THR MICHIGAN DAILY . I THE 1ICHIGAN DAILY on by the student council last year showed that in the larger schools all Official newspaper at the University of Mich- over the country, the athletic associa- igan. tions were caring for the bands of Published every morning except Monday dur-. their respective schools. ing the university year. Up at Minnesota, where athletics lEntered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- just about break even in regard to igan, under Act of Congress of March ' finances, the association expends an- 1879.fiacsthasoitoexedan Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- nually about $1,800 on the band, pro- ing, Maynard Street. viding 60 inen with an annual trip. Office Hours: Editor- to 3 p. m.; 7 to =o p. m. Business Manager-- to 3 p. m. Little Northwestern, with its limited Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, tresources, gives its band an annual $3.00. "eoregvsisbn nana Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's trip out of the athletic receipts, at an Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store, average expenditure of over $500. At Phones: Bell and Home, 96o. Chicago, one annual trip and some- times two, is given the band by the association. The athletic association at Illinois also provides a trip for Frank Pennell...........Managing Editor the university band each year. Joseph Fouchard ..........Business Manager To insure the continuance of the Maurice Toulme..............News Editor band here, would mean an expenditure C. Harold Hippler............ Assistant Karl Matthews ..............Athletic Editor of about $800 yearly. In the past, the hTC. Eldredge As stan association has always given $100. Maude Edwards...................Women The band men contribute about $200 Harold 1. Abbott........ ........ Cartoonistno udethblkttatathy EDITOIALSnow under the blanket tax that they EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis R. Haller did not pay in the past. That means Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers an increased expenditure of approxi- R. LEmmett Taylor........Edwin R. Thurston mately $500 on the part of the asso- NIGHT EDITORS caintwr h upr H. Beach Carpenter DI. RFred B. Foulk ciation toward the support of an in- Morton R. Hunter............Morris Milligan stitution that exists primarily for ath- Bruce J. Miles ............ Ernest R. Burton Lester F. Rosenbaum..... David D. Hunting letics and as one of its recognized fea- REPORTERS tures. James D'evlin...............J. V. Sweeney IS THAT ASKING THE ASSOCIA- Leonard M. Rieser.........Harold P. Scott Leo Burnett............... Fenn I. Hossick TION TOO MUCH? ITS MEMBERS F. M. Church............... Carlton Jenks SAY "NO!" Charles S. Johnson............. C. H. Lang Bernus E. Kline.............J. R. Kistner Will Shafroth................Henry C. Bogle- F. F. McKinney............. G. S. Johnston THE BOARD MEETING. W. R. Melton......... Ralph E. Cunningham Y. F. Jabin. Hsu.............H. ". Rummel Keen expectancy on the part of the BUSINESS STAFF campus hinges on the meeting of the A. R. Johnson, Jr..........Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith .................Accountant board in control of athletics, schedul- Laurence D. Bartlett........ Circulation Mgr. Sherwood Field .............John Leonard ed for tomorrow night. It may happen Harry E. Johnson that the news of all that is accom- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1912. plished cannot be made the immediate property of all those interested, until Night Editor-Fred B. Foulk. a little later, due to the delicacy of some of the questions to be dealt with. However, the feeling is prevalent FIRST DEPARTMENTAL ISSUE. that steps will be taken to secure a We are not promising special de- meeting with the Conference for the partmental issues of The Michigan purpose of analysis of the points of Daily as a regular diet, but it is with issue between Michigan and the Con- a certain sense of pride that we offer ference, and a resumptioh of relations this first of a series of eight such is- in athletics with the western schools, sues, planned for the current year. if such can be effected. Because every Michigan man should Never was the time more ripe. for know as much as possible about Mich- such a meeting. Never have Michigan igan, is our motive and reason for this followers and the followers of the plunge into a hitherto untouched field. other schools in the Conference been This field seems to us a merited one. more anxious for a definite and clear- The Michigan Daily is now going out cut statement of both sides of the to the high schools all over the stte question. EE and while we are not attempting to LET'S HAVE SUCH A MEETING, displace the official bulletins pertain- AND TO MAKE SURE THAT SUCH ing to the university, we are anxious A MEETING WILL BE HELD, LET to supplement them as much as possi- THE REQUEST COME FROM MICH- ble in making the possibilities of the IGAN. AND LET'S MAKE SURE University of Michigan as a universi- THAT OUR REPRESENTATION ty, a matter of better understanding. WILL NOT BE PREJUDICED ALL In our preparation of the special ONE WAY, FOR TWO VIEW-POINTS editions which will appear in the fu- ARE PRESENT IN MICHIGAN'S ture, we trust that the faculties of the RANKS. departments concerned, will lend their co-operation to the same extent that TOLEDO MEN WILL ORGANIZE the faculty of the pharmacy depart- TOMORROW EVENING AT UNION ment has in the issuing of this initial number. All university men from Toledo, Ohio, will meet tomorrow night at THE BAND'S FATE. 7:30 o'clock at the 'Michigan Union The fate of the band rests in the for the purpose of organizing a club hands of the board in control of ath- composed of men from that city. In letics. By Tuesday morning the cam- the university there are, at present, pus will know whether or not the uni- about 75 Toledo men, and the object versity is to be represented in the fu- of the meeting tomorrow night will ture by an organization which has al- lie to form plans for a definite organi- ways been a fixture in the life of the zation. university. We believe that the board Prof. J. B. Waite, of the law depart- will heed the almost unanimous voice ment, will be the principal speaker of the student body and make the nec- of the evening; Claire Hughes, John essary provisions. Fowler, Walker Myers and Frederick There is little use in reiterating on Beattie will also give short talks. the why and wherefore of the ath- Smokes will be passed. The pice of letic association's duty in caring for admission is 25 cents and all men the band. The investigation carried from Toledo are urged to be present. VIP MAGAZINES for'1913 Better give us your order now. We are in a position to give you the BEST CLUB PRICES Have you seen the new M i c h i a n C al ennyd2aer Better than ever, only 25 Cents W AHR'S University Bookstore WHY NOT HAVE YOUR MICHIGANENSIAN PICTURE now so that you can have some of made from the negative-your friends at home will appreciate them for X mas. St.dlo 3191E. Huron St. Phone 961-1. GOODS AND PRICES RIGHT Our stock of Mandolins, Guitars, and small musical instruments the largest to select from. GRINNELL BROS. 120-122 East Liberty St. Week of a c) Hundred Joys Starting Monday Initial Engagement THE NELLIE ANDIREWS f"IcO. 11 W mw=Nm4 OPERATIC SINCERS Gems from Il Trovatore, Carmen, Bohemian Girl, Chocolate Soldier, Fortune Teller, Lucia, Rigoletto, Etc. Moore & Browning Bush & Peyser Minstrel Men Athletic, Comedians ED. CRAY "The Tall Tale Teller" PATHE WEEKLY Barry Browne Co. Pictures all over the world In a one ac!play Free ! Rogers Silverware to all ladies every Wednesday Matinee 3 P.M. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY CAT and the FIDDLE Musical Pantomine Extravaganza Reserve your seats now for Christmas and New Year's Day MATINEES 3 P.M. I B anqu ets and Club Dinners are served in best of style at 1 MACK'S TEA ROOM Also dinners,lunches and refreshment Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.--Saturdays till p. M. Orchestra Saturdays---Noon and Evening SECOND FLOOR Mack& Co.T MAINS TREET KENMORE ARROW COLLAR Particularly good for either formal day or evening wear. 15c. each, 2 for 25c. Sendfor "Eveningsrttire" Cluett, Peabody & Co., Troy, N. Y. The Liberty and Main Sts. State Savings Bank AMost Convenient Place for Your Wm J. Booth, President Win. Arnold, Vice-President Banking C. John Walz, Jr., Cashier 'he iforest Ilawn 'lea i o m C 1Forest Ave. Phone 1238- DO " 121 . C ,,_,,, I ;;