THE MICHIGAN DAILY Our Political Platform Is Right Price and Quality Ce H. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street Sw eW O~e rS Now that the weather is cool -you will need a good warm WEATER to keep warm, made in all colors. GREY, BLUE,.WHITE Sheehan &f Co. 7 B~owlinei Billiae&r ds Huston Bro.s 3 B P ipes S Cata dies POISE / oiseis Power, You will always >tice thit the Man of Poise ears clothes'that would put any an at ease--My Kind DivtTEl. AILOR Liberty Street (Copyrighted) CARDS -PROGRAMS -STATIONERY GREGORY MAY[R & THOM Co. DETROIT. MICH THEM rCHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3,1 1874" Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours. Editor- to 3 p. i.; 7 to 1o p. m. Business Manager- to 3 p. m. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; niversity .Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 96o. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1912 Night Editor-Morris A. Milligan. LET'S HAVE A REFERENDUM. Almost unanimously, the suggestion to the campus from The Michigan Dai- ly for a referendumi on the band mat- ter has been answered in the affirma- tive. . The student council meets to- night at which time the question will be brought up and discussed. In a matter such as this, which has been hanging fire for years and in which the student body is vitally inter- ested, heavy balloting can be expected If the campus thinks the association should provide for the band trip in fu- ture years, its wishes should be heed- ed. As the chief supporters of the as- sociation and as members of the cor- poration, the students have a right to have their money expended according to their wishes.- ts have a referendum. SOCIETIES. This is the open season for campus societies. Already several "honorary" societies have published their elec- tions and soon a half dozen others will announce their lists of neophytes. In almost every case selections have been and will be just and well-advised. The Daily offers congratulations to the chosen men and women. To them has come, in some degree at least, their reward, or better their recognition for the extra-curriculum work for Michi-: gan and the smaller units that go to make up the whole that we call our Alma Mater. With the impetus given them, there ought to be no end of things they will do to further the in- terests of the university. But to the man or woman who has worked, and who will continue to work, without the satisfaction and aid of a society, The Daily says, "Shake."' Maybe he or she has missed out un- fairly or through oversight. It is hoped that one society's new ruling forbid- ding membership in both it and cer- tain other organizations of similar scope will do away with some of the inter-locking membership lists and consequent narrowness. An honest ef- fort is being made to better things; and probably there will be less injus- tice as the years go by. But now, and for all time to come, those who, miss- ing visible encouragement, continue quietly and steadfastly to work for the betterment of the university and for th2e best things that are connected with it, are the men and women of whom every true Michigan man is most proud. ASSISTANTS OBTAINED FOR LARGE CLASSES IN BIOLOGY. Octobr Number Devoted Exclusively Increased enrollment in the gener- al biology course this fall has made necessary the appointment of two new assistants in the zoology department, Miss Winnifred Shephard and Miss Cora J. Reeves. The latter, who is a Michigan graduate, was called from a graduate assistantship at Johns Hop- kins University. The students enrolled in the biology courses now number 260, which is 50 more than in any previous year. Two laboratory sections have been arrang- ed to accommodate them, and on ac- count of the extremely crowded con- dition of south wing, one section is forced to meet Saturday morning. PEANUT POLITICS will be the mo- tif strain of the Colyum on the mor- row. -X-- Notes on the Opry. Who made him show he had "The Price?" Who shook him on the "Isle of Suice?" The fair coed. Who played "The Havoc" with his work? Who showed "The Easiest Way" to shirk? The fair coed. Who truly loved him "Seven Days?" Who "Paid in Full" his ardent praise? The fair coed. Who pouted when she missed "Sa- lome?" And ditched him for "The Man from Home?" The fair coed. -W.R.M. First Stude-Fine night for murder. Second Stude-Let's kill a quart. -C. A. S. _X-- A down-town soda quenchery adver- tises a "Tin-roof Sundae." E. S. asks if it is on the house. -X-. Ad Infinitum in Excitement. Philosophy 'quiz sections. Munching pop corn on the diagonal walk. Literary society initiations. Prof.How far must we go back to the beginning of Anglo Saxon history? Frosh-(Business of raising a laff) Fourteen pages. j.T.W. Diary of an Unimpressionable. Oct. 31-Saw that little-orange- feathered dew-drop again this morn- ing. She's right there as far as looks go-and around here they go about seven-dances-per-week worth. But i'm immune. They waste their furtive, innocent glances on this unbeliever. Read Stevenson until midnight. Now that the Gargoyle has came, what scintillations are left for little us? All's well that ends-(Business of whetting a sabre.) 8t'iudlo 319 K. Hxrof St. Phone 961-16 FOOT BALL.= For Class SUPPLIES Teams FOOT BALL SHOES for $3.50 worth $5.00 STOCKINGS for 25c worth much more UNION SUITS for $3.50 so good you'll never nced another Head Gears, Shoulder Guards, Nose Mask, etc., etc. Ask to see our $6.oo Auto Sweaters. d We have the largest stock to select from ORINNELL BROS. 120-122 East Liberty St. Lowest prices quality, considered, give us a call. ii I WAHR'S Who ogled at "The Passers By?" Who gave "The Love Cure" with sigh? The fair coed. I a I .la l I I j4;I ,i Ill I E University Bookstore I I t is Ee sy -to Recognize I p ;il % / rt , ;,. , __ ;. ' r" = . =_%, l -; ,°' 1 ;I ..... .- j IIbto~ra 11 "" °°mmu'°-w - F .L 41 IL i ' l t . - ,,, -ems--- -. . II"I" Il"" Suis C', icd and Pessed,.................$.75 Suits Pres ed... ........... ................ $.25 Overcoats Cleaned and Pr, ssed..........$.75 Overcoats Pressed .............. .......$.20 Trousers Pressed$......... ........... $.10 410 S. STATE ST. aning, Pressing and Repairing. All Work Press d by Hard OltA TORICAL ASSA SUCCESSFUL. ION IS [OKET SALE .. Y . s G-OmOm Over 600 tickets for the 'Oratorical association course have been sold to date, with the prospect of at least 200 more in the near future. This number exceeds by 100 all previous records. A difficulty encountered in the sale of tickets is the confusing of the old "Stu- dents' Lecture Association" with the present organization. Prof. Hall Auditor and Comptroller. Prof. Arthur G. Hall has recently been appointed to succeed Prof. Glo- ver as auditor and comptroller of stu- dent organizations. He requests that all presidents at once procure and file at his office annual statistical reports of their respective organizations. His office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:00 to 4:00 o'clock. - . S ,, ,- Ya~ ' cc ds ' i *'ely S--~ A Choice Bit in the Tattler s Everyone enjoys the college paper-and a Fatima s '/ 60 Fatima coupons will secure a white satin pillow top. 24 in. square, decorated with handsomely ,/ painted flowers -12 designs to select fromO ate 1 5' ,r MEANS 1l , G0'0D EYZ;3 UNIVERSITY ("ALENDAR. andescant Gas Lamps V Brightest and Steadiest. verticle and Reflex are the Special No Shadow Engineer's Drawing Lamp. Friday, November 1.-Open meeting oft the Women's League at Barbour gym, 4:00 p. in. Address by Pres. H. B. Hutchins. Saturday, November 2.-South Dakota vs. Michigan at Ferry field, 2:30 p. m. Saturday, November 2.-Membership dance at the Michigan Union, 9:00 p. m. Monday, November 4.-Cosmopolita clubsmoker at the Michigan Union, 7:30 p. m. Clas's .Toques Free We will give a Class Toque Free with every purchase of Men's Swea er Vest or Rain Coat, or with other purchases aggregat- ing $5 in our Men's Furnishings Department. Offcial toques for all classes MACK & CU. MAIN STREET ARROW'. DONCH ESTER' Dress SHIRTS The bosom cannot bulge $2 to $3 Cluett, reaboody & Co. Makers Li NN ARMOR GAS COMPANY S CORNS CARED FOR AND N NAILS CURED Feet also taught Everything absolutely #nti- Office Hours 9-12 a.m. 1-5 p.m E.,J. FOLEY .921 EAST HURON :ks E. of High School Phone 989J The ors and Mechanics Bank 1-103-105 South Main Street DETROIT UN1'TEi L1N Ann Arbor Time Table Limlte i Cars for Detroit-7:12 a. m. and hourly to 6:12 p. m., also 8:12 p. m. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. M., 6:40 a. mn., and every two hours to 840 p. nn., 7:40 p. m., 8:40 p. m.. 9:45 p. m., and 10:45 p 1 To Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p. ni., 12:15 p. m. 12:30 p. mn., 1:00 a. wn. Limited Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and every two hours to 7:46 p. m. Local Cars for Jackson-5:20 a m., and every two hours to 9:20 p in., 11:15 p. mn.. I rv, K 6'r Heidcap The vogue in outdoor headwear for gentlemen This is the day of the cap. The man who doesn't realize it should rub-his eyes and wake up. WACNER & Co.aigStheigwhsoe \. . f, ; ?i % Surplus and Profts $67,0[01 RANDALL A-h 51-11- cr PACK, Photogra