THE MICHIGAN DAILY :.. 1 Tr Presents the Animals In the Great Club Act- Me;A who do not agree with each other in politics are all of the same opinion re- JANAN {AS CLVI.J UNIVERSITY NOTICES ( All soph engineers out for football- practice Monday at 3:30 p. m. at South Ferry field. All junior engineers out for first football practice Monday at-4 p. m. at South Ferry field. Sub-chairman membership cam- paign committee meet at Union at 4 o'clock today. ,1 '"r i garding .~'. a~ J Stein=B Och Clothes In fact men who are very exacting in the matter of apparel demand them.' = Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.-= ONE OF OUR Telep one 716-J ALARM C9 CKS -n1 yo _ will get to yoar classes on time. es aIwi ts right ani all clocks guarantyed. New location. 111 EAST WASHINGTON STREET J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler I t hillp Morris Q uarry 's Sabbath Suggestions.. The Rt. Rev. Charles D. Williams, Bishop of the Michigan Diocese, will conduct the Union services tonight at the Presbyterian church at 7:30. The sermon will be on "The Test of a New Experience, or The Right Use of Lib- erty." The morning sermon will be by the Rev. Barrett, subject: "Man's Debt to Man." "The Personal Religion of Robert Louis Stevenson" will be the subject of the evening service at the Metho- dist church. With this talk the Rev. Stalker begins his series of five lec- tures on the personal religion of great men. "When it is Wise to be Ignorant" will be the subject of the Rev. Bach- elor's morning sermon' at the Baptist church. At the Episcopal church the Rev. Tatlock will preach this morning on "Modern Aids to Religious Faith." Fol- lowing the service, special classes for university students will be conducted, one for young men by Rev. W. 0. Ray- mond, and one for young women by Mrs. George W. Patterson. Vesper services will be held at 4:45 at which the Rev. Tatlock will give a short talk. "Winning an Inheritance" is the sub- ject of the -Rev. Knepper's morning sermon at the Church of Christ. The Rev. Robert S. Loring, of Bos- tion, will occupy the pulpit of the Uni- tarian church this morning. The sub- ject of the sermon will be "Trusting Our Modern Universe." In the even- ing, at 7 o'clock, Mr. Loring will ad- dress the young people's society on the subject "Walt Whitman and Democ- racy." TIEATRICAL CIRCLES At the Majestic. Patrons of the legitimate theater will recall with pleasure the annual visits of Harry Beresford, for many years one of the most pop- ular of character comedians, playing. the dramatic playhouses as a star at the head of his own companies. His productions of "The Wrong Mr. Wright," "A Bachelor's Romance" and others made him a popular favor- ite everywhere. Last year he yielded to inducements, held out in vaudeville, and as a result has presented his one- act comedy of New York life entitled "In Old New York" in every high class ,vaudeville theater in America. Mr. Beresford will be the star at- traction at the Majestic the first three days of the week. Another feature will be Hill, Cherry and Hill, sensational features all of last winter at the New York Hippodrome. On account of the length of programs the first perform- ance now starts promptly twenty min- utes past seven each night and the management urges all to be on time in order to see the entire performance. The University uses Underwoods in preference to all other makes of type- writers. See Morrill over Baltimore Lunch. tf Class in shorthand begins tomorrow, Monday, October 7th, at 3:15 p. m. at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Uni- versity Ave. S. A. Moran, Principal. WAN~TED Wanted-A good second-hand set of Sobotta-McMurrich's Anatomy and Atlas. Call Beardslee, 1816-L. 5 Wanted-Two student solicitors. Good proposition. Only a few spare hours required. Goldman Bros., S. State St. 5 When you think of anything SWEET BETTER SERVICE AS IT SOUNDS BETTER CAI Cia~ss o~f 1.914 We 1 C o0rae There are 4 things you must do if you are to be a RE Michigan student. i. Join the Michigan Union. 2. Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. 3. Wear a Freshman Cap. 4. Get e.cqueanted with LYNDO] Photographer-- The man who takes a picture of everything pertaining to stud a life from a fraternity bulldog licking a postage stamp to the p package at a beauty show. Headquarters for Amateur Photographers The largest line of Kodaks and Photo Supplies in Michi Amateur Developing and Printing by Modern Methods Experienced Workmen. Scrap Books-The best book ever rade for Ba..nners, Pennants, etc., the new Mich Ian coli Prices Lowest in A nn Arbor photographic, think of Telephoneo 45- 719 N. Vrdv. A Cigarcttcs (Original London) ['he oldest high- trade Turkish Cigar- ttes in the worldI The Drug Store on the Corner State and North University Avenue THE SUGAR BOWL Ann Arbor's Best Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy descriptions. WE PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS, PARTIES, ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTI ON MAIN STREET Made of Turkish only. the purest Tobaccos Suits 25c Presse Everything in Drugs and Sundries 'The Little 7Br vw Boa- LLIP MORRIS & CO., Ltd. West Broadway, New York Quarry Drug Co. Wanted-We have openings for five ambitious young men, who can not afford to enter college this year, by which they can make enough money in one year to pay their entire col- ledge expenses. Inquire E. W. Rich- ardson Co., Malcolm Bldg., 600 E. Liberty. 2 to 5 FOR SALE. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED CASH CARD In trade Gold man Bros. CLEANERS, DYERS, PRESSERS, 220 South State Street Bell Phones In tra $3. The School of Shorthand, 711 N. Uni- versity Ave., did not this year have half enough University men and wom- berty and Main Sts. Convenient Place for Your, The State Savings Bank Wm J. Booth, President Wm. Arnold, Vice-President C. John Walz, Jr., Cashier en able to teach commercial branches For Sale-New High Grade $400 piano to fill the places offered. it at salaries at sacrifice. On account of death of ranging all the way from $1,000 to wife must sell piano. Call at 107 $1,500 per year. S. Thayer St. Opposite High School Monday or Tuesday or phone 1231-J Mr. E. C. Bosworth, a summer school Frank Poole. 5-6-7 student, studied shorthand with Mr. Moran and immediately secured a LOST 0 .f ackinawCoats I l e are now carrying the "Soo" line of water proof Mackinaws 1 of the latest patterns. Made in both plain and Norfolk es. You are cordially invitvd to look over the line whether intend to purchase or not. 0 Tinker & Companya [atters and Furnishers 342 S. State St. Press Building Maynard Street Across frem Majestic PUBLISHERS OF arsity "I Kind o' Like Ann Arbor" ellow and Blue Koanzaland Opera ichigan Field Song Crimson Chest Opera Complete Stock of Music >llege Standard Operatic Popular Gibson Ma.nkdolirs and Guitwrs PIANOS FOR KENT place as teacher of that subject at $950 for an eight months' school year. If you want to buy or rent a type- writer see - Morrill over Baltimore Lunch. tf Mr. Paul Messersmnith, who gradu- ated last June, took a course in Short hand with Mr. Moran this summer, and as a result landed a $1,000 job a few weeks ago. College Men. Collegian Clothes for college men on sale at Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main St. 2 to 5 Caps. All kinds of College.Caps on sale at Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main St. 2 to 5 Second hand text books in great quantities at Wahr's University Book- store. 1 to 6 Lab. Supplies, Aprons, shop tools, etc., at Wahr's University Bookstore. 1 to 6 The best rebuilt typewriters of all makes of the highest serial numbers can be purchased for 1-4 to 3-4 of mfrs. price at Morrill's over Baltimore Lunch. Large consignment just re- ceived. tf Lost-Waterman fountain pen, coral color, Wednesday evening in front of Granger's Academy. Address Mc- Clare, 613 Packard St. Phone 365-L. Lost-Delta Tau Delta jewel fraternity, pin. Finder return to 126 Packard or Delta Tau Delta House. Reward. 3-4-5 FOR RENT For Rent-A desirable suit, one block east of campus. Inquire at 526 Church St. Phone 1064-J. 5-6 For Rent-Corner flat, first floor Cut- ting Apts. Inquire of janitor or call phone 1898. 5-6-7 For Rent-Desirable suite of rooms, second floor. All modern conven- iences. Very reasonable. Inquire 832 E. University Ave., Phone 1320-L. For Rent-A desirable suite one block south of the campus; hot and cold water in rooms. Inquire at 802 Mon- roe St. 3-4-5 INSTRUCTION Miss Le Vin, 405 East University. French for those wishing to speak the language. Expert tutoring in gram- mar and literature. Special attention to individual requirements, including musical pronunciation. Full informa- tion on application. eo d A Regular Frame-Up of Everything ti he PicturoLin. DEFRIES ART PARLORS CORNER L1IBERTY AND MAI Big Ben Clocks $2.5 You will need a clock in your room, and you'll want one you cen depend upon. Buy a BIG BEN, the one fine alarm elock made. Noiseless tick, soft gentle alarm. which repeats every few sec- onds, till you arise and turn the switch. The dial is large enough so it can be easily seen across any room. MA Arnold &Co.,.Jewelers SRE 1st dn t Before buying your Fall and Winter Suit, Overcoat, Raincoat, Hats, Caps, and Furnishings. It will pay you to look over our assortment, Spaulding Sweaters, Webber's Sweaters, Hole- proof Hosiery, Interwoven Hosiery. WADHAMS & COMPAN 121-23 5. Main St. Y' 1 ' I I I; ORIGINAL FOUNTAIN PEN There are .two things that you have a right to de of a fountain pen perfect work while in use and good behavior while not in use. Moore's covers both of these to pi Not only does it write the instant you want it to but it 'seeps on writing freely and evenly as long as there is a drop of in reservoir. When you are done with the pen a simple operation pulls the pen-point back into the barrel, the cap is screwi the ink reservoir becomes an air-tight chamber from which it is impossible for ink to escape. Moore's is the original- non fountain pen. Naturally the success of this pen has brought forth many imitations, and it is this which prompts us to ad to look carefully for the Moore imprint. Vniversity Pharmacy r> 1219,S. Univ. Ave. GOULDING & WIKEL