THE MICHIGAN DAILY of the "English" swing I 1. now STEIN-B3LOCH SMART CLOTHES to make them ylish looking-of course they fit in that comfortable way is the result of 58 years of knowing how to tailor good s. will save you money too, and you will appreciate this better' aiuatioh and try- on. Come in to-day or to-morrow. acinaws on hand $6.50 to $10.00 in price isch mitt, Apfel &Co.- PHRAI STS' INV6E STWAT LIO-7N SHOW STANDATIRD I L MATANED It is not the intention nor is it with in our jurisdiction to show up th,- merchants of Ann Arbor, alid especi ally the pharmacist. In outlining the course in Food anc Drug analysis one day the statement was made: 'That so- far only one sam- ple of Spirits of Camphor had bee> found up to standard!' At that tirn2 only three different samples had bew i exa.mined of the fifteen stores in town. At present samples have been obtain- ed from six stores and only two faun-_i below standard. We are glad to cooperate with tLe pharmacists of Ann Arbor and of the state and would be glad to make an analysis of their Spirits of Camphor at any time. W. S. HUBBARD, Iistructor in Food and Drug Analysis. Huyler's candy is always the very best. Bring in your dull razor blades to be, sharpened. Satisfaction guaran- teed. H. L. Switzer, 810 S. State St. The largest and finest stock in the city. Goodyear's Drug Store. 3 tf Notice. The German Phi sorority's new, house being ready for occupancy, there are now two very pleasant suites and one exceptionally pleasant single room vacant at 1130 Washtenaw Ave. Rent reduced.: 51-54 Open every evening until 9:30. Sun- days from 9:30 to 12:30, 1:30'to 3:30 only. Lyndon's kodaks, films, flash- lights. 719 N. University. Sun&Fri wmmm ._.. .. ..:,mow T'Y I Q uarrY's The Drug Store on the Corner When You Get a of, sclected Chocolates to r xs top notch inl candy 'mar;Int. Rtoll of Topwels #I FREE F'USSYI PACKAGE I' Pharmacy 4 S, State St. HSU51 FIRST FOREIGIN STUDENT TO0 MAKE STAFF OF DAILY. :F. Jabin Hsu, '14, who has been *,}:--,tted to The Michigan Daily staff, :~ie first man from a foreign coun- to be put on the staff. Hsu came this 'country a year ago last Sep- ; &mber from Shanghai. He was sent :-ro by the Chinese government to F flete his education begun at Tsin :College at Pekin, from which he ., c>ight advance credit enabling him enter the sophoimore year in the ,anvesity. Hsu expects, after fin- ishinig his course here, to go to Wash- in ton, D. C., where he will enter George Washington University, with the ultimate intention of entering the dillIomiatic service. As mentioned in YC~ O ~>'sDaily, Hsu is the joint a- tho'? ~ ., lay to be given presently be- -- me Oorda-Fratres Cosmopolitan cmib, Tl .:-2;,ay seals with Chinese ci, tm s i, > is entitled, "A glimpse SABBlATHI SUGGESTIONS. union services this evening will be led by Prof. Thomas C. Hal, of the Union Theological Seminary, New York city, at the Presbyterian church. His subject will be Christian Democ- racy." The morning sermon at this church will be preached as usual byI the Rev., L. A. Barrett, subject: "A Hos~t Opportunity." "Church Hospitality" will be the theme of the Rev. Henry.Tatlock's ad- dress this morning at St. Andrew's tEpiwcopal church. Noon Bible classes for university men and women are , conducted by the assistant pastor, W. 0. Raymond and Mrs. G. W. Patter- son. At the Methodist church this morn- ing, tdi a service will be taken up in the almllnistration1 of the Lord's Supper. In the evening, the student pastor, HI. It. Rotzril will deliver a sermon on "Ani Appeal to Youth." The Rev, and Mrs. A. W. Stalker will conduct Bi- ble classes at noon for students. The morning sermon at the Baptist church will be delivered by the pastor, ttce R{ev. Frank Bachelor, subject: "The Lost Christ" Assistant pastor, N. C.'Fetter, Jr., will address the . guil~ class at noon on "Chrstianity Its Incipiency." The Young Peope' > mieetinrg at 6:30 p. in., will be a song service, led by Ethel MGregory and John Corliss. "It li.loi. and the Scientific Concep-. :,u of Law" will be the subject of the Rev. Robert F. Loring's sermon this trior:Aing at the Unitarian church. At 7 :30 p. in. the 'Young People's Re- ligious Union will be addressed by the Rev. Eugene Shippen, whose topic will be: "The New Prometheus." Dr. Theodore. Soares, of Chicago University, will deliver the morning sermon at the Congregational church, bris subject being "The Cost of Moral Salvation." PLANS FOR 1913 SUMMER SCHOOL NEAR COMPLETION The budget of the. 1912 summer -hool is being completed by Prof. 1=.,. w ard . Kraus, and will be submit- V~to the regents. The faculty for «cotning session of summer school 'ing arranged, and the list willin >~in many able representatives from1 i'universities. Complete an- roj:r.1,eents of the work and faculty £.;r ti;o next summer session will be ci: 11; weeks. t ,o: Huyl r's just re- Dlo you know how to us a Kkda? This question will soon be asked by thousands of prospective emnp yrs. And you willwant to answer eyes." The time has come when ph s'o graphic records play an important part in every branch of industry, ai, d the man who expects to help furnish the brains for American Capital will be called upon to do this photographie wort-. TheKodsk has so wonderfully impified photog,. aph) hat tbeStudent of tsay makes a great mistake if he does not learn how a, hilk he bas the oppcrtuniity Let nme help you. 104 N. Fourth Ave LY ND 0719N. SLYNDOANUPLE !ET ONE OF OUR ODKSAN-UPlIS Tel.pI ALARM CLOCKS and you will get to yo It classesc Prices always right and all clocks guaranteed. New lccation. 1 1 EAST WASHINGTON STRIEET J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewelt = INow is the time to select Artistic Christmas Can'e's iron usual large assortment foundl at DE FRIES A'RT STORE 20 5..'MAIN -- , L 44 - l MARK INV Q.uarry Drug Co f, MAX KRUVTSCH The Popular Price Tailor DELL PHONE 8714L Extra Fine Blue Serges and Overcoats $28 and $30. .. .. I:* # # # # ENo* # # # * k* * * k* * * * LOST WHAT T -0-. Was It Valuable I~ Was it Serviceable l Do you miss itl Would you like to f'ind it? The little busy two-bita goes into nearly every hous Ann Arbor. The chance to it means the use of the adle TRY THE MICHIGAN DA WANT AD COLUMN. * * *1 sei fin A. *L K The TEA Don't Blame the A T Iminplement= SPFCIAL FEA' The Lion Ti Golf Caps We nowv have on hand for your inspection a new and care- selectcd line of Shaw-Made Caps. You will find the d style as well as the patterns of this English~ Golf to be It in every detail. blame yourself-if you can't play up to form with a strange racket, or golf club, or base ball. Th~ere. is no a ccuse for you. Spalding Atli etic G~oods are on sale in e; e:y town from Main to Califvornia,, A. G.Spautding &Bros. 254 Woodward Ave. Detroit An Iexciting 4rect the }play houses. On wed., k er & Company Furnishers 3425S. State St. store is a member of the Michigan "CO-Op" Association. ess Building Maynard Street Across from Majestic 4EUW MICHICGAN SONGX LOST Lost--A black Conklin self-filling pen. Finder phone 870-L. 52-5~3 Lost-Reddish brown pocket' boob containing $53, Nov. 28, at about 7 a. m. between corner of State St., Packard, and 306 Thompson. Lib- eral reward.: Gall 723 W. 52-53 Lost-A silver Masonic watch charm, the size of a quarter. Reward. 1336-14 53 Lost-Between Newberry hall .