THE MICHIGAN DAILY is e and Quality IiId Co. nd Importers 311 South Statp Street- & "a r r is cool you will need a good war rm, made in all colors. GREY, BLUE, m WHITE & Co. Suits and Overcoats $:8 and $30 KRUTSCH ular Price Tailor THE MICIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur ing the uiversity year.- Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan,. under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor- to 3 p. i.; 7 to o p. m. Business Manager-: to 3 p. n. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.o; by mail, $3.00.. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 960. Frank Pennell. .......Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard.........Business Manager Maurice Toulme.............News Editor C. Harold Hippler...............Assistant Karl Matthews............Athletic Editor G. DC. Eldredge ..... .......Assistant John Townly ........Music and Drama Leonard M. Rieser.....................Files EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis R. Haller Howell Van Auken Marice Myers NIGHT EDITORS H.'Beach Carpenter . Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter ... .. Morris Millian Russell H. Neilson.......Bruce J. Miles REPORTERS James D. Evlin...........Ernest R. Burton David D. Hunting............J. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr........Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith...............Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett.......Circulation Mgr. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1912. Night Editor-Bruce J. Miles. BUSINESS STAFF-TRYOUTS. There will be a meeting of the bus- Ines,9 staff and tryouts at the office at 5:00 o'clock this evening. All attend.. WILL THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- TION CONFORM TO THE WISHES OF ITS MEMBERST Yesterday's referendum shows con- clusively that the members of the ath- letic association are in favor of thl as- sociation's carrying the expense of the band's annual trip. Director Bartelme's statement, which appears on another page of this morning's Michigan Daily, shows why the executive committee, according to the present plans of the board in con- trol, Is not at liberty to increase the band appropriation to an amount suffi- cient to warrent the musicians' jaunt to Pennsy. The referendum has settled beyond doubt the student position. The ques- tion now is, will the -board in control, at its next meeting,which comes short- ly after the Cornell game, make the slight changes necessary to accord with the known wishes of the members of the association? WHEN THE TEAM LEAVES. Michigan's eleven leaves for the Franklin field battle-ground Wednes- day night. This has always been the occasion for an overflowing of the kind of spirit that puts Michigan fight in Michigan's representatives. There can be no question of the psychological effect of student demonstrations of faith in their teams and love for, their university When the team pulls out from the Ann Arbor depot Wednesday night, every student should be there to add his mite to the sum total. If ever a team needs support it is when it is leaving friends behind and plunging into the unknown camp of the enemy, This is such a little to ask for so much at stake. It will be closed shop around this office at train-time Wednesday night.i We hope it will be closed shop for ev-; ery other man and woman owning al-i legiance with Michigan.. This is to bel one of the real big opportunities of the school year to demonstrate our grat- itude for the men who are making Michigan history at the cost of per- sonal sacrifice. A few hunks of unadulterated sub limeness herewith- -X- There is Spoofing on Foot. Would I were a bandman, O'er the country would I fly; Trips to Columbus and to Pennsy- Life one round of punlin pie. Would I were a bandman, Dollars rolling in by streams; Naught to do until the morrow- Feasting alway on pipe dreams. Would I were a bandman-- Protege of the A. A. Honor, glory, fame distineshun- Long on wind-short on pay, Would I were a bandman, Tooty-zim and tooty-zott-- Have you guessed that we are spof! ing? Are we? We are!-Tommy rot! EEsy Korses. %OOT R - FOOT BALL SHOI STOCKINGS for 2 UNION SUITS for$ Head Gears, Should Ask to see our $6.oo Univ 1 is E asy toI Stuxdio 319 1D..1 3 ** FSong hits from' e, GRINNELL I id All popular songs 15c per ss IB e G ay m ii r~be Jforest n. 004 Jjorcet 9 e or -nT O ~HR'S I ersity Bookstore Recognize e I ll~botoi Iurez- St ALL For Class I ES Teams SRS for $3.50 worth $5.00 25C worth much more $3.50 so good you'll never need ancther er Guards, Nose Mask, etc., etc. Auto Sweaters. EE-1 EAE-3 Phone 961-L EEEE (For Ease) *-X-* * * .* THE WHETHER MAN. * * * * * * * * * Rain, blizzard, hail, clouds, cyclon t'ornado-with variable land-slides an snow-unders. --X- Our own special dark, dank abys will be open this eve, for you heavy losers. -X-_ Letters Home. Dear Dad--This is the critical tim in a feller's life, and lack of food ma seriously hurt him. At present I a pretty low; on funds. If you could len me-- -W'ilyur 'My Little Friend" are on sale today at BROS. 120-122 East LIberly St. copy. Yellow and Blue 15c per copy. CARDS -PROGRAMS -STATIONERY WRITE NG SAMPLES GREGORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETROIT. MICH I 'rap ANN ARBOR, MICH. bb HOuse~ State Street Mr. Dad- Sir:-We regret to have to iluclo' your son Wilyum's account with us f 100 an 'steen dollars. Kindly remit etc. -Hellenfire & C t lawn i ta iRoom IREN'S Pharmacy I Very well, we'll stop. 703 Packard LL PROSPECII'YE TIEACHERS MUST ENROLL N1EXT M7NDI)A esome Board at Safe Drinking YoI C. C. Froemw, Proprietor -- 4ICEMENT, GOTO ng Service to be had Anywhere. :thes we aknowledge no equal, iority in every instance. hfield & Company East Huron Street After That 1)ate a Fee of One Dollar Will be Charged. Formal enrollment for all students who intend to teach next year; gradu- ates, seniors, and underclassmen, will take place next Monday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, in the lecture room of Tappan hall. It is necessary that anyone wishing aid of the appointment committee in obtaining a position be present at that time. Students having classes at that hour will be excused. Definite instruc- tions regulating the enrollment will be given and no fee will be charged. A charge of one dollar will be made for each tardy enrollment. The com- mittee prefers that those students who are uncertain of their plans for next year but who are inclined to take up teaching should enroll at this meeting, and later if they decide not to teach they can withdraw their names with- out cost. It is expected that there will be a number of calls for teachers of commercial subjects and of nanual training. School superintendents and principals are also in demand. In the past some students believed if they had taken no courses in the de- partment of education, the appoint- ment committee would not aid them in finding a school. This is a mistake, for in former years law students, en- gineers and medics have been placed. The only requirements are that the ap- plicant be a student or graduate of this university, and that he leave four unmounted photographs yvith the com- mittee. R. J. Curry, a junior law of Detroit, was operated on for appendicitis Sat- urday at Dr. Breakey's hospital. He is now doing nicely. Cigarettes (Original London) The Oldest high-- grade Turkish Cigar- ettes in the-world I Philip Mo rris ITypewrirter Repokf lag Phonve 1361 I will meet or beat any price made on a typewriter, sale or re D. F. WOODWARD Ann Arbor Savings Bank Bldg. Second Floor Ann Arbor, N Bolt'wd! Made of Turkish only. the purest Tobaccos' 2j'r Made in - 411 Heights and Styles Try Them ALSO SHIRTS "The Little Brown Box" .urant 709 N. University Ave. PHILLIP MORRIS & CO., Ltd. 402 West Broadway, New York ing undergone some remodeling and impro always on the same principles of emiuine Food ooks and dliless and resourceful mind; but a strong and re- healthy body. h blood Is circulating in our veins. iswerl From the food we are consuming, well served will constitute the ingredients titution and a sound mind and will bring ;t man who calls himself cook is the poison ou don't feel that poison now you will feel n of your stomach will make you a slave For Theatre and Dancing Parties at your service Day and Night. Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. And City Carage 300 North Main Street. Prof. C. L. Meader, of the Latin de- partment, was unable to meet his classes yesterday, being confined to his hime with a severe cold. He expects to meet his pupils this morning. w w Auto Baggage Truck Quick Service and high-class service ea rpr TRY US all visitors. 11 i- ugs Bank Ius $100,000 )0 iTransacted W. D. Harri Cashier. DETROIT UNITES LINES Ann Arbor Time Table Limited Cars for Detroit-7:12 a. m. and hourly to 6:12 p. m., also 8:12 p. m. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. in., 6:40 a. m., and every two hours to 6;40 p. m.. 7:40 p. m., 8:40 p.m., 9:45 p. n., and 10:45 p m To Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p. m., 12:15 p. m. 12:30 p. m., 1:00 a. m, Limited Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and every two hours to 7:46 p. m. Local Cars for Jackson-5:20 a. m., and every two hours to 9:20 p. m., 11:15 p. m. e GLOVE .... 9 . _ - 1 a .,. ..' o ff .. .. ,., ;, ^ k .1 A guarantee with every pair These gloves are guaranteed not to rip. The makers will replace any pair that rips with a new pair. WACN E R & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe lor I