THE MICHIGAN DAILY .......... " swing LOCH SMART CLOTHES to make them -of course they fit in that comfortable way f 58 years of knowing how to tailor good ave you money too, and you will appreciate this better ation and try on. Come in to-day or to-morrow. WANTED Wanted-Student barber to, work spare hours. Liberal pay. Call 802 S. State treet or phone Bell 1483. tf FOR SALE For Sale--Good bicycle cheap. Inquire 808 E. Ann St. 694-J. 43-45 All six exposure films with prints developed for 5 cents at IHoppe's new studio. Results guaranteed. WILSON'S FRECKLE Cream has proved its power to remove . freckles, tan, sunburn, etc. That's why our absolute guar- antee goes with every jar. 50c or $1.00. hand $6.50 to $10.00 In price LOST Lost-In Ann Arbor on November 16 at Ferry field, section GG, south stand, racoon scarf made of two skins and lined with lavender satin. Liberal reward if returned to 414 Jefferson St., Detroit, Mich., or Al- pha Delta Phi house, Ann Arbor. 43-48 Lost-H. H. S. '07 pin on State street or in Union dance hall Friday. Re- ward if left at Daily office. 43 Lost-Black fountain pen between So- rosis house and Goulding & Winkel Drug Store Friday afternoon. Finde leave at Daily office. Reward. 44-45, Lost-Gold medallion stick pin be- tween Waterman gym and 200 North State street. Reward if returned to above address. FOR RENT For Rent-Single room west and south windows one block from campus, 520 E. Jefferson. Phone 911-J. 43-46 For Rent-A nicely furnished room, electric light, gas, bath, etc. Block Eng. Bldg. 610 Church St. 45-47. For Sade-1911 Oldsmobile Special foredoor roadster, just out of paint shop and in first class condition. Has top, wind shield, speedometer and clock, bumper, Star tire trunk on rear, full electric lights with gen- erator and storage battery; tires are new. Cost $3,300.00. A bargain. The Hartman Garage Co., Ann Ar- bor, Mich. 44-46 719 N. L Y N D 0 NUniversity KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Do you know how to use a Kodak? This question will soon be asked by thousands of prospective employers. And you will want to answer "yes." The time has come when photo graphic records play an important part in every branch of industry, and the man who expects to help furnish the brains for American Capital will be called upon to do this photographie work. TheKodak has so wonderfully simplfied photcgraphy that thlStudent of today makes a great mistake if he does not learn how while he has the oppertunity Let me help you. itt, Apfel &coo= I I r. I DeFries' Art Store o. N S t e wo- ri &' tCOR. LIBER TY FINE ART GOODS Thae Piea to Have Yor Plcttr Framed in an Artistio 41 Philip Morris Cigarettes (Original London) The oldest high- grade Turkish Cigar- ettes in the world I Ma jes t 1C Now Playing Tine, Place and Girl TODAY 3 P.M. Reserved Seats Sellibg Thanksgivings Day Matinee and Night Coming Next Thursday THE PERFECT WOMAN La Graelosa MAX KRUTSCH The Popular Price Tailor . BELL PHONE 871-L Extra Fine Blue Serges and Overcoats $28 and $30. 104 N. Fourth Ave Made of Turkish the purest Tobaccos isommilill U" ... i " he Little Brown Box" SALE Fountain OF ORRIS & CO., Ltd. -oadway, New York Pen's Change in Time Sunday November 24, 1912 ewYorkfentral Lines Michigan Central R. R. On Sunday November 24th trains of the Michigan Central R. R. will run on a new schedule. For particular informationregarding these changes and the schedules of all trains consult Michigan Central Ticket Agent Way below Manufacturer's cost 14 K solid gold fountain pens worth from $2 to $5 Has been on sale all this week Sat urdy We are all straining our eyes to see what the comingyears have in store for us. Alright! But looking forward us not forget1 blessings that ours today. in let the are $100 THE Past, Present and Future are rose-hued when you view them through fragrant Vel- vet smoke. Its flavor never ceases to please; its smoothness always satisfies. One thousand Borte'l's fnll line of pens. Every pen guaranteed perfect and 14 K solid gold. 20 different styles to select from. Pearls, Silvers, Golds, Long and Short Press Self Filling Large No. 6 All have been made to sell from $2.$5 Your choice and last chance tomorrow SATURDAY last day $1 See window display of rens at the Drown Drug Stre 122 South Main Street Before buying your Suit or Overcoat it would pay you to 10k over our assortlent Always the right thing in Hats, Caps and Furnish - i lkgsk New line Mackiiiaws just received' IIl i Holeproof Hose, Interwoven Hose WADHAMS & COMPANY 121-123 S. Main St. I m Candies to suit particular people, Belle Meade Styeets, Morses', Lowney's, etc. versity Phar acyG*l"n W pity Ave. We Insist on Satisfying Bel Phone 416 r Ilegian clothes for college Suits and Overcoats of good fabrics, thoroughly Tailored, $15-$20-$25 men I EN'S Good Clothes Store, Main Street