XIII, No. 36.
"Cap" Redden Comes to Aid Coach
Yost in Training; His Presence
Cheers Squad and Fans
Scrimmage is Planned for Today and
is Expecte(I to be on the,
Daily Program.
Forecast for Ann Arbor-Colder
Tuesday with rain.
University Observatory - Monday,
7:00 p. m. temperature 61.6; maxi-
mum temperature 24 hours preceding,
66.6; 'minimum temperature 24 hours
preceding 38.4; maximum wind veloc-
ity 20 miles, average, 11 miles per
Dean Guthe Returns from Philadelphia
Dean Guthe, of the graduate depart-
ment, returned yesterday morning
from Philadelphia where he attended
the meetings of the Conference of
American Universities which were
held in that city last Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday. Twenty-three of
the principal universities of the coun-
try were represented and most of the
meetings were held behind closed
Prof. Anderson Works on Detroit Case'
Prof. H. C. Anderson, of the . me-
chanical engineering department has
joined Prof. H. C. Riggs in Detroit,
and will be there for the next three
days in connection with the two cent
fare case that is now being tried in
that city. He will return Wednesday.
Result of Saturday's Pennsy GrAme,
Ithacans See Chance to
Regain Laurels.
Prof. Trueblood Will Be Heard
Biest Known Rolf ns
in His I As
With a dull feeling of fury, a sort
of a desire for revenge, the Varsity
started its final week of practice last
night. Still sore and bruised from the
grueling battle with Penn, the squad
was treated to but a light workout
with scrimmage conspicuous by its ab-
sence,. The afternoon was spent in
pointing out the faults of Saturday's
game and explaining the how and why.
There was no severe criticism, for
there is a felling that Michigan played
was simply one of those turns of the
wheel of fortune that can only be
blamed to the flickle goddess who
spins it.
About the brightest piece of news
of theday was that "Cap" Reddei, the
famous Varsity end in 1903 and the
alumnus who has returned every year
to help Yost, showed up in town this
morning and was on the field in the
afternoon ready for a week's work.
There is not a man better versed in
the gentle art of tackling and block-
ing than Redden and his assistance in
this vital feature has always helped
Michigan to win its games. Year after
year "Cap" throws off business cares
and comes back to get bumped. and
bruised in order to teach the Varsity
some of his skill and there is no man
more welcomed by Yost. It is a sure
bet that, with Redden to help coach
the team and to give to it the inspir-
ation that prompts. him to return, it
will be some bunch of scrappers that
will tackle Cornell Saturday.
Paterson May Not lay Satuday,.
The condition of the injured men is
better than was hoped for. Paterson
seems like the only badly hurt man
and it is extremely doubtful if the big
boy will be at the pivot job Saturday.
His bum leg got a severe wrench and
It is with difficulty that he hobbles
about. His absence will be greatly
missed as he is one of the mainstays
of the line and the rooters are hoping;
against hope that "Bubbles" after all
will be able to play against the "Big
Red Team." Craig, whose knee is in
bad shape, will be ready to play, ac-
cording to trainer Farrell, and Huebel
and Hughitt will also be in shape.
"Tommy" Hughitt has a face that re-
sembles an under-done hamburger,1
lbut the little fellow is just as full of.
fight and pep as he ever was, and, ac-
cording to those who saw Saturday's
game, he-played the gana of his life.
According to the dopesters, Michi-
gan is going to have a brand new line
of plays to spring on the Cornell ag-
gregation and those who are on the in-
side simply smile and refus to give
an inkling as to those plays. But it is'
definitely known that Yost is saving
up a bunch of new ones in order to
even up for last year and Mr. Butler
and Co.; will have a hard time solving
them. It is also expected that what-1
ever scrimmage work will be done this
week will be devoted more or less to#
the development of defenses for for-1
ward passes. It was these tosses that1
started Michigan on the slide Satur-
(Continued on page 4.) l
Preliminary tryouts for cast parts
in the 1913 Michigan Union opera
were held last evening at the Union.
Thirty-three men went through their
respective stunts before Mimes, and
according to General Chairman Phil-
ip K. Fletcher, the material unearthed
is far above the average. All of those
in attendance at last evening's tryout
were new men, the stars of former
productions not being required to
show their dexterity until a later date.
Although the initial tryout was grat-
ifying from .the standpoint of ability
exhibited by the candidates, it is said
that there is plenty of room for addi-
tional material. A second tryout will
be held soon, at which time all of,
those who failed to appear last night
will be given a chance to walk the
There are approximately 20 cast,
parts to be filled in the 1913 show. Of
these, six are principal roles. With
last night's crop of hopefuls and the
additional older men, plenty of materi-
al is assured. However, those in
charge wish to emphasize that all try-
outs will be given an equal chance,
and parts from the book will not even
be tentatively assigned until further
Those who reported last evening will
be set to. work at once studying the
possibilities of the book. No actual
rehearsals will be called, but the time
between now and Christmas will not
be wasted by the zealous Thespians.
At a second tryout to be held befoi e
the holidays, all candidates, both new
and experienced, will be required to
perform, and parts from the libretto
will be doled out for final preparation.
The dancing chorus tryouts will hold
their regular rehearsals this afternoon
at 4:00 o'clock.
Tickets for the special Cornell game.
dance to be given in Barbour gym by
the Michigan Union next Saturday ev-
ening, will'go on sale at the Union at
5:00 o'clock this afternoon. Only 200
tickets will be issued, and some of
these will be reserved for returning
alumni. As usual only Union mem-
bers will be permitted to attend.
"Julius Caesar," the lecture recital
by Prof. T; C. Trueblood, of the ora-
tory department, will be delivered this
evening instead of Thursday evening,
as listen on the oratorical association
membership tickets. Attention is call-
ed to this change of date which was
made by the oratorical board at a re-
cent meeting to avoid a previously un-
foreseen conflict.
This lecture is one which those in-
terested in literature or dramatics can
ill afford to miss. Prof. Trueblood has
used this play as part of the subject
matter in his classes in Shakespear-
ean reading for many years, and has
delivered this recital on the lecture
platforms of this and other countries
for almost as long a time. The popu-
larity of his rendition of the play is
perhaps best attested to by the fact
that he is called upon to deliver it
nearly every year at several different
Commenting editorially upon Prof.
Trueblood's lecture before the Har-
vard Union,the Harvard Crimson said:
"The refined art and the pleasing per-
sonality of the reader added attract-
iveness to a piece of good literature."
The Japan Times, at the time Prof.
Trueblood delivered a Shakespearean
recital before the students of Waseda
University, said: "His address and re-
cital were highly appreciated and the
students sent him off with loud
Professor Trueblood was one of the
organizers of the National Speech Arts
association, was twice elected to the
presidency of the association, and has
been a member of the board of direct-
ors since its organization. Perhaps
the greatest tribute ever paid him was;
that from the lips of John G. Whittier,
shortly before he died. "Thy reading
of 'Rivermouth Rocks' makes me like
the poem better than when I wrote it,"
were the words of the great poet.
This dramatic recital is the third
number on the course of the Oratori-
cal association, and the membership
tickets will admit to it. The lecture
will start at 8:00 o'clock sharp, in
University Hall. The general admis-
sion will be 50 cents, or season mem-
bership tickets in the association may
be 'purchased at the door for $1.00,.
which will admit to all the remaining
numbers on the course.]
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 11.-Despite
Cornell's most recent defeat by Dart-
mouth and the poor showing of the
team all year, supporters the Big
'Red eleven have one thing with which
to console themselves. This is that
Michigan met defeat at the hands of
Pennsy on Saturday, while by playing
Michigan on Saturday next and, Penn-
sylvania later in the s ason, the Cor-
nell team has a chance to retrieve lost
It is true that Cornell has been go-
ing poorly. But so was Pennsylvania
before Saturday's game in which the
Quakers triumphed over the Maize and
Blue in such an unexpected manner.
This fact revives hopes in the breasts
of all loyal Corfiell men, for they feel
that it is possible to whip the Wolver-
ines in view of the fact that the Qua-
kers turned the trick. And if this is
done it is but a stepping stone to the
defeat of Pennsylvania, which event
would win back lost laurels.
Cornell is basing much of her hope
on Capt. Butler, who, though he has
been held out of several games on ac-
count of injuries, is believed to be a
logical candidate for Camp's All-
American eleven. Butler is the man
who does Cornell's kicking and who
practically is the mainstay of the team
when it comes to advancing the ball.
With the Cornell leader in good shape
and such other stars as Eyrich, Fritz,
Whyte and O'Conner in condition to
play their best games, Cornell stu-
dents believe that the Michigan game
will be an even battle at the very least.
The team itself is out to defeat Mich-
igan. With the victory of last season
fresh in the minds of the players, they
hope for a repetition of the Michigan
defeat in order that the east's suprem-
acy over her w'estern rivals may be
extended unquestionably to football.
Mortar Board, senior women's so-
ciety, held its regular fall initiation
banquet at the Michigan Union last
evening. The following 11 women
were taken into membership in the
organization: Agnes Greene, Mary
Jackson, Margaret Kinney, Hazel Lit-
tlefield, Georgia Maier, Irene Murphy,
Ruth Post, Mable Rose Elaine Shields,
Florence Senn and Marguerite Stan-
Speaker, Under Auspices of University,
to Discuss Art of West,
and East Tonight.
Laurence Binyon, English poet,
translator, dramatist, editor, art critic
and lecturer, will appear in Ann Ar-
bor tonight under the auspices of the
M17r. Binyon will lecture on the art
of the west and east. As a Newdigate
prize winner, art critic of the Satur-
day Review and editor of the "Artist's
Library," a series of monographs in
small quarto volumes, he possesses
an unusually firm footing for such an
undertaking. He is said to have a
pleasing personality and eager enthu-
siasm for his work, and his compar-
isons of the art of the east and the
west are said to be presented in an
especially attractive form. Mr. Bin-
yon has the reputation of imparting
information without being dull, and
of being able to concentrate tie wide-
ly scattered knowledge of many books
which ordinary people have no time to
read. With his unique literary gift,
his own rare experience, and connois-
seurship, he not only appeals to the
imagination and the intellect, but to
the most poetic sensibility of man.
The lecture will be given in room
D of the law department at 8:00 p. m.
i ;
Up to 4:00 o'clock yesterday after-
non, about 90 members of the Associa-
tion of Collegiate Alumnae, which is
now holding its thirty-first annual
convention in Ann Arbor, had register-
ed at Barbour gymnasium. This num
ber will be greatly increased today.
Yesterday afternoon, the Conference
of Womens' Deans, which is meeting
here in conjunction with the Alum-
nae association, held a meeting at the
home of Dean Myra B. Jordan. Dean
Jordan entertained the conference at
dinner, and the meeting was contin-
ued well into the evening. Forty-three,
educational institutions were repre-
sented at this meeting. Among them
were Wellesley, Radclifle, Bryn Mawr,
Cornell, Syracuse, Oberlin, Wisconsin,
Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, and many
such institutions as Ohio Wesleyan
and Western Reserve. .
Miss Fitch, of Oberlin, presided at1
the meeting, and talked on the gener-
al oversight of freshmen. Miss Reilly,,
of Bryn Mawr, spoke upon the effect
of outside activities on scholarship;
Mrs. Matthews, of Wisconsin, upon]
student social life; Mrs. Fawcett, ofa
Illinois, upon residence halls; and
Miss Arnold, of Simmons College, Bos-;
ton, upon vocational training. The
resolutions adopted, and the general
trend of the meeting, will be made
public this afternoon. They are being
prepared by Miss White, who is secre-
tary of the association.
More than 500 guests are expected to
be present at the reception to be given
by the president and regents of the,
university for the visiting alumnae,,
Wednesday evening. The receiving;
line will be formed at 8:30 o'clock in
Memorial Hall, which will be decorat-;
ed with the chrysanthemums and oth-
er flowers from the flower show just
at a close. Arrangenients for refresh-
ments are in the hands of the Michi-
gan Union. The faculty and many
prominent men from different parts
of the state, in addition to well-known
educators from Detroit and Ypsilanti,
have been invited. Mrs. G. W. Patter-
son is chairman of the committee in
charge of this reception.
I tiues oR Big eception to v arsiiy
FooAah l Piayers W ii 6i .
on aletb i union
(M GiMiiN A) iPit0hINE1 B
Prizes Are Offered For Best Cartoons
Representing Phases of Life ,
on Campus.
Union members will be given their
first opportunity today to purchase
tickets for the .big football smoker to
be held in the combined gyms Novem-
ber 19. The pasteboards will sell for
25 cents and the issue will probably
be limited to 1,700. The sale will begin
at 8:00 o'clock this morning at the
Union and will continue until the en'
tire number is sold. Only Uiion mem-
bers will be permitted to buy tickets.
Entries for the cartoon contest in
connection with the smoker must all
be handed in at the Union before 5:00
o'clock Friday afternoon. To date the
number of drawings submitted has
begin small, but it -s expected that
many will enter the contest before
the final date for the entries. As an-
nounced before, three prizes totalling
$9.00 will be awarded for the trio of
drawings considered as, best portray-
ing some phase of campua life, especi-
ally football matters.
The committee in charge of securing
speakers for the occasion has a defi-
nite promise from Gov. Chase S. Os-
born that he will be present. Edwin
Shields, chairman of the Democratic
state committee, has also consented
to speak. R. S., Copeland, president
of the New York alumni and dean of
the New York Medical college, has
been invited to give the principal ad-
dress of the evening, and word is ex-
pected from him today.
According to present indications,
James T. Keena, '78L, will act as toast-
master at the big rally. Mr. Keena is
one of the most prominent attorneys
in Detroit, and his ability as an after-
dinner speaker is well known in that
Although the program proper will
not begin until 8:00 o'clocl, the doors
will be open one hour earlier, and an
informal reception will be held in Bar-
bour gym preceding the big smoker.
The management desires to urge all
men to be present on time, as consid-
erable commotion has been caused in
the past by late comers entering the
hall after the speaking program has
Increased interest has followed in
the wake of Saturday's soccer demon-
stration before the crowd that came to
hear the Pennsy game scores and
watch the Freshies fight with Adrian.
At the practice yesterday afternoon
there were men enough to form two
teams with many more each than the
prescribed eleven. Two captains were
appointed by the coach and these close
players for their respective squads
The game was ended at 4:30 o'clock
by the coach with neither of the con-
testing sides satisfied to leave the field.
By this time the players have mas-
tered the essentials of soccer and are
familiar with the commoner rules.
Their efforts are now being turned to-
wards learning how to dribble. This
part of the game when rightly execut-
ed constitutes one of the prettiest ex-
hibition features of soccer, and was
sadly lacking on Saturday. The soc-
cerists will practice again this after-
noon at 3:00 o'clock.
Prof. C. H. K'auffman will give a re-
port on the life histories of lower fun-
gi, based on the works of several au-
thors, at the meeting of the Botanical
Journal club which. will be held at
8:00 o'clock this evening in room 106,
south wing of University hall. C. H.
Otis will discuss an article by Proms-
ley and Drevon which appeared in a
recent number of the "Revue Gener-
ale de Botanique."
Some more delay on the part of the
printers is responsible for the delayed
appearance of "The Painted Window"
which will not be put out until late
Wednesday evening, and in all proba-
bility the copies will not arrive at the
various stores in time for distribution
tomorrow night. As a football and fic-
tion number it should prove to be one
of the most attractive of the series.
Repeat Entertainment
Received Last Year.
Carrie Jacobs Bond, composer of
"Just a Wearyin' for You," "The Per-
fect Day," and several similar songs,
will give a concert and recital of her
own verses Thursday evening at 8:00
o'ulock in Newberry hall. Mrs. Bond
gave a recital here last year, and at
that time won special favor from an
audience composed largely of students.
Tickets for the recital are now on
sale at Newberry hall and McMillan
hall, the price of admission being 50
Isaac H. Elliott, '61, a veteran of
the civil war, is in the city for a few
days visiting his nephew, Prof. P. S.
Lovejoy, of the forestry department.
Mr. Elliott is now a resident of Dex-
ter, N. M.
It's going to be YELLOW!i
This edition will be featured by cuts
of teams and players and by feature
stories and athletic review of season
The Michigan Daily will publish a
big sporting extra immediately after
Cornell-Michigan game. Fall detail-
ed account of game.
Michy-Cornell Football Extrf