pace is reserved for s, IELD the Shoeman S, MAIN HAS BRILLIANT PROSPECTS. Prospects for the varsity track team next spring are the brightest in years, according to Captain Haff. All of the point-winners in the intercollegiate have returned to college this fall, and unless "cons" interfere In the mean- time, they will all be eligible, when spring training begins. The rest of the first-string men will be in line to strengthen the team, as well as prom- ising material from last year's fresh- man squad. "Hap" Haff, who finished fourth in the 400-meter race at Stock- holm this su'mmer, "Jimmie" Craig, Kohler and Sargent will form the nu- cleus of a team that should "cop" at Philadelphia next spring. Michigan Instructor Made Professor. Dr. Matthew Kollig, former instruct- or of anatomy at this university has been appointed professor of histology and embryology, and junior professor of anatomy at George Washington University, Washington, D. C. He is succeeded by Dr. R. A. McGarry, '12 M. PeJace of Sweets Down Town LET TWRBEY F~xsrrih the tae Crew, tX Attention to Fraternities Vend Sororities ON MAIN STREET s. Neckwear Suits, Freshman Caps, iirts. Agents for kinaw cooks Lion UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Saturday, October 5.-Senior lit reac- quaintance party at Barbour gym, 9 a. m. Saturday, October 5.-Case vs. Michi- gan at Ferry field, 2:30 p. m. Saturday, October 5.-Opening Michi- gan Union dance at the Union, 9 p. m. Tuesday, October 8.-Bishop Williams at Newberry Hall, 5 p. m. Tuesday, October 8.-Michigan Union membership committee smoker at the Union, 8 p. m. Toggery Shop Phone 11 60-L E. J. LOHR, Proprietor -o. Typewriters for Students 1000 late Smith, Underwood, Ri ngton, $10 to $50. Free T $1.00 weekly or rent apply.I fresh alog and samples, ribbons, pap best tree. All Detroit Typewriter Co. em- rial Cat-: erS, Wednesday, October 9.-Varsity Reserves at Ferry field, 4 p. m. vs. HAZING CEASES AS SUDDENLY AS BEGUG Silence pervaded the streets of Ann Arbor last night and hazing disappear- ed with the same suddenness that it broke out on the previous evenings. There was no street demonstration and from all that could be learned the rules were obeyed in all parts of the city In the evening a crowd of about thirty young men collected in the vi- cinity of the Majestic theater. A close inspection of the throng which was somewhat motely and armed with sticks, disclosed the fact that it was composed of some of the element of Ann Arbor and not of university stu- dents. The police dispersed the gath- ering. YOST'S ALL TIME MICHIGAN TEAM CAUSES SURPRISE The new booklet, "What's What at Michigan" is a interesting volume in regard to athletics. The collected scores and statistics are remarkably accurate and the All Time Michigan team selected by Yost affords consid- erable food for thought. The men whom Yost has seen fit to give this signal honor to are among the greatest athletes of the country and the selec- tion is unquestioned. One of the surprises of the selec- tions is the fact that Tom Hammond is given the call over Johnny Garrels for the full back position and Maddock over Schults. But 'no one is better fitted than the Coach to chooseand this team will probably go down in Michigan history. WANTED Wanted-We have openings for five ambitious young men, who can not afford to enter college this year, by which they can make enough money in one year to pay their entire col- ledge expenses. Inquire E. W. Rich- ardson Co., Malcolm Bldg., 600 E. Liberty. 2 to 5 FOUND Found-On E. University avenue a bill case containing several bills. Owner may have same upon identification and payment for ad. A. M. Fox, 1212 E. Ui~iversity. Phone 1227-L. 2-4 LOST Lost-Watch fob with gold locket. In- itials L. 0. B. Call 1054-L Blunt. 4 Lost-Two twenty dollar bills belong- ing to one of Michigan's self-sup- porting foreign students. Return to University Y. M. C. A. g 3-4 Lost-Delta Tau Delta jewel fraternity pin. Finder return to 126 Packard or Delta. Tau Delta House. Reward. 3-4-5 FOR RENT For Rent--Steam heated rooms over Calkins' Pharmacy suitable for club. 4 For Rent-To earnest student, of good habits, who desires quiet, pleasant room in a private house one-half block from campus and next door to a small boarding house. No other roomers. Inquire at 414 Church St. 4 For Rent-Elegant front suite. In- quire Mrs. John Burg, 612 Madison St. 2-3-4 For Rent-A large single room with fire-place. Use of phone. Four blocks east of campus. 535 Walnut. 2-3-4 For Hire-A large touring car, daily after three P. M. Rates on applica- tion. Call Judson 909. 3-4 For Rent-A desirable suite one block south of the campus; hot and cold water in rooms. Inquire at 802 Mon- roe St. 3-4-5 . cC~py&w cO10I ADDRESS 312 South Division Street * 1 i ftT'T Fall Hfayley's MlierFl price. epcialty. Bell Phone 1390-J E. E. HAYLE The Kempf Music INSTRUCTION Piano, Organ, Voice, Cot ... -i MATINEE TOAY 3 p.m. Silver Nut Pick Sets 7 Pieces Free to College Men Rig Wild West Show ' - s //I f: ' , a Which Show Just For the young men college age who de iudsviduality and s prepared to show ,si be glad to try on home. The fabrics and patter correct for Fall, and th English, three button s button conservative and in Norfolk style. Ma own secifications -r quality-ervice. Jrl n: I Gall at ANN ARBOR OFFICE 334 South State St., Up-Stairs. The Great White Sign OF. 4z I I THE TEMPLE will will lead The lad to to I igar- i! T4 Shrine of all lovers of good, live Motion Picture Plays 0 To the Freshmen and New Michigan Men THE TEMPL announces that it has clear motion plays in the cleanest and most attractive Ant Arbor Picture Emporium. It's policy-SATISFACTION ADMISSION 5o ADMISSION 50 Thursday, October 10.-Faculty con- cert at the high chool hall, 8 p. m. BIG "BILL" SMITH E NCOURAGES RESERVES BY BUCKING VARSITY The poor down-trodden scrubs re- ceived some encouragement in a ma- terial form during yesterday after- noon's scrimmage drill. Big "Bill" Smith, coach of the reserves, appar- ently didn't like the way things were going during a portion of the contest and decided to get into the game him- self. With the ball in the Varsity's possession on the three yard line, "Bill" stepped into the breach. He, took a position on the scrub line and for three downs held the Varsity. On the fourth play the regulars took the' ball over the line by an end run. Drawing instruments-Some splen- did second-hand sets of high grade in- struments at Wahr's University Book- store. 1 to 5 For a gym suit or football outfit try Wahr's University Bookstore. 1 to 10 Rain coats for men on sale at Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main St. 2 to 5 College Men. Collegian Clothes for college men on sale at Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main St. 2 to 5 Caps. All kinds of College Caps, on sale at Allen's Good Clothes Store. Main St. 2 to 5 Subscribe -WNOW-. Fcnr2 & THE HOUSE OF STANDARD Designers of All HENRY & CO. wn Box" v"r"" Ltd. 'Thet Your Clothes Quite Necessary so Ch e >I Supplies Uall Makes 1334 L Suits 25c called For and All kinds of Michigan Jewelry ock and Jewelry Repairing' et one of 'our alarm clocks IRVINC C. SCHLEEDE t. Opposite Law Bidg. Savings Bank annSurplus $100,000 rborDyeworks 3,000,000 i sisnessTransaeted French Dry and Steam Cleaning 4k, PEes., W . EhHa.ri- J. Fritz, Cashier. Bell 628 204 E. Washington St. Second quantities store. hand text books in great at Wahr's University Book- 1 to 6 I MARTIN HALl Lab. Supplies, 'Aprons, shop tools, etc., at Wahr's University Bookstore. 1 to 6 Dealer in Furniture, Upholstery Goods, Carpets, I Linoleum 112, 114, 116, 118, 120 and 122 E. Polar Mackinaws on sale at: Good Clothes Store. Main St. Allen's 2 to 5 BOTH PHONES 148 r rr Ir a, Store Reule, Conlin, Fiegel ng men's store aims to keep In close, constant touch with its clientele absorbing the ideas and studying the individual tastes of alert and progressive young fellows who regard correct attire as an asset in social and business life. Autumn's finest in Furnishings owing at........................................................Soc values at...................................$1.50 and up to $2.50 values, at....................................................$1.00 onln, Fieidel Co. Mwhattan, headquarters for these famous Shirts............................$1.50 t Hosiery, extra strong showing at............................ Great values in Fall Underwear.................................................. 1 2O...0.~