andf The d on Saturda Michigan Daily Local $2.00 Mlail $2.50 53 ANN ARBOR, MICHIOAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1912 PRICE FIVE C . i t IN FOR WOLVERINE IN TO START THIS WEEK iance of College e Permanent and Plans Laid. DailiesI THE WEATHER MAN V HELD BY EDITORSI it Iichigan Needs West, and That West Needs 31febigan.; Forecast increasing perature. shifting to for Ann Arbor - Sunday, cloudiness and rising .tem- Moderate variable winds the south. (Michigan Daily Staff Special.) CHICAGO, ILL., November 30. - If the Western Conference could not come to any agreement on the Mich- igan question, there was one other body that met in Chicago today which really did something. The Alliance of Western College Dailies was made a permanent organization and a cam- paign will be started next week in all of the five schools represented to get Michigan back in the west. Starting from the brain of a single man and with but a few weeks to make plans, this assemblage of the editors of the college papers at Mich- igan, Chiago, Illinois, Wisconsin and Northwestern has accomplished more in its two day session toward open- ing negotiations between Michigan and the Western Conference, than ei- ther of the two parties concerned have .been able to do in the six years that the Wolverines have been out of the "fold." The men in the schools that have been at the meeting have gone away friends with a clear idea of each other's position and a plan by which all can work for a common end. Whether they accomplish their ulti- mate ends or not matters little when it is considered what a start has been made and what a chance has been of- fered for a settlement of the difficulty by a few journalists. ' Opportunity for "Dailies." Now that the Conference has failed, the attention will center on the edi- tor's work. There is no question but that an exceptional opportunity has been opened at this meeting. All who have learned of the work of the alliance have expressed themselves as believing that this compact is the last and only chance for the schools to get together. When the meeting was first talked of it was argued that for jour- nalists and college journalists at that, to attempt to settle so big a thing was utter folly. The results of the meeting and the prospects of what is to follow have dispelled these doubts' however, and it is now believed that others than the college papers will stand back of the campaign when it is started. . Hold Long Session. The meeting today continued from morning until night. It was a long and lengthy session for there were differences. It was not to be expected that there would be a concurrence of opinion on every point but the thing that was most surprising was the fact that all agreed in general. There are still differences but they are slight. The one thing that was wanted has been agreed on by all. Michigan needs the west, the west needs Michigan and all are going to work to bring it to pass. Graduate Club Meets Next Friday. The next meeting of the Graduate club will be held in Barbour gym Fri- day evening December 6, at 7:30 p. m. The gathering will be of an informal nature and is intended to renew and develop acquaintances started earlier in the year. Those who were unable to attend the social affairs given in the, early part of the year will be welcome at this party. Many Couples at Weekly Union Dance The regular weekly Union dance last evening was attended Eby 100 couples. Dancing was from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock. FRANCHIE FORA STUDENTS AKED FACULTY MEMBERS FAVOR THE IDEA OF A WOMEN'S COUNCIL Think Women Need More IRepresento- tion in.Settling Present Cant- p~us Questions. Various~ opinions have been express- ed in regard to the formation of a Student council for women, a matter which was discussed in the editorial columns of The Michigan Daily yes- terday morning. The subject is by no means a new one, and the fact that it has reached the point of being put into print, shows its importance. The 800 women in the university are rep- resented in various ways by different organizations. The Woman's League, including on its membership list practically every woman student, is an organization which concerns itself with the multifold activities of col- lege women, including their social life. This field of work, however, is overcrowded now, and the wisdom of forcing any new duties upon it is questionable. Yet university women, having proved themselves competent in all the university affairs in which they have interested themselves, need an organization which shall repre- sent their interests and their attitude on campus problems in a manner similar to that demonstrated by the men's council. NOVELTIES PLANED FOR UNION DINNER Prof. J. P. Bird First Faculty Man to Act as' Toastmaster, at Gathering. DETIROIT ALUMNI TO BANQUET WEARiERS OF FOOTBALL " " Dinner to be Followed by Big Smoker Open to Alumni and Students. Plans are being whipped into shape for the big reception to be given the university of Michigan football team by the Detroit alumni on the four- teenth of this month at the Detroit, University club. Invitations to the dinner, which will precede the smoker, will include the "M" men, the coa-ches, the trainer, the football manager, Prof. Whitney, chairman of the Board of Athletic control, and P.G. Bartelme, director of out-door athletics. Then as no foot- ball gathering would be complete without the presence of "Whitey" Otis and his clarion voice and Lyndy with his faithful camera and lantern slides, it is assured that they will not be absent on that night. All aluni and students are eligible to the smoker upon payment of the en- trance fee of $1.50 and it is expected that a large contingent from the stu- dent body will journey into Detroit for that event. Soccerists Continue to Play Game. Bidding defiance to the chill blasts of approaching winter, the soccerists are still pursuing their pastime on the otherwise deserted Ferry field. TO ELECT FOOTBALL CAPTAIN TOMOROW, Annual Picture of Team, and Election of 1913 Leader Almost Certain. Graduate Urged for Wilson's Folio. John J. Lentz, '82-'83L, is being stroRgly recommended for the posi- tion of postmaster general -in Presi- dent Wilson's cabinet by Michigan alumni throughout Ohio. Prof. Ruthven Talks at Battle Creek. Prof. A. G. Ruthven, of the zoologic- al department lectured Monday before the Nature Study club at Bat- tle Creek. The subject of his address was "The Reptiles of Michigan." TURKISH' FERVOR PARALYZED SAYS PROF. I. R.ALLEN Feeling of Hopelessness Pervades En. tire Ottoman Empire Writes Prof. Allen. TURKS FORCED OUT OF EUROPE ENTIRE CONFERENCE EMDS WITHOUT ANY OVERTURES TO MICHIE FOR INPETITION Think Michigan Should Have Sent Emissary if They Wanted to Return. SESSION IS W. H. Hamilton, and Henry Rotts. chaefer, of Economics Fac- ulty, Draft Bill. PROVIDE FOR VOTING BY MAIL. Will Present Bill to StateLegislature; Think Governor Ferris' in Favor. As the outcome of interest shown by the students in the late presiden- tial election, a bill has been drafted for presentation to the state legisla- ture which will legalize students who are residents of the state of Michigan 'to cast votes by mail on local and na- tional issues. Two members of the economics faculty are the framers of the bill, Messrs. W. H. Hamilton and Henry Rottschaefer, and they have incorporated in the draft many fea- tures that are unique in election law legislation. The method of procedure for stu- dents to cast votes as outlined by the proposed bill, is that any voter who is away from the country in which he resides, but still in the state, may up- on making satisfactory affidavit that he is a legal voter, cast a ballot in any precinct in which he happens to be on election day. His ballot will not be counted with the regular votes of the precinct, but will be sealed and sent to the county clerk, and by that offi- cial mailed to the election commis- sioner of the county in which the vot- er claims residence. Can't Vote at Present. The existing state franchise law states that a man neither gains nor loses residence by going off to college in Michigan. This law was originally enacted to prevent students from swaying local elections in, college towns. The proposed new law will not invalidate the existing law, nor will it interfere in any manner with local college town elections; Jit will simply provide a means for students who cannot go home for election to cast their ballot by mail. That the time is. singularly oppor- tune for the favorable consideration of such a measure is the belief of those interested in the bill. Govern- or-elect Ferris, it is thought, can un- derstand the necessity and significance of the proposed law, as he is in touch with college conditions, and the activ- ity in behalf of the measure will to a large extent arise from the political~ clubs of the campus, which will be a factor in arousing student spirit. It is thought that immediate steps will be taken to sound sentiment on the campus, and further interest in the proposed legislation. Many Delays in Construction Occur Owing to the War. Work "MIMES" TO PRESENT NEW SKIT I THREE EN IN LINE FOR CAPTAIN The third of the series, and the last Michigan Union. dinner before tll holidays will be given at the Union next Thursday evening. At 5:30 p. m., there will an informal reception for the members in the parlors of the Union, and at 6:00 o'clock sharp the dinner will be served. A limited number of 200 tickets have been put on sale and may be obtained at the Union office or from members of the committee in charge. At this dinner, a new feature in the nature of a faculty toastmaster will be introduced. In the past, it has always been custom to have a stu- dent preside at these functions and to have representatives of the faculty speak. Prof. James P. Bird, secretary of the engineering depart- ment, will be the toastmaster on Thursday evening. In this way, the faculty men will be given an opportu- nity to be humorous to the extreme. In addition to the regular program of speakers, which is here announced, some faculty man will give a talk on the athletic situation from the faculty standpoint. The "Mimes" will present a German-English monologue and musical selections. The program is as follows: Campus Organizations ............ .................Jacob Crane, '13E Selected Subject............... ...............Donald Melhorn, '14L Athletic Situation....... . ................Frank Murphy, '14L AItho ugh athletic authorities seem r& icen ~bit announcing the date for the election of a football captain, it is practically certain that the annual picture of the team will be taken to- morrow noon, and a leader for the 1913 gridiron warriors picked at that time. The picture will be taken at Rentschler's, and the election will take place immediately following. Last year the picture was taken on Nov. 28th, and the result of the captaincy election announced at the Michigan Union football smoker. This year the smoker was held earlier than heretofore, and as it was found im- practicable to have the election pre- vious to it, the matter was allowed to drag. It is understood that the choice for next year's captain lies between three men, all of whom played their second year on the Varsity this fall. J-Hop Music to Feature Fischer Party The third of the series of Fischer parties will take place at Granger's academy next Friday evening, Decem- ber 6. J-hop music wil be featured at this party. For tickets phone 236 or 319. Fresh Pharmics Start Social Season; Fresh pharmics will open their so- cial program by a smoker at the Mich- igan Union tomorrow at 7:30 o'clock. Acting dean A. B. Stevens and Dr. W. S. Hubbard, of the pharmacy depart- ment will give short talks. After struggling centuries to re- main in Europe the Ottoman Empire is today permeated by a feeling of hopelessness, and according to a let- ter received yesterday from Prof. J. R. Allen, by Prof. J. A. Bursley, the entire Turkish population htas given up hope and are trying to sell their European posessions. Prof. Allen has been engaged in te building of; the Robert Engineering College of Constantinople for the last two years,; and expects to be able to finish his; work if not interfered with inside of six months. The folowing extract from his letter gives a graphic description of the state of affairs: .."Matters here are in very bad' shape as perhaps you know. The government is about to fall. We haveI been very much worried for fear the defeated Turkish army would loot and burn the city. This would happen were it not for the presence of the, foreign cruisers. There are fourteen warships here now and more on the way. We have arranged with the En- glish government to take care of the Americans until the arrival of the American vessels. The English gov- ernment has hired a passengg(etm- er and, as soon as any trouble com- mences, all the women and children will be sent on board this vessel. We have our valuables all packed u and are ready to make a quick get w y. Of course we may lose most-e# tu furniture but personally we are quite safe. War the Main Topic. "All we hear is war. Sunday we went through the big Turkish hospit- als at Scutari. There are over twen- ty thousand wounded in the city. The hospitals are very well kept and equipped. The hospital I went through is better fitted than our own hospitals at the U. of M. One thing I noticed about the wounded in the hospital. They were all wounded above the waist, not in the legs. Those that have been wounded so that they cannot walk have been left on the battle field to die of starvation. The government has no conveniences or men for looking after the wounded on the battle field. Crowds of ref- (Continued on page 6.) Intimate That They Will Concede Few Old Difficulties to Michigan. (Detroit Free Press Service.) CHICAGO, ILL., November 30 Michigan is still an outcast, as far the Western Conference is concern The question of the Wolverine retu to the "Big Nine" or of any settlem between the Michigan authorities a the conference whereby games 1 tween the schools now in the para the Ann Arbor teams could be arra ed was not touched on at the closi session of the Conference meeting h today. No Michigan representative was Chicago and the attitude of the Cc ference was decidely that it was e dent the Wolverines did not des to even talk of a settlement or el they would have sent an emissa: With that in view the regular routi business of the association was d posed of and the meeting then a journed. Michigan Must Start Things. That Michigan will have to make t first move in any sort of a discussi or meeting in regard to the prese Western athletic situation was evide from the action of the Conference. fact, it was apparent that, the old tii attitude of that body had not und gone the change that it seemed have from the reports that were cire lating before the meeting. It is t same old Conference, ready to l Michigan come back if she will kno and then abide by at least some of t rules but afraid to even extend an i vitation to talk things over for fe that someone will think that the W verines are necessary to the welfa of the Western Conference. Although the meeting was aga secret it was evident from the at tude of the members that Michig had been discussed. Prof. Moran, graduate of Ann Arbor and now Co ference representative froe Purd University, gave out the only nibbli: of fact that was learned. He led t reporters to understand that the 'Co ference felt that Michigan had go out of her own free will and shou come back in the same way, witho any invitation from Conference. Ho ever, he was of the opinion t should Michigan open negotiatio some agreement could be reached. Concessions Likely. In' fact he intimated that the trai ing table might be conceded to t Wolverines as well as the chance keep up their eastern relations. F ulty rule, though was a different m ter. On this point the Conferen Would remain firm and Michigan wro have to stay out unless she co abide by that mandate. As usual, t Conference was ready to welcoi Michigan but it hadn't yet reac( the point where an embossed invi tion would be sent to Ann Arbor. As far as Michigan is affected,' I Conference meeting amounted to no ing. As far as the hopes of the W verines playing in the east are c cerned, they are if anything a bit f ther away. All the cherished drea of the changein the attitude of 1 "fold" has been blown up by the tion today, or rather the lack of a tiou. Michigan is not nearer a rec< ciliation with her western sister c (Continued on page 6.) Presbyterian Ch~urch 10:30 Morning Service. Sermon by Rev. Leon- ard A. Barrett. "A Lost Opportunity." 12:10 Special Classes for University Men and Women. Union Series Thoma s , OW " H al Pr,.byteri o.u _ _Chwuwch of NEW YORK hristian Denocrac