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December 08, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-12-08

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, I

This Edition prepared and
printed on Saturday




Local $2.00
fLail $2.50


Vol. XXIII, No. 59.


_ i _ __

Plan Formulated to Have Union Spn-
ser Organization for Pur
pose of Encouraging
Water Sports.
E ,Vrts Say if Care is Taken to Re-
moxe Weeds, Navigation Will
Be Possible.
According to a plan formulated by
Harold S. Hulbert, '14M, and submit-
ted yesterday to'President Edward G.
Kemp, '14L, of the Michigan Union, a
canoe club will be organized next
spring to navigate the new lake to be
formed py the Edison dam on the Hu-
ron river. It is proposed. by Hulbert,
who is a canoeing enthusiast, to have
the Union sponser such an organiza-
tion, which shall have for its purpose
the regulation and encouragement of
water sports.
It is not generally known, but
much importance'is being attached to
the opening of the new lake. The
land on all sides of the future body of
water has already arisen in value to
summer resort prices. Property
which sold for $35 per acre as a prom-
enade for sheep is now demanding
$200, the purchasers intending to erect
summer homes on the sites.
The artificial lake will be dt least
two miles in length, and from one-
half to three-quarters mile in width.
There will be a straightaway probably
live miles in length, extending fur-
ther up the river. This would provide
sufficient space for crew activities,
and it is perfectly possible that the
question of organizing the racing shell
sport will be agitated in earnest short-
May Iave Crew Racing.
When the matter of instituting
crew racing was suggested last spring,
the idea was dismissed with the ar-
gument that the new lake would be too
full of vegetable growt to permit of
navigation. According to experts on
the subject, this will not necessarily
be the case if care is taken to remove
the weeds. With this difficulty re-
moved, there seems to exist no logi-
cal reason why Michigan cannot be
competing with the crew stars of oth-
er colleges within a few years.
The plan put forth by Hulburt pro-
poses tn organization of an inform-
al nature, including townspeople, fac-
ulty members and students among its
members. The governing board will
be composed of a proportional repre-
sentation from the various depart-
ments in the university.. No regular
meetings will be held and the club
will merely act as a general organi-
zation for furthering the interests of
the near-seaside enthusiasts.
The new dam is practically com-
pleted, but the sluice gates will not
'be closed in order to form the lake
until March. If some move on the
part of the canoeing fans is made, the
Eastern Michigan Edison company,
which is constructing the dam, is will-
ing to install some device to raise
canoes and other river craft up to the
level of the water in the lake. The
corporation also expresses a willing-]
ness to string lights along the chan-,
nel if such a.system is desired.
Prof. Taylor Speaks to Chinese.
Prof. Graham Taylor of Chicago

will address the Chinese Stu-
dents' club at MacMillan hall at
12:00 o'clock today. He will speak on
his experience as a worker for social
reform in the city of Chicago.

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Snow flur-
ries and colder Sunday.
University Observatory-Saturday,
7:00 p. m. temperature 30.6; maximum
temperature 24 hours preceding, 30.0;
minimum temperature 24 hours pre-
ceding, 24.0; average wind velocity 12
miles per hour.
Junior lits will hold a meeting to-
morrow afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in
the west physics lecture room, for
the purpose of electing an independ-
ent Junior hop representative. As the
first meeting of committeemen for the
hop has been called for Tuesday af-
ternoon, it is especially urgent that a
delegate be picked at once.
Freshmen of That Department Unan-
imously Vote to Install
While the freshman medical class
has been discussing and planning
the adoption of the honor system, the
freshmen homeopaths by a unanimous
vote pushed the measure through, at;
a meeting held yesterday noon. A
committee has already been appointed
by the class president to draw up a
pledge and present it to the faculty
for approval. The committee consists.
of E. S. Thornton, chairman, C. C.
Thomas, R. S. Stauffer, and G. J.
Smith. Those men will also act as
the regular honor committee to sit on
cases reported.
The pledge will consist of a prom-
ise to refrain from giving or receiving
help and also to report anyone seen
cheating. The adoption of the system
is a direct outgrowth of the present
agitation in favor of it on the campus.
It is probable that the freshman
medical class will soon adopt the sys-
tem. Yesterday at the request of the
class, Prof. G. C. Huber spoke to the
members regarding the advantages of
the honor system. It is left to each
class to decide every year whether or
not it cares to adopt the system and
the vote must be practically unani-
"I think that the influence of the
honor system in this department has
been very wholesome," said Prof. Hu-
ber last night. "I am heartily in fa-
vor of it. There are very few cases
of cheating reported, but those who
take the pledge are expected to report
any that do cheat. I think the sys-
tem should be used both in examina-
tions and in regular classes, since a
student's standing depends mainly up-
on his work during the semester."
"Tickets for the big show! Tickets
for the big show!" shouted the bark-
er, as the numerous senior lits crowd-
ed into Barbour gym yesterday after-
noon to view the wonders of the circus
world. Pop-corn balls, red lemonade,
red and blue squawkers, and a big
"top" were there in true circus style.
The mammoth street parade, with
brass band in front, marched around
the arena to the tune of "The Victors."

And then the circus show was on.
The band struck up "Circus Day," and
everybody two-stepped to the opening
number. Many new and novel fea-
tures were uncovered before the exi;t
march was played. The "big show"
was a success.


Dr. Albert B. Prescott.
The Story of the School of Pharmacy

The School of Pharmacy was or-
ganized in 1868 as a division of the
Department of Lliterature, Science,
and the Arts. The degree of Pharma-
ceutical Chemist was first conferred
in 1869. For the first three years
of its existence only one year was re-
quired for graduation; then the course
was extended to two years. In 1876
the School of Pharmacy became a sep-
arate department with Dr, Albert B.
Prescott as its dean, in which c<paci-
ty he continued to serve until his
death in 1905.
It is impossible to make even an
approximate estimate of the influence
Dr. Prescott has had upon the eleva-
tion of pharmaceutical education in
the United States. He always hood

for higher education in Pharmacy and
was the first to recognize the impor-
tance of laboratory training in phar-
maceutical cducation. When he was
entrusted with the organization of the
school in 188 he introduced labora-
to'ry methods of instruction; and from
that time until the present a strong
feature of the school has been the re-
quirement of laboratory work every
afternoon throughout the entire col-
This was tihe first school to confer
a pharmaceutical degree without re-
quiring actual drug store experience.
Dr. Prescott realized from the first
that actual store experience was
something that vas entirely outside
(Continued on page 8.)

Contract for New Power House to be
Signed Within Tn 1Days.
Work on the new university power
house will be commenced within the
next three weeks, according to R. E.
Newton, of the Newton Engineering
ompany, who was in the city yester-
day consulting with university offi-
Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, archi-
tects for the new plant, have inform-
ally let the contracts to the Newton
company, the Wicks Boiler company,
and the Toledo Steel company. These
contracts amounting to $256,000 will be
formally signed within the next ten
The new structure will be situated
on Washington street, north of the cat
hole. A cement tunnel 10 feet in di-
ameter .will carry the electric light
wires and steam pipes from the pow-
er house to the campus conduits.
More Tian 600 Women Honor Fresh-
men at Initial Introduction
Into Society.
Barbour gym was converted into a
scene of festivity and gala decoration
last night when more than 600 wom-
en assembled to do honor to the fresh-
men at their initial introduction into
society. 'The gym and league rooms
were decorated in pink and white
bunting, peach blossoms and flowers
of all varieties forming a brilliant
back ground for the hundreds of
daintily gowned women. Visitors in
the gallery considered the affair the
largest and most attractive spread
the women have yet handled, and
credit for the work is due to those
sophomores who gave time and energy
in looking after and carrying out all
The receiving line consisted of Mrs.
M. B. Jordan, Mrs. J. E. Beal, Miss
Bigelow and Miss Sawtell, the wives
of the deans of all departments, Mary
Lewis, general chairman of the spread,
and Evelyn Roehm. Mary Lewis and
Evelyn Roehm led the march, and also
the crysanthemum favor dance for the
sophomores and freshmen.
Red and white formed the color
scheme of the dining room, the table
being handsomely decorated with huge
red ponsettas. Senior women poured
the coffee and sophomores assisted in
the serving.
The soph lits will hold their first
dinner of the year at the Union tomor-
row night at 6:00 o'clock. Those in-
tending to be present should notify
Lang, 343, or any other member of the
banquet committee immediately, as the
Union must know by tonight the num-
ber expected.
"Jimmy" Becker, acting as toast-
master, will introduce W. H. Hamilton
of the economics department as the
principal speaker of the evening, and
"Mac" MacKinney, who will speak on
the Conference question. The "Var-
sity quartet," accompanied by "Ed-
die" Hamm, will render several selec-
Lit Social Club Dances Tomorrow.
Krida, the literary social club, will

hold a dance in Barbour gymnasium
tomorrow evening. The dancing will
begin at 8:00 o'clock. The chaperones
for the party are Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Gordon Hayes and Mr. ' and Mrs.



Consensus of Opinion of Framers That
if Students Alone are Involved
Class Legislation Will
Be Avoided
Bill When Drafted Will be Sent to
Gov.-Elect Ferris, State Col-
leges and Representatives
At a committee meeting held yester-
day morning of the men working on
student franchise, the problem of class
legislation, which has been consider-
ed a possible enigma in the proceed-
ings, was discussed and the consen-
sus of opinion seemed to be that, even
if the proposed bill embraces students
alone, there will be no technical difli-
culty in regard to class legislation.
It is believed by Mr. Harry Rotts-
chaefer, and Mr. J. W. MacKaye, pres-
ident of the republican club of the uni-
versity, that legislation for students
only would not be class legislation,
inasmuch as students * themselves
comprise a class.
The matter of constitutionality,
which is being made as much of by
the students of Cornell in their cam-
paign for franchise, does not appear
to the committee to be aserious one.
It is believed that with the expert ad-
vice available here from such men as
Dean Henry M. Bates, E. C. Goddard
and V. H. Lane, the bill can be so
drafted that the matter of constitu-
tionality will be in no way involved.
Owing to the fact that two of the
committee members were unable to
be present yesterday, the practical
work of rounding out the bill was not
attempted, bbt another meeting has
been called for Monday at 3:00
o'clock, at which time the bill will be
gone over from every point of view.
As soon as the bill' is permanently
drafted, steps will be taken by the
committee to have copies sent to all
colleges in the state, to Gov.-elect
Ferris, the local representatives and
all other men thought to be interest'
Eminent Sociologist Appears on This
Afternoon's Program.
Graham Taylor, one of America's
leading sociologists, will speak this af-
ternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the Michi-
gan Union. Mr. Taylor comes from
Chicago and is one of the editorsof
"The Survey," He has been intimate-
ly connected, from time to time, with
social investigations, and has served
on the Chicago vice commission.His
subject this afternoon will be "The
Community's Demand of the Univer-
sity," and it is probable that he will
speak of his personal experiences.
In addition to this part of the pro-
gram, several dmusicalsnumbers have
been arranged. Refreshments will be.
served as is the custom for "Union
Sunday get-togethers."
Polonia Uolds First Celebration.
Polonia, the Polish students society,
held the first of its series of national
celebrations yesterday afternoon. Pres.
A. H. Sambor, '13L, presided at the
meeting. A number of the members
spoke relative to past and present
Polish history. Prof. S. J. Zowski of
the mechanical engineering depart-

ment, talked concerning the present.
situation in Europe and the effect on
the Polish nation.


"It seems probable that the Pow-
ers will not allow the allies to hold+
Constantinople," says Dr. James B.
Angell in discussing the Balkan situ-
ation in the Michigan number of the
Cosmopolitan Student, which has just
appeared. "Nor can they agree to al-
low any one of the Great' Powers to
hold it. Therefore Turkey will prob-
ably be left in posessiori of that city,
even though she has to surrender the
rest of the main land. Other compli-
cations are also probable, as Austria
wants a path to the Aegean Sea, and
she does not wish Servia and Monte-
negro to enlarge their territory on the
Most of the articles in the numbel
were written by members of the local
chapter of the Cosmopolitan club.
President W. W. Welsh has an editori-
al on "Michigan Spirit." C. P. Wang,
'14, has an article on "Rare Tales
from China" and the selections date
from remote antiquity and appear for
(Continued on page 7.)

By the celerity by which all cam-
pus organizations responded to the
call and got in their contracts for the
Michiganensian on time, yesterday af-
ternoon, the student body is now as-'
sured a bigger, better and more com-
prehensive year-book than has ever
before been put out. More than 100
organizations will be represented this
year in the annual, which exceeds all
previous numbers.
All the material for the fraternity
and sorority section is already in. The
amount of space reserved will neces-
sitate a further increase in the num-
ber of pages in the book, which will
now contain a total of something over
700 pages, more than 50 more pages
than last year's Michiganensian con-
Pictures for the various senior
classes have come in rapidly, and the'
few not yet in are urged to make ar-
rangements with photographers for
their sittings as soon as possible.

10:30 a.m. Sermon by Leonard A. Barrett: Subjcet "The Final Faith"
12 University Class Students

,. C. E Socieiv

I Frank R. Finch.


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"Church and Community"

Coy-. HisrOA 1 T ) Dv si o



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