THE MICHIGAN DAILY -FOR RENT BOYS we want you to see our New Flat English Custom Lasts the very latest with the new flat 7-8 inch heels, in black and tan, light or heavy veight, $5 to $7 per pair. "Purfield's" y ,mo0° " r . For Rent-Single room west and south windows one block from campus, 520 E. Jefferson. Phone 911-J 43-46 For Rent-A nicely furnished room, electric light, gas, bath, etc. Block Eng. Bldg. 610 Church St. % 45-47 For Rent-Desirable front rooms, south and west windows. One block from Campus. Enquire at 713 E. University. 46-47 LOST Lost--In Ann Arbor on November 16 at Ferry field, section GG, south stand, racoon scarf made of two skins and lined with lavender satin. Liberal reward if returned to 414 ffrson St. Detroit. Mich. or Al- UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Alpha Nu meets tonight at 8:00 o'clock in the society room in Univer- sity hall. Visitors welcome. Bring in you dull razor blades to be sharpened. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. L. Switzer Co. 310 State St.' tf For celebrated Martin Guitars, Man- dolins, Musical Instruments and sup- plies of every description visit Schae- berle & Son's Music House, 110 S. Main St. 35 to 46 We are never undersold. Goodyear Drug Store. 2 tf Full Dress Tuxedo, and Prince Al- bert Suits for Hire. Whittington Co., 244 Woodward Ave., Detroit. e o d All six exposure films with prints developed for 5 cents at Hoppe's new studio. Results guaranteed. pl q 'r4 Just Received A LARGE ShIPMENT OP Patrick 119 S. MAIN STREET Mackinaws We have the largest stock of best fitting pumps you ever Ut on $4.0p, $4.50 and $5.00 per pair. All colors with belts, Norfolks with 'Ir op- j nc olyl, q ' ? Palace of Sweets Down Town LET Fwurdish the Ice Crem.m Attention to Fraternities .nd Sororities ON MAIN STREET iwr &e pha Dela Phi house, Ann Arbor. Batist Guild Takes First "Hike. 43-48 Members of the Baptist guild will '__gather at the guild house today at FOR SALE 12:16 o'clock for the purpose of taking Itheir first "hike." A lunch will be tak- For Sale-1911 Oldsmobile Special en along by the party, and it is expect- foredoor roadster, just out of paint ed that their wandering steps will be shop and in first class condition. Has turned Dexter-ward. Both - men and top, wind shield, speedometer and women students.will be numbered clock, bumper, Star tire trunk on among the disciples of Weston. rear, full electric lights with gen-I erator and storage battery; tires are Webster Society to Discuss Procedure. new. Cost $3,300.00. A bargain.' Webster society will discuss tonight The Hartman Garage Co., Ann Ar- criminal procedure and various fea- box, Mich. 44-46 ture of criminal law. A novel feature Thanksgiving will be a good day on which each mnember will be expected which to give her a box of Huyler's. Agecy 14 . Main St. 46 to respond by giving the name\ of a supreme court reporter. .v. Furnishings Hatters Flannel Shirts with Zero Collars Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Ave. Phone 11 60-L E. J. LOHR, Proprietor I flW Dancing Class every ack ard Academy Tuesday and Friday p:m. Register at Academy for Ciidren's afternoon class. Private rates. Mon. and Tues. $12, Series $10; Wed. and Thur. $14, Series 'ri: and Sat. $15, Series $14. Phone 1850J 570L Mackinaws, Sweaters Suits to Order Write Ideas For Moving Picture Plays! I Tha.t Your Clothes akre Pressed Is Quite Necessary so Send Them to 1534 ;L Stlt 25c PlainL Skirts 35C Called For and Delivered d . .. __ YOU CAN EARN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND $25 OR MORE WEEKLY Hayley's Millinery We Will Show You How ! An up-to date showing of Fall Millinery at popular prices. Hair Gools a HAYLEY, 206 H. Liberty Street specialty. Bell Phone 1390-JT E. E. _ If you have ideas-if you can TiINK--we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flkwery language" is wanted. The demand for photoplays is piactically unliatited. The big fihn manufacturers are moving "heaven and earth" in their at- tempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing de- mand. They.are offering $ioo and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas. Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays, are located in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on the spot and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted by the producers,' our SAES DEPA RTMENT has a tremendous advant- age over agencies situated in distant cities, We have received many letters from the big film manufactur- ers, such as Vitagraph, Edison. Essanay, Lubin, Solax, Imp, Re- liance. Champion, Comet, Melies, Etc., urging us to send photo- plays to theta. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets oc success. We are selling phot plays written by people who',never before wrote a line of publication," Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea each week, and will write it out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25, a low figure, You Will Earn $100, -Monthly For Spare Time Work Send your name and address at once for free copy of our illustrated book, "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING." Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now and learn just what this new profession may mean for you and your future. I THEATRICAL CIRCLES. "The Girl of My Dreams." "The Girl of My Dreams" will be the attraction at the Whitney theater this afternoon and evening. It is the work of Wilbur D. Nesbit and Otto Hauer- bach. The music was written by the late Karl Hoschna, author of the music of "Madame Sherry" and "Three Twins." Jos. M. Gaites has surrounded his stars with an excellent company of principals and a big beauty chorus.k Award Phillips Scholarship for Year. Miss Ruth Graybill, of Williamsport, Pa., has been granted the Phillips scholarship of $50. Miss Graybill was the only person to take the examina- tion, but because of her satisfactory grade the examining committee recom- mended that the scholarship be allow- ed. Last day of sale. Cornell Souvenir Prograis 5e at Book Stores and News Stands.' 46 i ' ,. Ii AM, 11 moo,,, « I IU The International Lve Stock Exposioi CHICAGO, ILLINOIS November 30th-December 7th I NATIONAL AUTHORS' 1543 Broadway New York City The Greatest Exposition of its kind in the world with nry interesting, entertaining and instructive features, a few of which are a grand breeders' prize exhibi ion of pure bred cattle, hioses, sheep and swine; a great fat stocl: show; a fine display of dr at :, coach and saddle horses; and a :eries of brilliant evernuing eCtr- tainments and horse fairs, with music, artistic evo intricate driving and riding cortests in the great aren"a. TheBest Service z hiao i ia NewYorke.Pu Michigan Ceniral Raiiad Ask the ticket agent for full informatL'n regardi"g trai service and fres. INSTITUTE it J q4 N Ll% %i;.% _ - ; . . .r. _, ,, ,d, : ax - he Big Store Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. As a young men's store aims to keep in close, constant touch with its clientele absorbing the ideas and studying the individual tastes of alert and progresive young fellows who regard correct attire as an asset in social and business life. Autumn's finest in Furnishings kwear, special showing at. ....... ................... ...........SOc ves, exceptional values at.......... ........................ '...$ and up to $2.50 ts, most unusual values, at...................m..............................$1.00 ,CC cube, Con'in, Fieg el o Manhattan, headquarters for these famous Shirts ........................$1.50 to $4 Hosiery, extra strong showing at ................... ...25c Great values in Fall Underwear...................... ............... ....$1 to $6 2OO-2O2 South a