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November 19, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-11-19

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Michigan. Daily










Forecast for Ann Arbor-Increasing
cloudiness Tuesday and warmer, with
moderate winds becoming southerly.
U~niversity Observatory - Monday,
7:00 p. in., temperature 38.0; maxi-
mnum temperature 24 hours preceding,
45.9; minimum temperature 24 hours
preceding, 29.6; average wind velocity,
5miles per hour.


Place-'Waterman and
ur gyms.
Price-2r, r.ar~tC

Lively Talks, Melody, Yells, Ets,'
A n ' m k s i l a eT n W IL L B E OP E ",T A L L. U N IV E R S IT Y M E N

Vahmble Works of Former Professor
AlexanderWins]" UnIewth~ed
at Lansing.
Geological works. of Dr. Alexander
Witshell, former professor of gology
at this university,valued at fifty, thous-
and dollars, have recently been un-
earthed at the state capitol at Lansing,
wh~ere they have been kept,. since. Dr.
VVirshell's death two decades ago.
Thane works were found in a large
6110q which was compiled some time
between the years 1837 an~d 1863, dur-
Ing which period Dr. Winsheil Was a
ummbiner of the university faculty. The
WhIlo contains over four hundred oi.
finial works including some famous
drrwings of fossil specimens.. ThL-
works cannot be duplicated andmean
much to the present day geologists,
for the plates and hand drawings
piov some facts which wer~e hitherto
known only in theory.
Pf.tBiggs Returns from Detrolt,
Prof. H. E. Riggs who has: been In
Deitroit the past week . in. connection
with the railroad two cent fare case
retuned2 to Ann Arbor Sunday.


Le Time-Informal recep-
7:00-8:00 p. in.; program
is 8:00 p. M.
e in charge urge that-
There be no pushing and
ding at the entrances.
Care to be taken in the dis-
;ion of burned matches, cig-
:e stubs, etc.



ed in Waterman


* * *


sto be


AT 3:00.

more. pro

All-fresh, and
on has conclud-
soccer season.
rly, associationr
g given a try-
nder the super-
h Douglas, will
layed at least

With a program of speakers Une-
qualled at any previous ev'ent of the
kind, the mammoth Michigan Uion
football smoker, to be held in the com-
bined gyms this evening, will doubtless
prove a record-breakor, There will
be lively talks, meoy yell's, aad eats
and smokes galore, and it is erpeet~o
that the big floor will be crowded to
the limit.
Because of the failure of members
of the Union to tape an active inter-
est in their exclusive privilege to pur-
chase tickets for the smoker, the ticket
sale will be thr~own. open to all this
morning. The pasteboards will only
be on sale at the Union, and inasmuch
as in past years it has been necessary
to turn away large numbers, it' is
urged that all men who desire to at-
tend the principal athletic rally of th-e
year buy their admission cards ear'ly.
No tickets -will be sold at the door
this evening.
A notable addition to. the already
brilliant program of speakers was sie-
cured last evening, when Dr. James'
B. Angell gave his tentative assent to
be present. Dean J. R. Effinger will
be the other faculty representative.
and Gov. Chase S. Osborn and Edmund
0. Shields, '96L, chairman of the state
Democratic committee, will be the ,
principal outside speakers. Edward
Kemp, '12-'14L, president of the Mich-
igan Union, will preside as master of,
ceremonies, and Frank Penneli, '12-
'14L, will represent the student body.
Band Will Play During the Eveniag.
As usual, the band will be present
and play from 7:45 to 8:00 o'clock. 1
The doors will be open at 7:00 o'clock
and an informal reception in Barbour
gym r precedes the regular program,
which will begin at 8:00 o'clock.
The management requests tha-, all3
come early. The program will proba.

bly not last b1fer two hours.
The glee Arid tndQin clubs, togetb,"-
er with the baud, will furnish .the. mi.
61c91 . pat' e4: the eataftainuaent, and
"Lyndy" ' *1??bo present ccoapuic,
blt his faithful lantern and a bevy of
new and snappy cartoons. Yells will
be led by -1W"itey" Otis, and it is
probsJ~le that some of. the members of
the football team will be called upon.
for short talks on "how it happened."
The whole squad has been Lunvited to
attend as the guests of .hpnor,
Elnborste Nee* AU ArrsgeiL
Beginning early .this zuornin~g, carts.
and drays in profusion are hllig&
pulling. and4 pushing 49ugbnuts. cider
and tobacco into the scene of this ev-
ening's festivities.. Over 104 gallousw
of the amber fluid will flow from nu~-
merous crocks placed -at intervals on
the big floor, and dugiats :-the
pasties will be on every side. Free
pipes, "oiibe cut" sMoking tobacco, and
cigarettes 'wll also be on the bill pf
fare I-d4the Jrice of admission, gents,
remaining at the ludicrously, low Kuu
of 25 cents."
Regutaftlous to Expedite Mnttems
In order to expedite the handling
of the large crowd this evehing,A)querq
al Chai'nar ยง"Camr" Trible, '12, has
drawn up -a set of . Vegulationg. w$sich
are printed this. morning In -The -hich-
igan -Daily. Altbugh there is abwn,
lately nb danger from fire or-panic, it
is expectd that all Who attend- the
smoker follow these suggestions in or-
der that there may be~ no. confusion.
Crowding at the exits is especially pro-.
The speakers' platform w* be log
cated on~ the north side of Waterman
gym. Bleachers will - be installed-on.
the oth~er sides- of the hall,.an .a.lrszge'
number, of folding chairs wild be used,
to seat :the remainder of the audlence.

ue to be

Utfversity Installs New Laboratory
Ail State In Building First.
Class Highways.

Cast of Seventeen Local Tb
Work Daily. on Produ~ctlon
Be Given at Whitney
Theater, Dec. 14.
Bert St. John Will Handle C,
of Show; Stage Effects1
Be Elaborate.
Daily rehearsals of the Come
are whipping a cast of 17
Thespians into correct shape
presentation of "Money," Bulw
ton's farce, which the club w~
at the Whitney theater on De
14. Dion S. Birney, who is man
the club and who has had thre
[of dramatic experience before tl
public, will take the heavy le
'of. Evelyn. Bert St. John will
the coaching of the show. A
ments have been made whereby
take charge of the stage technic
the acting about ten days bef
play is given.
Scenic effects, are being
from the Whitney Company,
troit; and. this scenery, with a
tional set which is being d
here especially for this play,
as elaborate as that of the roa
panies. This same company'w
nish. costumes for the actors.
club is sparing no expense in


,. m.,

tball season has
aglas' will he able
,1 of his time to
usiastr3 the finer

f the game, and he will be at
ield each afternoon ar 3:00)
in order to supervise the play-
lie men who are taking up the
rt. Yesterday Coach Douglas
hand to conduct the practice,
many men turned out.
oath desires it to b,: under-
owever, that from now -until
diving there will be opportun-
soccer lovers to ge-- in some
)rk, as aside from the ger eral
,it is planned to stage a nun -
egulation games.



I)ean Vaughan Presides at Discussion
of Railroad Sanitation.
In connection with the regular state
board of health meeting which will be
opened by President V. C. Vaughan,
dean of the medical department, to-
morrow night at Lansing, Mich., the
question of railroad sanitation will be
discussed. Almost all of the trains
passing through Michigan have ob-
served the rigid sanitation laws of the
state, but many of the smaller stations,
that are situated along the variouslines
are inadequately supplied with water,
heat, and ventilation. It is these con-
ditions which have been deprecated
but which the state organization has
now decided to abolish.

Pres. H. B. Hutchins and Dean M. E.
Cooley left Sunday for Washington,
D. C., where they will attend the an-
nual meetings of the Nationtal Agsoei-
ation of State Universities. Pres.
Hutchins will 'read a paper on the re-~
lation of the university to the state
and Dean Cooley will give' a talk on'
public utilities.j They will return.
to Ann Arbor the latter part of the'
Kazoo Hen Send The Daily Back Haute
Eighteen members of the Kalamazoo
club met in the north wing last even-
ing for a short business meeting. The
club will hold a smoker next 'Tuesday:
evening at the Union at- which time
some well known faculty man will
talk. It was decided to send The,
Michigan Daily to the Kalamazoo high-
school, Kalamazoo college, and the
Western State Normal school for' the
balance of the college year.
Ferris Club Attends Banquet.
Nineteen memnbers of the Ferris~
club went to Detroit last night to at-
tend the banquet given by the alumni
of that organization- at -the St. Claire
Hotel. Gov.-Elect. W. N. Ferris at-
tended and was the principal speak.
er of the evening,
Prof. Stanley's Leeture Is PNstp 4LE
Prof. Albert Stanley's 'lecture ~on "Ger-
man :Music," which was to have been

Deutscher Verein will hiold a. "Get
Acquainted party" for memnbers antd
their friends tomorrow evening.. The
entertainment will open with an. il-
lustrated lecture by Hlerr C. Leldich,
president of the Harxmouie Verein, of
Detroit, ou "Rambles. Through. Ger-
many." The public is invited to attend
the lecture, which will be glven. in Sar-
ah Caswell Angell hall at 8:00.o'clock.
It will be delivered in :German.
After the lecture, the members and
their guests will dance in the parlors
of Barbour gyamaium. The comp-
mittes have provided refreshmuents 'for
the 6-boasiou..
each o! S x ENt Supervise Tbree
Das Daring Semester.
Beginning with the Michigan Union
dance last Saturday evening, the aix'
chairmen of the dance committee
started over again to serve in regular
rotation. During the semester, the
Union management has planned to
give eighteen parties;- and' with tht"
rotating system, each chairm will
serve three tines. during the term.
Thig: charmeu are: Bernard Fal-
lor , '13, Cowe Quinn, '13, Hal Tat-
maag ,1l,. Geore Caulkita,- '13, Har-
old- -Wiimson, '13E, . and: 7. Austin
Otw~, '"
At each- glance, two differeat commit-
teemnare uppotated, and by' thts Sy's-
tem at the ,end of the semester; thirty-
sire maen will have-worked: under the

With a new highway material test-
ing laboratory,, the university is in a,
position to do active work in assisting
the people of, this. state to' improve
their highways. Under 'the direction
of the ofte of road. survey at Wash-
ingtorn, D. C., the engineering depart-
ment has built up a highway 'labora-
tory which -is one of the most com-
plete in the middle-west.
The laboratory cost over $2,000,- and
includes among otfer machines. a
standard rattler for testing paving, an
abrasive machine for testing the wear-
ing; qualities- of paving stones, and a
ces ent testing machine., Paving atones
are tested as to their general: desira.
bility' by turning them together with:
iron balls in' an iron cylinder. The'
'dust is wetted and compressed into
cakes, and these,, when dry, are test-
ed for their cohesive qualities by
pounding with hammers falling from
measured distances.
The laboratorywill be used, not only
for :class and research work, but also
for educational -work about the state.
It; to also expected -that' municipal 'ex-
perts will taken advantage of the fa-
cilities offered them by, the university
to~make accurate tests of their propos-
ed, materials. Thus it is hoped that
closer relations, between_ the universi-
ty:. and tb-eplpe it serves will be
With the purpose of enabling.- the.
university 'to communicate by wire-
less -with Leland Stanford University
and other Paci~c. coast. stations, the
local operators are .enlargitng and im-
proving. their, equipment. The con-
denser has been Increased from 5 to
:15:kilowatt capacity by using an orig-
inal - device which was invented 'by a
local operator.- Cornell game reports
were successfully sent out to eastern
stations Saturday night and replies
were received from stations as far
distant -.as Key' West, Florida.
0 mdProhibit. Att teean-of -Girls.
Because the male students of the
(iaselssippi Agricultural and Mechan-
t1 institute struck on account of the
eptforvement of an "anti-fusslag" law,
the board of trustees decided, to pro-
hibit the attendance of women stu-
denuts. Five of the_ nine female stu-
deAts already in attendance have with-
dr*, from the college.
Edition of (lernell'Extra Nearly Gene.
The CorellMichigan extra.- of The
M~ichigan Daily has been selling well.

will meet with even more fav,
plays given in past years by tl
It is live, picturesque, and repl(
comedy possibilities for a stude
It dates back to the early nin
century portrayal of mannersa
toms in London, and. has been
with a great deal of success d
century, both in England and

Class Plans Social Events of Year.
Meeting This Afternoon.
Soph lit committees have been ap-
pointed by C. M. Anderson, president
of the class, as follows:
Social: Edward O'Neill, chairman,
Lyle Harris, Percy Hammond, Douglas
Bell, Benjamin Holtom, Harold Tate,
Lenora Haimbaugh, Fannie Hogan,
Mildred Rees, Dorothy Alden, Mary
Lewis and Louise Robson. f
Banquets,- and smokers: Chester
Lang, chairman, Albert Schrimpf,
Clarence Swainson, William Gonne,.
Edward Ham, John Watkins, and Fred
Finance: Harry Miller and Lee
The auditing committee will be an-
'nounced at the class meeting to be,
held today at 4:00 p. m. in Tappan
A lively social year has been plan-
ned including a series of dinners,
smokers, and dances. The first smok-
er will be held Thursday, 7:30 p. in.,
at the Michigan Union. The initial
dance is planned for Wednesday, Dec.
C. C. Covert, of the U. S. Geological
Survey, Washington, D. C., will talk
before the engineering society on
"Methods of -Stream Guaging as Prac-
ticed by the U. S. Geological Survey"
today in the west physics lecture room
at 4:00 o'clock. Mr. Covert is making
the trip here from Washington especi-
ally to deliver this lecture and all in-
terested are invited to attend.
Prof. Davis Leaves on Lecture Trip.
Prof. C. 0. Davis, of the educational
department will leave Ann Arbor this
morninig for Jackson where he will de-
liver a lecture on "Educational Ten-



y' Saturday.'
y copy forl
in the ed-r

.linior Lit Class Plans First Dance
for Friday, Nov. 22.
Junior lits will hold their first
dance of the season in Barbour gyme
Friday evening. The party, which
w-ill be in the nature of a New England
merry-making, will begin at 7:15, and
continue until 11 :00. o'clock. The
"Down East" idea will be carried out
in the decorations', -dances and pro-
Tickets for the dance are on sale
for 35 cents, and may be obtained
from the following members of thel


,e theI

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