r1 The $2.50 Mi higan Daily Local $2.00 Mlail $2.50 ONION XIII, No. 57. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1912. PRICE ITVE C _. e 1 , NTS MAY i THE WEATHER MAN | A L' GET SUFFRAGE DILLPASSED empt Will be Made to Have Teas- lire Introduced in State Leg. islature During Coin- ing Winter. PRESENTATIVE MURPHY TO GIVE SUPPORT TO FRAMING. inittee for Drafting Will Meet Saturday; Kemp and Mac- Kaye Appointed. gitation for the proposed suffrage Michigan students is increasing the campus and the general sen- ent is heartily in favor of the prop- ion. Those who are carrying on campaign are seeking the co-oper- n of all campus organizations and organized effort will be maintain- to have the measure introduced in. legislature during the winter. rord has been' received from Rep- entative Harry L. Murphy, of Ber- i county, by W. H. Hamilton, that will lend support to the bill and 1 assist as much as possible in fling it. He has been working on milar bill to present to the legis- re and his assistance will help ma- CONFERENCE ATTACKED AND DEFENDED AT UNION DINNER COMMUNICATIONS. * certainly in favor of the' rence MacKaye, president lican club of the univer- "The movement is one of utmost importance to Michigan students," de- clared Lon Barringer; president of the student council, "Everyone should be interested in national politics and those who are entitled to' vote should be allowed to do so. The proposed bill should have the support of every Michigan student." There will be a meeting of the com- mittee appointed to draft the bill Sat- urday. The greatest problem that confronts the committee is to get away from class legislation. Ed Kemp and Clarence MacKaye have been appointed to the local ar- rangements committee. HONOR SYSTEM IS USED FIRST TIME For the first time the honor system adopted by Professor Turner's En- glish history classes was put Into force yesterday morning when the mid-semester examination was held. Each student made a statement at the end of his bluebook that he had nei- ther given nor received aid during the examination. Only two students re- fused to take the examination under the system and these men wer plac- ed under supervision, although re-' maining in the class-room. Next week a definite pledge will be drawn up and signed by those favoring the p'erma- nent adoption of an honor system in this course, Before the examination, Professor Turner gave a short talk to the class. It had come to his notice, he said, that two students had made the statement that they thought it would be easier to cheat under the system than hith- erto, and that two others had actually intimated that they intended to cheat in the examination. These four stu- dents, however, were among those who had pretended to accept the hon- or system. Professor Turner deplored this atti- tude and impressed upon the students' the responsibility they were under to show that such a system would work Forecast for Ann Arbor-Friday, cloudy and colder. 'University Observatory-Thursday 7:00 p. m., temperature, 54.4; maxi- mum temperature 24 hours preceding, 54.8; minimum temperature 24 hours preceding, 33.0; average wind veloci- ty, 7 miles per hour; rainfall, 0.10. FORESTERS HAVE QUESTION BOX Plan is Adopted to Aid Students in Making Suggestions. Something radically new has been adopted by the forestry department in the box which has been placed in Professor Filibert Roth's office for the purpose of obtaining student sug- gestions. The uggestions are expect- ed to include constructive tuggestions which will point out the fault and the remedy, criticisms of such things as the student may not be able to pro- pose a remedy for, and general sug- gestions connected with the forestry department and its work. The faculty expects to obtain many student opin- ions this way that would otherwise not come out owing to the natural re- luctande of students to express their views directly to their instructors. SENIOR LITS TO ADVISE FRESHMEN Thirty Men Volunteer to Take Over Work Previously Done by Faculty Members. MEET TODAY TO PERFECT PLAN. At the meeting of the senior lit class yesterday afternoon, thirty students volunteered their services to act as advisors to freshmen, and steps will immediately be taken to complete plans for the taking over of this work from the members of the faculty who have thus far had charge of the shap- ing of the destinies of fresh lits. The faculty has already provided for the shifting of the burden, this having been done at a meeting of the heads of the literary department last Mon- day night. The volunteers will meet today in Tappan hall at 4:15 o'clock to perfect an organization and to outline the scheme to be followed in beginning the advisory work. Men students on- ly are to benefit by the plan, for the freshmen women will be under the supervision of the Women's League. At this meeting there will be talks by Acting Dean J. R. Effinger, Pro- fessors M. P. Tilley and C. 0. Davis on the problems of advisorship. It is not yet known just how many fresh- men will be assigned to each advisor, but it is estimated that each senior may have at least five men to assist. After a warmly contested election, associate editors for the Michiganen- sian were chosen as follows: Rolfe Spinning, William T. Daugherty, and Florence Swinton. In all, five com- mittees reported at the meeting. The next class dinner was announced for December 12 at the Union. a, ADELPHI SOCIETY TO HOLD FIFTY-FIFTH ANNUAL BANQUET Adelphi society will hold its 55th annual banquet at the Union at 6:00 o'clock this. evening. Rowland Fixel .will act as toastmaster and call on various active and old members for toasts. More than fifty men have al- ready signified their intention of being. present at the affair but the commit.! tee has a few more tickets which may be arranged for today.. The old ship Conference sailed tur- gid and stormy seas last night, piloted at first by an implacable and relent- less foe, then by a tried and trusty friend. Two hundred guests of, the Michigan Union had matters of west- ern athletic history laid bare and un- ravelled as never before. Facts and veremence were given and taken without stint. Frank Murphy, '14L, and Professor R. W. Aigler of the law department at-] tacked and defended respectively. "Overbearing," "dictatorial," "un- American," "unjust," "impractical," are but representative of the numer- ous descriptives hurled against the "Big Nine" by the student speaker. Unsatisfactory recasting of boards of 'control by regents in 1905 and 1906, control of sports since' 1905, the vir- tues of home rule, western games in the Conference and faculty control were the accusations and panaceas of- fered by the faculty speaker. "It's up to Michigan to make the ad- vances. Only last year we issued our ultimatum to the Conference. It is our move; it is for us to make the con- cessions. Let's admit our mistakes, let's come out and wipe away the stig- ma of our unsportsmanlike conduct in withdrawing from the Conference be- cause of rules that were suggested and adopted at the behest of President Angell in 1905. We have played the role of the spiteful long enough. We can fight on the inside better than on the outside for what we wish." Sums Up Differences. "At the present time our differences can be summed up in three important issues: the freshman team, the train- ing table, and faculty control. The first is unimportant and the second has been set aside by the Conference as minor as compared with the third is- sue. The burden of discussion then falls upon the faculty control. We had this control until 1905; it was suc- cessful. We had wonderful compe- tition with our natural western rivals. Since that time under the present con- trol, or but slightly different, we have gone into the east and our athletics have become somewhat commercializ- ed financial ventures. We find our as- sociation crying for more money to improve Ferry field and admitting that it is too penurious to send our band to Pennsylvania. We must get back in the west where we will draw bigger crowds, where athletics can be made cheaper for the students. We must join with our western neighbors to get the track and baseball competition which we have sadly lacked since our withdrawal." Professor Aigler then continued with a defense of the university faculty and the qualifications that its mem- bers have for sitting on boards of con- trol. He denied that they were the impractical persons that some believe them to be, ,,or at least the greater, part of them. He advanced as proof their interest in sports both before going on the faculty and afterwards. On the other hand Murphy claimed in no uncertain terms that conces- sions were due from the Conference, pleaded for control of Michigan athlet-' ics at Michigan and branded the boy- cott against Michigan as unfair in the extreme. He favored the return of Michigan only "when she could return in such a way as to retain her independence and without sacri- ficing the ideals of seven years' stand- ing." Bird Presides as Toastmaster. Professor James Bird of the engi- neering department presided at the dinner as toastmaster. D. F. Melhorn, '14L, spoke on "The Michigan Man out of College," and made a plea for more financial aid from the alumni to- wards the university than has been shown by Michigan graduates in the past. Jacob Crane, '13E, chose for his subject "Campus Organization." He took the view that the campus was not over-organized in any sense but that the individual was. The lighter part of the evenings's program was furnished by Sam Adels- dorf, who gave a German monologue which was much appreciated. FRESH LAWS TO HOLD DANCE AT GRANGER'S DECEMBER 17 Fresh laws will hold a dance at Granger's academy on on Tuesday ev- ening, Dec. 17. It will be a special favor dance and many new and novel" features which the committee say have never before been seen here, will be introduced. Colored posters in most of the State street store windows are being used to advertise the affair. Fischer's five piece orchestra will fur- nish .the music. Tickets for the dance are now being sold and can be pur- chased from Bing, V. C. Miller, Kroon- er, Roberts, Murphy or Schradski. They sell for $1.25. W ILL ENTERTAIN FRESHMAN WOMEN Annual Freshman Spread to be Held Tomorrow at Barbour Gymnasium. IS DISTINCTIVE EVENT OF YEAR Escorted by staid and demure jun- iors, the 200 freshmen women in the university will make their official col- lege debut in society tomorroW even- ing when they will be entertained by the sophomores at the annual Fresh- man spread. Called for, taken to the party, and then returned to their hom- es by their upper class companions,the first year women will be treated in the same way as if ^their escort were of the sterner sex: Barbour gym will be the scene of the festivities. For the 'past several weeks the second-year women have been planning and replanning until the sombre walls of the gym have been obliterated by a riot of color which, with the lights and the gala gowns should turn the scene from. one of exercise to one of gayety. The festivities will commence at 8:00 o'clock. As the freshmen enter they will be received by Dean Jordan, Mrs. Junius E. Beale, the wives of the deans of the several departments, Miss Bigelow, Miss Sawtell, Mary Lewis, and Evelyn Roehm. Although the evening is primarily a freshman event, it will be attended by the women of all classes. With the juniors and sophomores acting as escort and host, the seniors will be -o- The Michigan Daily desires communications on the Michi- gan athletic question from its readers both 'in and out of the university and will be glad to publish the same in Its col. umns. Every communication con. cerning this question will have to come signed with permission to publish the author's name in connection with the article when it appears. * * * *' * * * * * * * * * TO REPRESENT MICHIGAN AT FENCING MEET Wielders of Foil Will go to Chicago to Compete With Fencers From Mid-Western Colleges, TRYOUTS WILL ALSO BE l1ELD FOR NATIONAL TOUR:NAENT. University Enthusiasts Hope to Be Among Those That go to New York. Stimulated by the interest that the fencers are manifesting this year, the Michigan fencing club has decided to send, men to Chicago to compete under the auspices of the Illinois athletic club, with representatives from the middle-west universities. As several of the veterans in the ,club are In their last year, they are making a final effort to raise the stan- dard of the fencing art at Michigan. Arrangements have been made for the use of Major Burdette's private gym- nasium on every Wednesday night and they have retained him to give them the finishing touches they need, to be in a class with the competitors they will face in Chicago. The inter- collegiate event does not occur until the last of March, but such is the ne- cessity for long and careful training in fencing that the time left is none too long. It is expected that the num- ber to contend for the Michigan club will be limited to three unless the struggle among the club members should prove to be unusually keen in which case one more would be- added to the squad. Plans are now being considered by the local organization for the holding of the Michigan district trials of the amateur fencer's league. At these trials men from Detroit and other nearby cities gather to prove their skill and to fight for the chance' to represent the West in the big natiofl- al championship tournament at New York in the spring. Every one of the Ann Arbor enthusiasts are mem- bers in the league and expect to cope with their older antagonmists for the honor of making the eastern trip. Because of the illness of Major Bur- dette, the program of last Wednesday night was cancelled. The fencing club is in addition promoting the in- terests of boxing at the university and beginning after the return from the Christmas holidays will stage several contests in that sport. What's Wrong in the Directory Camp? "Proof read three times, price 35: cents." Were you one of those who gladly paid a dime more for the Stu- dent's Directory on the supposition that it was to furnish accurate infor- mation? Was the information as ac- curate as you expected or were you, like many others disappointed? When interviewed, the managing editor said he had never heard that the proof was read three times; the bus- mess manager admitted that he had the advertising printed that way in order to encourage the sale of the publication. The managers said that the reason the price had gone up ten cents was that there were about 50 more pages in the book. As a matter of actual count, there are just twelve more pag- es this year than last, the difference being between 308 and 296 pages. Did you bite? SENIOR MEN TO CARRY CANES. I EX-REGENT VAN RIPER DIES. CHEMISTS VISIT ANN ARBOR TODAY Ann Arbor is host to about fifty rep resentative chemists, some of whoa Custom in Vogue in Other Schools to be Introduced 'Here. The first step toward the establish- ment of a custom of the use of canes by the seniors, was inaugurated by the senior engineers, at a meeting of the class last night and a committee was appointed with "Art" Grove as chairman to look after "details. H. G. McGee was elected class his- torian and Carl E. Wolfston class sta- tistician. The election of class toast master was postponed until a later date. Regent Grant Spends Few Days Here. Regent John H. Grant of Manistee is spending a few days in Ann Arbor. Although personal matters are the main reason for his visit he will also transact some university business while in town. Former University Official and Attor- ney General Succumbs at Niles. Judge Jacob J. Van Riper, of Niles, listed as guests along with their are the leading industrial chemists regent of the university from '80-'86, and attorney general of the state, '81- '85, died at his home early Wednes- day morning. Judge Van Riper was a student in the law department in the early six- ties, and ever since beginning the practice of laws has held positions of great responsibility throughout the state. He is survived by a widow and one son, Cassius, who is a graduate of the law department of the univer- sity. Copy for Year Book Must be in Today Those who have charge of the con- tracts for space in the Michiganensi- an will have to get all material in be- fore 6:00 o'clock tomorrow night. younger classmates. They will be forced to do without companions but they are sure to be in attendance, for the freshman spread is the one distinc- tive women's event of the college year. Last Oratorieal Play Tryouts Today. Over thirty candidates have enroll- ed for the Oratorical association play, but there are still chances in a num- ber of the male parts. Students who have not yet done so, have another opportunity to enroll this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in room 302 N. W. Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the oratory de- partment, will meet anyone interested at that time. This is the last oppor- tunity, as the cast will probably be definitely selected early next week. the country. The American Institute of chemical engineers,. whicht is hold- ing its fifth annual meeting in Detroit will hold one of its sessions here to- day. The visitors will arrive from Detroil at 9:18 a. m. and will spend the fore- noon in inspecting the buildings and particularly the laboratories of the university. At noon a luncheon will be served to the visitors at the Unior and the program will commence at 1:30 in the chemical amphitheater The papers will be as follows: "The Chemical Engineering Laboratory of Columbia University," a stereoptica: lecture by Prof. M. C. Whitaker of Co- lumbia, the leading industrial chemist (Continued on page 2.) Everybody delighted last High' School Senior Play Play will be given in AS YOU LIKE IT costume. Directed by 6 and 7, 8:15 p.m. High School Auditorium