THE MIC'. .N DAILY ran MIC N DAILY "NITERSITY CALENDAM- UNIVERSITY NOTICES. t you to see our :uston1 Lasts the ig1OE new flat 7 8 inch a tan, light or heavy ® er pair. S. STREET rgest stock of best fitting pumps you ever and $5.00 per pair. Tuesday, November 12.-Menorahi club smoker at the Michigan Union, 7,:30 Wednesday, November 13.-Senior lit dinner at the Michigan Union, 6:00 P. M'. Wednesday, November 13.-Iowa club smoker at the Mi higan Union, 7:30 p. M. Thursday,' November 14.-Senior law dinner at the Michigan Union, 6:00 P. M. Huyler's candy has the reputation for purity. Agency 214 S. Main St. The largest and-finest stock in the city,., Goodyear's Drug Store-. 3 tf Fresh shipment of Huyler's just re- ceived. 214 S. Main St. 34-35 A business meeting of the Hawkeye club will be held, tomorrow evening at the Union. All members are urged to be present. Senior lit football practice South Ferry field :3:30 o'clock this afternoon. Game Wednesday. American Chemical society meets in room 151 chemical building this after- noon at 4:15 o'clock, Prof. L. H. Cone will read a paper on "Salts of Acrid- ine, Pyridine and 'Quinoline." Meeting of Commerce club in eco- nomics building tonight at 7:00 o'clock. Comedy club rehearsal Act 5 at Del- ta Gamma house 7:15 p.- m. this ev- enin g. Just Re A LARGE SHIPMEN'XT Patrick Mack- All colors with belts, Paldaco of Swefts Down Town' LET TRUBEY rurnish the lee Crrerm a MUSIC AND DRAMA . i Attentton to Fratrnities anti Sororities ONr MAIN STREET 3 de Y Dancing Class every Lca ue inTuesday and Friday cademy for' Children's aftern~oon class. Private ies. $12, Series $10; -Wed. and Thur. $14, SeriesI ries $14. Phone 1850) 570L Iw *: *: *: *: * * * *: IS IT WORTH WHILE I -0- The other day .the owner of an app~le orchard came into the Dai- ly office. Hle wanted men to pick apples from over 304 trees. He placed a "two-bit vwanit adlet" in the want ad column asking for men to report early the next morning at his home 1 1-2 miles from Ann Arbor. Result-27 men were on hand and over 1,000 bushels of apples wvere picked before evening. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -0- IS IT WORTH WHILE?~ *; onliy Live Pie.c. for N T S U PPLIES a student needs-and then some-The original can only be had at Supply Store Collegian Clothes. A' handsome, display of Men's Suits and Overcoats in this make is now be- ing shown at' Allen's Good Clothes Store on Main St. They represent all the very newest styles in Greys, Blues, Tans and novelty effects. You can see a few of these novelty effects in their window. 36 For, a good satisfactory dance or- chestra call-up 120 9-IL. Rex..Orches- tra. 36 WTCH FOR THE BIG YELLOW FOOTBALL EXTRA NEXT SATIUR- DAY. ON SALE IMMEDIATELY AF- TIE R THE GALEEERYWHVERE. iss Hunt's Recital. A song recital by Miss Nora Hunt has come. to be one of the regular events of the. music year. Her pro- gram" given last evening in the school of music proved as enjoyable as her recitals always are, and was appreci- ated by a large audience. Miss Hunt's art is worthy of great admiration in many points. Her programs show al- ways a devotion to best music. Her voice is a pure and rich contralto' which delights for its depth and son- ority of tone; and Miss Hunt- uses it with fine discrimination. In interpreta- tive power, Miss Hunt is making great growth; and her songs last evening' were impressively given. Mrs. Seer- ril played the accompaniments well; and Mr. Johnston assisted with cello obligato. Historical Recital Wednesday. Albert Lockwood will give the sec- ond of the series. of piano recitals on Wednesday afternoon at the high school. The program is a varied and excellent one, comprising" selections from Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and Debussy, with the Schulz-Evler "Blue Danube" waltzes to close. 'With the. assistance of critical program notes, the recital should be as valuable to bhe student as it promises to be de- lightful to the amateur. The full program will be announced tomorrow. uer I Absolutely vind and rain proof, Mackinaw's The only Ulster in town for itself. Varsity Toggery S 1 107 S. University Ave. Phone 1 1 60-L E. J. LOI Thes.t Youzr Clothes Pr Quite 'Necessary s® Sernd T Vhe 1534 L ISpaldin g and We bber Sweaters Roll CO" UTH UNIVERSITY EEDE, Prorietor Suiis 2.5c Called For and PlIWIIMSki Try St. James Cafe ?;-t c ( o'"°e;di ri; t r.' i liu., t' Holll d, Dutch Arts adCat.LbayThlr n r diC tlinctive de ~~.igin Your hi~spcctiiis C.eifiyslctd Meails Vie: e. , -,, . L . u- .a n c ea . a ~s a+ -,c : .3an d S li-r t O r se 2 c SndayChicen Dnmom. ? ! 4U J ~U ~ 1M in\i I' ~Xh F F,, x 0 t A ia(AV-~ EE ! 9I t:1 alt P I ~ '. IasL ~1ay CaIill 8O i call 1693-J. . Son m~ ' 'r< a°: s 314, 116, 9:I&w 120 acod 22 E. Liberty 5treet BcY'IH HON143 PASSEN~ER ELEVATOR I - ; r . : t ~y M .. -. - - r. }ti . i £ ' Y y Vii,,. d - ! ,-, , Y4 . f , Wait for Opening Saturday, Nov. 16 kI FREE FREE f $5.00 Pants Free,. Opening Dlay h every suit or overcoat ordered. We have been fortunate in securei g formerly occupied by Haller's Jewelry Store, in which to conduct one ,ranch stores. We wish to announce to the public of this com'munity are considered the largest tailoring establishment in the United State s, res all over. All woolen cloths used by us are (made at our own mills, e we are able to offer such tremendous values. Satisfaction guaran-~ money back. suits, Overcoats $17.50, _NoM rNo Less Made to Order Lost-One Williston's Cases on Sales. Finder please call Plunkett, 194-J. Lost-Gold Cameo stick pin. Finder please return to 'H. L. Burgess, 109 So. Ingalls, 1535-IL. Reward. Lost-At or near Majestic or High school two strands of choral beads: Finder please return to R. R. Seeley, 939 Greenwood Ave. and get reward. 35-36 I s= aTH- cm' lOU+..macr-.'ae6.:'tSE OF sTAND:4!4+ tAI D Q1wUY"ot'-. A'Cr.a _Sa Iis igj s^r..- -- ..-R s 01 en'-a~w _.s- , . Cloavth~~,a~:e...-sV~a+ HEN RY & CO.: 711 N..U Stores all over the United States i FOR RENT For Rent-Desirable single room. for young lady in house with girls. Phone 1741-IL. 35-36 For Rent-Steam heated rooms over Drug Store. E. E. Calkins. 32-37 FOR SALE. THE CORNELL' FOOTBALL EX. TIRAi WILL CONTAIN A' COMPLETE ACCOUNT OF THE GAME, PLAY BY PLA1Y, AS WELL AS FEATURE STO- RIES, CUTS OF PLAYERS, ETC., Etc. THIS IS THE SOUVENIR OF THE YEAR. IfHayley' specialty. 1' BIG BEN An1up-to-date An SMYiIIinery Fall Millinery at ________________ prices. Hair G Bell Phone 1390J E. E. HATLEY, 206 E. Liber ALARM CLOCDKS at oolIen Mills Company, America's Greatest Tailors I'l H'AL LER 'S JEWELRY. CO. Three Doors' North of Mack's Store 808 S. STATE: STREET ..,. --- Sto re Reule, Conlin, Fiegel C owi val val men's store ahims to keep in close, constant touch with -its clientele absorbing the ideas and studying the individual tastes of alert and progressive young fellows who regard correct attire as an asset in social and business life. Autumn's finest in Furnishings [ng at.... , .................................... 0 Manhattan, headquarters for these famous Shirts.. ............... . 50 ues at................. ........$1.50 and up to $2.50 Hosiery, extra stroug showing at.......... les, at ............... . ...... ................ .. ..$1.00 Great values in Fall Underwear. ... ... ..... . ... ....... . . .... .... ,...... . ... D in"Filegel Co. 200-282 South r ..--".