THE MICHIGAN DiAILY Tailors and Importers =W.~. :311 South statesStreet IBM' Sheehan:..&., . STATE STREET < .~~ f'1I,.tCOA LDAIL Y O fii4al newsipa, er at; e tv it. ,of "Mich- ,I Published every morning except Mond$ydu ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, undei'Acts oi!osGbress'of March "3; ' ,UfficS Scnd floor, Anil' Arbo6r Press Build- ing, Maynar~d Stret. Office HcQcrs: "idtf-Lj,4) * 3 pr m. ; 7' to: S ubscriptin rice: Bari carrier, $zi.o ; by miail, $3.00.. Want Ad Stations: Tres Building; Quarry's Pharmacy ; University. Pharmacy ; Davis "'dKoiald's Cpnfutipn ry Store'. Frank: Penr il......w. v~aging Editor C. D~arold Hip~le..... ......Asitat Karl rMatthews .......... le*tic Edit +~ john T f y 14 i nd Dtama Leonard M. Rieser.................... Files. Harold G. McGe - - Louis It Faller4 Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers NIGHT EDITORS , t; ditor-Mo'rris. A.'Milig am. SOUL' the Tone of the violin, or t we call soul, that de- °s it's value. Clothes must e tone. Dileterle LOR Liberty Street (Copyrighted) carefully ands~ open-mindedly the re- ggis have considered it; and the;.hos- pitals 'have: met the situation with the most hearty, cooperation. May Michi- gan grow and flourish with such spirit, * Note how' .we've, broke' into the 'steemed Gargoyle again? Somebody else heavy on -the space-filler, per- baps.; Candies, 'Tleb7 CCoS ., t Jap Baskets and, Novelties .*.,. AFTl ?4MATH TONIGHT. The football seasoni over, it,after-, ffiit&6cmnis toniglit, 'ithd the staging. jof the aninual' moker in honor.of. the teh i. I+e~~evn .sh4ve Conce to mean so. tff li1'i uiidergri duate life as this. love feast: 'Each year has eclipsed its 'p4deces *Ws in -the. magnitu~de"'o e'Ceiit y s'fthec old Minnesota jug. >3ecnseof"the flimiting of admission ~to Unioi i 'niib'~i' ddb to the rojad- eglzacy 'of the 'y ii5s, it becomxe'anos , iriper, tive 'for ',91 Union mnembers;. to attowd.:. Otherwise, 'Some, man will be 'depri'id of a Diace who would like. (0 Attend 'i'ftime s ame 'egree "to'which. lie "1 ild '1e to ~join th eUijon, per- I'e RTb'er, Tfeam th izs is one of h~ fed v 'ays'the"&tmpus has of doing you honior,.so 'd Wolexpect "yo It thiereen .mbkse tonight.:: 13y -tke-adopion-of'an infiray sys- ,fen~ ": M1 ihigan .'has: _ .placed'. herself among. thfose- universitide' of. 'the first' rank,,w1 jch krecog sze thet'-.'eeponsi-' bid 3T to; promidd'for the health =6f' their xnexA. z44 rzen;by organi zed -nedioaf = CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY WRITE SAMPLS ENGFGREGORY MAYER & THOM C. DETROIT'. MACH ABargain, 'in Stationery We offer ane unsurpassed value in Fabric Finish writing paper~. Forty- eight sheets and forty eighit envelopes (two cuts) all for 25c a box. This is another one of those PERFECT REX ALL PRODUCTS see it in our, wind1ow 'I e ex d ' D ugE. C. EDSILL, Proprietor 122 S. Mlain Street Prescription Speciaists GRINNELLI BROS. 120-122 East ILfb ekty St. it] ." . .. ...... ® . Af 209 Soxuth State Street.j":. I SOMETHING NEWVi ,',,4 Gives Clean, Wholesome Botd at ' , A Self-Filling Conklin fountain pein for $1.50. The most for your money have ever handled. Try one and be convinced. we $4.00 per We( Water. ek. Safe drinking :~" VAN DORtEN'S Pharmacy C.' C. Fremm..n, ' ropri~**r Nowhere As in 'de No'wheres As Ift d( .. . .. S " Burdilfielda& For the .best Tailoring Service to be had Anywte?.. In mnaking Dress Clothes we aknowledge no.,eul ' and prove outr superiority its every instance. ... ~ Sam "Burchfield &'Com pa n y 106 East Huron Street tr',2cz and.:care. ' As an'lwtstitutiob Th6 - mud- she hla 'bee,-stvaiig ly -liind .'to- tis sre obligation that she owes to the 'par- And nowi eilts: ; @ & :. send,+tf Ol~~d 'daugh- Is it' so co. tetkiher t{o,.thwailo* Ihlpofant ddtty As 'In' d( "th a t a h k ' a ' nhe t' 's tu d E n t ' ,d . T h e.l, h t d . r e u § :-b t y9 -- a e bra ..respo trible.,, for 6 i''health., breakdo.wxas;- anzd elileraks, -:et'kous niever have 6icui'id}:' row TIofbody Pict ,Ar n(I' Min 'otogthrand 'whieh the A shipi. university accep~ts student~s .she has Michigan., 'the 'esp'oifsilility of one as w~ell as of tres, asso 'Ph'e n6\V' Syrser pros des for, an in- Ing. secre itiati~V'e' ofi"'t.Te ;part of the uhiversity' ,take chart ''hfr'\vilit result in m-edieal exaifina- sire the tiri fbvery 'sttceil t 'There 'Wiflbe' 'once . ,as ph kcilYs Aifd nurses 'whosenmaii been Qrde cdt#' vwfIiii,& o care for 'studenit health' _ lIit i leoitiori With their headquarters. . - . Mistake wil b a'vdlleqb, pped dis'pensary ands Tefe a simple~'a fl-direct sY'tem ofprovic = a- une iig- jm bss which reqire hos- Q [j m( "pi[ 'fa'ti'fon; 'Ever' tlii g wi7l' b r'-''Q raned"With a 1Vt " t cirec t iC1and ienbr co'n~eneiice., . U p. ad. eats One of the most pleasing .f'eatures of eu,' all has bepn t 4v mrp.ration that end~of the brugt t"is n t&'ed- reform about. Students, tfaqcuilt.tArege itsx .,;nd, hos.- pitlshaveal7)orked, ha'rmgnizously Dr .. Lock togeth. er.j'..Yt come irectW~f Dr. Al rthe-,sftu i bodho'f a retin'iass, of' music, 'of peiios ':ythe Union 'as'a' i campus;' unselfish y, several of the wl eg facuty~aveivo-k~dforits'adopion.;1cause of f Iti'Jeguiem, 'such fogs obscure the sun, [ear oald'Michigan; 'so bum the railroads run, dear' old Michigan; [creeks 'iowhiere have the iere else, the truth t) tell, old this side of-War, .ear old Michigan! -Anon. 3.prorogued.. e_ Ready for Cosmopolitans. went of the new pins of the *...hapter_ of the Corda Fra- c)ialion .Cosmopolitan clubs i n. today.. The correspond- etary, "A. M. Johnston~ will 'ge. "of them. Those who de- insignia should see him at 3only a limited number has ,red, eOccurs =in Smoker Date. esh law smoker, erroneously idas taking place last even- at-to be held until Monday, ,,,Feature talks by faculty .and. students, music, smokes, 'will comprise the program- Tickets will be on sale by the e ;week, 6W od will Play in Detroit. teit 'Lockwood, of -the school will play in Detroit on Fri- program- will' consist of De- mnasterpieces and the recital given for the Alliance Fran- tht city. " D. F. WOODWARD Ann Arbor Savings Bank 'Bldg. Second Floor Ann Arbor, M~ 1 +Itch. Ann Arbor Dye Works French Dry and Steam Cleaning' Bell 628 204 E. Washington St. L. R. Wahl, Manager is the best place to go ourself and en- tertain your friends. All bomne cooking. Meal tickets for sale. We cater for banqu~ets and parties. 109 E. Washington Srt. C r f I i. i i M ' ' j SNIRTS DISTINCTIVE PATTERNS ER2FECTl I IT Typewriter Rens norizfn Phone 1361-16 1 will meet or beat any price made on a typewriter, sale or rental. .. ;J1 deal Restaurant .7Q9, N. , . t,J i-verty Ave. EARL & WILSON Makers u! Red-Man Cllars SECOND FLOOR PHONE 1381.-L The Ideal Restaurant open, after having undergone some remuodeling 'and in~px'o 'evinent necessary in the premises, based always on the same priciples ti Ed,'iicaed Co*Oks and Strict Ci e nl cess .' Success in life depends on a strongr and resourceful mind; but a stron~g ldr. sourceful mind is living on a strong and healtihy body., ~ i- Health is obtained whenigood and rich blood is circulating in 0,4r veins.;;; HRow do we get the blood?~ Easy to answer' From the food we are consuming. Pure and genuine food well jirepared and well served will constitfute the-i 'gredie'rits of a fine blood. willibuild up a strong constitution andl a sound muind acnd. Will brig - the success in life. . . -Bad and stale food handled-by the first man who .alls himself c(?Qk °'s the poison introduced gradually in our system. If you don't feel that p'oison now you will feel it later on when the results of the affection of your stomach will maiie'yotr a slave: ." to the different pills and other medicines... We clahim to offer high-class caoling. and hlg Tvlas sgrvi'F , at popular p rieso Our kitchen opeu for nspection to all visitors. "1 mmvmmmmmmwm wmmwwxvmmmzz= F a For Theatre and Dancing parties at your service Day and Night. Ann AbrC" And City Garage 30 North Main street. Auto Baggage Truk Quick Service TRY US I xwmmmm - ... t ._. .. . . ... , 'AJESTI C DETRO IT UNITED 11N SS Ann Arbor T fie Tabfi Locate Cars for a m i., and every. two, hours to 6;40n... - p. in-..8:40 p. m.,, 9:45 p. m.,, and 10:5 p ija To Ypsilanti only. 11:15 V. in:, :12i15 p; m.. I imited Cars for Jackso-:4 .. man~d. r *&: : .:.. . r 1., , L i Aguarantee wih vypi These gloves are guaranteed net to rip. The makers will replace any pair that rips with a new pair. Inm WAGNER ; ;; . .