w I [he 14,ichl~a . ,. . ; S ,' ", !T I !AILED TO ANY A9DRESS $3.00 PR ICE FIVE CENTi x 26. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1912. ..PRICE FIVEC-.......- FIND f I THE WEATHER MAN £ VICE-PRESIDENT SHERMAN PASSED AWAY LAST NIGHT 3 HOLES IN a ! 1 ITY LINE Forecast for Ann Arbor-Unsettled, cooler, moderate westerly winds.7 University Observatory-Wednesday, 7:00 p. m. temperature 38.8; minimum temperature 24 hours preceeding 38.6; maximum temperature 24 hours pre- ceding 58.1; average wind velocity 10 miles. ibition of Football Put U7p by Var- sity Orgrmilzation Calls Forth Caustic Comments From Coach Yost. Tl DAKOTA WILL SEND FORMIDABLE AGGREGATION. "illion Team Will Equal Yost's Elevenin Weight and Has Dangerous Kicker. ien Fielding H. Yost is struck hless, there is something doing! ien the man who tutors Michi- gridiron warriors is unable to nent on particular plays by cer- players, it is a fair bet that there mething very much at fault with FRESIH LITS AND PHARMICS FINALLY ELECT OFFICERS' After twice failing to obtain majori- ties, fresh lits voted again yesterday af ternoon. Meroe Correy was chosen sec- retary. W. F. Holmes was elected track manager and S. P. Surgenor, basketball manager. In yesterday's re-election for fresh pharmic presi- dent, W. L. Seibert was elected. Junior lits poll for treasurer this afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 in west physics lecture room. The other re- . (Detroit News Service.) UTICA, N. Y., Oct. 30.-James Schcolcraft Sherman, vice-presiden7t of the United States, died at his home here at 9:42 this evening. Mr. Sherna's death resulted from Bright's Disease with which he had been ill since August 21. Although the vice-president had been unconscious almost all of today, physicians prolonged his life for sometime by administering oxygen. Ife lea ves a widow and three children whowere present at the bedside when death came. Mr. Sherman was elected to the vice-presidency four years ago, having pre- viously been a prominent figure in the politics of New York State. He was renominated for the office he held at the time of his death, by the Republican National convention which met at Chicago in June. When the time for the formal acceptance of the nomination c ame, in August, he was advised by his physician against participating in the event. BA N.f., .. _ ..._ ,, ... ,. X , era:.1 At hel ast two meeti ha i the ftbaH Lava ps dis cussed in Cery phae,1 includ linancina o the 1rp and Wl~ : Theopnion of tlie studant of the Student Council and guidd themin teird. euss~on4 and W1,eregs: The iucont of the athiet- ieasr o tion has be t i r as b ithe b:lanhet tax and Wlaerea.s: The muembere ef the band eon tribute at least $15 AO. S more than in previous years to the athletc a.,so- ciation because of the blanket tax and Wlre-: in oilmer univesitius un- der similar eireumai::ac s the ad letie associanion deVra.c the eee 7. r c their baud on its trips wh the t a and WVheas: The suppot t wi-ich tV- banl afords ielt by the team and ic Asroeiatioa has been 1ureesed by ing our a! mnii, there) ore be it solVed: That the band sjioudd ac- coinpuny the team to iPene~vania and further be it athletic arsoeiatmon to del ry tr~ eiling: expenres of the :aini on ths trip, and be it fur the at the (lirpOnali E ihe athdet ic associ- ation for all medr ath ievntp0 the year liespcctftil submitted to the ~aah- Ictie a ssociatiOn 01 the Ulni crs ty ci Ei\igun. I.S. UH LBERT. Slu tCou c Ci ~DR ANGELLIS INTERESTED IN WAR IN EASTI WILSON WINS h was the case in yesterday'; ice at Ferry field. The inferenc irely obvious. The Varsity wa at a pace that certainly did no e Yost. About the only. membe coaching squad who was at al ed was Andy Smith who goade Grubs on to greater aggressive when they lined up to give the y defensive practice. re was no mid-week game yes- r. Yost evidently decided tha were better things for the Varsi- do in order to get into cohdition e the strong South Dakota team lay afternoon. Instead of a reg. ame, he employed the plan of the Varsity a stiff workout by g them on the defense and pit- he scrubs against them. a starter the scrubs were given 11 in the center of the field. Then rubs advanced the leather, and Yost saw that they were gaining I, he put them on the .Varsity's -yard line and told them to go And it was this very same that ;rubs did, aided and abetted by entleman named Maulbetsch, lunged the Varsity line on nu- s and divers occasions. At two nt times the Varsity defense ed before the scrub onslaught, e eleven coached by Andy Smtih s 5 ;s t r 11 d e t -1 -f Senior Engineers Make Social Plans. Plans for the social activities for the present school year were inaugurated last night by the senior engineers. Pres. Edward Lazear assumed office, and announced his appointment of Merl Tabor as chairman of the social committee. It was voted to hold four class din- ners and two dances to start things. These will be followed by other func- tions during the year.. SEAT SALE WILL START MONDAY oward the end of the scrimmage Varsity was given a chance to ad- ce the leather. Darkness was set- g on the field when the Varsity ched down to the scrub's goal .line. the offense the regulars showed a better than on the defense but the ormance was far from brilliant at and Yost saw nearly as much toy cise as when the Varsity was on defense. nd when the coach wasn't too dis- ed for words, he criticised with :e and abandon, and the criticism far from favorable in nature. In Yost was fairly sizzling and his uage was picturesque in the ex- Le. To Face Strong Team. cidentally it is the apparent opin- of Yost that the Varsity will have o at a livelier pace than yesterday uth Dakota does not administer a ing to the wearers of the Maize Blue. The boys from Vermillion blood in their veins of the color ated by the name of the universi- own, and likewise the same rich in their eyes, and when their elev- omes to Ann Arbor, averaging 1731 ds, or practically the same as the1 team, a scrap of a high order is used. ere is one Mr. Sheeks on the n1 Dakota eleven who performedl pleasing little stunt of making aw goal from the 45 yard line in the ', Dakota-Minnesota battle which' South Dakotans won, and he isa uising to repeat his performance aturday next. Also the South Da- eleven will arrivein Ann Arbor e pink of condition and with a toire of plays calculated to put s proteges at a decided disadvan- I acrity Recital is Postponed. ing to the indisposition of Mrs. and Miss Johnson, the facultyj al announced for this evening at The arrangements for the seat sale for the Cornell game, which were an- nounced today, offer a novelty in that the choice of seats for students has' been arranged according to classes, with the women slipping in between the juniors and sophs. The sale will open Monday when the seniors and graduates will be allowed to pick seats, followed Tuesday by the juniors. On Wednesday the women students and faculty have the edge, with two sections set apart solely for them. For the next two days the sophs and fresh- men have the choice and after that time it is open to anybody. Holders of student books will be al- lowed to reserve a total of seven seats, one in exchange for their coupon and six reserved full priced seats. But it is emphatically stated that the reser- vation in exchange for the coupon must be in the rooting section and cannot be taken along side of any other reservations. Neither can it be traded in on any other seat. In ex- planation of this ruling the athletic association has issued the following statement: "Why cannot a plan be devised which would permit the holder of the season book to purchase two dollar reserva- tions adjacent to that received in ex- change for his coupon ?" is a question often asked of the athletic authorities. It is only natural that this privilege should be desired by a great many stu- dents and not at all surprising that they should feel on first thought that the athletic association is taking an arbitrary position in declaring such a plan impossible. We believe we can convince the stu- dents that such an arrangement would be so cumbersome and complicated as to be absolutely impracticable. There are 15,282 reservations in the; north and south stands fo Ferry field. Our financial settlement with Cornell1 provides that all student admissions shall be settled for on the basis of $1. and all other reserved seat admissions (Continued on page 4.) "American as well as Foreign Student, Should Recognize the Import- ance of Conflict," Says President Emeritus EXPECTS WAR TO COME TO CLOSE WITHIN TWO MONTH S. Fears That Violent Massacres May Re- sult Should Turks Become Fanatic. "Great interest should be taken by the students of the university over the Balkan war," declared Dr. James B. Angell yesterday. "I sympathize with the foreign students who come from the affected territory and who natural- ly have great anxiety over the welfare of their people." Dr. Angell is well acquainted with the customs and conditions of the Turks, having served as minister to Turkey in 1897-98. "The Turks are usually a peaceable people but when they are excited over religious matters they become unreas- onable and uncontrollable. Should an army of one million Turks, after the war, become imbued with the fighting spirit their hatred toward the Chris- tians would cause them to commit out- rageous massacres upon the Armeni- ans. Shortly before I went to Turkey in 1897, atrocities against the Armeni- ans were at their height. An number of them were serving as guards and at an order from a head of a Moslem the- ological school the students seized clubs and struck down the servants like sheep.' "Failure on the part of Turkey to discontinue its oppression of the Mace- donians may be considered as the pri- mary cause of the outbreak," contin- ued Dr. Angell. "The war is a serious one and may involve all of the great powers of Europe. The fact that Rus- sia has its eyes on the advantageous position of Constantinople, and Aus- tria for an outlet to the Aegean sea is well known and the powers will not let them step in." "I do not think that the war will last longer than a month owing to the cold weather. Also the mud becomes very thick, and this combined with thei weather make it impossible to carry aA military operations. I am looking for a big battle soon that will settle' the trouble." "Yes, American students should take in interest in the war and comprehendI fully the importance of it," concluded the venerable president-emeritus. Soccer football practice will be held at Ferry field under the direction of representatives from Detroit -,I The: Final est its of Stiaw loti i :n * --- * * Total vote cast............2204 * Wilson ...................994 * * Roosevelt................972 * * Taft.....................173 * D ebs. .....................56 *. * Chafin . .... . . ... . . . ... . .. ..7 * * * * * * *. * * * * * * Governor Wilson wins the straw bal- lot. Leading the race at the start of the contest, but falling behind for the last three days, the supporters of the New Jersey governor rallied to the standard of their candidate, castng over 300 votes, and giving the former college president a total of 994 taloes and the contest. Roosevelt takes second place wiTh 972 votes. The progressive leader made a fine fight for first honors, only the overwhelming support of the Wil- son men on the last day, relegating him to the runner-up position. Presi- dent Taft, with 173 votes is third, an Debs and Chafin follow in order with 56 and seven counts. The result was not entirely unex- pected, as the Wilson supporters had bepn keeping quiet. for the last few days, and the number of ballots that were cast for him during that time were less than the vote of the first three days, and the showing on the final day showed the real strength of -the Democratic candidate on the cam- pus. The total vote was 2204, approxi- mately 50 per cent of the students in the university taking advantage of the chance offered to show their choice for president. , 1DEPARTMENT C.1 'A IPIONS WILL )IEET IN SEMI-FINALS 'OI)Ay Senior lits vs soph engineers is thet inter-class football program for this afternoon. This game is the first of the semi-final schedule and brings to- gether two teams that have gone through the season so far with spot- less records. The game will be called at 4:05c o'clock. FJUSTR E EAsSA1L One hundre d an.d fIty tryou ts raa through the preliminary prace 0 the cid broher d ames at ''hci re- hearsal last e' in g. Seel o it year&s men d th stepp i g, ou later, an experienced aancing teache wll .be brought here from Dot rail' here .ra g 1s wvil! be held wely and all. students int er a. te in this work am>s urged to urn om. The inal d ncina chorus, which will apycar ini th :opeora in Ar1, will be selected by a process ofQ.,v elnnt.T _, o Sn in t. yus nrc scheded for 4:01) o'ckock on W:ednesdy hoenber 6, at the U nion, Anyone tra tey for the ringIng or danci; chorus, or for both. The dae or the cast tryout, whc has been Ipreviom ly :aunouiice fom November G, hha been chngued to o- eimbAr 11. In this year's show, there are fifteen cast parts for all varieties of characters. h- next dancin chor- us praetice will be held i t rl1esddy and W-ednesday at 4:00 o'clock. Try- outs may attend the rehe- rsal on e- er date. Nine "awenydds" termna t~ d their mutiati on into the Druid, sen or lion- orary society last niht at the Mhr i- gan Union banque., T oa y er gitaim by Dean Efiniger, lnar. an: 1 Fixel. Prc1. Cross, and Walter Stabler Tme ns w men are: ltol o Spiunia-:, itu::oil Mc- Nair, Clyde Nicol- n, he rimd ?allon, Walter Stachier, \Wimlime luaglievy, Dexter Rcini'ard, Claudius m-endhill, anad Prof. Dayi d Friday. ltend Ilestiug: ci State Ascditu Tfhe members of the departneaic o cuducation r. ill leave Ann Au. r this morning for Grand Rtapids. Classm in that department wilnn meet on either Thursdar e Friday of 1h STRAW BLO IN LAST DAY Supporters of wN eJer-ey0 Co eror - Rally Before Coltest Closes and iace T heir Candi- date in the Lead. ROOSEVELT IS FORtCE) 'T() .IPSECOND PLACE -u AI Total Vote Polled Shows h alf thc Stttid t t ' f~lv n ;' - Sdents in te mnver- 'hy Voted. TAGDAY IS NOT DESI RED BY STUDENTS St ldit Sentiment onl Cmpus is Sire S-rogly in Favor of taing thlticieAssoeation Send r ind to 1ennsy,k 1)1 Rli'O d t 'ITE IMEV E S ASSOCIATIO'N'S VIEW-POIN r 'ares xAdded i..xpenses Make Send. jug tthe ]and to Pensy by Asoelation Inposslife Student opinion is decidedly in favor of abolishing the yearly Tag Day for 1h0 benefit of the annual band trip. ruzra ment students on the campus ere interviewed by The Michigan Daily yesterday and the opinion is al- most unanimously in favor of having e athletic association pay for the t"ri", or if it is not able to do this, to havW some permanent means establish- ed by which the baud may be sent on a trip every year without having to resort to a tag day to secure funds. These expressions of opinion are given below, together with the statement :sued Last evening by Athletic Direct- or Philip G. Bartelme saying that the airociation would not be able to send he band to Penusy. The reasons giv- en were that the association has a -r at increase in its expenses this year and as it does not consider that e band is purely an athletic affair, he asociation has no reason for pay- iag the total expense which wsould be. nurred onl such a trip. The st-tements follow: Edward C. Kemp: "Every student ays a $5.00 athletic tax for the gen- a purpose of supporting Michigan thletics and making them successful t every way. Any use of : athletic e nds which has the purpose and effect f making our athletics successful is legitimwte and proper expenditure id ought to be made by the athletic urociation, the trustees of tht fund, ending the band to the big game with ic team is undeniably a most efficient eans of bringing victory and success 0 our athletes and is a very proper em of expenditure in the athletic as- otiation budget. The students are naninmously in favor of the expendi- ia and the athletic association hould either accede to their wishes or how; cause. It is presumptious of the letd 'association to expect the stu- entss to pay the expense out of ther un pockets. The $5.00 tax was to over AL athletic expense." Lon H. Barringer, president of stu- ent council: "I am not prepared to e that the association should de- ry tho band's expenses, but some ermanent means should be devised >r raising the funds for this purpose. T0e do not care to see the band go out < m>ig for their trip by a Tag Day ~',ery- fall." Edw'ard I. Saer: "Emphatically, if ie athletic association can afford to tad the band to Pennsy, it should. I ae n-mt in favor of a Tag Day unless is absolutely necessary." John Coolidge: "We should be sure at the athletic; association is in a m dition - to pay for tiis trip before e insis on having it do so. The ex- )nditure for the new clubhouse and her improvements have made a big ,am of extra expense which should be umiderct. If we do send the band e should. send them to show the spirit the school an their trip should not Scensmdcred as pay for their services. me scrubs .do a great deal more than band and they get only this one lloing is Director Philip G. Bar- ummc' statement' Ic uill be impossible for the athletic O c&i to defray the expenses of o band to Philadelphia for the Penn rue, much as we should like to. We 'giving the band double the amount at has been gi en it in the past and a cannot take the band to Penn and so t e te Reserves. Furthermore w as under the impression that the aid7 was otapurl athletic affair h t re er interests. A5 r as the $5.0 fo is concerned the uenre incident to the improvements (Cen'inued-on nage four.} week, h. Late ! Late " a.-;,: " , .: C: U.'With your kind permission adies and T Gentlemen, begs to announce that it has established a Varsity record for lateness. Out Now It is only the Freshman Number and isn't worib Ce On State Street or from the Boysc I e" k-