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October 24, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-10-24

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r i

Vanderbilt Rooters Give Wolverines
Entli usiastic Reception; Journey
From Ann Arbor Long
and Tedious.
Backfield of Both Elevens Will Be
Light; Yost Keeps
Lineup Secret.

Bishop Robert McIntyre, of Oklaho-
ma, will open the twenty-eighth year
of Wesleyan Guild lectures, with an
address at the Methodist church, Sun-
day evening, at 7:30 o'clock.
"In the Beginning, God" will be the
speaker's subject. The series for this
season includes the most prominent
men in religious circles in the United
I)iphtheria Again Appears on Campus.
Diphtheria has again reappeared on
the campus. Alice Earle, '17, was re-
moved to the university hospital yes-
terday, but her case was pronounced
a mild one. As far as can be ascer-
tained no students were exposed and
Dr. L. C. Pratt, who is attending her
does not fear a spread of the disease.



(By Special Detroit Free-Press Re-
University of Michigan football eleven
reached here early this evening after
a long and tedious journey from Ann
Arbor. The team was met at the sta-
tion here by a large crowd of Vander-
bilt rooters who gave the visitors a
royal reception.
The Michigan men on their arrival
obtained their firstfirst-hand informa-
tion as to the team which they will
meet on Saturday afternoon.
Michigan will outweigh their op-
ponents, but not as much as had been
expected. The Commodore center trio'
is exceptionally heavy, two of the men
weighing over 200 pounds. The larg-
est Vanderbilt man tips the scales at
220 pounds with the left guard weigh-
ing 185 pounds.
The backfields of the two elevens will
both be light. Turner has been select-
ed by Coach McGuigan to start at full-
back in the Saturday clash against the
Coach Yost, on his arrival, did not
give out any information as to the pos-
sibilities of his lineup. He will take
his men out onto the Commodore field
tomorrow morning for the first accli-
mating drill, the last the Wolverines
will have before the start of the game.
The cross country squad has enjoy-
ed a two days respite which will not
occur again this season according to
Captain Brown. Both Wednesday and
yesterday jogs were called off because
of the unfavorable weather. Hereaf-
ter, the distance men will perform
in spite of the elements.
The work of four underclassmen,
Fox, Cummins, Carrol, and Grauman,
has been particularly promising. The
last mentioned are both freshmen,
which means that the university is
well fortified for some time to come
n this department of outdoor sports.
The squad has turned its attention
to hill climbing which will receive con-
iderable attention from now on. The
listance covered has been lengthened
rom four to six miles beginning with
Pday's jog.
It has been announced that a trip
b Ypsilanti will form a portion of the
jrogram soon. Clothes will be ship-
led to the Normal city and the squad
vill return by rail.
(l'he Michigan Daily assumes no re-
sponsibility for sentiments expressedi
in communications.)
Eitor The Michigan Daily:-
I have been a reader of The Daily1
for three years. I am somewhat fa-
mnliar with the conference question;
ad some of the reasons why Michigan1
left that body and I have endeavored
to keep fairly well posted on thei
progress of matters since. The Daily
lat year agitated the return of Mich-
igan to the Conference and perhaps
the only criticism that could be made
of The Daily's position was the fact
that it was pro-Conference in its utter-,
ances and did not set forth the other
side of the question.a
There are two sides-pro-Confer-<
ence and anti-Conference. The latter
element was predominant in my fresh-]
man year. I have made it my business,i
anl do now, whenever I hear a student3

Maulbetsch, Splawn and Calvin Will
Probably Make Up
Coach Douglas gave his All-Fresh
youngsters a grilling signal practice in
the drizzling rain on Ferry field yes-
terday afternoon, in preparation for
the Adrian College clash which will be
staged on the Varsity gridiron tomor-
The coach divided his men into two
elevens and chased them up and down
the field for a thorough workout of the
plays which he intends to use against
the collegians. Neither the coach nor
his men are expressing much fear as
to the outcome of the game with Adri-
an but Coach Douglas is sparing no
pains to prepare his men for the con-
The same backfield which started
against Hillsdale College last Satur-
day is practically certain to line up
against *the Adrian bunch tomorrow,
This trio includes Captain Maulbetsch
at fullback and Splawn and Calvin at
the halves. Should the gridiron prove
heavy, McNamara will probably be
switched to a half in place of Calvin,
as the former is a more capable ground
gainer on plunges. Ziger is expected
to start at quarterback with Joslyn
and Huebel as his substitutes.
voice an opinion in favor of our return
to the conference, to ask him if he
knows why Michigan left the confer
ence, and not in a single instance has
he known.
The moment a student is given some
literature that fairly tells of both sides
-or even partly and impartially set-
ting forth the facts for our leaving the
Conference--then he, the student, no
longer favors the return of Michigan
to that body. Why is it that for the
past two years the incoming students
have not been informed of these rea-
sons and the full facts in the case so
that he may judge intelligently and
The Daily is published for the ben-
efit of the University and the students.
Is The Daily unbiased in this matter?
I think it wants to be. Are there men
on the campus among faculty or stu-
dents, who desire to return to the Con-
ference as now constituted and regu-
lated, and thus confess that the rea-
sons advanced six years ago for our
departure therefrom were without
foundation in fact, and that we were
wrong? I do not think any one will
say so. Then why should we return
to the same conditions?
Knowing the conditions, it is humili-
ating not only to the undergraduates
but also to many alumni, if not all, to
contemplate even for a moment Mich-
igan's return to the Conference as now
made up; to be told how many games
we shall play and with whom; that we
must abolish the Freshman team; that
we shall have no training table; that
we must have faculty control; that we
must set aside 'home rule,' as the
Daily Illini calls it; in short tI at we
must place ourselves under the thumb
of and be subject to the whims of the
schools making up the Conference.
Further, there are only one or two
teams in the Conference that Michigan
men care anything about, and if those

As represented by the students and
the faculty, what does Michigan want? A settlement of the western athletic*
What these bodies want will carry situation is at hand. The critical point
much weight with the Regents, who in the negotiations, already years over- *
will finally decide Michigan's athletic due, is at last here. Within a few
status. months, at the ;host, Michigan's athlet- I
As a result of last year's agitation, ic destiny will be decided and decided
there is much less confusion now on for years to come.
the Conference question than former- The responsibility has been placed. g
ly. Many feel competent to pass judg- As a result of agitation by The Mich- a
ment at once. But there are many igan Daily, the Board in Control of th
more, especially among the freshmen, Athletics, on October 11, declared offi- c
who have not yet had a fair exposition cially that the Michigan Regents now
of the questions at issue. That The had the situation in hand and that any
Michigan Daily hopes to do, within the developments must come from them. ,
next few days. The columns are to be And what will the Michigan Regents l
thrown open to both sides for a frank Do? That is the query of the hour.
and detailed discussion of the ques- Ten of the greatest'universities of the
tions. Communications wlil be wel- west are anxiously awaiting the an-
comed and will receive the attention swer. They are vitally interested.
due them. Editorially, The Michigan Already Michigan, as represented by .
Daily will support the pro-conference the faculty, alumni and students, has
side of the controversy, but that does, expressed its faith. If we are to accept
not preclude a full and fair discussion their verdict, Michigan wants to reen-
of the questions by those who disagree ter the Conference immediately, and P
with us. Personalities are not issues, not upon a basis of price haggling.
and issues and facts are the interest- Last spring the student body gave
ing features of this discussion at -the overwhelming majorities to the candi- si
present time. dates in the Board in Control elections, h
We have studied the questions at who openly favored a return to the In- di
great length and in great detail for tercollegiate Conference. On March t
several months past. We have all the 24 the University Senate unanimous-r
data and material at hand, that could ly adopted a resolution to the effect si
be collected. And we stand ready to that it was the sense of that body that the
fight to the last ditch for convictions faculty control should be adopted at a
that we have come to support. You Michigan and that Michigan should G
who disagree with us will have the make a move looking toward a reen- g
same opportunities to express your trance to the conference, under those
side as we have to express ours. Only conditions. Within the last few months is
we caution a strict adherence tc facts. the following alumni organizations e
The public that we will appeal to is have expressed sentiments favorable fo
an intelligent public and a public that to a return to the Conference: Chica- cc
will not be confused by misstatements. go, DPAver, Toledo, Los Angeles, and 0
Some slight errors m'ist necessarily many other state organizations. The a
be made, but our efforts and energies Milwaukee association went on record a
will be directed in an opposite direc- as opposed to a move towards the Ch
tion. To you who contemplate using Conference. h
your rights, we suggest that you cor- But we are not satisfied with these. y
rect us in every mistake that we make. sentiments. We believe that the Mich-s
As for us, we assure you that we will igan Regents will do what the over-y
watch you with the greatest care, al- whelming majority of the students, 1
ways ready to correct you publicly, alumni and faculty would have them th
For fear that we might not touch upon do. Until we are shown that they are be
particular questions that might occur swayed entirely by their own personal b
to our readers, regarding the confer- views, we will have faith in their et
ence difficulties, The Michigan Daily broadmindedness and candor. w
will undertake to carry on a Question With the intention of showing the co
Box. Any questions pertaining to the Regents just what the students and va
athletic situation will be 'answered faculty want them to do The Michigan l
through our columns in this manner. Daily will attempt to register the opin- be
Queries may be submitted in person ion and will present the final vote,_
or by mail, under a signature. (Continued on page 4.) in

Convocation Assemblage Today*
{ .at 4:00) O'clock.
Graduates assemble at Univer- *
sity Hall. *
Seniors assemble on campus, be- *
tween law building and psy- *
chology laboratory. *
Juniors meet in North Univer- *
sity avenue, east of South In- *
Sophomores meet on campus,be- *
tween psychology laboratory *
and chemical building. *
Freshmen on North University *
avenue, west of South Thayer. *
e w * *: * * * *K * * *
-Distinctive buttons for thefresh en-
ineers have not been adopted as yet
nd the best information indicates that
his custom, inaugurated by the '16E
lass, will be passed up by the fresh-
nan class.
. F. Olds, Glives Prize to Be 1)ivided'
Among Six Varsity
Mr. Ransom E. Olds, automobile de-
gner and manufacturer, of Lansing,
as again given a prize of $300 to be
ivided among the six members of the
wo varsity debating teams. Besides
eceiving the cash reward, each of the
x honor men will be presented with
ie Alger gold medal, which is given
rnually by the family of the late
overnor and Senator Russell A. Al-
er, of Detroit.
The question, to be debated this year
, Resolved, "That the states should:
stablish a schedule of minimum wage
r unskilled labor; constitutionality-
The final debates with Northwestern
nd Chicago are scheduled for Janu-
ry 16, when Chicago will be met at
hicago, and Northwestern will appear
ere. Michigan won the series last
ear, basing the ranking on the point
ystem, and it is hoping to repeat this
Many men are preparing now for
he society preliminaries which must
e off by November 8. Three men will
e chosen from each of the four soci-
ies and from these twelve men, six
ill be selected by interdepartmental
ontests, who will compose the two
arsity teams.
Bibliographies of the question may
obtained at the oratory rooms.
g to secure re-admission. The fol-


Faculty and Graduate Students Will
March From University Hall
to Auditorium.
Regardless of weather, all universi-
ty students are to assemble in theiz
respective sections on the campus at
4:00 o'clock this afternoon for the first
Convocation since 1870. Following a
review of the facuty the tudents will
march into Hill auditorium. The uni-
versity band will begin playing
promptly.at 4:00 o'clock in the campus
bandstand, giving a ten minute pro-
gram. Graduate students will parade
with the faculty, but are not to wear
caps or gowns. Instructors and teach-
ing assistants will attend as faculty
All graduate students are to assem-
ble at- University Hall, with the facul-
ties. All seniors according to depart-
ments are to assemble on the campus
between the law building and the psy-
chology laboratory. All sophomores
are to meet on the campus, between
the psychology laboratory and chem-
ical building. Freshmen will gather
in North University avenue, west of
South Thayer street. Juniors are to
congregate in North University ave.'
nue, east of South Ingalls street.
At these respective points, students
of the different departments, will re-
port to their leaders, who will arrange
them in line. The seniors will form in
five columns, according to depart-
ments. The sophomores will have five
columns, juniors four, and freshmen
four. These columns will march
abreast into the building.
Led by the band, the faculty, in cap
and gown, followed by the graduate
students, will march from University
Hall onto State street, thence up to
North University avenue, down this
street, passing in review before the
student body and into the building.
As soon as the faculty has taken its
.place upon. the platform, the entire
senior body will file through the main
entrance. At the same time the junior
and freshman flanks will enter the
east and west doors respectively
Sophomores will follow the seniors.
Seats on the ground floor will be oc-
cupied by graduates, seniors and soph-
omores. Juniors will sit in the bal-
cony and freshmen in the gallery.
Class officers and marshalls will direct
the students asthey enter the building.
President Hutchins will deliver the
Convocation address, Pofessor Stan-
ley will render organ selections, and
Profesor Howland will sing, "There's
a Land" by Allister.
Owing to the muddy condition of the
field, the interclass games, slated for
yesterday afternoon, '1'4L vs. 16M and
'15L vs. '16L,. were postponed until
Saturday morning. Besides these
struggles, two other games are sched-
uled for that time, the fresh-soph lit
and junior-senior lit contests.
The following games are scheduled
for this afternoon,-'14E vs. '15E, '16E
vs. '17E, and '16 combined departments
vs. '15M. These games are to be play-
ed at the appointed time unless, by
mutual consent, the managers post-
pone them until Saturday morning or
afternoon. In case of such postpone-
ment the managers must notify Direc-
tor Rowe before noon today, and con-
fer with him at.his office. No other
games can be postponed and the only

reason for making this arrangement
is to give players a chance to attend
the convocation exercises.


and All University Stu
Assemble in Auditorium
in One Body, for First
Time in 43 Years.

schools cared as much for meeting
Michigan as some people seem to
think, those schools could possibly ar-
range it or 'bust' the Conference.
Twice within the past few weeks Min-
nesota and Illinois turned down ad-
vances from Michigan, and I herewith'

(Clipping from Detroit News Tribune,
Monday, October 20.)0
"The 'Michigan Daily' is foremost in
the fight to force the Michigan ques-
tion to an issue and the "Daily Illini"
is the most radically in favor of Mich-

quote from a recent issue of the Daily igan's having to "behave" before try-

lowing editorial statement appeared in
the latest issue of the Champaign pa-
per and has been forwarded to the
other members of the conference.
All Peace of
Conference Destroyed.
"Michigan wishes arbitration, yet
she precludes any satisfactory attempt
at arbitration by insisting upon her
unanimous legislation doctrine. Grant-
ed this on, doctrine which she hopes
to exact and all the peace of the
conference is destroyed.
"Michigan wishes an agreement up-
on conference questions, yet doggedly
clings to her old trouble-making
scheme of a training table, her individ-
ualistic ideas of freshmen team com-
petition, regent control, and 'home
rule.' The compromise of these mat-
ters, and a compromise is evidently
all that Michigan will agree to, would
mean the upsetting of nearly all the
conference legislation of the last few
"Why should nine contented univer-
sities compromise on such a question
as regent control? The conference is
now a unit. ' -Every member of the
big nine has faculty control of athlet-
ics. Is it justice to ask the confer-
ence to make an exception of Michi-
"Michigan's conception of 'home
rule' is incompatible with the con-
ceptions of all the other conference
universities. By linking 'home rule'
with 'unanimous legislation,' confer-
ence legislation would soon come to
a standstill. 'Freshmen team com-*
petition' and 'the training table' are
ancient issues.
(Continued on page 4.)

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