THAE MICHIGAN DAILY tHE h I1ICHIGAN DX1LY* Official newspaper at the University ot~Mih- igan. Published every morning exc{° Ai .-a',~ ing the university year.j entered at the .post-office atP . ,rMi- igan, under Act of Conguz>,. . s>Mach Offices: Second floor. Ann A -' e~~ If lf- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-i to 3Pa. m ,tO a p. mn. Business Manager- to 3 1- ili. Subscription Price: By carrier; zu 'v' $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press T3ili; .ry' Pharmacy; University l iarwae - I , i and Konald's :Confectionzi_-y it. e Phones : Bell andi Home, 96o. Y M:NUOF PEANUT POLITICS hereiih.Shucks! if WeP elieve. ftip headlines. WiL~u~ V aliar, .i 's a" thief., i~i1 -wi.isa lot of thins Q ije aynd belief. \V~nis an. imbecile; lce lsa crook. TI Ta: ' -nhtnitted every crimeo ?I t stute book. W.O" FOOT BALL For Class SUPPLIES''Teams FOOT BALL SHOES for $3.50 worth $5.00 STOCKJINGS for 25c worth much more UNION SrUITS for $3.50 so gocd you'll never need ai otler Head Gears, Shoulder Guards, Note Mask, etc., .c '. Ask to see our$6.oo Auto Sweaters. WAHR'S University Bookstore Frank Penb.ell . .....Mni-g dtr Joseph Fouchard ......;usiness sMangr Maurice Toulme...............New: LEitor C. 'Harold Hippler........... ...ssist..t Karl Matthews .............Athletic Eio G. C. Eldredge.......... .3 zi~anr John Townley........Music andi Drama Leonard M. Rieser............. .. . s ED ITORIALS INaroldl G. McGee Louis R. yf,- C- Howell Van Auken , Maur ice Mlycrt ~3Isoa. aburglar; Looevlt' afool. Taf i juta jumble-wit, Sycohantand fool. WoV&r!',is a' parasite; Ted': nothing but .. - - 0 I - It L~ Easy to Recognize sk --Some sort of grim, disease. NIGHT EDITORSPilTt samu. H. Beach Carpenter brd 1. Poalk Tt1.amut Morton R.' Hunter......... .Txorris Mllia i Russell H, Neilson ...,.. ;..S.ruce - S9 i lea1 ;ayth soresgo REPORTERS _ 3u6'ib- rumors fly. James D. Evin............ Ernest R. Eur os !Noliodii< believes the uk David D. Hunting........ ...J, V. sweriey j ~ ebnetp li! f} .S -BUSINESS STAFF#_X A. R. Johnson, :Jr.......... Advertiing .nsii 'npigiLge Emerson Smith ............Accoantant EyagntCmag Ioii Laurence D. Bartlett.......irculation Mr "bell-Uwen hie was preident there were le s special delivery stamps old SATURDAY. NOVEMI311 han v er before. Boycott him." Nigh Edior L-ste ~."His ecusin's aunt cheated a news- ______________b___hoyut o a nickel. Kill him." _________ "HYcoipilexion doesn't match the YOROPOTUITV x iktO House wals. Lynch him." YOURPPORUNIY. NO R 1_''1'. = Vhy, wlen he was preXy of a col- In calling for a refereuJwuu. LJ& ieg, e iu-lended a sevendilr year sen- dent ocouncil has, taken a :t -,t' or for conjugating a Lithua.nian verb forward. It will give trial to all'i sr l- xwitfli a lisp. Tramp on hi<; carcass" ment of government whair~ Iotcer3iw .:X ing a prominent, place in tha 'd V- tts . -ls{ eview ofth't Sitiiationr. of all the leading national p-is =1fi> 1:IY,,:p. t Taft is sure to carry 35 year. This will give flt ltth'e ii vx uI - -,;Teody i coneded 25 states by an opportunity to becomo nca (~i AIS t lus manZc s. Both are asolutey in a practical way with sontelt iiit 1, z 'Irt fain of re-election unless Woodrow will soon be in operation all ,octe d ai ,-: t'm to -it. Any one of the three United States. tayi, we are confident, but which It is indeed fortunate 1~3rt this * i n ?' That's the question. I don't tial referendum is on a ra of cr i i n; Skxov, I bliouldn't wonder. -D2i).H. ly interest to the student body. Mon- -X_.r day's balloting will probably deter- Oh, You Saty Yu IDiagree? mine whether the University of Mich~ The wearer of a Bull Moose button !a.-n s t bereresnte bya an, looks apologetic; of a "Woody" em- in the future or whether it is to droi blem, pathetic; of a "'G. 0. P." epiep- out of existence. ( tic!- This is not a "natter with a musi'- _X- room growth. Tb, o c °.. ,uestion i All of which goes to 1prove-O(Nb4ze a4. years old. It should be setti Th _. d_ -Of a tca paigt torh. being held utnder-- settled this year. 'Phe referendum pie- 9. budding beard.) sents an opportunity for a correct ad ----- ---- - significant expression of opinion froi)EVINCE GREAT INTEREST IN those who have the best right to d- CROS (1TNI1Y RNIN LX.t tide. Every opportunity posible will b Interest in cross-country circles re- given. to the students to cast a voe, mains un aitted since the opening of Monday morning. Polls rill be placel in every department building. A duty he seas'n and for the past few weeks to vote is almost incumbent on every ietwree'i twenty-five and thirty men student in the university. Before vot- have been ging ver the new course ing every student should carefully with Captain H-aimba gh every day. Weighi the two questions. The issue it It has been decided to hold the try- clear-cut. outs one week, from Thursday and MONDAY MORNING, REMEMBER. . his will give the team which wil be -~ picked ample time to train for the eastern meet, should conditions war- V'. A,. WA14LIN OF GRAND) RAPIDS rant sending ai Michigan team to take _PRAISES CHEFlISTRY COURSE, -part. Should Michigan be represent- - -v ed at this me(,t at Cornell it will be as "Yor cemitrydeprtmnt s oer-the most western school, and for this whelming-ly big, much bigger than I reason it is desirous of sending a good -expected," said V.* A. Wallin, proprie- representative team from Ain Arbor. tor of the Wallin tannery of Grand Unless such, a one can be picked from the squad !it training the trip to Itha- Rapids. He visited the departmentc ilb yesterday afternoon and delivered ar an il e called off entirely. Seven men, if 2iiny, will make the journy and address on "The Leather Industry and their shiwi-ar in the tryouts wil d- Its Needs." in speaking of the de- cide whao wiltcompose the squad. partment hie emphasized its adequacy to prepare men for practical positions P'RF"bII ; OF SENIOR LAWS n tannery laboratories and elsewhere. N IS EYCI I1I.:~ This was the third of a series of le- itENE COMT E1N tures to chemical students. The next J J.j.,Kennedy, president of the se- lecture will be delivered next WedneP,- ;r law-' class, has announcwed the ajl- day by Dr. A. A. Templeton on "The pit~n ftefloig~~iite Vianfacureof ubbr."Dr.Temle-men: ?social, L. W. Schroeder, ,chair- on is vice-presidlent of the Morgan man, T. A. Benniehoff, V. T. Coikli, and Wright Co. C. L.. Sweet, and J. S. McElroy fin- arce. °commit ee: W. G Gilbert, chair- feniirs Of Union Now -Naumber 2149 nia-a,3 G. C. Fuller, J. L. McDowell, J. According to present' indications, R. Conley, C. A. Retan, an J. J. Ken-- Union membership figures will attain nwedy. These are all the committees' he 2,300 mark this year. To date w'hich have been filled so far- and. the ,189 men have registered on the en- 'rest of the members will be chosen ollment book., later. Sftad o 319 E. Htxroim St. Phone 9611 IiWe have the largest stork to select from IIORINNELL BROS. 120-122 last Liberly St. a IILowest prices qua lity copisidered,, giixe us ;t call. 6.rrr,- : CARDS - PROGRAMS 'STATIONERY SAMPLES E N GREGORY MAYER & T OM Co. DETROIT, MICH I he iForest Lawn 'Cea iRoouui 004 jforest d.Q d 9 d3 VAN DOREN'S Pharmacy 703 Pact ar~d Typewi ter Repeidring Phome 1361-L f I will meet or beat any price made..on a typewriter, sale Or rental. I D. F. WOODWARD Ain Arbor Savings Dank Aldg. Second Floor 11 Ann Arbor. Mich. ________________________________________ . "%1 W. Philip Morris Cigarettes (Original London) The oldest high- grade Turkish Cigar- ettes in the World I BoltWOdd Made in 4 f' I All Heights and Styles y, Try. Them 'SS £ LSOSHIRTS Made cf Turkish- the purest # 'baccos only. "The Little .B iow-n B7ox" PIIILLIP MORRIS & CO., Ltd. 402 West Broadway, New York, . w For Theatre and Dancing Parties at your service Day and Night. AnnAr bor Taxicab Co.' And City Garage 300- North Main Street. A.uto Baggage Truck TR Y US Quick Service; mwwwwwm moommommomm"Womm _, - ------- - -- ----- ..._ ..Y Haveyo no ie that college styles are not _______________a matter of, buttons, fancy flaps, etc., but rather of plain rich effct and irdividualtfy. That is the kind of cl otlies 'vceanmake. All garmertts made in our own: shops. WAGNER & CO. STATE r x_ PACK, 00. s~rph