THE MICHIGAN DAILY ;.,. ii1 I 4 d Gc P f C.r ' wiz a Many electiol bets are paid in wheelbarrowE-or clothes . Good loosers pay itheir suit bets in Stein= Bloch Clothes because they're good clothes., We'll wager both winner and loser will be satisfied.n UIJVERSITY, CAIE)AR. Friday, November 8.-Kentucky club dinner at the Michigan Union, 6:00 p.m M. Friday,November 8.-Junior law smok- er at the Michigan Union, 7:00 p. M. Saturday, November 9.-Adrian vs. Michigan freshmen at Ferry field, 2:30 p. m. Sunday, November 10.-Union service at the Presbyterian church, 7:45 p. Address by Theodore G. Scares of the University of Chicago on "The Essence of Christianity." Monday, November 11.-Rehearsal of the .Mimes att he Michigan Union, 7:00 p. m. Tuesday,November 12.-Memorial club smoker at the Michigan Union, 7:30 P. in. Wednesday, November 13.-Iowa club smoker at the Mi higan Union, 7:30 p. m. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Meeting of 1916 Medics tomorrow at 12:00 o'clock. E. lecture room, medic building. -N MUSIC AND DRAMA-- m the best line of flackinaws in Y-. densehmitt, Apfe & Co . '" mma ----.., Telephone 716J LOCKS and you will get to yo ir tasses on time. and all clocks guaranteed New location. 11 EAST WASKINGTON STREET L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler I r Quarry's 'I :es London) Ugar- rid ! , purest The Drug Store on the Corner Where you buy GILBERT'S, L OVEL L'S and LOWNEY'S CHO OLATES Quarry Dr I THEATRICAL CIRCLES. O'Brien's Minstrels Tomnight. The parade which will be given to- day by Neil O'Brien's Great Minstrel organization is promised as quite the best dressed and most imposing street display ever made by any singing man- agement. Two separate and distinct bands provide the material airs, which are combined into one band for the evening concert. The band is under the leadership of Frank Fuhrer, the most widely known minstrel conductor in America. It appears tonight at the Whitney theater. * Collegian Clothes. A handsome display of Men's Suits and Overcoats in this make is now be- ing shown at Allen's Good Clothes Store on Main St. They represent all the very very newest styles in Greys, Blues, Tans and novelty effects. You can see a few of these novelty effects in their window. 32-34 Every box of Huyler's candy is guar- anteed. Mineral baths at Ypsilanti will ben- efit all kinds of Rheumatism. 33-35 We receive Huyler's Candy direct from are factory. 214 N. Main St. The Faculty Concert. That the faculty concerts are becom- ing, in the estimation of music devot- ees, serious rivals of the larger Choral Union series, was made manifest last night et the second concert of the sea- son. The auditorium of the High School was completely filled, and ev- ery number of the program received something approaching an ovation. The concert was notable in two ways. It brought forvard a composi- tion of Albert A. Stanley which has never been heard here previously; and it marked the first appearance in the faculty concerts of Anthony Whitmire, the new violinist. Mr. Stanley's com- position is a Canon and Fugue for pi- ano. The Canon is a graceful and very appealing bit of writing, elaborated from a somewhat pathetic theme through changing and colorful har- monies. The Fugue, built on a melody clear and classic in its outline, pro- gresses into somewhat intricate coun- terpoint, but without losing the pure clarity which is its most distinct aid beautiful characteristic. The whole composition has a breadth and spirit- ual import which will niake its repeti- tion welcome. Mr. Whitmire, in a series of selec- tions well calculated to exhibit the sensuous beauty of his tone, empha- sibed the deep impression he made the other evening in recital. But he has more than beauty of tone to make his playing enjoyable: a delicate percep- tion of rhythmic values, and a power of presentation that make what he plays memorable. The, two encores he won were well deserved. Albert Lockwood opened and closed the program with two characteristic. Grieg pieces, the Stanley composition, and the waltzes of Strauss in the Schulz-Evler transcription. Mr. Lock- wood played with spirit and brilliance, as always, and made the waltz irre- sistable in -rhythm and gorgeous in tonal effects. Mr. Howland sang the three Hermann songs which he has made favorites, and sang them with all his dramatic fervour and emphasis. The accompaniments were well played by Mr. Moore and Mr. Dotterweich. GRADT ATES OF ENGINEERING 1)EPART iENT ARE IN DEMAND Do you know how to use a Kodak? This question will soon be asked by thousands of prospective employers And you will want to answer yes." The time has come when photo graphic records play an important part in every branch of industry, and the man who expects to help furnish the trains for American Capita will be called upon to do this photography work. The Kodak has so wouderfully simplifiep pthotography that the Student cf today makes a great mistake if he does not learn bow while he has the opportunity. Let me help you. o ,;. SWEET BETTER SERVICE AS IT SOUNDS BETTER CAND TR 'L Y N D N -719 N. S9 University KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Fri "223 S. MAIN SDeFrios' Art Store CR. LIBERTY FIN40 ART GOODS The Ple ce to Have Yotxr Pictture Frame d in an Artistic M c. ra ile $ r THE SUGAR BOWL Ann Arbor's Best Confectionery, Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of descriptions. WE PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS, PARTIES, ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ON MAIN STREET rma h Bo " I" ., Ltd. v York I A T.E W P L A C E Ice Cream, Fine Candies, Tobaccos Lunches, -4"q1 ' -U i BUY SEE ('eira CIdican 5a R aj ank Liberty and Main Sts. President AMost Convenient Place for Your Banking Vice. -w O I Shirts e Longfellow Shirt?' We now have a fine s of this excellent shirt made up with soft dlais to match. Come in and look over the carry the Soo Mackinaw Coat. & Company Furnishers 342 S. State St. ding Maynard Street Across from Majestic Found-Key in front of Athletic Assn. Bldg. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily office and pay- ing for this ad. Lost-Waterman Fountain Pen, Sun- day, Nov. 3. Finder please call 241- L. 33-35 Lost-On Monday, two tickets to Cor- nell-Michigan game. South side 50 yard line. J. J. Seventh row. Find- er please notify F., N. Bradford, 526 R. Jefferson. Phone 911-L. 339 Lost-Waterman fountain pen Sunday, Nov. 3. Finder please call 241-L. 33-35 Lost-On Monday; two tickets to the Cornell-Michigan game, south side, 50 Yd. line (JJ) 7th row. Finder please notify F. N. Bradford, 526 E. Jefferson. Phone 911-L. FOR RENT For Rent--Desirable single room in' house. Phone 1741-L 30-32 .For Rent-Good single room for $1.50 at 529 Walnut street, four blocks from the engineering bldg. 34-35 For Rent-Steam heated rooms over Drug Store. E. E. Calkins. 32-37 FOR SALE. For Sale-Due bills on tailors; Wag- ner, Henry & Co., Dieterle, Student's directory. Call Reynolds, 723-J. That the Michigan graduate engi-' neer is in high demand has never been brought -out as clearly as it has this fall, according to Dean M. E. Cooley. The dean has received over sixty let- ters during the month of October from engineering concerns all over the country asking for men. The offers set forth salaries as high as $1,800. This month over a dozen applications have been received. In speaking of the great demand for Michigan engineers, Prof. H. C. Ander- son, of the mechanical engineering de- partment says, "If last June's gradu- ating class had been twice as large as it was we would still have been able to supply every man with a posi- tion." Dr. A. S. Warthin Makes Lecture Tour. Dr. A. S. Warthin of the medical de- partment is at present on a tour of Ionia county, where he is delivering a series of lectures on "Sex Hygiene" to students of various schools and the citizens in the larger towns. He spoke last night in Belding. SHOW GREAT DEFICIENCY IN BIBLICAL KNOWLEDGE. The answers returned to many of the biblical questions recently pro- pounded by Prof. Thomas E. Rankin show a woeful ignorance of the sub- ject. One man said that the bible was written in old English. The new Tes- tament was called a collection of es- says written by the Savior and His apostles. The old Testament was said to be' composed of stories and prov- erbs which are no longer credited as' actual happenings. Arnold & Co., Jewelers How Are Your Eyes Our methods of eyt examination, no "drops" used de the exact needs of your eyes. Our optical system produces exact glasses. We grind our own lenses and make all glasses to orde Shar-on Agency M Ye Old. Missio. Shop St ent Will open about November 1st 313 South State Street 220 Before buying your Fall and Winter Suit, Overcoat, Raincoat, Hats, Caps, and Furnishings. It will pay you to look over our assortment, Spaulding Sweaters, Webber's Sweaters, Hole- proof Hosiery, Interwoven Hosiery. s Uc L ittle Friend" "The Lady of the Slipper" And other late Operas WADHAMS & COMPAN 12t23 . M St. .®r.o Candies to suit particular people, Belle Meade Sweets, Morses', Lowney's, etc. Goulding & Wikel fiv1r219y nSr Cy 11,s. University We Insist on Satisfying Bell Phone 416 ~7 U I mu -l'1 1'1 iLT IK 7 in_ IZ7,