] The Michigan Daily I AILED TO AN! ADDRESS $3.00 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1912. PRICE FIV .AN GOES, TOMORROW I OR PENN GAME lars Given Rest in Successful Scrimmage With Scrubs Yesterday; Subs Doing Well. G A ND BOYLE ARE NOT LOWED TO WORK AT SIGNALS ts Show Quakers Have a Strong Backfield, But Line Looks Like Paper. h but three days of practice left the Penn game, Yost gave the a hard scrimmage last night. t was the squad and not the team ily two regulars appeared in the that scored four touchdowns st the scrubs. Some of the men .ffering slight injuries from the game Saturday and Yost decided take chances with them. After ess had made further practice sible, secret signal drill was held he same lineup was used as fin- the game Saturday. ny Craig is still a bit lame and, lot used in scrimmage, Collette g his half and showing up to advantage. Bentley played the half and the line bucking of this ttracted no little attention. His ing is much after the style of. running low and hitting the ard! It is a matter of rejoicing -e him show up well in this par- r for the other backfield men, if course the exception of Thom- re not exceptionally strong in THE ~ WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Tuesday, generally fair; stationary temperature. University Observatory-Monday, 7:00 p. m., temperature 46.9; maxi- mum temperature 24 hours preceding, 50.8; minimum temperature 24 hours preceding, 28; average wind velocity 11 miles per hour. TRIANGLES INITIATE AND BANQUET ELEVEN JUNIORS Elaven juniors were initiated into Triangles, the junior engineer honor society, last night. The initiates were: A. F. Bassett, G. W. Ballantyne, E. Bentley, J. R. T. Craine, C. A. Crowe, R. H. Mills, L. M. Schomburg, W. J. Thienes, H. F. Weeks, R. D. Wiley and A. O. Williams. A banquet was served at the Michi- gan Union in honor of the new men. "Jimmie" Craig acted as toastmaster, and Professor E. D. Rich, an honorary member gave a short-talk. "Tabe" Ta- bor, "Pat" Crowe, and "Bubbles" Pat- terson also responded to toasts. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION IS DUYRUD SAUYS CAMPUSUTBUY S STUDENTS SHOW DESIRE TO HAV E AUTHORITIES FINANCE BAND'S TRIP; BARTELME MAKES STATEMENT. By an overwhelming majority of 1,855 out of a total of 2,037 ballots, the students by referendum yesterday sig- nified their desire that the athletic as- sociation should bear the expense of sending the band on its annual trip. Balloting in the seven departments was slow at first, but as noon drew near°it became brisk, and the rush was fairly, on when the polls closed leading those in charge to believe that if the time for balloting had been lengthened so as to include part of the afternoon nearly every student in the university would have polled a ballot. Since the board in control of athlet- ics will .not meet until after the Cor- nell game, it is too late to look for the sending of the band to Pennsylvania this year by the athletic association. With the council and the band backed by the student body, decisive against student subscriptions as a means to this end, the band will not go, unless aid is offered by some unexpected source. The next meeting of the board in control of athletics will be looked for-° ward to with great interest, as the question as to whether the university is to be represented by a band in fu- ture years, rests in the balance with the association, the judge.. The total number of ballots cast by' departments was: PRESIDENTIAL , RETUR 'NS!WILL. BE ANNOUNCED- Students Will be Able to Get Latest' Results From at Least Six Different Sources in City. INTEREST IS RUNNING HIGH AND MANY GO HOME TO VOTE The following communication from Director P. G. Bartelme explains the athletic association's financial posi-' tion: Editor, The Michigan Daily:- The board of regents on December 13, 1907, passed the following resolu- tion: The board in control of athletics.I shall have full control.of all questions pertaining to athletics except as here- inafter provided. There shall be a fin- ance comimttee consisting of the chair- man of the board, the director of out- door athletics and the treasurer of the athletic association of the University of Michigan, which committee shall have general control over all matters connected with the receipts and dis- bursement of all moneys received by board, but said committee shall not ex- pend over $200.00 without the approv- al of the board. There shall be an ex- ecutive committee of the board of con- trol, consisting of the chairman of the board, the director of outdoor ath- letics and a third member of the board elected by the board, which committee shall have power to act upon emer- geny matters between meetings of the board, to be subsequently ratified by the board." The committee of the student council handed me the council's resolution, Thursday, October 30, and I asked them to return Friday evening, Octo- ber 31. On that date, I consulted the other two members of the executive commit- tee of the board, and the committee de- cided that $200.00 was all that they would authorize as a contribution from the athletic association. Their reason for taking this action may be summed up as follows: A resolution of the board of regents, (Continued on page 4.) Only two regulars, Almendinger and Cole, were used in the scrimmage and the rest of the team was composed of second choice men. Boyle was out at the field but was not in uniform as the little Irishman has a cracked rib that is somewhat painful and scrimmage is not conducive of comfort for him. It seems almost safe to say that Yost has apparently found the combination he has been looking for and it is doubt- ful if there will' be any material changes in the lineup for -the Penn contest. The fight between Boyle, Col- lette, and Hu'ghitt for the other half still waxes warm and just who will start here at the Pennsy battle is hard to say. Hughitt was used last night but that cannot be taken as a sure in- dication, for Boyle is still slightly in- jured. With the exception of this one job, the berths seem to be all claimed and unless Yost makes another elev- enth-hour shift the personnel of the team appears fixed. There will probably be a scrimmage today and perhaps Wednesday, though chances favor a signal drill on the lat- ter day. The team will leave for Penn- sy over the Ann Arbor and Lake Shore lines at 7:28 o'clock Wednesday even- ing and will go direct to Wayne where they will be quartered until aturday morning when they will go into Phila- delphia. There will be ample oppor- tunity at Wayne for a signal drill on Friday and there the final polish will be given. The personnel of the squad who will make the trip has not been given out as yet. Those who have seen the Quakers play this year state that Mercer is not showing what he did last year due in the main to a weak line. But Yost is not regarding those rumors and the squad is being taught a few tricks that will stop this gentleman who created such a sensation here last year. The Pennsylvania backfield is reputed to be the strongest in years but judging from the bear stories sent out from Ferry field, the line. is a huge joke. Pennsy has not had a successful sea- son but it is safe to predict that they will be better Saturday than at any time this year and the Wolverines are in for a tough game. Prof. Reighard Has Regained Health. Prof. J. E. Reighard, head of the zoology department, returned home last evening after a month's leave of absence. Most of the time the profes- sor was taking treatment at the Bat- tle Creek sanitarium. He is looking Union, Newspapers, and Theatres Will All Follow the Election. Responding to the demand for in- formation relative to the progress of today's presidential election which the intense interest in the campaign has created, reports will be received and announced to the students in six plac- es this evening. As the vote is expect- ed to be unusually heavy this year, re- turns probably will not commence to come in until about 7:00 o'clock in the evening and will continue for several hours after midnight. The telegraph companies have made special arrange- ments to handle the reports and quick service is promised. The Michigan Union has made elab- orate plans to furnish the students with the latest and most complete bul- letins. A large curtain has been hung -across the west end of the assembly hall and returns from the different states will be thrown upon it. A large blackboard has also been procured on which the returns will be tabulated so as to show the exact standing of each -candidate and the results of the vote in each state. The Union will receive bulletins from both telegraph compa- nies and will give the returns in detail exactly as received. The blackboard system of showing how the candidates are running will also be used at Huston's billiard hall. The pluralities turned in by each state as well as the electoral vote so controll- ed will be chalked up as received. Spe- cial messenger service will bring the bulletins from Jhe telegraph office and after being read they will be posted on the window. Returns of the election will be an- nounced at the Majestic theater be- tween the acts of the -vaudeville per- formance. The Star theater has also arranged to give the returns through- out the evening. Although the Ann Arbor Times News will not publish an election ex- tra this evening, a lantern will be used to flash the results on a screen across from their office.. Detroit papers will have extras on sale in this city late tonight., Several hundred students have left Ann Arbor during the past few days to vote in their home towns. The Wil- son club sent about 15 or 20 members home for that purpose and the Progres- sive and Taft organizations also pro- vided transportation for some of their members. All those who are away frn nnln- +fr tat - --r cP w To be sent by Ath. Association Law ..........312. Pharmic ........49 Engineering ...659 Lit .. ... .535 Homeopathic .. 61 Dents ..........164 Medics ........166 To be sent by Student Sub. 26 3 36 26 0, 0 0 . 91 EXHIBIT OF CRYSANIHEMULS 4I PLACED) IN MEMORIAL HALL. More than 400 varieties of the crys- anthemum are reperesented at the ex- hibit of the first annual flower show, which is being held in Memorial hall. There are some very rare specimens which have been grown under the care of Professor Hus and Head Gardener Wiener of the university experimental greenhouse, among which are five en- tirely new varieties of colieus, origi- nated by Professor Hus.~. NEOPHYTES CROSS BURNING SANDS IN ENTERING SPHINX. Ten neophytes crossed the burning sands to the pyramids last night inthe annual election to Sphinx the junior literary honorary society. The initi- ates were: "Aqua" Almedinger, "cord" Eldredge, "Wald" Fellows, "Dutchie" Kohler, "Pat" Koontz, "Mac" McHale, "Mick" Milligan, "Reub" Pe- terson, "Squint" Shafroth, and "Sher" Sherff. After the usual initiation a banquet was served at the Michigan Union. " Mo" Moseman presided as toastmas- ter and Professors Wagner, Van Tyne and HIildner, honorary members re- sponded to toasts. Short talks were also made by "Howdy" Wilson, "Cy" Quinn, and "Gord" Elaredge.° ENGINEERS OF EUROPE, FOUND FAR BELOW. PAR Prof. John R. Allen, Now in Turkey, Condemns the Manufacturing Methods of England and Germany. FOREIGN COUNTRIES MANY YEARS BEHIND AMERICANS. Michigan Man is Working at Robert College, Constantinople, Near War Center. Severe criticism of European engi- neers and their training has been made by Prof. John R. Allen, head of the mechanical engineering department, now in Constantinople, Turkey, in con- nection with the construction of'Rob- ert college, England, buildings. In a letter to Prof. A. C. Anderson, of the engineering department, he says, "I have met more poorly trained engi- neers in Europe than I ever did in America. Not only does Prof. Allen condemn engineering methods abroad but he says, "In electrical work Ger- Imany is 20 years behind America and England at least ten years. One can- not trust manufacturers to make any- thing right but must go into every de- tail in ordering an article. As for American products they are the most popular here especially the automo- biles. Even in Constantinople oe can see the Fords go by.'" Speaking of the latest war that Tur- key is involved in Professor Allensays, "Just now we are having Hell over here. No attention was paid to the late war with Italy, but the present war has disturbed the whole country. The government has sent all able bod- ied men to the front. We have lost 50 men on construction work in the last week." In describing some of the amusing features of the war he writes, "Last week the government wanted whips so they sent out a squad of soldiers and took the whips from every 'carriage and wagon driver in sight. The cab- men went on a strike due to the heavy taxes assessed them and took all their vehicles off. the streets of Constanti- nople. The government relented, and agreed to reduce the tax if the cabmen. would bring back their vehicles. They did. Then the astute Turks confis- cated all of the horses." In conclusion Prof. Allen writes, "The Bosphorous is intensely inter- esting with its many cruisers, torpedo boats and varied colors. In fact the Bosphorous will be the only thing I shall miss in Turkey." He also adds that the higher classed Turks are ex- cellent gentlemen. Prof. Alen was granted an extra year leave of absence by the board of regents and will not be back until the early nart of 1914. ONk BARiAN W! HDoctor Angell Speaks on Condit of Present Trouble in Turkey and Resolutions are Adopted. COPIES ARE SENT TO KINGS OF GREEKS AND BULGAR American Government is Urged " Take Steps for Preventing Recurrence of Massacres "The Balkan situation is a cor cated one and there has never anyone who thoroughly understoo question," said Dr. JamesB. Ange the keynote address at the stu mass meeting on the Balkan wa the Union last night. "There are t considerations involved in the c tion, first, the idea of the territ possession of Macedonia, which key now owns and to which the di ent states that compose it have a i er claim. Then there is the comp tion of religion and the oppressioi the Servians, Bulgarians and G in Macedonia by the Turks. "It is a surprising thing that t little states have been able in weeks to meet and vanquish the er of the troops of Turkey. The question of the situation is what happen after the war. It is altoge possible that the Moslems will out some people upon whom to. out their spite and it looks as V1 Armenians will.be the ones to si The great powers have done nothii stop the'massacres and in 189, w the greatest one ,occurred, even newspaper reporters could not se fearful massacres that took plac Constantinople for two days. Nc equate explanation of the slaug has ever been given by the Tur government. "The great powers will not a the Balkan states to get possessic Constantinople as they are.all je of each other and want that stral point for themselves." Resolutions of sympathy to the ple who are fighting for their ri were adopted at the meeting. United States government was asked to take whatever steps are sible to prevent the recurrence o outrages committed upon the -C] tian population of Turkey. A co the resolution will be sent to I George; of Greece and King Ferdi of Bulgaria. The resolution foll "We the students of the Unive of Michigan in mass meeting as bled do hereby solemnly resolve, we extend our earnest sympathy t Balkan allies' in their heroic att4 to deliver Christiankinsman in Turkish empire from the long tinned oppression of the Ottoman and their noble purposes to secui their brothers the blessing and e ment of Christian civilization and government which has been de them. "And it is 'hereby further reso That the United States govern should be urged to take whatever are open to prevent the recurren the outrages against the Christian ulation of Turkey, which have usi attended outbreaks of religious fa cism in causes like the present. "And be it further resolved, T copy of thes resolutions be ser their majesties, King George of G and King Ferdinand of Bulgaria." A historical background of th uation was outlined by Prof. V Frayer, and A. J. Kumjian, '14, an inspiring talk on the Arme massacres and the utter helpless of the Armenian people. Dr. I partzoon der Gerabedian, '09M, pealed to the students to express t selves in a material way and men to serve as surgeons and to for the sick. Doctors of City and Campus Will An informal rectption will be tonight by the university and physicians and friends for the pu: of inspecting the new internes' MASS MEE a 11 1,946 SOUTHERNERS WILL SMOKE AND ADOPT A CONSTITUTION The Dixie club will hold a smoker at the Union tomorrow evening. The constitution is drawn up by the com- mittee is to be voted upon and officers elected for the ensuing year. All stu- dents whose homes are south of Ma- son and Dixon's line are. eligible for membership, as are those were born in this vicinity. An especial appeal is being made to all Southerners to make this the big sectional club of the Uni- versity. Graduate is Teaching in Philippines. Word received from Dr. Frank G. Gates yesterday states that he has commenced work in the University of the Philippines, a't Manila. Dr. Gates, who is a graduate of Illinois, spent the last two years in advanced work in the botany department here. He took his masters examination last month and sailed at once for Manila, where he has an assistantship in the botany department. Fears of Coal Famine Here Unfounded In spite of the threatened coal fam- ine Secretary Shirley Smith is feeling far from uneasy. There are now bout 2,000 tons in the university bunk- ers-enough to last until January, and a contract with a Detroit firm guaran- tees as much more as is needed. PROF. TRUEBLOOD TO RECITE JULIUS CAESAR NOVEMBER 12 At the meeting of the 'Oratorical board last night the date for Prof. Trueblood's recital was set for No- vember 12. Prof. Trueblood will give Julius Caesar at that time, the num- ber being held in, University Hall. This recital is a regular number on the Oratorical association program, and membership tickets will admit to it. Single admission will be 50 cents, or tickets! admitting to this number, to the address* of Governor Hadley, the oratorical play, and the varsity de- bates and contests, may be obtained for $1.00. Several committees were appointed at the board meeting and other rou- tine business was attended .to. The preliminaries for the Central Debating league must be off by November 9. The matter of securing Prof. Fulton, of the oratory department of Ohio State Uni- versity, to deliver a recital here was taken up, Vulcans Will Take in Ten Engineers. Vulcans, the senior engineer honor- ary society, will hold its annual fall initiation this afternoon at 4:50 p. m. Ten neophytes will be initiated into the many mysteries of the cult. Part of the ceremony will take place at the Vulcan -anvil east of the library. a Will Flash Returns Interested in the identity of the next president of the United States I If so watch the sky in the vicinity of the Ann Arbor Press building on Maynard street tonight. Starting at 9:00 o'clock, Tlhe Michigan Daily will operate a search-light from the roof above its offices, flashing the election returns at short inter- vals. If Wilson is leading the light will be sent straight up into the air;in case Roosevelt is in the lead,the light will be sent up in broken flashes; if Taft is ahead, the light will be sent from-side to side in half-circles. Barring weather conditions, the flashing will be continued through until 1:00 a. m. Wednesday, or later. Reports after midnight will be received from the Detroit papers, and The Daily of Wednesday morning will run the finals, as near as they can be ascertained at the time of going to press.