THE MICHIGAN DAILY villa Overcoats COMMITTEES 'FOR OPERA ARE Anog nuner At Your Price 11 Ki unuocli are showing Six Colors in the Chinchilla coatings-that deep ue, makes a gentleman's garment and is c~rtilinly making alhit. Godfrey Streliger,-'13E, is Master Costumes; Scott Hopkin, 1131E, Is Master of Properties. ofI armth Without Weight the trade demands. We have met the demand in our showing at eprice of ready-to-wear Coat-you can have one tailored to your :asure and that means comfort. .Karl Malcolm Maynard 'and Liberty DE RIFRATERNITY J EELERS ..AN]D STATIONERS J-ewelers, Stationers, jOpticirns and Fraternity Jewelers 207-211 WOODWARD' AVENUE,, DETROIT BERT ST. JH WILL AGAIN ACT AS- )IRECTORt OF SAE G~ordoni Jacques, '13I, is Clhairman of :Music Committee; Maurice Toulme Publicity Head Committees for. the 1913 Michigan Union opera were announced yester- day by President Edward G. Kemp. The following men will have charge of, this season's production: Philip Fletcher, '13E, general chair- man; Bert St. John, state manager; Homer L. Heath, treasurer; Godfrey Strelinger, '13E, master of costumes; Scott Hopkin, '13E, master of prop- erities. Assistants to general chairman, Cyril. Quinn, '14, Robert Brown, '14E, Henry, Hoch, '14, Robert Wiley, '14E; as-1 sistants to. master of properties, Blake. Helm, '14L, John Lippincott, ,'14. Music publishing committee, Gordon Jacques, 413L, chairman, John Fowler, '14L, Adna R. Johnson, Jr., '14, Her- bert Jose, '14E. Writc Idcas For Moving Pictul YOU EARN WRITE PH'OTO ,PLA YA $25ORMORE Publicity committee, Maurice Tol- me, '12-'14L, chairman, H. Beach Car-1 penter, '14, Edward Haislip, '14L. W I Assistant to treasurer, Kenneth Bax- ter.. HAMBURGERS ARE FOUND To BE IMPURE BY PHARMACISTSM Hamburger steak sold at every mar- ket in Ann Arbor is impure. More- over, as far as observations could be made, not a pure hamburger has been sold here for three years. Dr. W. S. Hubbard, secretary of the pharmacy department made statements to this ef- fect yesterday. Dr. Hubbard's class In drug and food analysis is now making its second analysis of hamburger sold Oeh at Ann Arbor'markets, and so far re- oehu sults show no imprivement over "the wiy experiments of previous years. Hamburger steaks which ar elngebastia served at boarding'' houses ands' re- Pilade taurants and "hamburger joints" are Bernar declared injurious to the health" by state law, containing large quantities of sodium suphites. In Detroit, Grand Rapids and St. Joseph, and other plac- e mec a t ha e b e pr ctdfor selling meat of no worse quality than that which is sold daily in Ann Prices Arbor stores.M Dr. Hubbard. says that suphite will _____ permit one gram hamburgers to con -_____ tain 3,000,000 bacteria wthout smell- ing, three times as many as it couldA otherwise =contain. The preservative also gives the meat a red, healthy ap We offer pearance which will permit it to re- eight sh main exposed two or three weeks be- is anothe fore decomposition commences. PERFI Th 122 S. N r l ays! S AND Cral ,EKYF E. r ~It is part o y wear the your home ak )adway York City [ajestic Grand' Opera Co. Bargain in Stationery unsurpassed value in Fabric Finish K~ riting paper. Forty- Teets and forty eight -envelopes (two cuts) all for 25c a box. This .r one of those ECT REX ALL PRODUCTS see it in- our window oe RoxaJi Drug S Ntore E. C. EDSILL, Proprietor Miain street Prescription Specialists Iu want your choice o1 English Styles see our wford &Stelson 'Shoes rom . $3.50. to $8.00 Mendelssohn's [JITNEY THEATRE ndred and ten: People FullSymphony Orchestra tm Miles--------------- ------ NME. ESTER ADABERTO in Burnetti-------.--------MM.imHORTUHsE D'ARBL.AY Sinagra---------------------------- MISS LEVA VERA l Feraos--------------------_.MISS'Louise ROGERS ARTURO Bovi, Conductor. Sale Thursday, Nov. 14--o A. M. s 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2.00. Boxes $2.50. (ail -Orders Fied in Rotation Received. Saturday, November 16 ELIJAH" Presented In Eraglish by as All-Star Grand 0Opera Cast I We Will1, Show-You How! !If you have ideas-if you can THINK--we will show you the °secrets of thisflascinating new profession:. Positiv el'y no experien~ce . or literary excellence necessary. No " flowery language" is wanted, The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film, manufactuters' are~ moving A fheaventoand _earth"' in their at- tempts to get enough gcod plots to supply the ever increasing de- mand. :They are offering $ioo and more, .for. single scenarios, or written ideas,~ Nearlyal he ,big film companies, the buyers of photoplays, are located in orf near. NEW .YORK CITY. Being right on the spot and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wat ecd by the prod ucers, our SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advant- age over agencies situated in distant cities, We have received many letters from the big film manufactur- e rs, such as, Vitagraphi, Edison. Essanay, Lubin, Solax, Imp, Re- liance. Champion, Comet, Melies, Etc.,. urging us tol send photo- plays to them. We want. more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of. success. We are selling pliotoplays Written by people who ",never before wrote a line of publication," Perhaps we can. do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea each week, and will write it out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25,~a low figure, You Will Earn $ 100,: Monthly For Spars Time Work' FREE Send your name and address at once for free copy of FREE our illustrated book, "MO VING6 PICTURE PLAYWRITING.", Don't hesitate. Don't argue. . Write stow and learn just what this new profession may mean for you. and your.,future. Complete, line of Gym Goods at R. FROST ,302 S. State Street f my professional service to show women how to correct- heir corsets. Let .me select and fit, in the seclusion of .that comfortable, classy, perfect- garmnent-the S PARE L LA C ORSEHT ' s F, e _ j :Avoid the Snows of Winter and enjoy the land of sunshine and flowers, stately palms .%and soft tropical breezes.' Low Round Trip Winter Tourist Fares TO POINTS IN f Alabama, Cuba, Florida, Georgia,- Louisiana, Mexico, Mississippi, New, Providence, New -y Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, and via 4NewYorkGentra1 Lines a ~Michigan Central. R. t A Tickets on sale daily until April 30, 1913. Final Return Linxit June 1L,1913. - Tcktsare as sold to Florida going one route and returning °-- another. Li be ralI stop-over privileges.P 1 For Particulars AR Consult Agents ~,, L4TIONAL AUTHORS' 1543, Brc New IN S TIUTE M ILL HATS see the seasons correct blocks. tats in a variety of porportions. TRADE .MAREI TERW 1900 FRED W. ®ROS, 123 E. Liberty 'St. YOU'LL FEEL THANKFUL on Nov. 28th, if you'll let us take your correct measure for a suit or overcoat to be made to order As in many shapes: by Ed. V. Price &