THE MICHIGAN DAILY IYS we want you to see our at English Custom Lasts the est with the new flat 7-8 inch 1 black and tan, light or heavy $5 to $7 per pair. i. 1ML a9 : . a / - , tN? f: . i t ... e THEATRICAL CIRCLES. The Oleott Engagement. rfield S' 119 S. MAI STREETI We have the largest stock of best fitting punps you ever on $4.00,$4.50 and $5.00 per pair P- .ace of Sweets Down Town One of the most interesting attrac- tions booked this season at the Whit- ney theater is the perennial favorite, Chauncey Olcott, who will present a charming romance of life in Ireland a couple of centuries ago,entitled "The Isle O'Dreams," Monday, December 2. Some beautiful incidental music has been written, and last, though not least by any means, Mr. Olcott will contribute a number of beautiful new songs. There will be an augmented orchestra for the Olcott engagement. Rainey's Pictures. The marvelous motion pictures of( Paul J. Rainey's African hunt will, be shown at the Whitney theater T-ies- day and Wednesday, Dec. 3 and 4. The camera man whom Mr. Rainey took with him into the wilds of British East Africa caught some truly wonderful and interesting sights. The most interesting as well as in- structive film is the one which shows the wild animals at the water hole, where the giraffe and the rhino can Sbeseen in close proximity, quenching their thirst without paying the slight- est attention to each other. Later a small herd of elephants arrive and likewise ignore the rhino. Many new facts about the habits of wild ani- mals are disclosed by these Rainey pictures. Every detail is explained by an experienced lecturer. HOLIDAY ISSUE OF PAINTED WINDOW TO BE OUT DEC. 7. The Painted Window will offer its Christmas number to the public De- cember 7. A Christmas story by "Pete" Fagan and a "Sonnett Se- quence" by A. E. Pintkin are to be featured. A number of sketches on the different observances of the holi- day will also be offered. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Junior lits who sold tickets for the dance and dinners must report to "Bud" Wilkins at once. Soph lit basketball practice, Mon- day, 4:00 o'clock p. m., at city Y. M. C. A. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Saturday, November 30.-Membership dance at the Michigan Union, 9:00 p. m. Saturday, November 30.-Fresh lit dance at Barbour gym, 2:00 p. m. Sunday, December 1.-Edwin Denby at the Michigan Union, 3:00 p. m. Monday, December 2.-Junior engi- neer dinner at the Michigan Union, 6:00 p. . Monday, December 2.-Fresh pharmic smoker bat the Michigan Union, 7:30 p. M. Tuesday, December 3.-Phoenix club dinner at the Michigan Union, 6:00 p. M. Tuesday, December 3.-Indiana club smoker at the Michigan Union, 7:30 p. M. YOUR clothes should be right and you may be thankful that there is a store in your midst where you can get clothes that fit, and have style and workmanship guar- anteed. Prices $10.00 to $25.00 for Suit or Overcoat. Furnishings, Hats, Ca p s, Bags and Suitcases. Mackinaws J. F. WU ERTHi COMPANY- .7P LET TRUBY Furnish the I.e Craalm Attention to Fra ternities Nand SorortEes ON PMAIN STREET re.,7 ALFRED DECY" 04 COHN Furnishings Hatters Flannel Shirts with Zero Collars Varsity Toggery Shop 1 107 S. University Ave. Phone 'I1I6GO-L E. J. LOHR, Proprietor ackard Academy ncing Class every C Tuesday and Friday 3 p:m. Register at Academy for Children's afternoon class. Private rates. Mon. and Tues. $12, Series $10; Wed. and Thur. $14, Series 'ri and Sat. $15, Series $14. Phone 1850J 570L Mackinaws, Sweaters Suits to Order v d _ r F Ther t Your Clothes arm Pressed Is Quite Necessary so Send Them to Write Ideas For Moving Picture Plays YoU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND EARN $25 OR MORE WEEKLY 1,534 L SuIts 25c Pain Skirts 35c Called For and Dellvered fl fAn up-to date showing of Hay M143a cII ry Fall Millinery at popular prices. Hair Goods a specialty. Bell Phone 1390-J E. E. HATLEY, 206 E. Liberty Street We Will Show You How! I ' I If you have ideas-if you can THINK-we will shcw you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flcwety language" is wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlitnited. The big film manufacturers are moving "heaven and earth" in their at- tempts to get enough gcod plots to supply the ever increasing de- mand. They are offering $ioo and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas. Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays-,. are located in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on the spot and knowing at afl times just what Eort cf plots are warted by the producers, cur SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advant- age over agencies situated in distant cities, We have received many letters from the big film manufactur- ers, such as Vitagraph, Edison. Essanay, Lubin, Solax, Imp, Re- fiance. Champion, Comet, Melies, Etc., urging us to send photo- plays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you, the secrets of success. We are selling photoplays written by people who "never before wrote a line of publication," Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea each week, and will write it out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25, a low figure, You Will"Earn $100, Ilontbly For Spare Time Work. FREE Send your name and address at once for free copy of bur illustrated book, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING." Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now and learn just what this new profession may mean for you and your future. * * T ! * * * * * * * *i * *T * * '* * * * * * * * * LOST WHATI -- Was it Valuable l Was it Serviceableg Do you miss itg Would you like to find it? The little busy two-bit adlet goes into nearly every house in Ann Arbor. The chance to find it means the use of the adlet. o- TRY THE MICHIGAN DAILY WANT AD COLUMN. * * * * * * * * * * DEAN COOLEY FALLS ILL IN BALTIMORE WHILE ON VISIT Word' was received here yesterday from Baltimore, Md., that Dean Mor- timer E. Cooley is ill in that city with a severe case of la grippe, and will be unable to return to Ann Arbor for at least 10 days. Dean Cooley left Ann Arbor Novem- ber 19 for Washington, D. C., to at- tend a meeting of the National Asso- ciation of American Universities. Wanted-Bright energetic student to work spare time. Good pay to right man. Address Daily Office, Box R. T. X. 50 Michigan Pennant. Just clip the date line from the news section of next Sunday's Chi- cago Examiner, present it to any newsdealer with 15 cents and you get one of these beautiful 36 x 15 pen- nants. 52 * * * LOST Lost-A black Conklin self-filling pen. Finder phone 870-L. 52-53 Lost-Reddish brown pocket book containing $53, Nov. 28, at about 7 a. 'm. between corner of State St., Packard, and 306 Thompson. Lib- eral reward. Call 723 W. 52-53 Lost-Elgin watch Thanksgiving day, Bring neyour dullsrazo blaua t between Oakland ave., and fair ed.h.pL. Si s t aant grounds. Reward. Call 740-J. 52-3 teed. H. L. Switzer, 310 . State St. We receive Huyler's candy direct Every box of Huyler's is guaran from the factory.' teed. 1. .- Quickest and Best Service on Call Day and Night NATIONAL AUTHORS' 1543 Broadway New York City I Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. INSTITUTE AUTO BAGGAGE TRUCK 300 NORTI MAIN ST Call a Taxi 1550 I MM ie Big Store Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. As a young men's store aims to keep in close, constant touch with its clientele absorbing the ideas and studying the individual tastes of alert and progressive young fellows who regard correct attire as an asset in social and business life. Autumn's finest in Furnishings cial showing at....................................................50 :ional values at.....................$1.50 and up to $2.50 ausual values, at .... .................................... .....$1,00 Manhattan, headquarters for these famous Shirts...........................$1.50 to $4 Hosiery, extra strong showing at .................... .......................2Sc Great values in Fall Underwear.............................................$1 to $6 egel Co. 200-202 South men