature 24 hours preceding,
42.0; minimum temperature 24 hours
preceding, 140; average wind velocity
19 miles per hour.
Senate Council Makes Christmas Va-
cation Longest in Years.
With the approval of Pres. H. B.
Hutchins, the Senate Council has
changed the date of the closing of col-
lege work for the holiday vacation in
all departments of the university
from Saturday night, December 21, as
announced in the calendar, to Friday
night, December 20. The date for the
opening of college was also changed
from Monday, January 6, to Tuesday,
January 7. This makes one of the
longest holiday vacations in many
Captain Gibbons Speaks Well of His
Services at Naval
Pres. H. B. Hutchins has just re-
ceived a letter from Captain J. H. Gib-
bons of the United States navy, super-
intendent of the naval academy at
Annapolis, expressing great appreci-
ation of the services rendered by Prof.
H. C. Sadler, who has recently return-
ed from a two month's leave of ab-
sence, given in order that he might in-
stitute there post graduate work in
naval architecture.
"His valuable services as an in-
structor," says the letter, "and the
great assistance rendered by him in
formulating general courses of in-.
struction cannot be too highly com-
"Within the past few years an in-
creasing demand has been felt in the
navy for men who have made a spe-
cific study of naval engineering prob-
lems. Until this year certain men
were detailed to the Naval Academy
for special study, but no specific
course had been laid out," said Prof.
Sadler, when interviewed last night.
Prof. Sadler besides giving lectures
in naval architecture and marine en-
gineering, and having general super-
vision of the experimental engineer-
ing work, has also acted in an advis-
ory capacity in connection with other
courses in Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry and Electricity.
At present ten officers have been de-
tailed each year, and will remain at
the school two years. The work of
the first year will be devoted to a gen-
eral review in the subjects indicated
above, in order to prepare the men to
take up some specialty at a later date.
After this year, however, the post
graduate course for the first year men
will be somewhat changed and its
scope enlarged so as to form a general
preparatory course, not only for the
engineers, but also for those who may
wish to take up gunnery, naval con-
struction, wireless, etc.
Prof. E. M. Bragg left Ann Arbor
last week to carry on the work that
Prof. Sadler has started, and will be
gone for the next two months.
Museum Receives Excellent Specimen
An exceptionally fine specimen of
the Miocene Rhinocerous Dicerathe-
rium will soon be put on exhibition
in the museum. It will be brought
here by the geological department
from the ranch of Mr. Harold Cook lo-
cated near Agate Springs Nebraska.
It will be paid for in part by a few
permian collections now in the mu-
Comedy Club Actors Work Nights to
Put Finishing Touches on
Annual Play.
Committee Will Start at Once
in Bids for "Ho"
to GetI
Although lines are in perfect shape
for a final production of "Money," the
Comedy club play which will be given
at the Whitney theatre next Saturday
evening, doubled work is slated for the
players during the remaining days of
the week. Under the coaching of Bert
St. John, the players have adjourned
to the Whitney stage where, nightly,
they are going through lines of the
play from beginning to end.
The scenery has been finished and
is in place for dropping and setting
next Saturday evening. Stage busi-
ness and attention to technical de-
tails are being emphasized during
these last rehearsals to a point of
professional finesse.
"Money" in the shape of five dollar
bills is being distributed campus wide
today by the publicity committee, and
although said paper is not of the re-
deemable kind, it will serve as a live-
ly reminder that a play of that name
is going to be given at the Whitney
Saturday evening.
The seat sale is being conducted
with vigor. Today will be the last
day of the sale at Wahr's State street
book store. Commencing tomorrow,
the sale will be held at the Whitney
theatre where it will be carried on
up to the time of the performance.
Ten Men Will Deliver Orations
Preliminary Trials for Peace
Work on the 1914 Junior hop was
commenced yesterday when the offi-
cers and the combined committees
met at the Chi Psi house for the first
business meeting of the year. At this
meeting the general work of the dance
was outlined and the officers and va-'
rious committeemen were assigned to
their duties. In addition to those who
have representatives in the manage-
ment of the function, Alpha Sigma
Phi, Delta Chi and Phi Kappa Sigma
were granted floor space for booths.
Instructions were given to the re-
spective committees to receive bids
fqr decorations, music, refreshments
and, programs. Firms who have han-
dled the "hop" business il previous
years will be consulted at once and
bids will be received as soon as pos-
sible. The next meeting of the offi-
cers and combined committees will be
held Tuesday at 4:30 o'clock in the
Alpha Delta Phi house. At this meet-
ing more explicit directions will be
given to committees, and work will
begin more definitely under the direc-
tion of general chairman, Willis A.
The final selection of committee-
men was made yesterday when Phi
Kappa Psi chose Irving E. Shutts as
a member of the invitations commit-
tee, and Reuben Peterson was selected
to represent Psi Upsilon on the deco-
rations committee.
Mass Meeting of Students Interested
in Proposed Suffrage Bill Oc-
curs Tonight.
For the purpose of arousing ethu-
siasm among the Michigan students
of the university in the interest of the
proposed suffrage bill a mass meeting
will be held at the Michigan Union
tonight at 7:00 o'clock. The princi-
pal speaker of the evening will be
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the law de-
partment, who will outline the bill
and discuss its constitutionality. Prof.
David Friday, of the economics de-
partment, will. talk on the general
need and demand for student suffrage
and Louis Haller, '14L, will speak on
the student viewpoint of the question.
Each student will be asked to sign
a card enrolling in the University of
Michigan suffrage association and
give his home address and county. Ev-
eryone will also be asked to exert as
much influence as possible on the rep-
resentative of his district in the inter-
est of the bill.
The main provision of the proposed
bill is that the student shall make a
request for a ballot to the city or
township clerk, who will mail it to
him. The student is to make it out
and return it within a certified time
to the clerk and it will then be taken
by the official to a voting booth and
there cast.
Safeguarding against fraudulent
voting and to bring about such meas-
ures as to insure the polling clerk
doing his duty were the two main
ideas taken into account in working
out the details of the bill. It is pro-
posed to change the laws only for the
purpose of bringing about suffrage for
and all Grand Rapids men will be wel- wears is to indicate the number of
Michigan's orators appear in pub-
lic for the first time this year in the
preliminary try-outs of the Peace Or-
atorical contest, which will be held
today. Ten participants will enter
this event, five of whomn will be select-
ed from today's showing for the final
contest December 19.
The first group will speak this af-
ternoon in room 302 N. W. at 4:00
o'clock. Paul B. Blanshard, '14, Paul
D. Doherty, '14L, C. C. Chang, '15, and
J. W. Harding, '14L, will deliver their
orations at this time, in the order giv-
en; two of them will be eliminated.
This evening at 7:30 o'clock, in the
same room, the remaining speeches
will b6 given. H. C. Tallmadge, '14,
N. H. Goldstick, '15L, Wm. C. Scott,
law special, S. S. Grosner, '14L, Elmer
Riebel, '13, and A. J. Boesel, '14, will
speak in order. Three of these six
men will remain in the final contest.
The judges in the afternoon will be
Professors Holbrook and Waite, of the
law department; W. M. Humphreys
and Harry Rottschaefer, of the liter-
ary department; and Dr. L. A. Barrett.
In the evening, the following four, and
one other yet to be selected, will act.
Dr. S. F. Gingerich, of the English de-
partment; W. M. Aiken, of the high
school; Sec. S. W. Smith; and Dr. J.
L. French.
Only one girl student at the Univer-
sity of Chicago voted against the re-
turn of Michigan to the conference,
when, a test ballot was held recently at
that institution.
New High Pressure System Comparesf
Favorably With Similar
Systems in Use.
Of the two miles of pipe which are1
to be laid on the campus for the newI
high pressure fire protection, about
one mile has already been laid and
the remainder will be completed inI
two or three months.
With the exception of Illinois, which
has a much smaller system, Michigan
is the only university in the country
with a complete high pressure system
of its own. A few such systems exist
in large cities, such as New York and
The water pressure in the pipes will
be the same as that in New York, 150
pounds to the square inch. They will
be tested at 200 pounds. This is a
great increase over the city water
which is only about 40 pounds and for
the use of which a fire engine is neces-
There will be 32 hydrants on the
campus, at least one near every build-
ing, and several when the buildings
are unusually large. The water will
be pumped from the naval tank in the
engineering building by means of two
motor driven centrifugal pumps. The
current for the motors will be supplied
by the Edison company untilthe new
university power plant has been com-
pleted. The tank has a capacity of
four hours continuous flow which will
be sufficient for any fire which is
likely to occur. But for emergencies
the system is arranged so that, by
means of gates which are distributed
all over the campus, the city water
can be utilized in all the hydrants.
The expense of such a system is
very great but the reduction in insur-
ance on university buildings, due to
the added protection is expected to pay
a good percentage on the investment.
Several Short Week End Trips Will
Probably be Made Before
Long Tour.
Plans were started at the meeting
of the executive board of the musical
clubs night before last at the Union
for the trip which will probably be
taken by the combined glee and man-
dolin clubs during the spring vaca-
tion. All hope of a tour at Christmas
time has been abandoned but an effort
is being made to supplant this with
a spring vacation journey, at least
this year.
Some week-end trips will be sched-
uled before that time, a date having
already been made for a concert at
Port Huron, Feb. 21. The club picture
will be taken Friday at 12:45 o'clock
Honor Society Initiates Five Students
and One Faculty Man.
Five honor students from the senior
literary class and one faculty man
were initiated into the sacred order of
Druids at the second fall initiation of
that society held last evening. The
awenydds to join the ranks of wise
men were: Thomas Doyle, John Han-
na, William Hart, Walter Hill, and
Norton Schuyler, while the newly
elected faculty member was Prof. Mor-
ris Palmer Tilley.
A dinner was given at the Michigan
Union in honor of 'the initiates and all
Druid members on the campus, both
active and associate, were in attend-
ance. Professor Tilley spoke on "Sen-
ior Advisors," Dean Effinger on "The
Meaning of True Michigan Spirit,"
Professor Friday on "The Student,"
and Thomas Doyle responded for the
new men.
Grand Rapids Men Will Meet Tonight
The Grand Rapids club will hold
an informal smoker at the Union to-
night. Refreshments will be seryed
Indoor Track Meets, Primary Upper
class Nominations, and the
Council Membership are
Under Proposed Plan All Political
Campjgning Will Be Kept
Out of Elections.
After a heated session last evening
the student council adopted the report
of the committee on the wearing of
toques and it is to be considered a
rule for all in regard to this matter.
Hereafter the toque which any student
years which he has spent on the Mich-
igan or any other collegiate campus,
whose credits are accepted by the uni-
versity. This ruling will tend to make
pharmies who are spending their sec-
ond year on the campus wear the
sophomore toque, and will also make
the second year dents who have been
accustomed to wear the junior toque,
don the soph head-gear. The one' ex-
ception to this rule is that the third
year dents will be allowed to wear
the senior toque as they have in the
past. The seniors in the pharmic de-
partment will participate in all senior
activities in the spring of the year as
usual. The vote on this question was'
exceptionally close, standing 11 to 10
in favor of the adoption of the report.
A committee consisting of Dickin-
son, Keliher and Mayall was appoint-
ed by President Barringer to confer
with the board in control of athletics
to formulate a plan by which students
may be taken care of at the indoor
track meets to be held this winter.
All students can not be accommodat-
ed at each of these meets and the com-
mittee will attempt to form a definite
plan for this.
Adopt Plan for Nominations.
The report of the committee on
nominations for the upper classes was
adopted. According to the new idan
a recommendation will be placed in
the back of the interclass constitution
which provides that the candidates for
president and vice-president of these
classes be nominated as follows. Each
person present at the class meeting
is to place some one person in nomi-
nation by a secret ballot. The names
of the six men receiving the highest
number of votes for the nomination
will be posted on the blackboard in
alphabetical order and immediately
thereafter a second secret nomination
will be held and the names of the
two men receiving the highest number
of votes will be placed on the official
ballot. Nominations for the other of-
fices are to be made from the floor,
but no nominating speeches will be
made. No campaigning of any sort is
to be done in the elections which fol-
low. This is merely a suggestion and
will be adopted only by the will of
the classes affected.
Councilman Jacob Crane suggested
that the heads of various campus ac-
tivities as president of theUnion, man-
aging editor of The Michigan Daily,
manager of the 'Glee club, president
of the athletic association and so forth,
be considered members of the council
and the representation of the classes
be reduced. No action was taken on
this matter.
Council Limits Membership.
Hereafter the council will consist of
25 members at all times, and to further
this rule the senior medics will have
a councilman elected in the fall, and
the junior medics will elect their
councilman at the beginning of the
second semester. The sophomore
classes will elect their representative
at the end of the sophomore year in-
stead of at the beginning of the junior
year as heretofore, and first year laws
and dents will elect councilmen at
the end of their first year.
The student councig will have ts
:picture for 'the Mchiganensan .taken
Social Reformer and Public Orator
The man with a message for college men and Women
Prof. Lorch
Leaves for
Professor Emil Lorch, head of the
architectural department, left Ann
Arbor Monday for Washington, D. C.,
where he will attend the annual meet-
ing of the American Institute of Ar-
chitects held in that city Tuesday to
Newberry Hall at 8 o'clock
Admission 15c