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November 01, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-11-01

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Varsity Takes Brace in Game With
Scrubs; Contest on Saturday
With South Dakota
Will be Close.
Boyle and Collette Work Out at Half;
Bushnell Fills Quarterback
Michigan's Varsity showed up con-
siderably better than in the several
previous practices yesterday afternoon
when Coach Yost sent his men through
the final scrimmage drill before the
problematical South Dakota game. The
work of the men who worked in the
Varsity ranks was far ahead of Wed-
nesday's showing, but there were still
a number of faults that may make the'
outcome of the game exceedingly close.
The linup that Yost used against the
scrubs was again slightly changed,
but the most conspicuous'feature was
the sending of Bentley to fullback for
the entire rough drill. Though Bent-
ley is light, he is an excellent punter,
and should anything happen to Thom-
son, it seems apparent that Yost wants
a kicker to send into the fray. Boyle
and Collette worked at the halves and
Bushnell at quarterbabk. The line was
about the same as has been used by
the coach all week with the exception
of N.usser who was used in place of
Paterson as pivot man.
Improvement in Defensive Tactics.
Durin.g the contest with the scrubs,
tarsity showed improvement in
defensive tactics. Coach Yost and As-
sistant Coach Schulte gave the men
indiidual attentionand seemed to
have accomplished something by the
tactics they have been employing all
week. On offense the Varsity also
seemed to advance the ball in better
form than in Wednesday's scrimnage,
while the play at -blocking and tack-
ling also seemed improved.
Though Coach Yost has not an-
nouiced his lineup for the South Da-

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Unsettled,
rain, increasing northwest winds..
University Observatory-Thursday,
7:00 p. m.; temperature 41.4; maxi-
mum temperature 24 hours preceding
43.6; minimum temperature 24 hours
preceding, 29.1; rainfall .15 inches; av-
erage wind velocity, 4 miles per hour.
Dr. Wallin to Address Chemists Today.
Dr. V. A. Wallin, proprietor of the
Wallin Tannery of Grand Rapids, will
speak on "Tanning" today at 4:00 p.
m. in room 303 of the chemical build-
ing. This is the second of a series of
twelve lectures to chemical students
by practical men.

Rally of All Michigan Men Will Be
Held in Union Addition at
7:30 this Evening.

Comedy Club Selects Cast of Charac-
ters for Annual Production
at Whitney Dec. 14.




Michigan songs and yells will be the
feature of a novel rally to be held at
the Union at 7:30 o'clock this evening;
The meeting will be open to all Mich-
igan men; it being called for the pur-
pose of arousing spirit for tomorrow's


Announcement of the cast which
will put -on "Money," the play chosen
by the Comedy club, to be given at the
Whitney theater on December 14, was
made last night, and with tonight's ini-
tial reading of the play by the mem-

game, in the absence of a football mass l bers of the cast, earnest work will beI

October Number Devoted Exclusively
to Edification of First Year
Long heral ed and long-sought for,
the October issue of the Gargoyle has
appeared. This number is devoted ex-
clusively to the edification of first year
men and contains shocking exposes of
fraternity methods calculated to in-
spire the coldest shiver in the heart
of the boldest freshman. Sundry warn-
ings and advice are given in the front-
ispiece to all the unsophisticated.
"Bill". Fanning has a double page
sketch of the campus environs, and

meeting. Incidentally it is hoped to
acquaint rooters with Michigan songs
an cheers.
The rally will be held in the large
assembly room at the Union. "Cam"
Trible will lead the songs and "Whit-
ey" Otis will go through the motions
for the yells. Selden Dickenson will
play the accompaniment for the songs.
The men in charge of tonight's rally
desire that it be remembered that all
Michigan men, whether Union mem-
bers or not, will be welcomed.


begun on the the production. Members
of the club whose names are in
the following cast are requested by
the management to appear at Sarah
Caswell Angell hall at 7:15 tonight.
Following is the cast picked. It is
not necessarily final, according to the
management, but is open to changes
which will make a better selection.
The lead part of Evelyn has not been
decided upon.
Clara Douglas........Isabelle Rizer
Lady Franklin ....Marguerite Stanley
Georgina Vesey......Louise Robson
Maid ...........Catherine Reighard
Sir John Vesey......... David Cohn
Lord Glosmore .......3. .D. Welling
Sir Frederick Blount ......Joe Turpin
Mr. Stout...........Martin Briggs
Mr. Graves ........Lawrence Clayton
Captain Smooth .... Donald Kiskadden
Mr. Sharp ............ H. L. Nutting
Old Club Member......Louis Porter
First Member ....Gordon C. Eldredge
Second Member.......Waldo Fellows
Sir John's Servant.......Clay Wilber
Evelyn's Servant ........G. McGraw

other well-known

joke artists are rep-I

University of South Dakota Eleven
Pronises to Give Wolverines
Fierce Battle Satur-
day Afternoon.
Will Outweigh Varsity About Fifteen
Pounds to the Man; Oppon-
ents Backfield is Fast.
If anyone should imagine that the
team, whichj represents the University
of South Dakota is going to be an
easy proposition for the Varsity Sat-
urday, he had better not trust his bank
roll on that belief, and unless he en-
joys being sadly disappointed he had
best change his opinion. A few facts,
plucked as it were by random, bring
some startling sensations to the part
of the brain devoted to football, and
set one to doubting as to what :he
outcome will be. They have a heavy
team, an aggregation of veterans, and
a fine record.
Michigan will be outweighed about
fifteen pounds to the man when they
step on the field Saturday, and if the
wet weather continues and the field is

>ta game, it seems that
owing of the men made

from the
this week


muddy that weight is going to prove

he Is bound to use the following com-
bination. Torbet, left end; Cole, left
tackle; Clem Quinn, left guard; Pat-
vrson, center; Allmendinger, right
guard; Pontius, right tackle; Carpel,
right end; Huebel, quarter; Craig, left
hali; Thomson fullback; Boyle, right
Paterson May Be Kept Out of Game.
There are several things which may
prevent this lineup from starting, prin-
cipl among them being the fact that
Trainer Farrell may not allow Pater-
son to step into the game. In this
case Musser seems the logical man for
the position. There may be a change
at Boyle's half, or at either of the ends
and possibly quarterback, but it is the
opinion of those who have been watch-
ing firactice that the eleven here nam-
ed is about the strongest Yost could
select to start the game and that it
will be these men'whom the coach will
send on the field Saturday afternoon.
Societies Must See Prof. Lloyd Before
Arranging Engagements.
In order to avoid conflicts of dates
of different society meetings and uni-
versity events, Prof. Lloyd, chairman
of th committee on non-athletic or-
ganiations, has requested that all so-
cieties anu clubs consult him before
arranging for any important events.
The committee has the power to can-
c A any dates selected.
Prof. Lloyd also wishes to receive
the names of all officers in student or-
ganizations and to remind candidates
for offices that certain eligibility rules-
must bF complied with.
Present office hours of the commit-
tee which meets in University hall
are, Tuesday and Thursday 11:45 to,
12:'f5 o'clock, and Saturday 10:45 to

an important factor. The lightest man
on the Coyote team b'oasts of 170
pounds of beef and the heaviest tips
at 205. The team will average about
185 pounds which is considerably more
than the Wolverines balance the scales
at and their backfield itself averages
over 175. The line is heavy with two
stocky fast ends.
Have Had a World of Experience.
There are three men on the team
that are playing their fourth year and
have had a world of experience. One
of these men, Sheek, performs at full-
back and is reputed to be one of the
best drop kickers in the entire west,
being dangerous anywhere inside of
thA fifty yard line. Three men on the
team are playing their third year,
three are performing for the second
time, and two of the men are new this
year. The experience of these men
should count materially- in the outcome
and it will in reality be a team of vet-
erans that Michigan will meet.
Starting out with a victory over Min-
nesota, who now bids fair to repeat on
the conference title, the Coyotes have
not lost a game, and only once has
their goal line been crossed and that
on a fluke play. In their last game,
with a small western college, they
played eight subs and at that ran up
a score of over 70. Their entire time
for the past two or three weeks has]
been taken up preparing for the Mich-
igan game, and they are reputed to
have a wonderful and versatile list of
plays for Saturday's game. So all in
all, Michigan is most decidely going to
have their hands full.
Coyotes Will Arrive Here Today..
The South Dakotans are expect-
ed to arrive today and if they get here
in time they will be offered Ferry field
for 'a short workout. They will be
quartered here in Ann Arbor over
night so *at they can rest after the
long trip 'from Vermillion.

Sixth Annual hileeting of Anti-Tuber.
culosis Society Begins at
1:30 This Afternoon.
This afternoon the doors of Memo-
rial hall will be thrown open to the
delegates of the sixth annual conven-
tion of the MichiganAnti-Tuberculosis
society at 1:30 o'clock. The meeting,
in which more than sixty representa-
tives from Michigan's twenty largest
cities will sit, will be a series of dis-
cussions on the progress that the asso-
ciation is making in this state against
the spread of the "white plague." The
numbereof addresses will include a
speech by President Collins H. Johns-
ton, of Grand Rapids, and another by
Dr. V. C. Vaughan, Jr., of Detroit. Af-
ter the, completion of their work, the
delegates will be given a dinner and
reception by the university, followed
by a general assembly meeting in Me-
morial hall at 7:30 o'clock to which,
as in the after meeting, every-
body is invited.
Institute of Chemical Engineers May
Visit Here in December.
Upon the authority of the board of
regents, Pres. Hutchins issued a spe-
cial invitation to the American Insti-
tute of Chemical Engineers, asking its
members to visit Ann Arbor as guests
of the university during the week of
the national meeting in Detroit.
The exact date of the meeting has
not been decided, but it will probably
be the first week of December, and
Thursday seems to be the most likely
day for the Ann Arbor visit. A com-
mittee under the direction of Prof. Al-
fred White of the chemistry depart-
ment will have charge of the arrange-
ments. During the morning, a meet-
ing will be held in the chemistry build-
ing, follqwing which luncheon will be
served the guests at the Union. The af-
ternoon will be spent in an inspection
of the university grounds and build-9
ings. l
About 100 members are expected to
attend the annual meeting. The organ-
ization is composed principally of;
practicing chemists, many of whom are9
connected with large manufacturing
plants in the east.
Prof. Durfee to Teach Criminal Law.l
Assistant-professor E. N. Durfee, of
the law faculty, will teach the classes
in criminal law for the remainder of
the semester. Assistant-professor W.
T. Barbour, who has been teaching.
the course, is ill and will be unable to
resume his classes this semester. ]

(The Michigan Tally assumes no re-
sponsibility for sentiments express-
ed in communications.
To The Michigan Daily:-
We are left with the impression by
the athletic authorities that human in-
genuity has exhausted itself in the de-
vising of the plan which apparently
has been adopted for the sale of stu-
dent tickets for the Cornell game. If
this be true, it is time for human in-
genuity to be put aside for a littl(
horse sense.
Mr. Bartelme says that in order to
allow students to purchase $2 seats
adjacent to their own, it will be neces-
sary to have a duplicate set of tickets.
Our query is this, why restrict the stu-
dents to a particular part of the
bleachers? Why not allow each stu-
dent to exchange his yellow coupon for
a seat anywhere on the field? If he
does not occupy a seat in the special
student section, so-called, it is well
known that the athletic association
can easily dispose of his space in said
section for a two-dollar bill, identical-
ly as valuable as that which the asso-
(Continued on page 3.)

Committees Meet and Perfect Arrange-
ments to llandle Crowd
Without Confusion.
Final plans for the annual football
smoker, to be held November 19th in
the combined gyms, were formulated
at a meeting of the chairman of con-
mittees in charge of the affair, yester-
day afternoon at the Union.
In the past considerable difficulty has
been experienced in preventing con-
gestion and confusion in passing out
the pipes and eatables, but it is ex-
pected that this year some new system
may be originated by which all will be
served as they enter the hall.
The committee in charge of speak-
ers is already in communication with
a number of prominent alumni, and
expects to receive definite promises
within a few days.
As usual the band will probably play
and the glee club will be on the pro-
gram. The football team will be in-
vited to attend en masse. Tickets will
be sold at the usual price, 25 cents,
and will be offered to members of the
Michigan Union only, unless present
plans are changed.
Prof. C. H. Van Tyne expects the
first volume of his "History of the
American Revolution" to make its ap-
pearance in the near future. A histor-
ical work by Prof. E. R. Turner, "The
Newmarket Campaign of the Civil
War," and a book by Prof. Ulrich Phil-
ips on "The Life of Robert Tooms"
are being published. Dr. W. W. Florer
is preparing a series of monographs
on Luther's use of the pre-Lutheran
versions of the Bible, and, working in
conjunction with Prof. Jesson of Bryn
Mawr, he is also publishing an Amer-.
ican edition of "Joel Uhl."
About a dozen enthusiastic artists
have received assignments from the
Michiganensian for art work, and a
board of four or five disinterested fac-
ulty men will judge on the merits of
the drawings and award the prizes.
The year book is now well lined-up.The
athletic and senior sections will be fea-
tured this year.
About 35 bids for the printing and
engraving work have been received,
but final settlement will. probably not
be made for two weeks.

Scope of University Apparatus
Known; Will Communicate
With Other Schools..

Michigan Daily Conducts Investigati
Concerning Importance of Stu-
dent Opinion In Cam.
pus Matters.
Ten Fraternities Give Views on Qu
tion; Majority Favor the
For the first time in Michigan hi
tory, the campus is likely to have
opportunity to express its wish
through a referendum. This comes
the result of an investigation carri
on by The Michigan Daily yesterds
which shows that the student body b
lieves that the athletic associat4
should, in future years, bear the e
pense of sending the band with t
football team for one big trip eal
year. A special meeting of the stude
council will be held tonight, and it w
probably make the preparations ne
essary for a referendum.
Many Students Give Opinions.
In concluding its investigation, T
Michigan Daily Interviewed facul
members and students, and secur
votes from as many fraternities
time would permit. Among the st
dents expressing themselves as deci
edly in favor of the referendum, we
"Walt" Staebler, Carter Adams, De
ter Reinhardt, Louis Haller, and Ha
old Abbott, who think that the refe
endum should be used to determir
student opinion on all current mate:
of more than passing importance
Prof. David Friday, of the econoI
ics department, said: "The athletic a
sociation has assumed the support o
our athletics; so the assocation shoul
send it with the team, or show the al
solute impossibility of such a cours
As to future years, there is no que
tion but that the association shoul
bear the expense of the band trips.
believe in referendums for the sti
Professor R. M. Wenley said:."Ti
athletic association should shouldE
this responsibility. It would be mo
dignified. This hat-passing has nevt
appealed to me. It reminds me of th
time "Billy" Heston-about 1904
think-made a long run at Wisconsi
and won the game for us. When t
news reached Ann Arbor, they imm
diately passed the hat to get him a su
of clothes. The athletic associatio
has a chance to rid the campus 0
(Continued on page 4.)
Woolsack, the junior- law honor s
ciety, last night elected the followin
to membership: R. J. Curry, F. I
Dye, F. B. Gilbert, S. S. Grossner, I
T. Gust, J. B. Helm, L. S. Hulbert, I
G. Kemp, L. R. Lackey, G. E. Mathew
C. 0. Olivier, H. G. Plunkett, H. V
Spike and S. S. Wall.
The following honorary membe
were selected from the faculty: Dea
H. M. Bates, Secretary E. C. Goddar
Professors H. L. Wilgus, and R. '

N ot

The 'university wireless station will
conduct a series of experiments to as-
certain the longest distance that can
be reached by the present equipment.
It is definitely known that a radius of
200 miles is within the scope of the
station, but it is believed that stations
at a much farther distance may be
communicated with.
The wires attached to the chimney'
of the engineering building have been
straightened to gain greater efficiency
for the aerial, and if the wireless sta-
tions at the various universities within
call of the local station will co-operate
with student operators here, a
regular intercourse will be main-
tained in order to promote efficiency
among student operators of the several
So far no word has been received by
the local authorities from the United
States government regulating the ac-
tivity of the wireless experiments. It
is believed that in the east, where the
government has been forced to regu-
late the sending of wireless messages,
it is due to the fact that the regular.
stations were interfered with by nu-
merous amateur operators. In the
west, such a condition does not exist.

A. S. Wh
Jackson a
Grand Ra
meeting o
ation. Pro
a conferen
this morn
make a ca

ors A. G. Hall, C. O. Da,
itney, J. L. Markley, G.
and Dr. G. A. May are
apids to attend the ann
f the state teachers' asst
of. Hall will have charge
nce of high school princip
ning at which time he y
areful explanation of the n
requirements of the univ
May will also read a pa:
al education. Prof. White
ent one of the members of

Three Classmates Compete in Politics.
The fight for the office of prosecut-
ing attorney at Saginaw, Mich., has de-
veloped into a three cornered affair
involving three Michigan' law school
graduates, Carl C. Rogner, James P.
Deveraux, and B. J. Vincent. They are
three classmates, and each willingly
admits that the other two are "fine fel-

Chinese students are to be the guests entrance'
of some of the Ann Arbor churches on sity. Dr.
Sunday afternoon, at 3:00 o'clock. At on physic
this meeting men of natiotial reputa- is at prese
tion will discuss some of the questions executive
that have interested the students in -
connection with Christianity and its Junior]
application to life. Circulars have W. C. M
been sent to all students, requesting lit treasuz
them to bring up any questions which Soph lits
they would like to have discussed, and home

Lits Elect Class Tre
Mullendore was chos
rer at yesterday's re
and fresh enginee

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