THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES. "English" swing LOCH SMART CLOTHES to make them- -of course they fit in that comfortable way 58 yeirs of knowing how to tailor good ioney too, and you will appreciate this better try on. Come in to-day or to-morrow. vs on hand $6.50 to $10.00 Meeting of Polonia at 712 Arch St., 2:00 o'clock Sunday, All creditors of the '13L class will please send a statement of their ac- count to the treasurer, 126 Packard St. Comedy club rehearsal, full cast, Monday night, 7:15 o'clock, Sarah Cas- well Angell Hall. Deutscher Verein meeting at 8:00 o'clock Tuesday evening. FOR RENT For Rent-A nicely furnished room, electric light, gas, bath, etc. Block Eng. Bldg. 610 Church St. 45-47 Do you know how to use a Kodak? This question will soon be asked by thousands of prospective employers. And you willwant to answer "yes." The time has come when photo. graphic records play an important part in every branch of industry, and the man who expects to help furnish the brains for American Capital will be called upon to do this photographie work. TheKodak has so wonderfully simplfiedphotography that theStudent of today makes a great mistake if he does not learn how while he has the opportunity Let me help you. I For Rent--Desirable front rooms, UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. In price ischmitt, Apfel & Co. = L 'S Philip MOrris SCigarets re On (original London) ner The oldest high- grade Turkish Cigar- z buy ettes in the world! LOVELL'S Made of the purest YS Turkish Tobaccos only. .TES "2he Little Brown Box" U PiILLIP MORRIS & CO., Ltd.j g 402 West Broadway, New York the Longfellow Shirt ? We now have a fine rns of this excellent shirt made up with soft collars to matt h. Come in and look over the at we carry the Soo Mackinaw Coat. iker & Company' Furnishers 342 S. State St. !sittg flbutClbouse ng Maynard Street Across from Majestic MICHIGAN SONG 1 fltbtgan Monday, November 25.-Lecture by Mr. George Plimpton on the develop- ment of text books. Economics lec- ture room 4:30 p. m. Monday, November 25.-Soph engineer smoker at the Michigan Union, 7:30 Monday, November 25.-Fresh law smoker at the Michigan Union, 7:30 Monday, November 25.--Commerce club meeting at the Michigan Union, :30 p. m. Tuesday, November 26.--Senior engi- neer dinner at the Michigan Union, 6:00 p. M. Monday, November 25.-Choral Union concert by the Flonzaley string quartet, at University Hall, 8:00 p. m. Tuesday, November 26.-Recital, Hen- ry VIII by the class in Shakespear- ean reading, Sarah. Caswell Angell, Hall at' 8:00 o'clock. Admission free. Congregationalists Have New Pastor. The Rev. Frank M. Sheldon of Mad- ison, Wisconsin, has accepted a call to the pastorate of the local Congrega- tional church and will preach at the morning service today. -~A south and west windows. One block from Campus. Enquire at 713 E. University. 46-47 LOST Lost-At Michigan Union, gold watch, Hamilton jewels. Report 332 E. Jefferson St. for reward. 47 Lost--In Ann Arbor on November 16 at Ferry field, section GG, south stand, racoon scarf made of two skins and lined with lavender satin. Liberal reward if returned to 414 Jefferson St., Detroit, Mich., or Al- pha Delta Phi house, Ann Arbor. 43-48 The largest and finest stock in the city. Goodyear's Drug Store. 3 tf Open every evening until 9:30. Sun- days from 9:30 to 12:30, 1:30 to 3:30 only. Lyndon's kodaks, films, flash- lights. 719 N. University. Sun&Fri FOR SALE For Sale-Tuxedo dress suit, almost new, cheap. R. L. Klein, General De- livery, city. 47, For Sale-2 A No. 1 Seats for Choral Union Concert Monday night. Phone A. B. Allison,,.762-L. 47 WANTED Wanted-Bright energetic student to work spare time. Good pay to right man. Address. 47 I .x. L Y NDNON971UversNty KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Derri..' Art StoreO.221 S. MANI F IN E ART Q GOODS The P1.a to Have Your Ploture Frnmd in an Arttatic GET ONE OF OUR Telephone 71 ALARM CLOCKS and you will get to your classes on tin Prices always right and all clocks guaranteed. New location. 111 EAST WASHINCTON STREET I J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler MAX KRUTSCH The Popular P rice Tailor BELL PHONE i7tL Extra Fine Blue Serges and Overcoats $28 and $30. 104 N. Fourth Ave Don't forget that Agency, 204 S. Main box of Huyler's. St. 47 The folks at home box of Huyler's. will appreciate a 47 How Are Your Eyes Our methods of eye examination, no "drops" used determ the exact reeds of your eyes. Our optical system produces exact glasses. We grind our own lenses and make all glasses to order. Shur-on Agency Arnold & Co., Jewelers A I M AJESTI MTCEE MATINEES TUES. FRI. WED3. 3 . SAT', VAUDEVILLE'S BEST Willia ms & Wolf us PIANO FUNOLOGY From Palace Theatre, Chicago Musical Comedy Stars Tempo Trio Singing, Dancing, eto. The best shoe shine next to. Wag- ner's. eod tf Bring in your dull razor blades to be sharpened. Satisfaction guaranteed. H L. Switzer Co., 310 State St. tf Majestic Theater. The Majestic theater will again fea- ture vaudeville with several special feature attractions as a Thanksgiving week offering. In addition to the regulation vaudeville bills the manage- ment has arranged to present on Tues- day afternoon and night as an extra' feature, the sensation known as "The grotto of torture" which will be shown at every performance on that day on- ly. Thursday being Thanksgiving, there will be a matinee at 3:00 o'clock with reserved seats the same as at night. La Graciosa the "perfect wo- man" will open her engagement at the Thanksgiving matinee Thursday after- noon. The new show for the first three days of this week will be headed by the four Van Staats in a musical offer- ing. SAY--"" B US. V B DO N T FORGET IT! SAY IT AGAIN jg 313 SOUTH STATE ICE CRUAM SODA, WINCRES, FINE CANDIES A new place that's neat and clean We are here SENSATIONAL FEATURE VALENTINE AND BELL JUGGLERS ON WHEELS I Before buying your Suit or Overcoat it would pay you to look over our assortment always the right thing in Hats, Caps and Furnish. ings. NewLine Mackinaws just received Anthony and Sullivan TWO COMEDIANS Direct from Mollaud Four Van Staats A Dutch Musicale PATkE WEEKLY EXTRA t. TUESDAY,MATINEE & NIGHT One Day Only In addition to Vaudeville The Grotto of Torture * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * LOST WHAT T was it Valuable? Was It Serviceable? Do you miss it? Would you like to find it? The little busy two-bita goes into nearly every hons Ann Arbor. The chance to it means the use of the adle TRY THE MI** IAN DA WANT AD COLU N. ** *** * * * * * * * * * * adlet * se in * find * ~t. * * LIL * * * * Holoproof Hse, Interwoven Hoso WADHAMS & COMPANY 121-123 S. Main St. and Guitars rm . . Candies to suit particular people, Belle Meade Sweets, Morses', Lowney's, etc. Coulding & Wikel ers ity Pharmacy 1219 S. University I Ave. We Insist on Satisfying Bell Phone 416 an clothes for college , and Overcoats of good fabrics, thoroughly Tailored, $15-$20-$25 me rood Clothes Store, Main Street