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November 03, 1912 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-11-03

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t t ',

)ne of the strangest machine's ever
istructed in the engineering shops
s transferred the other day to the
fchology laboratory. The machine
the invention of Prof. John F. Shep-
d. It was primarily designed to
asure the accuracy of the memory,
: the power of concentration of the
nd, but its possibilities appear un-
iited in the field of psycholocial re-
rch. As soon as the machine is'
, up in the laboratory experiments
L1 be conducted that may lead to
,ny discoveries in the science of
The curious contrivance presents a
nplex exterior to the lay observer.
.arge hooded box rests upon a wood-
stand, that rises 18 inches from the
or. On ate axle which projects
m the box, revolves a covered wheel
ir feet in diameter. This wheel is
uipped with a series of three shut-
s, that can be regulated to permit
flash of an eighty candle power
ht from the hooded box, as the.
eel turns. In order to measure the
icentration of the mind, the opera-
of the machine is required to sit
on a high stool, and peer into a box-
e attachment directly in front of the
eel. As the light flashes, he re-
ves an electrical shock from a de-
e especially timed with the light
sh, and at the same instance an
ctric current conveys a sound to
ears by means of a telephonic at-
:hment. If his attention is proper-
focused, it may be determined as to
icentration, and an accurate meas-
ement can be made.
To test the memory, the operator
required to peer into the box in
nt of the wheel, and as the light
shes when the wheel revolves, a
able is exposed to view for a brief
(Continued on page 4.)

Courses for Teacwrs iNow in Service
ixtend UnIihersity's
Although educators have long felt
that public educational institutions
owe something to the community
which maintains them, as well as to
their immediate students, this univer-
sity has ojly recently begun work
along these broader lines.
Extension lectures were the first
means Michigan used to fill this larger
field. Another branch has now be-
come firmly established, however.
This is in the form of courses offered
by the educational department on
Saturdays for the benefit of superin-
tendents, and teachers in actual ser-
The regents have arranged that
these teachers may take not to exceed
10 hours of work a year for a fee of
$10. This makes it possible for active
teachers to work for their masters
degree. The only trouble is that there
is not sufficient work offered at pres-
ent. Special requests and inquiries
have been received grom those taking
the educational work for courses in
the department of history, sociology,
physiology, and philosophy.
There are two courses of the edu-
cational work offered this year, which
is the second the new plan has been
tried. One is in the principles of edu-
cation, and the other in to psychology
of elementary subjects. Thc- meet
every other Saturday, aad are c:)n-
ducted as seminaries. Last year 15
were enrolled in the work, :M ile this
year the numbers have increased to 1
on the first meeting, whch wa; last
Saturday. Three of these were wori-
en. Many others are expected to en-
roll this week. As an indication of the
geographical extent of the work the
farther points represented may be cit-
ed. The members of the group come
from as far as Saginaw on the north,
Port Huron on the east, and Kalama-
zoo on the west.


"The Ann Arbor War."
A glimpse into the past shows that
friction over entrance requirements
to the university has not been con-
fined to the present day, but the in-
teresting information is disclosed that
they were the innocent causes of what
was known at tle time as "the Ann
Arbor war," back in '59.
It all began with a report from the
medical faculty depreciating the value
of Greek and. Latin to students of
medicine, and recommending that they
should no longer be required of ap-
plicants for admission. The editor of
The Ann Arbor Journal took up the
subject and discussed it at some
length, claiming that nothing of value
had been written in Greek for more
than 2,000 years, that it required twice
as long to learn Greek as it did Latin,
and that, while Latin undoubtedly was
of much service in the study of
French and in other ways, neither
subject was absolutely necessary in
the study of medicine. They were, he
said, "too much like Dr. Franklin's
whistle: though valuable in itself, it
costs more than it comes to." In the
same issue, he sharply criticised a
lecture on "Russia" by the professor
of history in the university.
The professor of Greek took the ar-
ticle as a personal attack upon him-
self, as if, according to the editor,
"he had been described as having
been educated upon a tailor's bench
and understood sewing and pantaloon-
making more than Greek, and that he
was an old granny, not properly
speaking a man." Likewise, the pro-
fessor of history retorted warmly
through the columns of The Argus,
calling the Journal editor "an ancient
patriarch,--a contemporary of Peter
the Great, bred before the age of Colt's
pistols and six-shooters." And the
"war" was on.
After columns on columns of edi-
torials, in which "the little, juvenile,
professor of history" and "the ancient
professor of Greek" were individually
and together anathematized, and half
a dozen letters published in The Argus
and The Detroit Free Press, the re-
doubtable editor apparently came off
the victor, the struggle having lasted
three months.'
In the letter published in The Free
Press, Dr. Tappan, then chancellor of
the university, was indirectly attacked
and his administration criticized as
being a "system of tyranny and es-
pionage of the most contemptible and
odious character." For some time fol-
lowing, the chancellor, who was just
then appointed president under the
new rules, had much trouble with the
board of regents, because they seemed
determined to usurp his duties as ex-
ecutive. One regent went so far as to
assert that there were nearly a hun-
dred students in the university who
had not as yet paid their tuition,
amounting to nearly $1,500. Dr. Tap-
pan was on the point of resigning,
when urged to remain by petitions
from the student and from all over
the state. Feeling ran high and was

very strongly in favor of the president,
causing 'the legislature to reorganize
the university. The new act provided
for the university senate, and, by out-
lining more definitely the powers of
the executive, ended the difficulty.
It was just before this time that the
department of law was established,
and an endeavor was being made to
have the legislature provide for a
homeopathic faculty. The medical
faculty wa~s greatly aroused over the
prospective rival, and fearing homeop-
athy, once introduced, would super-
sede the study of allopathy, made the
most strenuous efforts to prevent the
invasion. However, their efforts were
in vain, and we now realize,-too late!
-the aw.ful fate which overtook them.
Would Adephi Do It Nowi
The movement toward securing the
admission of women into the univer-
sity was begun as early as '59, and
editorial comment as well as com-
munications finally brought the mat-
ter before the regents. The students,
and particularly the Adelphi literary
society, opposed the project with all
their might. In a resolution the so-
ciety declared "against the admission
of females because all schools which
have thus far admitted them have, as
a result, a most inferior standing. It
would depreciate the standard of
scholarship and destroy the univer-
sity's efficiency at home and her high
reputation abroad." They also de-
clared that, were "females" admitted,
some of the students would withdraw,
and it would also prevent the most
talented of students from entering the
university. The regents voted down
the measure, and women were not ad-
mitted until 1870.
Student Riots Are Not New.
In January of '61, a speech was to
be made by Parker Pillsbury in the
Free church in the interests of the
Abolition movement, but the meeting
broke up in a riot. To clear them-
selves, the students passed resolutions,
those of the law department declaring
their deep regret that they, as a class,
had been accused of what a few of
their fellows had done. The descrip-
tion reminds one of the famous "Star
Theater Riot," for it is said that the
offenders "riotously, tumultously, and
with force and violence, broke up the
meeting, much to the fear and danger
of many peaceful and law-abiding citi-
zens, the furniture pulled down and
destroyed, the windows demolished,
and the building otherwise injured and
The students were again accused of
having caused a row at a masquerade
ball, and were severely taken to task
for their evident attempt to censure
the inefficiency of the city 4uthorities,
or their expectation of having them to
wink at their misdoings whenever it
suited their incfinations to go on a
spree. They were also severely crit-
icized by townsmen for stamping,
whistling, and otherwie misbehaving
themselves at a concert by Mme.{
Varian James and at like public oc-

M1any Innovations Introduced this
Year Under Direction of Dr.
Reuben Peterson.
Several innovations have been intro-
duced in the university hospital this
year under the supervision of the di-
rector, Dr. Reuben Peterson. A new
internes' home has been equipped,
providing the men with sleeping quar-
ters, shower baths, and other con-
veniences. An informal reception
will be given in this building the night
of election, for the purpose of inspect-
ing it. Physicians and their friends
will be invited, and a special wire will
receive returns from the polls.
Dr. Udo J. Wile, of the New York
Post-graduate Medical School, who
succeeded Dr. Wm. S. Breakey, is re-
organizing the dermatological depart-
ment. Many more students than for-
merly are taking advantage of the op-
portunities offered as a result. Dr.
Wile is giving most of his time to hos-
pital work and to the clinics, thus
benefiting the students to a large de-
Another innovation is a hospital
usher, who conducts visitors And
patients to the- different wards, physi-
cians, etc., of the various buildings.
This is making a great difference in
the rapidity with which the patients
are being taken care of, as now their
wants are -attended to almost im-
A change in the system of giving
the clinics allows each student to re-
ceive more practical and individual
instruction than formerly the classes
being smaller this year.
During the summer new kitchens
were instaled in the main hospital,
making the service there one of the
best in any university hospital. It is
now possible to serve patients with
hot food, it'being taken from the kitch-
ens to serving wards before given to
the patient.
The regents have appropriated money
for a complete repainting of the entire
hospital, which will change the pres-
ent dingy shade to a white enamel.

Information which has come into
the office of the alumni association
shows that many graduates through-
out the country have written books
during the past year, either of fiction
or in connection with their special
line of work.
Glen H. Bradley, '06, a graduate stu-
dent in the history department, has
had published by the A. C. McClurg
Co., of Chicago, a book. entitled+ "Win-
ning the Southwest." Mr. Bradley
was exchange editor on The Michigan
Daily in 1905.
"Government by All the People; or
the Initiative, the Referendum and the
Recall as Instruments of Democracy,"
is the title of a book recently publish-
ed by Delos F. Wilcox, '94. In it the
author attempts to answer the ques-
tion, "What is government by all the
Katherine Coman '80, has written a
history of that portion of the United
States which lies west of the Missis-
sipppi river. "The Economic Begin-
nings of the Far West" is its title, and
it appears in two volumes fully illus-
trated with original photographs and
enriched by ample bibliographical
.W. B. Pitkin, '03, associate profes-
sor in the school of journalism at Co-
lumbia University, has brought out a
book on the "Art and Business of
Story Writing." During the past
three years Mr. Pitkin's students have
received over $5,000 for their class-
room exercises from the various maga-
zines. This fact is a sufficient recom-
mendation for the book.
The author of the "Yellow and Blue,"
Charles Mills Gayley, '78, has publish-
ed' the second volume of his "Repre-
sentative English Comedies." The
later contemporaries of Shakespeare
are discussed and criticised in it. A
(Continued on page 4.)




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Advertising, as a practical accomp-
lishment, is not, as might be inferred,
the primary aim of the course in the
psychology of advertising being given
by Dr. H. F. Adams. The aim is rath-
er to take the theories of psychology
which relate to advertising and make
use of them in the perfection of that
art. Advertisers, like poets, are gen-
erally supposed to be born and not
made. It is thought, however, if a
scientific use can. be made of such
important elements in psychology as
attention, memory, perception, and as-
sociation, there is a possibility that
much more resourceful, if not more
clever, advertisers, may be turned out.
Starting with psychology as the
"science of behavior," as Prof. W. B.
Pillsbury defines it, the class proposes
to investigate the extent to which ad-
vertising can be made scientific by the
use of the data of psychology.
Dr. Adams expects a number of
prominent advertisers from Detroit to
give a series of talks on advertising
during the semester.

Plans for the junior girls' play, are
progressing steadily. The play has
become an established precedent on
the campus, originating ten years ago,
and continuing without interruption
each year. The play is given for the
benefit of the senior class, and is in
charge of a committee of four girls,
chosen from the junior class. This
committee, together with a committee
of judges, is as follows: Irene Byalka,
chairman, IsabelleReizer, Bess Smirth-
waite,.Carol Dow; judges, M. Kenyon,
Dean Jordan, the committee chair-
man, and a member of the rhetoric de-
partment, who has not yet been chosen.
All those competing must be members
of the junior class, and must submit
manuscripts by January 6.
Pharmacy Book Gets Third Edition.
"Xhe Arithmetic of Pharmacy," by
Acting Dean A. B. Stevens, of the
pharmacy department, has required a
third edition. The book is being used
in universities and colleges through-
out the country.

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SENIOR AND GRADUATE students may exchange Coupon No. 11
of their season books for a ticket in the East half of the North stand,
Monday, November 4th, or any day thlereafter.
JUNIORS may exchange Coupon No. 11 of their season books for a
ticket in the east half of the North stand, Tuesday, November 5th or
any day thereafter.
LADY AND FACULTY holders of season books may exchange
Coupon No. 11 for a ticket in any section of the East half of the North
stand except the cheering sections, Wednesday, November 6th, or any
day thereafter.
Two sections F and G between the 30 and 40-yard lines) will be
reserved solely for the lady and Faculty holders of season books,
Reservations cannot be guaranteed in Sections F and G after 6 p. i.
Wednesday, November 6th.
SOPHOMORES may exchange Coupon No. 11 of their season books
for a ticket in the East half of the North stand, Thursday, November
7th, or any day thereafter.
FRESHMENmay exchange Coupon No. 11 of their season books for
a ticket in the East half of the North stand, Friday, November 8th, or
any day thereafter.
FACULTY members of the University who are not season book
holders may purchase tickets Saturday, November 9th. For this Fac-
ulty sale a block of reservations in desirable sections on both sides of
the field has been set aside. After this date, desirable reservations
cannot be guaranteed.
Season book holders may have one reservation set aside for a lady
who is also the holder of a season book by giving her name in full.
However, it will be necessary for the lady to call personally to ex-
change her coupon No. 11 for the ticket which has been set aside and
this exchange cannot be made later than 6 p. m., Thursday, November
Coupons will not be accepted in exchange for tickets after 6 p. m.,
Friday, November 15th, and will thereafter be good only for general
admission at the gate, and then only providing coupon is signed and
Every season book holder at the time of making exchange of
coupon for a reservation for his or her own personal use may also
purchase not more than six $2 or higher priced reservations.



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