MUULEEEI 1L1S 1 A FUTUREI~ MICHIGAN WILL HAYJT FAITH he Michigan SCOFFERS ARE UNk BLE EVILS IN ALL SOC n, .... Vol. XXIV, No. 21.' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1913. PRICE FIVE CROWD BRAVES DRIZZLING RAIN AS TEAM GOES Two Thousand Michigan Rooters Cheer Wildly as Football Train Leaves Ann Arbor For Nashville. WOLVERINE FIGHI N SPIRIT S~HOWN AT DEMONSTRITIO' Yost Picks Squad of 20 Men Following' Fial Signal Drill in Field House. Two thousand Michigan rooters sent their ringing cheers after their foot- ball team last night when the Wolver- ine squad steamed out of the Ann Ar- bor depot, bound for Nashville, Ten- nessee, in the first foreign invasion of the year. Tonight at 8:38 o'clock the .en will pieoff their ars ready for the tilt with Vanderbilt on Saturday. It was an exhibition of that old-time Michigan fighting spirit, the demon- stration given by those two thousand students at the depot last night. It fol- lowed close on the gigantic mass meet- ing of Tuesday evening where the Michigan spirit was given its first chance to come forth from its summer sleep. To the uninitiated it would have been hard to believe that just five days before the -Wolverines had gone down to defeat before a football rival. Twenty men composed the squad which followed Coach Yost'and Cap- tain Paterson aboard the train with the tremendous cheers of their fellows echoing behind them. Each man in that squad came in for his share of the cheering. The coach, the captain, the team, and every individual player were made the object of 'the enthusi- asm which the rooters gave to their men to store up for use on the Com- modore gridiron on Saturday. The twenty men whom Yost selected yesterday afternoon were Captain Pat- erson, Torbet, Pontius, Hughitt, All- mendinger, Musser, Galt, Quinn, Bas- tian, Bentley, Mead, Traphagen,Rayns- ford, Lichtner, James, Lyons, Tessin, McHale, Cochran, and Watson. To preside over this squad Head Coach Fielding Yost, Trainer Steve Farrell, Manager Morris Milligan and Assistant Athletic Director George Moe were numbered in the Michigan party. The team will reach Toledo at 9:15 o'clock tonight, leaving there on a Pullman train at 12:50 o'clock for Cin- cinnati. The train is due to arrive in the Ohio iver city early tomorrow morning and there the men will have a fouir hour lay over before boarding again at 11:15 o'clock for Nashville. The Michigan train will reach the university city at 8:38 this evening and the Vanderbilt officials and stu- dents have arranged for a gala recep- tion. The return trip is scheduled to start at 8:39 o'clock Saturday night with the time of arrival in Ann Arbor not yet settlted. The practice stunts handed out by Yost yesterday afternoon for his Var- sity consisted of a short practice drill in the second story of the field house. The coach refused to take his men out of doors into the cold, drizzling rain, preferring to forego the benefits of an open-air drill for the safer seclusion of the club house. Players and coach were confident (Continued on page 4.) COP' IS PROTEGE OF GREAT SINGER Edward James McNamara, a Pater- son, N. J., policeman, is in the school of music as the result of the interest in him of Mme. Schumann-Heink. A son of Mme. Schumann-Heink heard the copper sing at Paterson, N. J., and when he told his mother she went to hear him. The result is that the officer is in school in Ann Arbor and if he deveplops as Mine. Schuman-Heink ex- pects, he will go abroad later to secure a foreign education. He has a baritone voice. THREE MICHIGAN COACHES TO GO SC"OVING T HIS WEEK ED Old Time Stars Will Watch the Future Opponents of Michigan in Action Saturday. Three Michigan coaches will go scouting this week-end. While the Wolverines are battling Vanderbilt, "Germany" Schulz will be watching the Pennsy team in action; "King" Cole will see how the Syracuse team looks in a game, while Walter F. Ben- nett, captain of the 1899 team, will look Cornell over before coming on to Ann Arbor to aszJst Yost in preparing the team for its next three games. All three tutors are expected to bring back many suggestions as to methods by which Michigan may prepare for the battles with her eastern rivals. SENIOR ENINEERS FILL OFFICES IN RE-ELECTION. At a meeting of the senior engineers yesterday afternoon T. G. Abrams was elected vice-president, F. Vande Laare, secretary, and W.H. Schornburg treas- urer. The election was held in each case to decide a tie which resulted at the regular election. FRESHMEN SMOKE WITH COUNSELORS The first get-together smoker of the year for freshmen and their senior ad- visors, held at the Union last evening, was a complete success. Over 250 men were present, among whom were sev- eral faculty members, interested in the newly organized advisory system. "As a mixer," said Chairman Hoch of the committee in charge, "the meet- ing was successful beyond all expec tations." A short program featured the even- ing's entertainment. Dean Effinger, the first speaker, emphasized the fact that the advice given by the seniors would all be of a friendly nature, and in a spirit of co-operation. Both Pro- fessors Tilley and Davis, who are in charge of the new advisory system, spoke of the ideals held by the sup- porters of the movement. The other speakers were J. Bond, '14, and Chas. Webber, '14. A feature of the program was a mus- ical number by three freshmen, Con- nely, Buckley, and Lawrence Puchta. Waldo Fellows, '14, delighted the audi- ence with several songs, and Ralph Conger and Bruce Miles represented the mandolin club. The program was brought to a close with the singing of several Michigan songs. TWO INTERCLASS FOOTBALL GAMES LOST BY FORFEITURE Soph and Fresh Lits Fail to Propuce Complete Teams and Forfeit to Upperclasses. Both interclass football games sched- uled for yesterday afternoon were for- feited. The soph lits failed to have a complete team on the field and Direc- tor Rowe declared the game forfeted to the seniors. The freshmen of the same department were not in evidence and the juniors were given a 1 to 0 vic- tory. This afternoon the senior laws play the soph medics while the junior laws meet the fresh laws. Both games will be called at 4:05 o'clock. DR. JTAMES B. ANGELL IS UP FOLLOWING SLOW RECOVERY President-Emeritus James B. Angell came down stairs yesterday morning I for the first time since his illness. Dr. Angell's recovery has been slow but for one of his age it has been remark- able in the opinion of physicians. Band Officials Conduct First Tryouts, Earl V. Moore, '12, and Ike Fisher constituted the tryout committee which heard Varsity band candidates in McMillan hall last night. No se-S lections will be made until several days after all the tryouts have been given a chance. FRESH NOMINATE YEAR'S OFFICERS 1Ive First Year Classes Choose Thl (cand idaies for Leaders for This Year. HEI ALTH BULLETIN IS BEING ISSUED University Health Service is Preparing Publication to Distribute on Campus. EIGHT RULES TO BE ENFORCED. PH ARMICS NAME MATLBETS(IL Freshmen classes in several of the Eight rules for the safeguarding of university departments met for the student health and the promotion of first time yesterday and nominated university sanitation have been pre- officers for the coming year. Elections, pared by the university health service' officers for the coming year. Elections and will be distributed to the students in the majority of the cases, will be in pamphlet form as soon as possible. held at the end of this week. Penalties for their violation will ac- Nominations in the fresh lit class company the rules. follow: president, Paul Ransom, Brax- .Under the new regulations spitting ton Hicks; vice president, Betty Hall, on the sidewalks or in any of the Luella Knight, Margaret Croswell, Vir- buildings will render the offenders ginia Morse; secretary, Lillian Carnie- liable to expulsion. Students with a gie, Catherine Shay, Francis Wey; chronic cough are to be sent treasurer, Verne Burnett, Kenneth to the health service for ex- Barnard; football manager, Gray MWz- amination. All students using zy, Don McKone; baseball manager, the gymnasium must be examined and Rolland Kerr, Benjamin Rappert, Pa l cases of infectious disease will be re- Schmidt, Leo Govlet, Harold O'Brien; ferred to the health service: No con- track manager, Lewis Arentz, mon drinking cup shall be used and Albert Stoll; oratorical delegate, a weekly examination of the water Ephraem Schetzen, Earle Osborne,My- supply will be made. If it is found to er Schlissel, Harold Teegarden, Fred be in a dangerous condition notices Klann, Ralph Carson, George Hulbert; will be posted about the campus. men's basketball manager, Theodore The rules will be administered and McKinney, Lawrence Puchta, Morris enforced by a committee of the univer- Levinsend; women's basketball mana- sity senate to be appointed by the ger, Olivia Williams, Jeanette Arm- president of the university. strong. The class election will come In addition, the pamphlet will con- next Wednesday from 4:00 to 6:00 tail a description of the health ser- o'clock in room 203 Tappan hall. Pe- vice, giving particulars in regard to titions for any office will be received the hours when examinations may be by the election board until Monday secured, the nature of these examina- noon. tions, advice as to choice of rooms and The fresh dents nominated as fol- suggestions for proper treatment of lows: president, H. Wood, S. J. Kane, ,more common diseases. F. C. Peters, J. Robinson; vice-presi- - dent, L. J. Deger, L. G. Steel, H. E. CONVOCATION WILL SHOW Schedine; secretary, H. E. Osborne I"NIVERSITY'S PREDOMINANCE A. J. Richards: treasurer, H. .B. B-- R. L. Hooper; track manager, J. L. President Hutchins Outlines His Plans McEwen, O. L. Leight;basketball man- For Continuance of Student ager, M. McKenna, O. A. Miller; base- Assemblies. ball manager, R. Mullen, W. G. Rich; football manager, H. Dennis and C. L.1 "The idea of the Convocation is to ,. s r L t r f i k Price. The fresh engineering class nomina- ted: president, C. L. McBride, S. D. Alden, C. V. Skinner, W. Thomas, N.W. Patterson; vice president, D. J. Grif- fen; treasurer, R. E. Scott, E. Hart, W. E. Hausen, W. Cook; secretary, D. C. Davidson, H. A. Garrison; baseball manager, E. Marth, C. Hill, L. Davis, T. Dougherty; track manager, T. Smith, H.A. Taylor; basketball mana- ger, D. C. Morgan, F. R. Hinch. The election will be held Saturday morning from 9:00 to 12:15 o'clock in room 311, new engineering building. The fresh pharmic class nominated: president, John Maulbetsch, Stapleton; vice-president, Kirutz, Darling; secre- tary, Pierce, Goodman; treasurer, Ved- der, Finzel. The fresh medic class nominated (Continued on page 4.) Directory Will Print Fresh Officers. Officers of freshmen classes will be published in the students directory. Inasmuch as elections are later than usual such action is made possible by a special concession on the part of the publishers. emphasize the predominance of the university over the departments, to announce new programs to the student body and to permit the faculties to meet the students at the beginning of the college year," said President Hutchins yesterday. Now that the Hill auditorium is available, a convocation will be held every year during the opening week of college. Announcements re- lating to new courses. and to changes in past courses will be made public at this time. President Hutchins will address the body this year, but plans for the fu- ture include department addresses by the deans. Valuable Fossils in State Collection. Through the efforts of Prof. E. C. Case, of the geology department, a gift of 16 boxes of fossils has been receiv- ed from H. H. Hendshaw, of Alpena. The fossils were gathered from the Divinian Rocks near Alpena and among them is the skull of a Dinic- thys fish which will make a valuable addition to the collection of skulls now in the museum. EDUCATIONAL HE ST. PAUL FOR NE: IIE .G. President Joseph Swain of Swarhm~ore in Ann Arbor for N. E, A. Board Meet. At the meeting of the trustees and executive committee of the National Education Association hed Tuesday and Wednesday in Secretary Spring- er's offices in this city, St. Paul, Min- nesota, was awarded the midsummer convention of the association. About 18,000 members of the aociation will meet in that city in July, 1914. President Joseph Swain, of Swarth- more College, James -# Greenwood, advisory superintendent . of city schools, Kansas City, Jamies Y. Joyn- er, state superintendent of public in- struction for North Carolina, George B. Cook, state superintendent of public instruction for Arkrnsas, and Stanley Brown, Joliet, Illiiois wre the mem- bers in attendance at the executive comimttee meeting in Ann arbor. Dean Vaughan Will Speak in SothL Dr. V. C. Vaughan, dean o the med- ical department, will leave this morn- ing for New Orleans whcrl he will de- liver a lecture before the Mississippi Valley Medical Association. MICHIGAN FLASH GOES 2000 MILES After traveling more than 2,000 mil- es through space, a wireless message sent out by the Universit of Michigan station has been received by a Gov- ernment operator on the western coast near Seattle, Wash. P'rof. H. S. Sheppard, of the Michi- gan station, learned yesterday of the long journey made by this message when he received lettei from a friend at Seattle stating that he had talked with the operator who took the mes- sage. Mr. Sheppard has also learned that a message which was directed to the University of North Dakota was picked up by a Government station on the Hudson near West Point, N. Y. The fact that these messages were received with great clearness shows the strength of the Michigan wireless in- strument. TEACHERS WILL HOLD BIG A)INNER IN WATERMAN GYM State Teachers Association Will Be Feasted and Entertained at Informal Affair. The largest dinner ever given in Ann Arbor will be held for the State Teach- ers Association in Waterman gymna- sium on Friday, October 31. The ban- quet will be served from 12:00 to 2:00 o'clock, and will be given under the auspices of the Collegiate Alumni. Ful- ly 1,000 are expected to attend. No speeches will be given but an in- teresting musical program has been arranged. Several selections from "Contrarie Mary" will be given by the Glee club. The Glee club will also sing, and a quartette of Chinese stu- dents from the Cosmopolitan club will furnish some original songs. The man- dolin club and a company of Spanish students will also provide music to make the dinner hour one of pleasure. The event will be extremely inform- al and those who attend will serve themselves to the chicken menu. All members of the faculty, alumni, and teachers are to be admitted. Many to Attend Sigma Ci Dedication. The Sigma Chi fraternity is prepar- ing to entertain 350 persons at a recep- tion to be held Saturday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, prior to the dedication of. the new -chapter house at 548 South State street. Several noted alumni will be present at the banquet and formal dedication in the evening. New Publication Secures Location. Permanent quarters of the "Cosmo- politan Student," the international publication which will be issued in Ann Arbor after January, have been procured by the board of directors of the Cosmopolitan club at 611 Liberty street. Two rooms have been leased, one to be used as the office, the other for the library.. JIMMIE CRAIG WILL DON HIS GRIDIRON TOG Michigan's Star Half-Back Turns tat Athletic Office and Asks For Complete outfit. STRONG BACKFIELD HAS BEEN YOST MACHINE'S CRYING NEI Veeraii of Two Seasons Will Be ( For Practice Early Next Week. "Jimmie" Craig will play footbal This announcement,fraught with a nificance, was made yesterday aft noon at the office of the Michigan a letic association, and by way of ocu proof of its authority, Craig hims appeared at the office and applied a football outfit. A realization of Michigan's need his presence in the Wolverine ba field, brought home to him by appe from coaches and students, promp Craig to renounce his intention of maining out of gridiron activities t season. His decision to play o made, he lost no tiie in putting it i effect, and yesterday he was pres at the Ferry field clubhouse watch the Michigan team go through its fit drill. Craig will not accompany the V sity to Nashville and during the mainder of the week it is expected t the star halfback of two seasons pi will take light work on Ferry fie When the Michigan team returns fr4 Nashville it is believed Crain will ready to step into his old place hah, at least for signal drills. Craig first decided to don tio padd breeches once more when Bushn was prevailed upon to return to t game. A little reluctant about m ing his decision public, he planned work out in Waterman gymnasium t til he got into condition. His pla did not meet with the approval Trainer "Steve" Farrell, however, a it was suggested that Craig mid better do his conditioning work out Ferry field where he could handle football at the same time. And so Craig will be out there ple ing for Michigan' for the rest of t year. "LOUNGER" WILL BE HELD) AT UNION FRIDAY NAIGH "Louger" night at the Michig Union is scheduled for Friday night usual. The committee is making2 rangements to entertain the memb so far as possible. Bridge and ot card games will be played by th( who desire. The Union officials des 'to make a custom out of these Fri night gatherings. Lunches will served at the regular hamburger p ces. Waterman Gym to Have New Show .An up-to-date set of shower ba will be installed in Waterman gym the completion of the new po house. According to Dr. May, physi director,the water supply has been i reliable and deficient under the y system. This will be remedied byt new equipment. GREEN 'MUMS' TO FEATURE EXHIBI Green chrysanthemums, recen discovered in the famous Austrian g dens and brought to this coun through the efforts of a professor this university, will be shown, toge er with 100 other varieties; at the nual display of "mums" to be held Alumni Memorial hall throughout 1 month of November. These remarkable flowers are t only ones of their kind in the Uni States and are a rare curiosity. r cording to statements of the bota faculty, the coloring is natural a not obtain'ed by artificial methods ,breeding of different varieties. Rubber Line, Makes Class Game' Look Like Frenzied Mathematics' "First down and nine to go!" blithe- average interclass football game. ly calls the "betoqued" referee. A Far be it from us to fling to the sickening crash. The crunch of snap- world the accusation that the higher ping vertebrae. The howls of the dy- ing, the maimed and the mortally in- officials of said contests are "influenc- jured ascend heavenward. The ball ed." But the linesman's chain! Shades has advanced four yards. of Archimides and Ike Newton! Onei Enter referee. "Second down and wise generator has handed down to1 three to go." succeeding generations, the axiom, "A A repetition of the aforementioned chain is no longer than its greatest. holocaust takes place. The plunging length." But that was said before g'ut- fullback is thrown behind his line. ta percha was invented and its proper-l "Third down and two to go." ties made known to the world at large. Think not, gentle reader, that this For out on Ferry field there has is a running account of a football been discovered a chain which grows. match staged by psychopathic patients. and shrinks at the will of the lines- Labor not under the hallucination that men. When one linesman's team has1 you peruse the tale of a nut house, the ball, the lines shrink at least as Turkeyday combat. It is not the pul- yard and when they lose it-a tug and sating presentation of frapped foot- presto, the distance between the stakes ball as propounded by George Fitch has grown to 36 feet.1 and a Hoe press. It is taken from life '.Burlesque football? Heavens no! and not the funny periodical that sells 'Tis merely a new phase of -the elastic-3 for a dime. It is an excerpt from the ity of an iron chain.