TH9 MICHIO0AN DAILY [1 or Winter Suit from the city. D~ress Suits a specialty Wild Co. THE MfICIORAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann .Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1 879. Offices:* Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, 2Maynard Street. Office Hlours: Editor-i to 3 P. in.; 7 to 10 p. in. Business Manager-i to 3 p. in.- Subscription Price : By carrier, $2.30 ; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmnacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 96o. Evidently we are the butt of the office slogan: "It pays to take in ad- vertising." THIS REDUNDANT residuary of redundancies would welcome a few choice morsels for the Thanksgiving number. Tailors and Importers 811 south state street Have just received a shipmen o t .s'.> ' - ll( 1 T lN- ERY we have ever had. 35c #o 5 c prboax We give special attention to Engraving AiWI PltePins 100 cards from your card p P 9c\_or 2aa^';e WA HR Unive.sity , ookstore Books Book is the best on the Market for the money. before you purchase. We also have extra leave, ed. If you have not had a scrap book befor~e start hban & Co. S T U DENT BOO K ST OR E Came Back ph for thousands n fit your back so Come Back. terle Liberty Street CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY ® WRITE FOR PRAYINSAM PLES GREGORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETROIT, MICH t D LIGH T MOANS oD EJS Frank Pennell .... r.....Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard ..... .....Busirness ,Manager Maurice Toulme ... .....News Editor C.~ Harold Hippler w..............Assistant Karl Matthews ..............Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge ,..'.Assistant John Townley...........,Music and Drama Leonard M. Rieser ........ ...........Files EDITORIALS Harold iG. McGee Louis R. Haller Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter - Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter ...,....... Morris Milligan Russell.i H. Neilson .. . .....Bruce J. Miles REPORTERS James D. Evlin............. Ernest R. Burton David D. Hunting.......... .J. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr........... Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith ...........Accountant Laurence P. Bartlett......Circulation Mgr. Sherwood Field. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1912. Nigh~t Editor-Leo N. Burnett. SCHOLARSHIP AN INDEX. In'the current number of the Scrib- nier's Magazine, Paul van Dyke makes public some interesting statistics re- lating to accomplishments in after life of men who attained high scholarship records while in college. The scope of his investigation included eighty- five classes from five representative institutions of learning in the east, containing four hundred and forty- three honor men of first rank. Of !these .len~, in 1911, the names of one hundred and thirty-one, appeared in "W ho's Who." After deducting for sev- enty-five deceased, and seventy-nine who had not yet reached the average of admittance into "Who's Who," he found that about one in two of these honor Mnen attained the distinction named. After similar corrections in the case of honor men of second rank, from the same classes of three of these institutions, he found the names of one in four in "Who's Who." Assumning these men= to be ahiong the most brilliant in the country, two facts appear: first, in nmore emphatic terms than the average undergradu- ate is wont to admit, that the capacity for close study is important among the qualifications of a successful man; and second, that this qualifica- tion is not an absolute guarantee of einence, otherwise all of the four hundred and forty-three would have been admitted There are necessarily .several other qualities in addition, in- eluding initiative, persistence and a. dominant personality. Scholarship alone, save as it promises these, is of little value. Nevertheless, in light of present ten dencies among undergraduates, aa considerable over-emphasis on scho- lastic attainment is not out of place, eing atmeans of overcoming the undue stress which most of us have been placing on the acquisition of the other qualities. Those, however, who pur- sue the reasonable course, will broad- en their point of view. to include a recognition of the values. of all of them, and then apportion their ener- gies wherein they are weakest. Ad Infinitum in Fiction.% First Stude-Lend me a dollar. Second Stude--Sure! "[t's all in a life time," ejaculated the Ingelsoll convicted of killing au idle hour. For Which We Are Truly Thankful. 1. Miss five recitations Thursday. 2. Hourly interurbans to :Detroit. 3. Vacation only 576 'hours away. Dear Scinty:-May I make so bold as to inquire if you are going to print those jokes I sent you several eras ago? If not, please hand them 'over to the Gargoyle. -P. _u F. . (Editorial Bulletin;--Our cont~mI3 orary contemptv ously declines to. act in the role of a drainage canal for the. Colyum.) What Drives Editors to Drink. (Being a number of ext racts from the- Stude Direct rix.) *Kegham Chutjiam, Michelangelo Converso, Harold Corsett, Wynter Dalzell, Hem Das Gupita, Roman Go- cheski, Vuente Gullermety, Mary Wag- gonei, Srabion Gurigian F'elice Hab- ersliche, Lewis Heller, Do.nald' Kis- kadaden,Gajrabed Hagop Koc vum'j'iafl, Reec Obertuffer, Ih H. Si, Einar Siv- ula. And the Ypsi list shows :a Mary. Bury and Mabel Bibbe, as well1 as the two Angell girls. Diary of an Ifni mpression able. Tues.; Nov. 26.-Goot sight of another little queen this a. inm. Not soi class as the damne with we~ orange feather- but right there. ,,Followed her itnfo the library, but she. niet a lanter-facfid mutt there and w-alked off withi hi m Read Virginibus Puerisque all even,- ing. So saying, he hied himself henuce to primp, up for a mid-semester. Foresters Plan Basketball Series. The forestsy club has planned to organize a basketball team in the near future. Games will be played with the various class teams int the vicinity. All those interested are urg- ed to cf i L J. Armstrong 824-L at once. I- . ~ NNNMNMNNNMNW wmk Ring Out, Wild Bells. Pitter patter, gladsome chatter, Sleigh bells soon will ring; fitter patter, mirthful chatter, Little cherubs sing. Bitter matter, purse much flatter Than a dried up spring. Pitter patter?-idle pratter! 'Jim, two darks-let's sing." Kinda hard to get back to paying fori tobac, nowv that the Union smoker brand is all gone. { : li ',,,I , i' illlli J' f t 014 No WRY NT d ' 33 CYO0U!R MICIG NIAN - PICURE now so that you can have _,o me ~ lainum Portlraits made from the negative- or runT t ho « wll<{pr fe i ~-COLIcg ~ (12x32)-vid~On Fl 111 1 . I 1'', s r +n rl v. -, . ' hg's Itidividual" I 2- ecnicsUhrtanKU' Limited Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and sth Main Street every two hours to 7:46,p. mn. Local Cars for Jacksoni-3:: a mn., ad surplus and Profits $67,000 every two hours to 9:21) p. mn., 11:15 p. mn. l~ eare servei and Clubt F ®°s d inbestof style at Our Optical system ped to give the best tiervice. eyes No Drops" Used. We make your MACK'S TEA',ROOM Also dinners, lunches and - efres x i bosom-I iia4 you have cou!%lnftstick Closer to You Ian the lion- v < ,> We test glasses. Shur-On Agency Arnold 8& Co. 32Y S MAIN I pr's Academy of Da cigCall at Academy begins Tuesday, Nov. 19th. Register now. YOU can learn to ie term. Tui; ion $3.00.; For informntion call at Academy or Open 8 a~mn. to 5 p.m< -Saturda; l,, t L i lging 9 P.M. bosom o af a Orchestra Satrdays---Noofl acd Evcni g" NCETER" SECOND FLOOR Ii .. M.ack &C5 vnigSHR AIN-;STREET $2 t,.$3 C u& t, Pbody & Company, Makers T 1: s;.., rr h. BETT TEET SERVICE AS IT SOUNDS BETTER CANDY' rF1 nnanl$ k$er ecafl jji aiA Lit rly arnd Main Sts. Alus "Onveflient lacci.,r Banking State Savings Wm ~ n w.1.B ,P id :fl. Wm. Arnold, ;.,J;on Waz, Jr., Cashier Y ju THE SUGAR BOWL Arbor's ife-t Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe., Candy of all - E Pc A!, ~rfO TO STUDENTS, PARTIES, ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ON PAIN ST REET cif a mapcfour@Urfacc.leg ----------- - - - - ~he fotet 'aw Pca Roorn o r; tvrztaken now for T'IfIankscgivinrDinnser unt il W ednes- da tilt 27 Phonie 1238-j L L &... . PA. e l I_,, kl.