-$2.50 I The Michigan Dar ly I AiLED No. 48. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1912. . _ i N MAY v .o THE WEATHER MAN I Il ME GAMES H'DIG NINE telme Has Secret Session ago With Conference n, But Nothing is Given Out. Forecast for Ann Arbor-Cloudy and probable snow flurries, continued cold; and moderate ewsterly winds, diminishing. University Observatory - Monday, 7:00 p. m., temperature 30.2; maxi- mum temperature 24 hours preceding 33.9; minimum temperature 24 hours preceding 29.6; average wind velocity, 15 miles per hour. FLONZALEY FOUR WIN MUCH FAVOR Pleasing Program Given Last Evening By Quartet of Famous Musicians. I PROFESSOR TALKS ON HONOR SYSTEM Prof. Turner, Before English History Class, Discusses Merits of Method. THREE WO"LVEli N E S PLACED ON FIRST ALL-WIESTEV N TEAlf Craig, Ponitius, and Paterson Make~h )yhclMcieo Record-Hierald. ART OF ENSEMBLE IS SHOWN.j STUI)ENTS MAY SIGN PLEDGES. MIGHT ABOLISH FRESH MANY C OF PRO TEAM. Michigan, However, Does Not Consider Giving Up Her Well-Known Training Table. That Michigan may again meet teams from the "Big Nine" is indi- cated by a conference between rep- resentatives of the University of Mich- igan and several of the conference' universities, presumably Minnesota' and Wisconsin and perhaps Illinois, which occurred in Chicago Saturday. The meeting was secret in nature but became generally known in Ann Arbor when the Chicago Record-Her ald touched upon it as follows:- "In a secret conference lasting over three hours representatives from the University of Michigan and the col- lege conference colleges last night at the Annex laid plans for the Wolver- ines return to the ."Big Nine." The session was conducted behind closed doors and at the end delegates pres- ent scattered to the four winds, mean- while maintaining strict secrecy. "'We promised each other that not a word would be said about what was done,' said Phil Bartelme, who rep- resented the University of Michigan, 'I am willing to admit that we inform- ally talked over the conference situa- tion; but further than that I have noth- ing to say.' President Returns From Washington. Pres. Hutchins returned Sunday from Washington, D. C., where he and Dean Cooley attended the annual meeting of the National Association of State Universities. The business ses- sions, according to the president, were devoted principally to problems which concerned the younger universities. Papers were read by both Pres. Hutch- ins and Dean Cooley. After the con- vention Pres. Hutchins spent a few days in New York city and Dean Cooley went to Annapolis for a short business visit. E. V. Pipp to Speak Before Journalists "Confidence as a Newspaper Asset" will be the subject of an address which E. V. Pipp, managing editor of the Detroit News, will deliver before Prof. Scott's class in journalism this morn- ing at 9:00 o'clock. The lecture, is open to all who are interested in the subject. The art of ensemble received a per- fect exposition last evening in the con- cert of the Flonzaley quartet, as this organization has attained all the finish of performance which makes the per- fection of ensemble. The appreciation of the audience was evident; and the favor which these devoted artists have always won here has apparently in no way diminished. To enumerate the qualities that made last evening so deeply pleasur- able would be then but to state the beauties that belong ideally to cham- ber music: charm of tone, a light and delicate smoothness, the fine "many in one" of polyphony, and sensitive balance of phrase and expression. The Program last evening included two works from the classic period that produced chamber music in its pres- ent form, and a modern example of the form. This finished occasion for not- ing how perfectly adapted is music of Mozart and Haydn to the genius of the quartet; and how perfectly the quar- tet can express the greater complex- ity of the modern musical spirit. In the two classics, one felt always the perfect adaptation of matter to ex- pression But notably in the first movement of the Tschaikowsky quar- tet, the material and structure seem- ed too orchestral for satisfactory chamber music, and seemed striving for something it could not reach. Is the general sentiment of students in favor of the honor system? Upon the answer to this question de- pends the fate of the proposed system for the course in English history. Prof. E. R. Turner explained to his classes yesterday what is contemplat- ed and called for an expression of opinion. The general sentiment of the members of the class seems to be that they will accept the system, with the provision that they shall not be compelled in so doing to commit them- selves to a policy of tale-telling. It is quite probable, therefore, that the measure will go through, as Prof. Tur- ner has no intetion of asking that men report the cheating of others, except at their own discretion. It is prob- able that the proposition will be put to a direct test this week; that is, that students will be requested to sign the pledge. Whether it is to be adopt- ed depends on the number of signa- tures obtained. It is interesting to note how other members of the faculty view the sub-' ject of honor systems, so-called. "There are two kinds of honor sys- tems," said Prof. Brumm, of the rhet- oric department, "only one of which' I believe to be the true honor system.: That is where a man is left absolute-' ly on his own honor, and is not forc- ed into doing what is right by fear of penalty for wrong-doing. I do not be- lieve in such honor systems. It should' be taken for granted that men in the university are honorable. I believe such honor systems are entirely against the true spirit of a great uni- versity "As far as telling on another man is concerned, we are not here in the po- sition of men who would spy upon a criminal; and the idea is against the ethics of most students. Whether right or wrong, for myself, I could' not help liking a man less who came to me with a tale about a fellow stu- dent."' Whether such an Ideal system, how- ever, is practical in its results may be doubted from the words of Dean Vaughan, of the medical department.. When questioned last night concerning the success of the honor system in' force in his department, Dean Vaugh- an said, "Yes, the present system works well.. The entire matter is in the hands of a board selected by the students. Before this board are tried Three Michigan men have been chosen by G. W. Axelson, of the Chi- cago Record-Herald, for positions on his All-Western eleven. Craig, Pat- erson and Pontius are the men who have been given the honor with grid- iron heroes of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Chicago. Craig is given the berth at halfback for reasons well understood at Mich- igan, since he is considered one of the greatest halfbacks in the west. Pon- tius is placed at end because "he was probably the best end rusher in the: west," while Paterson was placed at guard in order "to strengthen the line." That Michigan was recognized so favorably is especially satisfactory; because the other players are all pick- ed from conference teams by a con- ference man.. This is the team: All Western. Pontius, Michigan.........End Shaughnessey, Minnesota ....Tackle Paterson, Michigan.........Guard Des Jardien, Chicago. ....Center Keeler, Wisconsin...... ..Guard Butler, Wisconsin . ... . Tackle Haeffel, Wisconsin............End Gillette, Wisconsin........Quarter Van Riper, Wisconsin .........Half Craig, Michigan.......... .Half Tanberg, Wisconsin...........Full i Representatives of Amern of Chemical Ingine Hold Meeting It December 6. TO BE GUESTS OF F Trill to Ann Arbor to be Annual Convention o in Detroit, One of the largest n. chemists ever held in A scheduled for Friday, when the American Instit ical Engineers will hold. its fifth annual meeting phitheatre of the chemist The. big society will hold meetings at the Hotel C troit, but in response to extended to the institute ago by Pres. H. B. Hutch will be spent here. It that about 100 ch'emists many of the most famous ed States, will attend the The chemists will arriv Detrgit in the morning a spect the laboratories an of the university. The pr mencing at 1:30 o'clock of the following papers by chemists: "The Chemical Laboratory of Columbia by Prof. M. C. Whitaker, University; "Industrial F by Prof. Robert K. Dun University of Pittsburgh, magazine writer; "Tests pacity and Hiding Pow( ments," by G. W. Thomni chemist of the National L ny, of New York; "Com Glucose and Starch Suga Edward Gudeman, of the laboratories, Chicago. At the Wednesday mee troit papers will be delive fessors from this universit E. Ware will speak on Rate of Setting in Portlan and "Availability of Blas Slag as a Material fok Mal will be the subject of a pal A. E. White. The meeti Arbor as well as those in open to the public. TO VlNi ALL-RESH TEAM GIVEN NUMERALS Fifteen Youngsters on Coach Conklin's Squad are Honored With Class Insignia. "Before the meeting broke up a committee was appointed to lay the matter before the conference colleges and the University of Michigan. The question of re-entering the conference fold will be laid before the University of Michigan senate, and if what was done last night is approved a meeting will be arranged with the other fac- ulty representatives. "At last night's sessions only mem- bers of alumni bodies and athletic boards were present. The faculties of the different universities have noth- ing to do with it, but the ground has been prepared and it can be stated on the highest authority that Michigan will be seen in the conference prob- ably by this spring." Director Bartelme of the Universi- ty of Michigan admitted over the long distance telephone that such a meet- ing had been held, but as stated above he could give out nothing definite as to the outcome of the meeting beyond what has been mentioned. According to dispatches from Min- neapolis, a meeting of the western .conference has been called for Friday of this week at Chicago, at which time it is expected that the question offu- ture relations between Mlichigan and conference colleges will be discussed. It is understood that Michigan is willing to give up her All-Fresh foot- ball teamif she can be granted the right to use a training table in con- ditioning her athletes. Whether other concessions on Michigan's part will be demanded or given is a matter that has not become public property. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS' CLUB MEEKTING TO BE OPEN TO ALL. The first regular meeting of the University of Michigan branch, Amer- ican Institute of Electrical Engineers, will be hi!d Wednesday evening, Nov. 27, at 8:00 o'clock, in room 348 .new engineering building. A paper on "The Application of Electricity to Iron Mining, and Some of the Problems which it Presents" will be presented by W. F. Davidson. Other subjectst will probably be discussed. The meet- ing will be open to the public and all interested are invited to attend and take part in the discussion. W. M. Reunie Visits Ann Arbor. OMITTED FROM GAULT LIST. Coach Conklin of the All-Fresh team' yesterday'selected 15 youngsters from his big squad who he thinks are en- titled to wear the numerals, of their class. This limit is set by the board so that it is impossible for the coach to exceed it and this may account for what may be a- surprise in that Gault did not place in the honor list He was injured, however, and did not play in parts of more than two games so it was impossible to award him this dis-' tinction. The following are the ones who drew the coveted ensignia: Dor- rance, Mead, Diehl, Dillman, Benton, Raymond, Cochrane, Norton, Roehm, James Bastian, Davis, Quail, Catlett, and Hunt. The All-Fresh this year did not pass through the most successful season of its career by any means but injuries seemed to beset the team whenever iti got fairly started and the hoodoo was too much to shake off. Several of their games were close at that and it was only by the turning of a hand that the green ones came out on the wrong side of the score. The material, how- ever, profited by the fall's drill and should furnish the regulation number of candidates for the varsity next sea- son. Error Made in Dates for Pictures. An error 'was made in the Sunday edition of The Michigan -Daily con- cerning the final dates for senior pic- tures in the Michiganensian. Correct- ed they are as follows: until Febru- ary 1 pictures may be had for $1.00, until February 15 at $1.25. The man- agement urges th.t seniors arrange their sittings with the photographer at once, if they wish any especial choice of time, as the dates are being rapidly filled. Dr. Hulst, 'SSM, Visits Dean Vaughan. Dr. Henry Hulst, '88M, of Grand Rapids, one of the most expert x-ray physicians in the country, has been the guest of Dean V. C. -Vaughan of the medical department, 'for the past few days. DR. HURTY OF INDIANA TO DELIVER LECTURES TODAY. Dr. Hurty, secretary of the Indiansi State Board of Health, one of the most prominent health officers in the coun- try will arrive in Ann Arbor early this morning to deliver two lectures on subjects pertaining to hygiene. At 4:00 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall he will speak to both men and women on "Future Hygiene" and at 8:00 o'clock in the west amphitheatre of the medic building he will address men students on the subject fo "The Elimination of the Unfit." Dr. Hurty,who is recognized through- out the world as an authority on pub- lic health questions, has devoted many years to the study of prison and asy- lum conditions. He is' therefore in a position to discuss intelligently the "unfit" element and to suggest a meth- od of eliminating its evil influence up- on society. The subject is one of unusual per- sonal interest and any man who has given it serious thought will appre- ciate the remarks that will tend to clear up any doubts that he may have entertained upon the question. UNDERGRADUATES WALK TO DETROIT IN TEN HOURS. On a bet of five dollars each, George Caulkins, '13, and Spenser Scott, '14P, walked from Ann Arbor to Detroit in ten hours and nine minutes. They agreed to walk steadily from the time they started until they reached the city limits of Detroit, where they might take a car. They left at 7:12 o'clock Saturday night andkafter plod- ding all night through the rain and cold, reached Detroit at 5:20 o'clock Sunday morning. After resting dur- ing the da';, they arrived here Sun- day night. Although they won the bet, they have resolved never to try the journey again. English Text Book Expert Lectures. Mr. George A. Plimpton spoke to an i audience which filled the economics lecture room yesterday afternoon, and told them the many facts about the development of text books. He began his lecture with a description of the books used in the schools of the Four- teenth century and traced their de- velopment down to the present age. He read a number of passages from the books used in the English schools at the time of Shakespeare and gave his audience a good idea of .what the great dramatist must have studied. TALENTED CLASS' ITO GIVE RECITAL Henry the Eighth Will be Produced Tonight for First Time by' Shakespeare Students. CAST TO MAKE MANY CHANGES, "Henry the Eighth" will be present- ed by Prof. T. C. Trueblood's class in Shakespearean reading this evening in their first public recital of the year. The play selected has never been giv- en by any of the previous classes, and has never been played in Ann arbor. "Henry the 'Eighth" is a mature play of splendid sentiment. The class lias been working hard on its rehear- sals for some time, and contains some exceptionally fine talent. The cast is A V i changed for each scene, to give all members of the class an opportunity to take part. The recitals of this class have been most popular in former years, and with the selection of "Henry the Eighth," and the excellent material he has had to work with, Prof. Trueblood believes the production will be most entertaining to anyone interested ei- ther in Shakespeare or dramatic read- the cases of men accused of cheating in examinations. If found guilty, the usual punishment is expulsion from college. There are, perhaps, two or three cases a year. As to the matter of one man informing another, 1 do not think the system would work at all without such a provision.. I am en- tirely in favor of it." - PIFFLES, PERCY! PHYSICALLY PERFECT WOMAN ONLY "YARN" And now that it's all over - now that the newspapers all over the country have despatched their worthy officers to the scene of action, and flaunted the story under a double col- umn head on front pages, et cetera,- plus all the other news devices known only to the initiated,-we may come forward with our little joke. It was all a mistake. What? Why-she wasn't a perfect woman, after all. The proverbial case of "once upon a time there was a verdant reporter, (or was it-'res?'), and the verdant re- porter had heard much about a 'nose for news,'-and thought he had it." It was only a perfect "lung capacity" -but then, it made a pretty news sto- ry when played up to perfection. The reporter has "broken into print. Soph Engineers Hold Renominations. Owing to the withdrawal of Glen Angle from the vice-presidency of the sophomort engineering class, it has: been necessary to renominate men for that office. The date of the election of the candidates, C. B. Wells and Victor Chatfield will be announced later. 3 1 1 ing. The play is to be given by platform, not stage presentation. It will be giv- en in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall this evening at 8:00 o'clock. No admis- sion will be charged. The perform- ance is to begin promptly, and the audience is requested to be in their' seats as early as possible, as the play will begin exactly on the hour. DEUTSC HER VEREIN AGAIN CHANGES DAY OF MEETING. For the third time the date of theI next meeting of the men's section of the Deutscher Verein has been chang- ed. The meeting will be held tomor- row night instead of tonight and will' be featured by a talk by Prof. A. A. Stanley, head of the school of music, who will speak on some subject rela- tive to German music. Prof. Stanley's lecture will be preceded by an elec- tion of new members. The meeting will begin at 8:00 o'clock. W. W. Chandler, '15E, is Seriously Ill, W. W. Chandler, '15E, of Detroit, has ' been seriously ill at his home for the past three weeks. At the opening of the football season, Chandler tried out for the Varsity, and while playing with the scrubs contracted a severe cold, which later developed into pneu- monia H nrohahly will not return RHODES SCHOLARSHIE PASSED BY THREE Gradings of the Rhodes examinations which were Ann Arbor yesterday shoe bertus Hebkhuis and Wi1111 dyk, of Hope college, and Blanchard, of Michigan, 1 fully passed the scholarsi eligibility. Only one of t dents taking the, examinat make thetrequired grade. Within the next few wee mittee on selection will person to whom the scho: be awarded. The select: made from among those this year's examination lowing who made a satisfa ing last year: W. Walla Hessel Yntema, C. Wall and Charles A. Wagner. The selection committe< gan consists of the chie the supreme court, Pres Dean Effinger, Pres. Dicki college, and Pres. Anthon college. ;' JUNIOR LAWS WILL I ON EVE OF Tu Junior laws will hold evening of Thanksgiving ger's academy. Fische quartet will feature "H the new song written by of the class, Sylvan Gros land W. Fixel. A moonli esveral other novel fes introduced. Prof. and 1 Aigler will act as chal ces from classes the day af- ,nksgiving will not be excused, in case of illne sand then a