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October 29, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-10-29

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Day ly








-I -i


vp IN SQUiA1) AS

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Threaten-
ing and warmer weather, with rain
late Monday night or Tuesday.
University Observaory - Monday,
7:00 p. m. temperature,55.4; minimum
temperature 24 hours preceding, 41.0;
wind velocity, 4 miles.

New11'1gla n(d Students OrĀ°ganize Club.
Thirty New Engand students met
at the Union Sunday afternoon and
ladthe foundations of aNew England
l a d h o n a i n f a e j i lclu b . T h e o rg a n iza tio n is n o t , so cia l in
character, so it was deemed advisable
not to elect officers.
The aim of the club is to stimulate
Michigan sentiment throughout New
England by placing literature concern-
ing the university in the high schools
and Y. M. C. A. buildings.







I and Tessin Now Working as
Wds, Pontius as Tackle and
Rusliell ais Quarter.
big shift has come. Although all
>st has been shifting his men

Class Teams Scheduled to Appear at
Dakota Game Will be Decid-
ed Wednesday.
Instead of selecting the teams for
the relay contests, between the halyes
of the South Dakota game, by limiting
each candidate individually, trial races
will be run off at Ferry field on Wed-

Realizing the ialue of the band, the Michigan rooting delega.-

.ke a cut tlp puzzle, it is now
that the final arrangement
at hand and the lineup of the
nearly determined. Time is
:11 the two big games occupy
uncer and unless this shift is
ill be a toss up to see what
a team lines up against the
and Cornell. But this shift
he lines that have been hinted
I and it is believed that Yost
i out the material enough -to
o is what.
identally this shift i behind
t curtain and the results of
e are unknown tc> _e layman.
, really for the first time this
coach chased out all specta-
et to work in the darkness to
damage done last Saturday.
st place a new pair of ends
ette around the extremities.
t the place at left last night
sters seem to pick him out
>b. Carpell held down the
g and it's a cinch the little
about right there. He is an
e tackler, fast to diagnose a
should get away in grand
s showing at Syracuse was
;hest class and the way he
of the interference and yet
out arms to get the runner
im as a good bet.
predicted, Pontius went to
ying in the place of McHale.
at home at this job as it is
it place and it is confidently
Le will occupy the berth per-
Cole was at the other tack-
is going at a good pace. The
r trio, Quinn, Almendinger,
son worked in the middle of


(News Item:

tion took up a collection on the ivay
Columbus band to fuirnish music.

nesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock,
which will enable the committee in
charge to pick the men from actual
competition. Five mhen will be chosen
to represent the four classes, irres-
pective of department. Four of these
will do the running and the fifth will
aet as an alternate, but is t9 receive
the numerals if identified with the
winning quartet.
Deep gloom pervades the ranks of
the junior tryouts, as Seward the
Varsity sprinter has been declared in-
eligible by the faculty and will not be
able to form one of the links in the
class team that up to the present was
doped to win the fall affair. There is
a superfluity of material out for his
place, so with Bonl and White to nail
down two laps for the mid-way men,
they still loom up as a powerful facto:
in Saurday's struggle.
All is not sunshine in the senior
camp, as the report has been confirm-
ed that Blake, the much touted half-
miler, will be kept out of the compe-
tition because of an operation he un-
derwent last spring for an abscess on
the -ear. His doctor has ordered him
to refrain from violent exertion this
fall so that he may surely be in shape
for the winter and spring. Even in the
face of this blow the last year men are
not despairing as they figure that any
team with Haff and Haimbaugh form-
ing two of the four units is not going
to be distanced in the quarter mile
Nine men are available for a sopho-
more sel.ction, but they are of medium
ability, while as for the freshmen's
chances, it is safest to predict nothing.


Three Students and Traveling -1an Are
Implicated in Attack on
Local Photographer.

here from Ann Arbor, and hired a
-Columbus News Dispatch).
Homes of Several Michigan Men Are in
(enter of Turkish-Armenia n

Union Has Many Standbys Among Sen-.
for Classes and Graduates of
Former Years.
Life membership in the Michigan
Union, a plan which was devised last
year to arouse the interest and support
of the undergraduates and alumni for
the Union, a common meeting-ground
for Michigan men, has met with great
success everywhere. To be a life mem-
ber of the Union has becom one of the
foremost aims of every Michigan man.
Hardly a day passes, that some stu-
dent or graduate does not ask that his
name be recorded on the life member-
ship list. This is especially true on
Saturdays when many of the old grads
are back for the football games.
Life memberships in the Michigan
Union are, as a rule, not solicited,
They are given freely on the part of
the applicant. An exception to this
rule, however, occurs in the case of the


Total vote cast... .. ..1
Roosevelt. .. .
Taft .......-..-......
Debs ...........
* * * * * * Ic * *

Result of Straw




Counties and Almost
State in the Union Are
Now Represented.

* * * * * * * * *

As the result of a street affray Sat-
urday night, in which Harry Minckley,

War in the Balkan states with all
its terrors is being brought home to

me line and this aggregation is bound
stick. It looked good to see "Bub-
les" back on the job and if he avoids
juries, the center job is settled.
ushnell worked at quarter, Craig and
oyle at halves, and Thomson at full.
uebel went in at half on the second
am while Hughitt played quarter
ere. It is evident from this that
ost is trying to make a quarter out of
ughitt where he worked last year.
seems strange that Huebel should
relegated as the little fellow has
en going good this year and the
lowing at Syracuse could hardly be
unted against him. With a bandaged
nd, a wet ball and impossible passes,
is no wonder he was not as effective
formerly and the little quarter may
t be calling signals for the Varsity.
Yost is peeved over the Syracuse
.me. In his opinion Michigan didn't
;ht as Michigan should. According
him Syracuse wasn't strong enough
win but Michigan was poor enough
lose. Musser's work there has come
for a lot of criticism and yet he
.st be.given credit for some things.
hile his passing was probably in a
rge part the cause of Michigan's de-
at, still his defensive work was of
e highest order and if his offensive,
d been of the same class he would
hailed as a find today. It is evident;
at the Varsity is going to get its
are of work this week and it will be
lifferent machine by Saturday. South;
.kota is an unknown quantity and
st will take no more chances. r
rhere was no scrimmage last night,
.st devoting himself to trying out his
w arrangement. Barton is still laid,
with a bad shoulder which he dis-l
iced at Syracuse and 'it is not
own how soon he will be able to gett
o practice again. The lanky south-
aer played a grand game at Syracuse

a local photographer, had his nose some of the foreign students in the
broken, the police are looking for two university. Those most affected are
students, who are accused of the as-
sault. Lawrence Nagel, one of the the Greeks who come from European
party with the students, was arrested, Turkey near the scene of the present
and appeared in court yesterday morn- conflicts, and the Armenians from Asi-
ing, but was released on bail, the trial i atic Turkey.
being set for November 9. He is atrav- .C G. Scrames, '14E, probably is feel-
eling man from Erie, Pa., and was vis-
iting his brother, who is a freshman ing the most anxiety over the situation.
engineer, but who was not in the party Coming from Valona, Epirus, not far
at the time of the trouble. from the center of operations, his fam-
Minckley and his wife were walking ily is in momentary danger of being
home from down town, when they .n.ihilated. It is in this part of Tur-
were passed by Nagel and a party of keyihat thesfoc of r-
studntsseveal o .whm wee si ey that the allied farces of the Greeks
students, several of -whom were 'said
to be slightly intoxicated. One of and the Servians are now fighting the
them chanced to jostle Mrs. Minckley Turks and -the action may at any time
and, her husband taking it as an insult, shift to the western coast where Volo-
hit the offender. Two others then in- l is located.
terfered and threatened Minckley for'
striking a man without real cause, " have not heard from"my parents
whereupon Minckley rushed at them for nearly a month, not since the war
aind was struck by a bottle, his nose started," said Scrames last night. "I
being broken by the blow. -usually hear from them every two
Students in the party claim Minckleywusandyha now beeveryawe
was partly to blame for the affair, not weeks and it has now been over a week
having made allowance for the con- since the letter was due. As we do
dition of the man nor for the fact that not believe in the Mohammedan relig-
he had no intention of insulting his ion, the Turks naturally are against
wife. Minckley, however, says he will us and for this reason I feel very un-
prosecute to the limit, and asserts the easy about my people."
insult and assault were deliberate. The Armenians in Asia Minor are
The offense is punishable by a fine of chiefly concerned with what will fol-
$100.00 or imprisonment for not more low the cessation of hostilities. Wheth-
than 90 days. er the Turks win or lose a general
The faculty will make a thorough in- massacre of the Armenians by the Tur-
vestigation of the whole affair this kish soldiers, will undcubtedly follow.
morning at 9:00 o'clock and decide on The Turkish government is said to
what measures will be taken in the be doing nothing to prevent the mas-
matter. sacres that are sure to come. The pa-
triarch of the Armenians resigned a
LATE' SHIPMENT OF BUTTONS 1few months ago because the Turks re-
READY FOR UNION MEMBERS. fused to respect the demands of the Ar-
menian people.
The delayed Michigan Union buttons "The Turks are encouraging the
have arrived. Eight hundred of the slaughtering of our people," declared
emblems were delivered at the Union A. H. Koumjian, '14, president of the
yesterday and were made ready for University of Michigan branch of the
distribution at once. More than 600 Armenian Students association, last
members have signed up for member- evening. "The Turks, as Mohammedans
ship, who have as yet received no but- being inimical to those who profess the
tons. They can now be secured upon Christian faith, and always jealous of
presentation of membership card at the the prosperity of the Armenian peo-
Union office.. The Union urges that all ple, never fail to seize an opportunity
buttons be called for at once, to oppress them."


senior classes where a canvass is
made. Last year, during the solicita-
tion of the seniors, some 50 participat-
Ing life members were obtained. Next
spring, a similar canvass will be con-
ducted among the senior classes. In
so far as there is little or no urging
on the part of the Union management
to secure life members, the phenom-
enal results must be due to the part
the Union plays in the life of every
Michigan man.
Many university men have taken out
life memberships this fall. Some of
the applicants have paid the full
amount of $50.00 in cash, while others
are participating life members and
pay an annual fee of $10.00 for five
years. An especially large number of
freshmen have already signified their
good intention and have entered their
names with many others.
The plan has had remarkable suc-
cess. At present there are 89 life
members, and 211 participating life
members. These men are not counted
in the regular yearly Union member-
ship. But with their names the Mich-
igan Union can show by far the largest
membership in all the years of its ex-
istence, a total of 2,430..

Owing to a large lead accumulat
in the vote yesterday, Roosevelt is no
comfortably in first place in the stra
ballot, with a lead of 80 votes over W
son. The places remain unchange
but the leaders are getting farther o
of reach, so that it is now almost in
possible for any of the other cand
dates to move up in the race..
The feature of the vote is the ove
whelmiing Bull Moose sentiment di
played in all the departments, as ti
progressive leader had a lead in th
vote cast by every department yeste
Forty-four states, one territory, an
eight countries are now represented
the vote, and in no case has there bee
but one vote from a state.
The three political organizations o
the campus have been working hai
in co-operation with the paper to mal
the vote representative of the studen
body, and the members of th
clubs have not been idle in' solicitir
votes for their candidates. If the vot
yesterday may be taken as a criter
on, T. R. will have a big lead when ti
ballot closes, unless of course, tle Wi
son men are planning to cast an ove:
whelmingly large -vote for the Ne
Jersey governor on the last day.
Every one who has not yet voted
urged to do so, and the fraternitie
sororities and rooming houses are par
ticularly requested to take advantag
of the rule allowing them to cast thei
ballot on one large sheet of paper, pro
viding that the other rules of the cot
test are lived up to.

Members Will Give Many Lectures
This Winter; Are Highily
Praised For Efforts.
The election of officers for the Ly-
ceum club resulted in the selection of
Ray K Immel, '10, for president;
Thomas E. H. Black, '11, '14L, for sec-
retary and treasurer, and Miss Helen
Magee for corresponding secretary.
The club is under the direction of
Prof. R.-D. Hollister.
During the past* four years, the
members have delivered about 150
lectures to various audiences through-
out the state, for which they received
many compliments. H. R. Pattengill,
of the Lansing Moderator Topics, gives
high praise to the men who have
spoken before the Christian Sociology
club of the'Baptist church at Lansing.
These lectures are to be continued,
and, in addition, several talks will be
given in different towns throughout
the state. The program will be an-
nounced later, and a circular issued,
describing in detail the work of the.
Munich Players Take Well in Detroit.
Word received late last night from
Prof. Florer, who was in Detroit, to
witness the production given in that
city by the Munich players, was to the
effect that the entertainment there was
a pronounced success. The Munich
players are booked to appear at an
early date in Ann Arbor under the aus-
pices of the Deutscher Verein.



Masons Toil on Hill Auditorium Using
Light of Gasoline Torches.
If long hours have anything to do
with progress in building, the Hill au-
ditorium will be done in a short time.
The concrete masons who are working
on the pavement in front of the build-
ing, are working by the light of gas-
oline torches.
Much interest is being shown in the
curious formation of the walk ap-
proaching the building. By means of a
complicated set of forms, the concrete
is being molded into a design some-
what resembling the "diamond-cut-di-
amond" design adorning the front wall
of the building itself. The empty
spaces in the forms will be filled with
red tile brick, so as to afford an agree-
able contrast with the concrete.
Harold "Pip" Titus, '11, who was
elected to the managing editorship of
The Michigan Daily for the year 1911-
1912, but who was forced to resign
on account of ill health, was in Ann
Arbor over the week end. Since leav-
ing college, Titus 'has achieved consid-
erable success in the magazine field,
having contributed to the following
publications: Munsey's, Everybody's,
The Outlook, Collier's, and The Amer-
ican Boy. He is now on his way back
to Arizona having spent the summer
at his home in Traverse City.

As a resul of the Comedy club
outs which were held Friday and
urday, 16 ele'ctions have been Inad
fill the depleted ranks of the club
der its new organization. The nai
of those chosen for especial dram
merit follow: Misses: Catherine R
hard, Grace Seeley, France Lal
Louise Robson, Carrie Malcomson, 1
dred Rees, Sophie Koch, and Mes
B. D. Welling, Gordon C. Eldri
Louis Porter, Joseph Tuirpin, Wa
Fellows, Martin Briggs, G. F. McGr
L. L. Langworthy, and Lawrence Cl
These elections embrace memi
ship in the club but as to the choos
of the final cast, which will go en
Whitney stage to take the roles
"Money," Lytton's comedy, a weed
out process will have to be g
through, as there will be an excess
material when the Thespians who.
old members of the club are taken
to consideration.
There will be a meeting of the Cc
edy club this afternoon in the roc
of the Cercle Francais, north wi
university hall, at 5:00 o'clock.
The date which has been selec
for the initial presentation of "Mon
is December 14, a week before Chr
mas recess. As has been the cust
in the past a special Junior Hop p
duction will be given. Its date will
the afternoo, of February 8.

Year's Production, "Money,"
Be Given December 14 and
February 8.



* * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


( ) .......... .........T aft ( ) -............ .......Debs

( .)'..............RoIosevelt

. ) ................... .Chafin
( )................ ......."


( }(.. .. . .. .. . '.w ilsonl

* Name ..... ................. State .......... Department . .

* * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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