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November 27, 1912 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-11-27

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DOOR 2 r


MIC hlgan




II, No.




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S m a&


,r . UTLf or Ann Ar 4r-Wednes-
E NE bser atry-Tuesday,
Sa. temperature 30.3; maxi

Final Preparations are Now Being
:Made for Annual Pl of
Cgamedi" Club.

Jeffersonian and Alp"i NitClash To-
night While Websters and
Atdeiphi Meet Friday.



0" Has Proven
Read in


itBdyo euyni

t E, tmer Ature 24 nours preceding,
28.4; avcrage wind velocity,. 13 miles
-fr hoe


in _1 ngirttula Io of UNIN .iPLOYMENT BUREAU
Viebory N o. 9. ~tU '.CES OFFICE HOURS.
II OThER BU1i"SN I)4>NE I 4d($ice is Ope Between 4:30 and .:30
I i[;EETING I LaST Ni(HT Certi Days for Students
Who Need Work.
Adopt Measore for wearing of
Toque; N i leti<n Sys. Students desiring work are request-
te t Planned. e I o call at the employment bureau
- .at thb MY an Union between 4:30
e nommi .e appointed by the and 5:3O ocloek any Monday, 'ved-
nt counc;l to draft a congratula- nsday or Friday afternoon. The
letter ?o te University of Penn- committee in charge has flitted up a
nia, read the letter to the coun oo south of the telephone booths
st night d were authorized to at the Union, and in this place posi-
it to Penpsylvauia. The letter iiois for students will be filed, and
as follos: n effort en de to systematize the
The 5iudcm Body oThehe U'- eok or the bureau.
.y of y, t L:::- I erses having regular work or odd


After four weeks of earnest re-
hearsing conditions are now almost
letter perfect in the lines of the five
acts of "Money," Sir Bulwer's master
farce, which will be presented by the
Comedy club on December 14. A
play is in the making which already
shows the touches of a finished pro-
duction. Costumes and scenic effects

e studenit oucih in behalf of
udent ,y of the Univesity oft
;an lreby 'ies to ctprcs
ntimcur, f campus by eon-
ating yoe on thu spornmanlike
at and fghting spir. displayed
a in the Michigan-Pennsyivania
>f Nor ee . r91 W hie de-
your hands is no pleasant thing
to v; nevethel ee we feel
ur team ha justy carned com-
tion at our hands, by imingM


jo:, for 'which they want student
help, are asked to 'phone the employ-
me c°:. tee in the hour mention-

>arent det ino victory.
uch de.orations tnd to binds
more ci~siy in that sprit of
rtsmanlme rivA 0)ry which has al-
ys euist itwee us, an hich
hope wi, c ntnie in the future."
Many of :e~uclnncuone
t wvithint elast e" days t> ey
been _ith reques t ha
student eounmi express itselt as
the advisability of petitioning for
extra holiday to come on Friday
owing rh nk2giving, en bing stu-t
ts to a'%i.L themselves of a longer
ation. Th coucil expresse. theo
timept that atio in regard to the
.ter wou i o ')t of the scope of
activity as r e at present B too
rt to allow a pe tin :u be madeJ
he board o, rest

Prof. T. C. Trueblood's class in
Shahespearean reading gave a plat-
fort prsntation of "Henry the
Eighth" last night in Sarah Caswell
Angel hlsl. A large audience at-
tended the entertainment, this being
the first time the play has ever been
givenijui any form in Ann Arbor.

are arranged for and the mechanical
accessories of this year's play are
promised to be the best that the Com-
edy club has had.
Mr. Bert St. John, the popular coach
of student dramatics for a number of
years 'past, is in Ann Arbor to start
on his professional coaching and
touching up of the stage crossing and
dramatic action of the players.
Much more attention will be given
to the play this year on account of its
added possibilities in the dramatic
art. With the three more weeks
which remain before the "first night,"
correct attention will be given especi-
ally to stage business and a master,
ful interpretation of the many excep-
tional character roles which "Money"
As last year the Comedy club will
feature a special souvenir supplement
of The Michigan Daily Sunday, De-
cember 7. It will feature cuts of all
the seventeen players who will take
part in the play, and a number of
stories appertaining to the Comedy'
club of the present and the past as
,well as an introduction of the galaxy
of new and old Thespians who will
play to an Ann Arbor public in the
first production, of "Money" that has
ever been given here by an all'stu-
dent cast.

Jeffersonian debaters clash with the
representatives of Alpha Nu this ev-
ening in the first important forensic
contest of the year. From the show-
ing made this evening, and 'in the
other interdepartmental event Friday
between Webster and Adelphi, the men
who are to represent Michigan on the
platform of the Central Debating
League will be picked.
This year's question is "Resolved
that the plan of banking proposed by
the National Monetary Commission
should be adopted by Congress." Mich-
igan's two Varsity teams will meet
Chicago and Northwestern in Janu-
ary, contesting with the former insti-
tution in Ann Arbor,'and the latter in
Evanston on the evening of Jan. 17.
Through the generosity of R. E. Olds,
of Lansing, the customary testimonials
of $50.00 will again be available this
year for the honor debaters.h
The teams are composed of the fol-
lowing men: Jeffersonian: L. S. Hul-
bert, '14L;" B. J. Jonkman, '13L; W. T.
Bie, '13L; and D. F. Melhorn, '14L; Al-
pha Nu: L. H. Dunten, '14; E. W. Mc-'
Farland, '13; F. W. Moore, '15; and
E. W. Bailey, alternate. The judges
are: Judge V. H. Lane, Prof. J. H.
Drake, H. C. Hayes, C. W. Snedecor,
and M. J. Cavanaugh. Ralph M. Sny-
der, '14L, president of the Oratorical
association will probably preside.
The interdepartmental debates this
year will be open to the public with-
out charge. Tonight the contest will
be held in room B of the law building,
and will begin at 8:00 o'clock.

"Kopenickerstrasse 120," the elev-
enth annual Deutscher Verein play,
is attractive to the students of Ger-
man if the number who have signified
their wish to take part is any indica-
tion. Any who have not yet signed
up and who wish to try out may hand
in their names to Lawrence Clayton,
president of the Verein any time be-
fore Friday of this week. The tryouts
will be held Friday afternoon in room
203 U. H. and will be under the di-
.rection of a committee composed of
Profs. Max Winkler, E. A. Boucke, C.
E, Eggert, and J. W. Scholl. As in
other years, each candidate will be
given a selection from the play itself
to read, thus showing his ability to
pronounce German. Twenty persons
will be selected for the cast.
Several copies of the play will be or-
dered for the library and it will be
read in the German classes as here-
Freshmen Were Given Their Choice
Whenever Possible.
Faculty advisors were assigned to
the freshmen of the literary depart-
ment this week. Last week they were
asked to fill out cards giving their
programs, the subject which they lik-
ed best and any instructor they pre-
ferred for their advisor. These cards
were carefully gone over before. the
selection of advisors was made and
the authorities endeavored to conform

Conference Question Will be Del
ated Next Week by Board
in Control of Michi-
gan .Athletics.
Will Not Divulge Any of the Pro
ings at Chicago; Conference
Meets Friday.
Phillip G. Bartelme, Michigan'
rector of outdoor athletics, retu
from Chicago yesterday, where hE
mits he has been attending a me
between representatives of se
conference colleges.
When asked what had transpir
the meeting Mr. Bartelme only
erated that he was not at liberty t
vulge any of the points that the
ference had covered. He simply s
ed, with a knowing twinkle in his
which intimated that the'meeting
not entirely fruitless.
Though it is evident that the re:
may be expected when the confer
meets officially at Chicago on Fr:
it is evident that Michigan is not
ing to take any steps in a hurry.
board in control of Michigan's atl
ics has not called a meeting until
week, which means in all probab
that whatever conclusions the con
ence may arrive at, Michigan
weigh matters carefully before ta
up with them.
Representative Class Speakers En
taied Audience of 1M5 at'
Big Function.

with the
ery case

wishes of the students in ev-


Interior of Building is
Finishing Touches


Fire Makes Preservation of
Impractical in Spite


The council intends to make a
sweeping classification of all students
attending the ni sity wih the view
of devising rcguslions to govern the,
wearing of c"_ss toues. A committee
was appciir b MubmIt a plan for
the classliic .n of the toque wear~
ers and s.jit P the nexl council
meeting. T 1 -onuit e is composed
of L. W. Serocdcr, ). K. Strickland,
H. S. Huwt nd C . 13.u fer
2A comniIt. c mposed of R. C.
Spnining, . C. 'aterson, and J, L.
Lippincott, wa; a pointe Ito reco -
mend a plan for lhe purpose of pri-
mary nonmia<ons of class ofticials
in the upp N itrws. The p n undi
discussion i k oew whic h' . work-

All the scaffolding on the outside
of the, new Hill a'uditorium has been'
torn away and the exterior repre-
'nius nearly completed structure.
The brick work has been thoroughly
e aned and improves the appearance
o 'f ebuilding considerably. A fea-
tue of the mosaic work about the en-
cran e that would -hardly be noticed
X ept ( n close observation is that the
designs t no two of the seventy-five
fancy bik squares are alike. There
are IV o .riage entrances to the au-
itoriUm one on the Ingalls street and
the othei on the Thayer street side.
'The lar~ iron canopies for these
door htv, already been hung 'and
c pproaches will soon be con-
'Phew rk on the interior is being
pt~~cd rjpldly. The plastering of the

Manuscripts for Junior Class Play
Required by Committee.
All women working on manuscripts
for the junior class play must hand in
scenarios before going home for
Xmas vacation. Mr. H. Kenyon, chair-
man of the committee of judges will
then look over the manus ts sub-
mitted and offer suggestions that may
help in completing and perfecting
them. The time limit set for the com-
pletion of the plays is Jan. 7. All those'
who expect to have their productions
considered must have them in, com-
pleted in form at that time.
A big ten course dinner, with all
the Turkey-day features, will be serv-
ed at the Michigan Union tomorrow,
Thanksgiving, from 1:00 to 3:00 and
from 6:00 to 8:00 o'clock. The price
is one dollar per plate. All, who in-
tend to take dinner at the Union at
this time, are requested tomake res-
ervations in advance.

At the meeting of the fresh phar-
mics Tuesday the advisory and finan-
cial committees for the ensuing year;
were appointed by W. L. Seibert, pros-
ident of the class. The committees
Advisory: W. L. Seibert, chairman,
R. S. Smith, C. E. Pitkin, E. W. Crys-
ler, J. K. Lily, R. G. Arner, and E. H.
Financial: R. S. Smith, chairman,
F. E. DeVoist, E. W. Crysler, and C.
E. Pitkin.
Members of the class are requested
to meet on the south side of the chem-.
istry building, Friday at 1:00 o'clock
for a picture.

ril~p f,-,the 1.zP room will hbe 'nm-

d successflly i the senior it class. hin afew days and this will
( FIDE) ' U M l r lca 'i o a few minor jobs in this
ONFIDE J)JTOP tiZneT P ..terrazzo floors in the en-
N' xc s, foyer and lobby are now being
- Ilaidc. Tlwy are made by imbedding
Where tl o physical Propoerty f ml d i1e y chipped marble into a
ewapape s valued in thousands o base of c ment and are practically im-
ollars, th confdence of the peopi

All tickets for the special Thanks-
giving eve dance at the Michigan Un-
ion this evening have been sold. The
chaperones are Dr. and Mrs. Freder-
ick R. Waldron and Mrs. D. L. Quirk.
Many new features have been arrang-
ed for the party, and the dancing will
be continued until 2:00 o'clock. Re-1
freshments will be served in the din-'
ing room during the evening. Only
100 admission carts have been sold
and no one will be admitted to the
floor unless he has previously pur-
chased a ticket. The party is open to
Union members only.

After much discussion and corres-
pondence between old graduates and
university officials, it has at last been
definitely dedided that the standing
portion of the old medical building
must be razed.
For the past three or four years
this question has been given a lot of
thought and argument. After the
completion of the new medical build-
ing, it was proposed to tear down the
old structure and make room for oth-
er buildings. This called down' a
storm of protest from the alumni and
the authorities took the matter .under
advisement. Finally the alumni pre-
vailed and it had practically been set-
tied that the front, atleast was to be
kept intact. That was over a year ago
and the plans were being completed
when the building was visited by a
disastrous fire during the summer of
1911. The condition was thus impair-
ed to such an extent that the advisa-
bility of keeping the old structure was
;again questioned.
Few of the old buildings on the
campus are richer in traditions and
memories of student days of long ago,
and for this reason, alumni from all
parts of the country objected strongly
to its demolition. The graduates of
the college of medicine were especial-
ly earnest in their appeals that the
historic structure should be saved
from a standpoint of mere sentiment.
With this end in view, it was plan-
ned to rejuvenate the remaining por-
tion, but after careful investigation
it was found to be impractical. Accord-
ingly, the standing walls will be torn
down in the spring, and another one
of the few remaining landmarks will
be a thing of the past.
At present, there is no prospect of
a new building being erected on the
Boxers and Fencers Meet Tonight,
Boxing and fencing classes start to-
night under the auspices of the Fenc-
er's club at 7:00 o'clock. All men who
expect to udtc up this work are ex-
pevted to aurn. our at Major Burd-et's
go mniaim over Wagner's.

All records of attendance atc
dinners went by the boards last
when 135 senior engineers Batl
for their first class dinner of they
President Edward Lazear acted
toastmaster and introduced the
ous speakers of the evening.
"Norm" Reed '13L, spoke on
welding together of the senior cla
so as toa do away with making
partmental spirit too prominent.
paid a special compliment to T
Cooley saying, "The .pep' displ
by the engineers is a reflection o:
spirit Dean Cooley has instilled in
whole department." "Bill" Wihil
314E, rendered a few selections oi
latest invention the ,Harmonic:
tar." Prof. J. P. Bird gave a s:
tAlk on "Our Opportunities," and
"Darbs" quintette presented a fe
the new musical selections to cone
the program. Profs. H. E. Rigg
Tilden, M. Hoad, C. T. Johnston,
Mr. W. H. Sellew, Principal
Engr., of the M. C. R. R., were
guests of the' class.



in that pper is :mated in the mu-
lions," said E. V. Pipp, nx:nming edi-
tor of the Dn foit Nvs in a talk gi-
en before Pret'. P. N. Scott's news-
paper class vesterday morning. Mr.
Pipp's subject was "Confidence as a
Newspaper As"

ith.e cing apparatus which is be-
.n;' t d by the American Blower
cOmpa y s nearly all placed, and
sta fcn the, university heating
wa turned on Monday for the
fir t Two large fans will force
the air w hich has been heated to a

F~dx, c Lex tent by a series of temper-
.:'1 s coils, 'Ver another series of heat-
'of. Da Pr of te economies ci nto the Auditorium proper.
rtmet il deliver a eries of lskylight will make artificial
ures on-' ui_ tt xtnio
s h uitninxnessary during the day.
se. lie will speak at Manistiqueo h tg n nte
olteIp of, the stage and in the;
.stone, 11araa, and Menominee. I1center a;arge block 'M' has been
his r,,i- hon' Prof. Friday ex
1sto sto orf at Cicago, wln.re bN molded.d smaller ones on each
a toaeetd ingo etr fi T stage will hardly be prac-
attndc aomiet ca Satumhlay. W eany production requiring1
scenery "he walls of the stage will3
resters to Hear Prof. Sponsler. he decorat d in harmony with the maini
ofessor 0, L Sponsler will talk walls. Ti e old Columbian organi
me fortstry chb in room 407 egh- which has been used in University
ing building tonight on flThe Op Bal for th past twenty years will be
inity of the Forestr he c- use y te HutchingsOrgan om-
will begin at 7:30 o'clock nid pay it the construction of anew in-
be in.mediate'y preceded by a strurept. It u b place
t bsinssmeeting. All forestry aic atheraof:a
disare lnvitekto ttn hsand1 soon ys the heat has sudien dried
eedin~g ta.)ks of this nature. out he building

Celery-real Kalamazoo celery, was Tn e i narge 01 the par
one of the features which the Kalama- ty is Hal Talmadge, '14, chairman,
zoo club offered its members at the Morton E. Brownell, '15 M, and J. H.
smoker held at the Union last evening. Walton, '15L.
Professors Robert M.. Wenley and Ar-
thur G. Hall were the faculty guests Prescott Club Will Hold Dance.
and gave talks. Both men lauded the The Prescott club will commence
faculties of Kalamazoo educational its social program by a dance at Bar-
institutions and Professor Wenley bour gymnasium, Thursday, Decem-
spoke on the efficacy of the city clubs her 12. Members of the society and
as being able to do missionary work their friends are invited.
in home centers. E. Al. Mumford, E.
WV. Haislip and C. H. Kleinstuck mem- MICHIGAN UNION WILL HAVE
bers of the club, also gave talks while TO RECOGNIZE SUFFRAGE.
music was furnished by a string quar-
tette and a Victrola. Thirty-five Kala- Honors are coming to thesMichigan
mazooites attended the meeting. Union these days. The first woman
____ ___________member was placed .on the rolls Sun-
Dean Vaughan Addresses Acolytes. day evening when a bouncing baby
The regular meeting of the Acolytes girl arrived at the home of Mr. and
last night was featured with an ad- 'Mrs. Homer Heath. It is needless to
rstby' "?ght wdV. C. Vau ghan, whoi say that the manager of the Union is
toehil" i ng 1:rpe'ui Ismile nowa-
Ehb o the T h - t Ja about offering
tm"enPhjoqph ~ ~&to. o"

Dr. Mary L. Hinsdale of Ann Art
will deliver two lectures before Prof.
Reeves' course in American Govern,
ftent next week on "The President'
Cabinet." Dr. Hinsdale is the fore-
most authority on the cabinet, and her
book, "The History of the Cabinet" is
conceded to be by far the best work
ev'er written on the subject.
Dr. Hinsdale is the daughter of the
late Prof. B. A. Hinsdale of 'the peda-
gogy department. She received her
A. B. at Adelbert in 1885 and her
master's and doctor's degrees here
in 1890 and 1912 respectively.
The lectures will be. given Tuesday
and Thursday at 11:00 o'clock in .the
economics lecture room and are part
of the regular work of the cour'se.
Prof. Wenley Goes to Upper Peninsula
Prof. R. M. Wenley of the phifoso-
phy department will delier live lec-
tures on the Marquette circuit of the
university extension lee yvten.'
the upper peninsula next week.i
wiave Sunday big e
tire week; butf all his e a<
meet as arranged.

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