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November 08, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-11-08

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R $2.50

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ADlDRESS _$3.00




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II, No. 33.



Michigan's Reserve Squad 'Thus Gets
its Recoiupense for Helping
to Build Upj a Strong
Reserve Squad Which Makes Tomor-
row's Trip Numbers iwenty,;
Leaves at 11:28.

ix NTI UwEcuLosis S )UIETY
Insists on Care of Tubercular Patients
Forecast for Ann Arbor-Clear Fri- and Asks for nn p-
day; light wind. ____
University Observatory- Thursday The Michigan Anti-Tuberculosis so-
7:00 p. m., temperature "37.9; maxi- ciety which recently met in Ann Arbor
mum temperature 24 hours' preceding to discuss the past achievements by
53.2; minimum temperature 24 hours the society was by far the largest con-
preceding 37.6; average wind velocity, vention that organization has ever had
9 miles per hour. since its founding six years ago. The
_ principal measures that were discuss-
ed were the bills which are to be sub-
JUNIOR T OL FIRST mitted to the State Board of Health
CLASS 3EETING OF YEAR. compelling the supervisors to care for
li cute on Elaborate Social Program es of tuberculosis and the encour-
andAp tClassCoagement of the Board of Health to ask
d tmitteCls.for an appropriation for the tubercu-
losis work. The one great aim of the
Junior lits held their first regular society will be the establishment of a
hospital to provide for the tubercular
class meeting of the year yest rday patients who are unable to enter the
afternoon. The purpose of the meet-wharunbetetrte
ig was to decide on a social program tHowell sanatoriun.C Dr. A. S. war-
for the year. The first class dance will and Dean V. C. Vaughan were
be held November 22 at Barbour gym placed on the executive committee
and tickets may .be purchased from where they hold important positions.
Herbert Wilkins, Mildred Taylor, Hel- The officers chosen for the ensuing
en Loman, Irene Bigalke, Phyllis year are President, Dr. Herman Os-
Dunn David Hunting,. Leo Burnett, trander of Kalamazoo, first vice- pres-
Lester Rosenbaum, or Bruce Miles. ident,"Dr. Guy L. Kiefer of Detroit;
It is to be a New England party and secretary, Miss Carol F. Walton of
the decorations and refreshments will .Ann Arbor; and treasurer, Dr. H. J.
Hartz of Detroit.

Twenty members of Michigan's re-
serve football team will leave Ann
4rbor for Philadelphia this morning
at 11:28 to witness the Michigan-
Pennsy battle, as guests of the Michi-
gan athletic association.
The trip to the Quaker city is given
as a reward for the faithful service of
the scrubs in furnishing opposition for
the Varsity in the nightly scrimmage
practices which mean so much toward
building up a successful Michigan
team. The holiday for the members
of the reserve team who are to take
the trip last evening when the men
tendered a dinner at training table,
temporarily deserted by the Varsity.
The reserve party, which is to in-
lude Director Bartelme of the Ath-
Smith, will leave over the Ann Arbor
road for Toledo ,from where the trip
will be made over the ePnnsylvania
lines. The party will take a special
Pullman at Pittsburgh and arrive in
Philadelphia at 7:00 Saturday morn-
ing.' The reserves will .be quartered
at the Arlington hotel. On the return
trip the Varsity and reserve parties
will be combined, making a party of
fifty which will eave Philadelphia at
8:03 Satuiday evening and arriving at
Ann Arbor some time Sunday.
Following are the men who will take
the trip:--Peterson, Wright, Lichtner,
Scott, Shepherd, Paisley, Merritt,
Morse, Wells, Millard, Wilson, McDon-
aid, Brown, Thienes, Young, Jay, Al-
mendinger, Mathison, Tompkins and
Gordon C. Eldredge of The Michigan
Daily sport staff will make the trip to
Philadelphia, to report the game for
The Daily readers.
Lantern StealersBeware of the Law.
He who steals my pocket book steals
trash, but he who steals my red lan-
tern when I have set it out to keep
people from breaking their unsuspect-
ing necks, he-well, he is flirting with
the devil. And not only that, he is
fijrting with something infinitely more
vindictive than the devil was ever
known to be in case of apprehension,
and that is the law. There is a law in
this state, closely attended by the pos-
sibility of a penitentiary sentence, for
those who are disrespectful of life
and property as to remove lights from
scaffolds and other out-of-the ordinary'
constructions. If a lantern must
be had then, you lovers of the trophy,
go down town and buy one--they cost
the exact sum of eighty-five cents.
Senior Girls Take Trip Soon.
Plans are being fbrmulated by Prof.
H. E. Riggs, head of th'e civil engi-
neering departmet, whereby the sen-
ior civils,taking the e gineering trans-
portation courses, will be taken for a
two or three day inspection trip in
connection with railroad location and
construction. Offers have been re-
ceived by Prof. Riggs from the Michi-
gan Central, Pere Marquette, and oth-
er railroads offering their support to
his plan.
League Rouses Entertain.
About 95 women of the League hous-
es gave the annual tea for the faculty,
yesterday afternoon, at Barbour gym-
nasium. In the receiving line were,
the heads of the houses, Mrs. M. B.
Jordan, Mrs. H. B. Hutchins, Mrs. H.
Goulding, Mrs. C. O. Davis, Mrs. T. E.
Rankin, Mrs. Cummings, and Miss F.
Union Dance Tickets Sell Fast.
Seventy tickets for tomorrow ev-
ening's dance at the 1lchigan Union
were disposed of yesterday. The re-
mainin' thirty nasteboards will be on


be in accordance with this idea. On
December 18 a Christmas party will
be given consisting of a dinner and
dance at the Union. There will prob-
ably be three more dances held in the
course of the year after the holidays.
The class will have a regular series
of dinners at the Union.There will prob-
is scheduled for Nov. 20 and the dates
of the others are Dec. 18, Feb. 12,
March 12, and April 23. A ticket for
the entire five dinners may be obtain-
ed for $2.50.
The following committees were an-
nounced auditing, Adna Johnson,chair-
man; W. W.' Shioeder, and George
Caron; finance, Robert Sturtevant,
chairman; Margaret Irving, Phyllis
Dunn, W. C. Mullendore and Hudson
White; advisory, the class officers of
last year.
Students Study New Comet
Astronomical students are studying
a new comet which has been recently
discovered by a French astronomer.
The comet may be easily seen with
common opera glasses due west, half
way up from the horizon.
A. F. Linduer, Poisoned From Stone
Bruise is Pronounced in Crit-
ial Condition.
Practically all hopes have been giv-
en up for the recovery of Alfred Lind-
ner, '16, of the freshman relay team,
who is suffering from an attack of
blood poisoning. The infection de-
veloped from a stone bruise on his foot
which he received some time ago while
he was training for the cross-country
and relay teams. At the time little at-
tention was paid to the injury and
Lindner kept on training. At the relay
try-outs, Wednesday, Oct. 30, Lindner
was the first one to win a place. Afte.r
Wednesday, however, he became lame,
and although he was present, he was
unable to run in the relay race be-
tween halves of the South Dakota
game. On Sunday he began to feel ill
and on Monday he was taken to the
hospital. Since then he has steadily
grown worse and most of the time
he has been in a delirious condition,
thinking that he was running a race.
Although he has rested at times, he
has gradually grown weaker and now
practically no hope .is held out for his
recovery. His father arrived Wednes-
day when notified by President H. B.
Hutchins. Lindner graduated last
spring from LaFayette high school,
Buffalo, and entered the university
with the intention of taking the bus-
iness administration course. He was
captain of the cross-country team of
his high school and was credited with
records of 52 seconds for the quarter
and 2.02 for the half mile, and gave
promise of being excellent Varsity ma-

With Added Practice and Schooling in
Came Youngsters Promise
Better Showing.



While the select men of Yost are
locking horns at Philadelphia Satur-
day afternoon, the freshmen will be
engaged in a similar occupation with
the pigskin squad of Adrian and indi-
cations point to another double victory
for the local teams. The Adrianites
will prove stubborn antagonists for
the first year men, their showing for
the pact week ends indicating a snap-
py, confident eleven, but they will tie
up with a different team than did Al-
ma, Detroit Central,' and the other
teams when they played Michigan's
freshmen this season. k
With the material on hand during
the first week of practice and drilling
under the best choice of a coach, the
first year men developed speed,
strength, and accuracy before the ini-
tial contest and found themselves a
fighting machine in scrimmage. The
latter they lost before the completion
of the first game and were unable to
find it until they faced the University
of Detroit. Once regained, it proved
the undoing of the M. A. C. yearlings
and allowed them to play the Detroit
team to a standstill although cheated
out of the honor of winning by luck.
The defeat of the Lansing first year
men was the first real victory for the
local youngsters and they intend to
mark up number two Saturday night
at the expense of Adrian. From their
showing since Saturday, when the
weather permitted practice, this pre-
sumption is warranted and today's fin-
al drill should make it more favorable.
Coach Conklin was unable to say
just who would line up for the fresh-
men at the first whisltle but the line
will remain practically the same as
that of last Saturday with a few pos-
sible changes in the rear positions. It
will be Catlet or hunt at the engineer-
ing position with the odds in favor of
the latter and it is safe to assume that
Meed and Diehl will be in their places.
The Varsity game with Pennsy will
commence at 1:45 central time, and
from that hour on play by play returns
will be received at the freshman game
from Franklin field by direct wire..
Past Football Star Pies.
John L. Duffy, '93L, and former Mich-
igan football star died Wednesday
morning at Dr. Breakey's private hos-
pital after a five week's illness. Mr.
Duffy, who has lived for some time
past in Ann Arbor has been a well
known figure in Michigan athletics
since his graduation. For many years
he was an assistant coach. As a law-
yer he has gained much prominence
in the city, having served as prosecut-
ing attorney for several years.

Target Practice Tomorrow Forbids
Old Time Wolverine Supporters
From Leaing Duty.
Jackies of the battleship "Michigan"
will not be able to attend the Michi-
gan-Pennsylvania game at Philadel-
phia Saturday as was originally plan-
ned, according to word received yes-
terday by Pres. jutchins. A block of
seats had been reserved for them in
the grandstand and a message was
sent to the secretary of the navy by
Pres. H. B. Hutchins and Dean M. E.
Cooley. Arrangements, however, had
already been made for the Michigan
sailors to take part in target practice
on the day of the game.
Following is the telegram which
reached Ann Arbor yesterday:
"Pres. Hutchins, University of Mich-
1 regret that it will be impossible
to send the battleship 'Michigan' to
Philadelphia next Saturday as the ves-
sel will be engaged at that time in
target practice.
Act. Sec. of the Navy."
Yesterday's Sale by Athletic Associ-
aion Tops Record at 3,000
Sophomore day at the Cornell seat
sale was a record breaker, about
3,000 red and green slips were given
out to the red cappers who patiently
awaited their turn to face the seat di-
agram. The second year men were
disappointed when informed by the
ticket dispenser that all seats in the
block "M" had been monopolized by
the upperclassmen. However, when
the distressing news had been passed
down the ranks they endeavored to
forget their misfortune by taunting
the freshmen who passed their camp.
All wearers of gray caps and toques
lifted the first year labels from their
heads, when reminded by the chorus
of 50 or more sophs that they were
passing their superiors.
If the freshmen turn out today in
proportion to the three other classes,
the seat sale will pass that of any big
game in former years. The mail or-
der is far in excess of previous years,
while the students are averaging more
tickets per capita than last year. There
are still a few seats on the south
stands, and the north bleachers, it is
believed, will supply all the needs of
late purchasers.I
A new supply of blue flags was re-
ceived yesterday so all ticket holders
whose pasteboards call for a blue ban-
ner and who were unable to secure
one when getting their seats are urged
to call at the association building to
be supplied. Every man should have
a flag in order that the proper effect
of the "M" may be obtained.
Picard, '12L, ToBe Here Tomorrow
Frank Picard, '12L, member of the
Michigan Varsity team of last season,
is expected to appear in Ann Arbor to-
morrow as coach of the Saginaw East-
ern high school eleven which is sched-
uled to play a game against Ann Ar-
bor high.

The initial junior law smoker of the
year will be held at 7:00 o'clock. As
it will be the first "get-to-gether" of
the class for the year it is expected
that it will be well atended. A large
number of tickets have already been
sold. Dean H. M. Bates, Professors
R. E. Bunker, T. A. Bogle, J. B. Waite,
and R. W. Aigler, of the law depart-
ment, and Dean M. E. Cooley, of the
engineering department, will speak.
For those who don't smoke, eats will
be provided. During the evening, Pres-
ident Snyder will announce the vari-
ous class committees.

Miss Mary Laughton has been defi-
nitely secured by the Oratorical Asso-
ciation for a recital here December 3.
The number will be an address and
reading on dramatical lines, the speak-
er being a member of the Drama
league of Boston, and the conductor of
a school of speech arts in that city,
Miss Laughton is most highly rec-
ommended by the press of the east,
where she has occupied many plat-
forms. This winter she is giving a se-
ries of five lectures before the Twen-
tieth Century club of Detroit, 'on dra-
Live Game of English Soccer May
Feature Freshman Contest on
Ferry Field.
Between the halves of the Fresh-
Adrian game Ferry field may be the
scene of a novel and strange sight
Saturday, when it is expected that two
elevens will usher into college promi-
nence the newly established game of
association football, commonly called
soccer. Though The announcement'of
this game has not been officially made,
it is understood that the plans for the
contest hav been practically complet-
ed. Ae definite annonucement is ex-
pected today.
At yesterday - r::'ctice, 30 candi-
dates were on hand, many of them in
regulation uniforms and from this
number Coach Douglas will pick the
22 men for Saturday's exhibition. It
is believed that upon the way they
present the game and Its possibilities
to the students, will depend the fu-
ture popularity of the sport at the uni-
versity. The men will be given a hard
drill on team 'work and Saturday
morning will receive the final groom-
ing, so that when the whistle is blown
the onlook'ers will be treated to a fast
game of the little-known soccer.
Authorizes that President Angell Com-
pose Sentiments of University
Toward Professor.
By action of the university senate,
a congratulatory letter prepared by
Pres. Emeritus Angell was presented
last evening by the authorities of Cor-
nell university to the Honorable An-
drew Dickson White, who was cele-
brating his eightieth birthday at his
home in Ithaca, N. Y.
Mr. White was professor of history
at the University of. Michigan from
1863 to 1867, following which he went
to Ithaca to serve as the first presi-
dent of Cornell. Prof. White was later
connected with Tulane and Leland
Stanford universities and for many
'years he held governmental positions
of honor in Germany, Venezuela and
several other foreign countries.
The letter of the senate was in part
as follows:
"To the Honorable Andrew Dickson
The senate of the University of Mich-
igan wishes to add its hearty greetings
to those which your many other
friends are sending to you on your
eigthtieth birthday.
We remember that here you won
your earliest laurels in teaching and
that,. while the university was still
young, by your brilliant work you aid-
ed conspicuously in securing for it
an honorable rank among' the strong-
er universities of the country. From
your connection with us we have cher-

ished a peculiar pride in your eminent
diplomatic career and 'in your great
work in establishing and building up
Cornell university. We ,were very
grateful for your attendance on our
seventy-fifth anniversary, and shared
with you the pleasure you -must have
felt in receiving the affectionate trib-
utes of so many of our graduates who
had the good fortune to enjoy your in-
struction. We beg to send you our
ardent wishes for your happiness in
the years of the serene old age which
awaits you, and to assure you that
your name will always retain a high
place on the roll of the men who are
gratefully remembered as the builders
of this university."


President Angell Inspires Convive:
Union Dinner With Remin.
iseences of His College
Believes the Michigan Union the I
* ical Place for Students to
'"Accept my advice as an old ni
and remember that you will ne
again have an opportunity to f
friendships that you now enjoy as
dents in a great university."
It was the subject of college 'frie
ships that formed the keynote of
unusually impressive talk by Dr. J
es B. Angell at the Michigan Ur
membership dinner last evening. "
shoulders with as many men as
can," urged Dr. Angell, "don't con
your sociability to your own dep
ment or clique-get out and enjoy
honest pleasure that comes from m
ing other men.
'My most sincere friendshis to
are, for the large part, those th'
made in college days. Even this
in my fife I try to keep in touch a
every one of those warm friends Wi
I loved long years ago. Few of
appreciate the advantages of col]
life in the way of cultivating acqua
ances, and we realize only after g
out into the world how precious
those relations welded in the g
natured fellowship of the campus.
"The Michigan Union, it seems
me, is the logical place for stud
to mingle with each - other and
change ideas.. It' is here that you i
may acquire that ability to make y
selves agreeable-an asset that I
be invaluable to you in later life.
can only repeat,, break down the r
row barriers of exclusive departni
or class social activity and circu:
freely with your schoolmates."
Dscuss Infirmary.
The second dinner of the Ui
membership series was attended
the full quota of 200 men. Geo
Burgess, '13L, presided as toastma
and "Howdy" Wilson, '13, gave a
tailed explanation of the infirm
"Infirm ries for the care of stud
illness are a great success-even a
cessity-at other large universiti
said Wilson. "There is no reason u
we cannot ,hve at least medical
tention of a private nature for
Michigan students in the near futi
If present plans materialize, Michi
will not long remain behind in t
respect." +
Besides a program of speeches,
brief skit was presented by a num
of members of The Michigan D
"Der G'Wissenwurm," Anzengiub
comedy which was staged by the M
ich yolk-players at the Whitney,
30, has proved to be a financial s
cess. The profits amounted to $20
which will 'be invested in books
modern German literature and I
sented to the general library,'
Munich players have been booked
a return engagement some time n
spring upon the completion of t
tour of the western states.
Governor-elect Ferris will addi
the Ferris Institute Alumni club of
troit at a banquet in Detroit on N
23, at which the local Ferris Instii

club, composed of students of the u
versity, and the Ypsilanti club,
be the guests of the Detroit club.
The local club will hold a meed
tonight at 7:30 o'clock in Webster h:
in the law building, when arrar


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