al $2.00 Mail $2.50 I The ichi . Daily Local $2.00 flail $2.50 -----,. XXIII, No. 55. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1912. PRICE FIV . ___. QUESTIN O T~TRAININGME INYAYSANYWA In Most of the Conference Schools the Members of the Various Teams Eat Together at, One Table. IWUMORED EVASIONS OF RULE HAVE NEVER BEEN PROVED Members of Teams Eating at Train. ug Tables Stand Entire Expense of Board. Different ways of meeting the train- ilg question are employed at the sev- eral schools in the Western Confer- ence. Every year, different stories as to the evasion of the rule against training tables become prevalent, but proof of violations has not yet been offered. If there have been violations in the past of which there is no evi- dence, there have been no violations this year, in the opinion of students in close touch with the situations at the schools In the Conference. At Illinois, the men started the year by eating together at one place, but at the end of a week gave the plan up. At this training table each man paid the entire cost of the board. During the remainder of te season, the team members ate at their respective fra- ternity houses or at the student eat- ing houses. Commencing just before the big games, the Wisconsin football squad, including the reserves, ate at a com- mon table. The rate paid by the men approximated $4.25 a week, which is the average rate at the Madison fra- ternity houses. This training table is a regular fixture at the Badger school, and the plan is adopted not only for the football team but for the track and crew teams. The men pay their own expenses at the table, a fact which results in non-attendance on the part of some of the athletes who are unable to stand the expense. The table is maintained at an eating house open to the rest of the student body. Wisconsin Has Similar Plan. What amounts practically to the same plan as at Wisconsin is followed out at Minnesota. Practice continues through until about 6:00 o'clock in the afternoon. By the time the men are dressed, it is near to 7:00 o'clock, and at the end of rule quiz, all go to a restaurant and order what they want at their own expense. At both Minnesota and Wisconsin, the train- ers advise as to the kind of food. At neither school do the men meet to- gether at the breakfast hour. At Chicago, the football men ate to- gether but three times during the past season. At other times, they ate at their different fraternity houses, at the commons, or at other eating plac- es, The average rate of board at Chi- cago is from $4.00 to $4.50. The situation at Northwestern is a novel one. Owing to the fact that many of the Northwestern students are in attendance at the city depart- ments of the school, which are in Chi- cago, the fraternity houses open their doors to all athletes trying for the teams whether members of the fra- ternity or not, as an inducement to draw them out to the Evanston cam- pus. Each man pays the fraternity at which he is staying, the same rate of board which is paid by the frater- nity members. "Seieiea"Prints Paper by Prof. Glaser A recent issue of "Science" contained a paper on the development of Am- phibian larvae in sea water by Prof. O. C. Glaser of the zoological depart- ment. i1 THE WEATHER MAN t. Forecast for Ann Arbor-Wednes- day, cloudy and unsettled, probably snow; moderate to brisk southerly winds. Snow flurries are predicted for lower Michigan. University Observatory-Wednesday 7:00 p. m., temperature, 34.1; maxi- mum temperature 24 hours preceding, 35.2; minimum temperature 24 hours preceding, 26.4; average wind veloci- ty.7 miles per hour. SQUIRRELS WILL NEED FOOD. Scarcity of Tree Seeds Forces Pets to Depend Upon Human Friends. According to Prof. Filibert Roth the little grey squirrels around town. will have to depend largely upon their human friends this winter. This is ne- cessitated by the almost total failure of the crop of tree seeds this sum- mer. Unable to rely upon nature, the "campus pets" have been seeking food from garbage cans, and begging all they can get from pedestrians. Nuts are not necessary for the little fellows since they will gladly nibble at an ap- ple core or even potato peelings. Un- less something is done for them, Prof. Roth says that they will die by the dozen before .the winter is half over. DINNER TICKETS HAVE READY SALE Pasteboards for Monthly Membership Dinner Find Ready Sale Among Students. TO SELL ONLY 200 TICKETS. Tickets for the third of the series of the regular Michigan Union din- ners to be held at the Union tomor- row evening have been put on sale and are finding ready purchasers. The sale has been limited to 200, as has been the custom in the past, and tick- ets can be secured at the Union office or from members of the committee in charge for 40 cents each. All men, who are planning to attend, are ad- vised to purchase their tickets early today. Prof. James P. Bird, secretary of the engineering department, will act as toastmaster and will call upon a num- ber of speakers who are well known in all lines of campus activity. Prof. R. W. Aigler, of the law department will be the faculty speaker and will discuss .the "Athletic Association" from the faculty point of view. Frank Mur- phy, '14L, will speak on the same sub- ject from the student standpoint. Ja- cob Crane, '13E, is scheduled to talk on "Campus Organizations" and their over development. "The Relation of a College to a Man After Graduation," will be d4scussed by Donald Melhorn, '14L. Sam Adcelsdorf, '14L, under the aus-, pices of "The Mimes," will give a Ger- man-English monologue. Adelsdorff was prominently connected with dra- matics at the University of Chicago while a student there.. All members of the dinner commit- tees, who are selling tickets, are ask- ed to communicate with F. B. Powers, the chairman, this afternoon in re- gard to the sale. Graduate Club will Meet Friday. The Graduate club will assemble at Barbour gym Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock for an informal gathering, which is intended chiefly to renew and develop acquaintances started earlier in the year. For various rea- sons a number of graduate students have been unable to attend the past gatherings of the club and a special effort will be made to welcome them at the coming party. HOCKEY PLAYERS TO HOLD MEETING Plans for Year's Work in New Sport Will be Discussed Tomor Tow Night. TO USE FERRY FIELD RINKS. With the advent of winter, hockey will make its bow to the sport loving public as an inter-departmental game, for the second season. F. W. DuBois, as manager, has sent out a call for all men interested in the game to meet with him in the trophy room of Wat- erman gym at 7:00 o'clock tomorrow night when he will outline the plans for the coming year. An effort will be made to obtain the presence of Prentis G. Douglas, of socwer fame, who has been delegated by the athletic association to coach the puck-chasers. Due to the great interest that was shown by the students last year in the game of hockey, the athletic asso- ciation-has been influenced to take a hand in its development at the univer- sity. Since the establishment of the blanket tax the association has desir- ed to interest a greater number of stu- dents personally in some form of ath- letics that the tax may directly bene- fit them and give exercise to more of the student body. Hockey demonstra- ted last year that it appealed to the students and as a result the athletic association has perfected plans for the flooding of two rinks on Ferry field and has already begun the build- ing up of embankments. Lights will be erected over the skating surface, making feasible the playing of sched- uled games at night. When not in use by the teams representing depart- ments, the rinks will be free to all who play the game or wish to learn. If weather conditions permit freez- ing the rinks will be put into shape immediately after the Christmas holidays and the first of the schedul- ed contests be arranged. As was the practice last year, numerals will again be given to the team members that win the campus championship and al- so to the runners-up. SENIOR LITS PLAN TO STAGE REAL CIRCUS ON SATURDAY. Barbour "Tent" Will Contain a Great Exhibition of Side Shows and Animal4. A novelty in the entertainment line will be. introduced next Saturday af- ternoon when the senior lits stage their big circus at Barbour gym. It is promised that the very latest thing in animals will be seen and an entirely new variety of side-shows will be call- ed to the attention by a trained corps of barkers. Pink lemonade, pop-corn, squawkers and the other regalia which are the necessary attendants of a cir- cus will be in evidence. The perform- ance in the main tent will begin at 2:00 o'clock and as reserved seats may be obtained for the small sum of 25 cents it is expected the entire class will turn out to the "big circus." Tickets may be obtained from the committee in charge consisting of Ag- nes Parkes, Mercedes de Goenaga, Florence Swinton, Viona Colman, Max Kuhr, Eben Lane, John Towler and Rolfe Spinning. Hold Final Deutseher Verein Tryouts. The final tryouts for the Deutscher Verein play will be held this after- noon at 5:00 o'clock in room 203, U. H. Anyone who wishes to try out may do so at this time. Earl Moore Conducts Rehearsal. In the absence of Mr. Stanley, Earl Moore acted as conductor last even- ing in the weekly rehearsal of the Choral Union. 'MONEY' PROMISES TO SCORE SUCCESS First Dress Rehearsals With Special Scenery and Costumes to be Held Next Week. TO GIVE J-HO P PERFORMANCE. With less than two weeks of prac- tice before them, the players of the Comedy club who are daily at work in Sarah Caswell Angell hall under the direction of Bert St. John, are devel- oping a production that is going to surprise Ann Arbor in the dramatic line. "Money," Bulwer's popular comedy is offering more possibilities at each rehearsal, and, comedy of a high order is being uncovered for the performance at the Whitney on Sat- urday evening, December y14. Of the'early Victorian society, "Mon- ey" is contended to be one of the most faithful mirrors of the foppish parvenu, nouveau riche type of soci- ety for which that epoch is memora- ble in the history of social develop- ment. The play is meagre in its plot, but replete in the comic which can not be appreciated until the drama has been acted. Costumes have been ordered and they are -promised to correspond with the same quaint garbs which were worn by the Macready players who staged this play at the Court Theatre in London in 1840. Scenic effects are under way and are contracted for delivery in Ann Ar- bor next week. Dress rehearsals on the Whitney stage will be held the early part of next week, and promise of a few surprises to Comedy club followers is the assurance of those who are watching the play develop. The special souvenir Comedy club supplement will be inserted in The Michigan Daily next Sunday. It willj feature the cnts of the playes, with miscellaneous writeups on the play- ers, on the Comedy club and upon the shallow but entertaining Bulwer. As usual the special Junior Hop feature production will be given on that occasion. Saturday afternoon,' February 7 has been arranged for by the club for that engagement. MEETING OF CHEMISTS TO BE ATTINDEI BY FACULTY MEN embers of Anierican Association Will Inspect University Laboratories. The fifth annual meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engi- neers, one session of which will be held here Friday, begins today at Ho- tel Cadillac, Detroit. Several mem- bers of the chemical engineering fac- ulty will attend the meetings. Prof. E. E. Ware speaks on the program this afternoon and Prof. A. E. White will deliver a paper at the evening session. All of the programs are open to the public. The chemists, about 75 in number, will arrive here Friday morning. They will examine the buildings, par- ticularly the laboratories of the uni- versity, and at 1:30 o'clock will hold a meeting in the chemical amphitheater. A luncheon will be served to the vis- itors at the Michigan Union. ARCHITECTURAL DEPARTMENT SECURES CORINTHIAN CAPITAL One of the latest additions to the equipment of the architectural de- partment is a Corinthian Capital, from the Roman temple, at Cori, Italy. The Capital was recently purchased by the university, and will b4 put on exhibi- tion in room 448 of the new engineer- ing building. It will be used for il- lustration and design, and for the use of classes in free hand drawing. tioned came into the hands, police, who held it as hostage the return of its owner. "Since the trouble has all over," the student writes, "I reason why I should not have: Please send the latter to me earliest." However, the Chief can't see it quite in that light, so has dic- tated a most friendly and effusive let- ter to the supplicant, assuring him that his hat may be had only upon ap- pearing in person to claim it, and that he extends him a- cordial welcome to come and get it. Toastnasters Club Dines t' Union. Eighteen members of the Toastmas- ters club dined at the Union last night. The dinner was given in honor of two new members who were taken in, Per- cival V. Blanchard and Cyril Quinn. Each of the members of the organiza- tion gave a short talk. TO CAMPAIN FOR STUDENT SUFFRAGE, Faculty Men Will Decide on Consti- tutionality of Proposed Bill. CAMPAIG~N Suspended Student Thinks Police Should Release Headgear. Chief of Police Apfel has received a letter from a student who was sus- pended not long ago as a result of his connection with a street affray, in which the writer requests the return of his hat. During the excitement of the fatal evening following the news of the Syracuse game, the hat men- STILL THI KS OF LOST TO BE STATE-WIDE HAT. Plans for a state-wide campaign for suffrage for Michigan students were formulated yesterday by the heads of the different political clubs and Mr." Henry Rottschaefer and W. H. Hamil- ton, of the economics department. Be- fore correspondence is started with the faculty and student organizations of the various state colleges a bill is to be drafted that will be constitution- al and will avoid class legislation. Dean H. M. Bates and Professors V. H. Lane and E. C. Goddard, of the law department, have consented to act as a committee to decide upon the con- stitutionality of the proposed bill. The United Commercial Travelers at a recent meeting decided to agitate suffrage for college students. Coop- eration between the travelers will be sought and an organized campaign for the question will be started. Representative Harry L. Murphy, of of Bergian county, has consented to lend his support to the bill and will cooperate with the university in the campaigni. The following committees have been appointed to carry on the campaign: Local arrangements: W. H. Mamil- ton, chairman, Fred B. Foulk. To draft the bill: H~enry Rottschaef-? er, chairman, O. L. Smith, Maurice Sugar, C. A. Retan and H. Van Auken. Finance: H. S. Hulbert, chairman, W. I. Bowerman.. PROF. PILLSBURY SUCCUMBS. TO ATTACK OF INDIGESTION Professor Pillsbury was overcome suddenly by an attack of acute indi- gestion while lecturing before his class in elementary psychology yes- terday morning. It is thought that the trouble was immediately tracea- ble to overwork. Professor Pillsbury was able to go home unaccompanied and at the pres- ent time is planning to attend his classes as usual in the course of a few days. of the against blown see no my hat. at your LARGE CLASS TO, INSTIT~UTE HONORSYSTi Prof. Turner's Class in English tory is Almost Unanimous In Declaring for Suoh ' a System. EIGHT STUDENTS OUT OF 290 VOTE AGAINST P Will Adopt Temporary Foru of tem Until Signing of the Formal Pledge. By an almost unanimous vote, fessor Turner's class in English tory yesterday#'morning showed to be in favor of an honor syster that course. Out of a total. me ship in the course of about 290 students voted in favor of instit an honor system, with the qua tion that the method of enforce be left to the students. The re the students, with the- exceptc eight, were in favor of the syste did not wish that any mentior made of any enforcement there the pledge to be taken. Only students in the entire course against any kind of honor systei It may be considered therefore all but eight members of the are willing to install some. such tem which shall leave out the que of enforcement. A suggestion made that one member might b lected from each quiz section to stitute a, board to which cases of cheating would referred, but no action eras on the matter. The general fe is that those who sign a pledg refrain from receiving help s not be required to make any fu promise. Formal Pledge to be Signed There is still some doubt' as whether the system will be ad both in examinations and in quiz tions but this will probably be d ed next week when a formal pledg students. In the meantime all five of the members of the course agreed to adopt a temporary of honor system for an examin to be held tomorrow in which student will be requested to m statement at the end of his blue that he has received no help. "Those of the students who di favor an honor system will be s gated and placed under supervi said Professo Turner yesterday- doubt they have good reasons to wishing to join in the propositio out of fairness to those who hay pressed their desire to establish a system, some such step will be essary." The result of the vote in Prof. ner's classes is particularly gr ig to those who favor thehono tem, as the matter 'has pract been left entirely to the stu themselves, the mere suggestion ating t from Professor Turner, while aid~ing them in working i left the adoption of the propo itself to the wishes of the classe DEAN HOFF AND DR. WARD ATTEND DENTAL MEE'I Dean N. S. Hoff of the dent partment left yesterday for Cinci Ohio, where he will give a disci at the meeting of the Ohio state tal society which convenes the day. Dr. M. L. Ward left at the time for Sioux City Iowa to del paper at the meeting of the dent: that state. I Send in your subscription The Michi g.n alyl FOR THE REMAIND . OF THE YEAR $2.00'. Mailed to any ow $2.o5