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December 07, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-12-07

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Investigations at Five Schools
That Athletic Boards in
"Big Nine" Are Not



Forecast for Ann Arbor-Saturday,
fair withv temperature decreasing to
about 20; snow flurries are probable.
University Observatory - Friday,
7:00 "p. m, temperature, 27.9;
maximum temperature 24 hours
preceding, 66.9; minimum tempera-
ture 24 hours preceding, 27.9; average
wind velocity 17 miles per hour.
Dean Cooley Returns After Illness.
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley who has
been confined in Baltimore, Md., the
last ten days with an attack of la
grippe, is fast convalescing from his
illness, and is expected to return to
Ann Arbor today or tomorrow.
Alpha Delta Phi Will Choose General
Chairman J. B. Duffield to Lead
Grand March.

Student Members Have Power at
nesota. No Students on
Chicago Board.

Still Time for the Life Preserver

1 1


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No two schools in the Conference
have athletic boards of exactly the
same composition according to re-
ports submitted at the meeting of edi-
tors in Chicago last week.
At Wisconsin, athletics are govern-
ed by a board of seven, appointed by
the president of the school. The di-
rector of athletics, who is a full pro-
fessor, is a member of this board.
There is a lower board with student
representation which has little or no
power or influence.
The Minnesota system as previous-
ly described is a student control sys-
tem, with veto power resting with the
faculty, although this is not exercis-
ed.The coaches are not members of
the board. The director of athletics
is a member of *the faculty but his
teaching duties are trivial.
There is an ex-officio board at the
University of Chicago, consisting of
ten faculty men and an alumnus. The
acting board consists of seven faculty
men. The director of athletics is a
member of the faculty and the head of
the department of athletics which is
a regular department of the universi-
ly. He bears the title of director of'
athletics and physical culture. He
has no teaching duties. There is no
student representation on the board
and no student managers of athletic
At Northwestern the board consists
of seven faculty men and two students.
The active board is a committee of
five faculty men. The faculty men are'
all appointed by the president of the
university. The two students on the
board are the president and secretaryT
of the athletic association.
The upper board at Illinois is a fac-
ulty board, appointed by the senate,
and is known as "the committee on
athletics." There is a lower board
with student and faculty representa-
tion which legislates in minor mat-
ters, acting in conjunction with the
director of athletics. It passes leg-
islation in regard to such matters as
the granting of the Varsity letters.
All important legislation is handled
exclusively by the upper board. .
Unique Frontispiece and Sonnet Cycle
Feature the Issue,
Michigan's literary magazine, "The
Painted Window," will make its ap-t
pearance this morning. This month'sf
issue promises to be one of the most,
unique numbers ever published. Itg
contains, besides other features, a son-.
net cycte, entitled "Love's Gamut,"i
written by Maxwell Pitkin, '14. f
An innovation in the way of a front-
ispiece was introduced into thisI
month's number. It is called "Vitre
France" and is the initial contribu-1
tion of Charles A. Crowe, '14E. Twoy
of the six stories are "A Wine-roomI
of the North," by Milton G, Nicola, '15,
and "Suicide Tree," by Marjorie Nich-i
olson, '14. The two poems are writ-t
ten by Martin Feinstein, '14, and Sel-f
ma Leopold, '14.

Michigan's greatest and gayest so-
cial event of the year is being planned
-the Junior hop of 1913. The com-
mittees will be selected according to the
rotation plan which it is customary to
follow. According to the system the
Alpha Delta Phi will choose the gen-
eral chairman. The Delta Kappa Ep-
silon have elected George B. Duffield
as chairman of the reception commit-
tee and in this capacity he will lead
the grand march. The Sigma Alpha
Epsilon has chosen H. C. Tallmadge
as secretary and J. I. Lippincott of the
Delta Upsilon has been elected treas-
All of the fraternities will select
their hop representatives soon and
the first business meeting of the com-
bined committees will be held at the
Chi Psi house Tuesday at 4:30 o'clock.
At this meeting the various commit-
tees will be set to work and will be
instructed to receive bids for music,
refreshments, decorations, and pro-
On account of the lack of a quorum
at their meeting yesterday afternoon,
the junior lits were unable to pick an
independent representative. Another
session has been called for 4:00 o'clock
Monday afternoon, in the west physics
lecture room, at which time it is urg-
ed that all junior lits be present.
Beginning today to rehearse on the
Whitney stage, the Comedy club enters
on its last lap in preparation of what
is promised to be the best and most
popular production that it has ever
given before a local public, not bar-
ring the popularity and approbation
which "The Magistrate," won for it-
self last year. "Material is better
than we have had in years," said Pres-
ident David Cohn lmst night, "and
with several new finds which we are
going to spring this year there is no
reason why we shall not overstep any
reputation that the club has earned
for itself in the past."
"Money," said a critic on Bulwer
Lytton, "is a play which Michigan will
not fail to appreciate, because like'
Bulwer's plays, it has that element of
youth in it which cannot but find a
place in the appreciation of the stu-
dent body. There are no problems,
no heavy touches, there is no plot, but
the play is of a high order of the com-
ic, alive in humor, and pleasant in the
(Continued on page 4.)

That control of athletics at Michi-
gan by its board of regents was not
foreign in 1908 to the "full faculty con-
trol" provision of the Conference rul-
es, is brought out by the following let-
ter from Prof. Geo. W. Patterson, who
represents the engineering depart-
ment on the board in control of ath-
letics. Since the final control here is
still in the regents, and since that
same Conference ruling as to faculty
control remains as it was when Mich-
igan was in the Conference, the nat-
ural inference is that regent control is
still within the spirit of the Confer-
ence rule.
It is to be remembered that the
Michigan board, of which Prof. 'Pat-
terson was the representative, was
different in its personnel from'
the present board which was
constituted some two years ago.
The former board was composed of9
five faculty men, two students, and
one alumnus, while on the present
board the faculty representation is!
smaller and the others, increased.
Editors of the Michigan Daily.1
Gentlemen:-It seems to be the
,opinion in certain quarters that the
principal obstacle to Michigan's re-1
turn to the Conference is control of;
athletics by a board appointed by the
board of regents and not by the fac-
ulty. In order to throw light on the
subject I may say that when I attend-

ed my first and only Conference meet-
ing this matter was gone into thor-
oughly; and it was agreed that, as the
hoard of regents was higher than the
faciilty, the former's control was con-
forming to the spirit though not the
letter of the rule, which was explain-
ed to me to be aimed at student con-
The matter came up in the Con-
ference meeting which met to decide
whether or not Michigan should be
expelled for its refusal to obey cer-
tain rules, notably the retroactive fea-
ture of the three years rule and the
training table rule. I called the at-
tention of the meeting to the fact, as
I supposed, that Michigan had already
been legislated out of the Conference
because of the full faculty control res-
olution and the action of the board of
regents in reorganizing our board in
As stated above, it was after con-
siderable discussion decided that con-
trol by the regents did not take Mich-
igan out of the Conference. I do not
know whether the minutes of the meet-
ing mention the discussion. It is, how-
ever, evident that no one thought, af-
ter the discussion, that Michigan was
already out of the Conference, as I
remained until the adjournment of the
meeting. The following month Michi-
gan withdrew. Truly yours,
Prof. Geo. W. Patterson.

* TIONS. *
* In response to a notice yester- *
* terday in regard to communica- *
* tions on the athletic situation, *
* several have been received, *
* which , though admirable in *
* their composition, are destitute *
* of facts. *
S Suchare valueless to the *
* campus, In that they convey *
* nothing in the way of informa *
* tion. If you have facts, one way *
* or the other, an incorporation *
h* of them in a communication *
* will be of use to tie paper and *
* will be published. *
List of 103 Groups to be Posted From
Which Seniors Will Choose
Their Men.
"Men, I believe this experience Is
going to do you as much good as it
does the freshmen," said Dean J. R.
Effinger in addressing a meeting yes-
terday afternoon of the senior lits who
volunteered their services as student
advisors, "and it will be a fine thing
for you to undertake th responsibil-
ity. For you to reach these men, there
must be a certain contact of charac-
ter against character, and your per'
sonality must therefore be one -which
will inspire confidence. We give this
trust over to you in the same faith
in which you ask for it, and feel sure
we are making no mistake."
A group of nearly forty men listen-
ed earnestly to the advice of Dean Ef-
finger, and to the unfolding of the plan
of co-operative advisorship by Profes-
sors C. 0. Davis and M. P. Tilley, who
paid a glowing tribute to the men in
their offer to "do something for Mich-
igan" by giving material aid to the
faculty in caring for the great prob-
lem of the freshman. Prof. Davis, de-
claring it "a wonderful opportunity
for social service," told of the long
effort on the part of the faculty to de-
vise the most efficient system' of ad-
vising first year men, and described
the working of the Senior Advisory
system at Harvard, Yale, and Leland
Stanford. I
The old system of faculty advisors
(Continued on page 4.)
Plans are steadily going forward
for the football smoker to be given by
the University club of Detroit next
Saturday night, and the affair prom-
ises to be one of the most successful
in years. It is planned as one of the
features to have every old time Mich-
igan star present who can be captur-
ed in the surrounding country and the
list of speakers promises some live
talks on many subjects.
Two of the university's famous men,
Hon. Chase Osborne, and Judge "Bill"
Day will top the list of orators and
many lesser lights will give short
talk's. As it is probably the last time
he will speak to Michigan students
while governor, Gov. Osborn's talk will
arouse considerable interest. Judge
Day, whose name is a by-word on the
campus will undoubtedly uncork one

of his fame-making speeches. "Dad"
Skinner will furnish the decorations
and will dress the club in gala attire.
The entire football team . will be
(Continued on page 4.)

Lack of Support From Alumni Gives
Committee Little Hope for
Annual Trip of Musi-
cal Clubs.
Series of Minor Recitals Is Being Ar.
ranged. To Give J-Hop
No trip will be taken this year dur-
ing the Christmas holidays by the
musical clubs, according to the pres-
ent outlook. For the first time in a
number of years the custom of giving
concerts in different cities during the
Xmas vacation may be abandoned. An
eastern trip was proposed but had to
be given up for it was impossible to
get a large enough guarantee from
the alumni in the cities where it was
planned to give the concerts, to war-
rant the necessary expense. Other
trips were suggested but the same dif-
ficulty was encountered.
Rather than to take a hastily ar-
ranged trip during the holidays the
clubs have decided to disregard the es-
tablished custom and to make the an-
nual trip during the spring vacation.
At present the committee is planning
on a long trip through the north west.
Aside from the spring tour the club
expects to give a recital in. Port Hu-
ron and other places for which the
dates have not been definitely settled.
As usual the clubs will give their Jun-
ior Hop recital.
Last year the combined glee
and mandolin club toured to
Los Angeles as guests of the Santa
Fe railroad. Their concerts were giv-
en at several places along the Santa
Fe line. This year the Santa Fe man-
agement will not consider a similar
plan. In 1910-'11 a trip was taken
through Michigan and Ohio including
Saginaw, Toledo and Cleveland and in
1909-'10, the tour was a long one, the
clubs going as far west as Omaha. So
the custom has gone on for a good
many years, even farther back than
1902 when the clubs were stranded in
Denver. The financial outcome has
not always been successful but the
trip has always been a boost for Mich-
igan. This year, however, the man-
agement considers the trip an imprac-
tical undertaking.


Members of the soph engineers will
hold their first dance of the year at
the Union Tuesday evening, Dec. 10.
Prof. and Mrs Peter Field and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Loos will act as chap-
erones. Music will be furnished by
"Ike" Fischer's orchestra and danc-
ing will begin at 9:00 o'clock. Tick-
ets may be procured from members
of the social committee for $1.00.
Senior Lits Hold Circus Day.
Today is circus day for the senior
lits. In ruralite fashion they will
dance at Barbour gym, commencing at
2:00 o'clock. Dean Effinger, Prof. and
Mrs. Van Tyne, and Dean M. B. Jor-
don will chaperone the party. Ad-
mission is 25 cents.

Nearly all of the 100 admission cards
for the regular weekly dance- at the
Michigan Union tonight have been
sold. Chaperones for this evening's
dance will be Prof. and Mrs. Claude
H. Van Tyne and Dr. and Mrs. R. W.
Bunting. The committee is composed
of: George P. Caulkins, '13, chairman,
Thomas Abrams, '14E, and Stephen
Truesdell, '13E.
Polonia Celebr tion Plans Changed.
Owing to some unforeseen difficu -
ties, the plans of the first of the se-
ries of the national celebrations of the
Polonia have been slightly changed.
The affair will be held at 921 South
State street this afternoon instead of
in the new engineering building. The
time has been changed to 2:30 o'clock
instead of 7:00 o'clock as previously


Allowing Students to Chan
One Institution to Another
- Are Considered.

Methods by which a student 'might
change more easily from one state
institution to another were discussed
at length*at a meeting of the presi-
dents of the university, the agricul-
tural college and -the school of mines
which was held in Detroit Thursday.
The presidents consider it advisable
to allow a student to change from one
school to another if he cares to do so
in order to specialize in some line of
work or to get more practical experi-
Methods were also talked over
whereby the higher institutions might
exercise a more direct influence on the
people of the state, who are unable to
take college work. Mention was made
of possible means of raising the moral
tone of college students.
Lansing was chosen as the meeting
place of the next conference which
will be held in January.

The graduate club
of a series of parties
last night. About 60

held the second
at Barbour gym


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See what Cerald saw

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