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October 19, 1913 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-10-19

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t____________ T L n u

Faculties to Attend in Cap and Gown,
Stiidents Will Assemble Near
Hill Auditorium By
Seats Will Be Provided According to
Seniority And Not By
Students are not to parade at the
Convocation exercises Friday after-
noon. The university faculties in cap
and gown will march from University
hall to Hill Auditorium and pass in
review in front of the students in a
hollow square formed by the classes.
Departmental representation will be
nil in the student body, the arrange-
ment being wholly according to the
four classes.
Every university senior is to report
on the campus in the space between
the law building and the psychology
laboratory. Here the class officers
will arrange them in four columns,
two abreast, facing the auditorium.
The other classes are to be arranged
in the same manner, meeting in all-
class groups in the following places:
Freshmen on the campus between the
psychology building; sophomores in
North University avenue, east of S.
Ingalls; juniors in N. University
avenue, west of S. Thayer. All stu-
dents are to report too these spots at
4:00 o'clock,
Provision has not been made for the
200 graduate students, but it is prob-
able that they will follow the faculty
in the march from University hall to

the auditorium. During the exercises
the faculty and graduate students will
occupy the seats of honor in the front
rows on the ground floor. The juniors
will be in the rear, with the lower
classes in the two balconies. Includ-
ing faculty and graduates provision
has to be made for approximately
5644 people. The auditorium capacity
is limited to 5500.
"The convocation is by no means a
new idea at Michigan," said Byron
A. Finney, '71, Reference Librarian for
the University. Convocations were
held in 1869 and 1870, but were dis-
continued because of department
wrangles over precedence in 'the pro-
cession. According to Mr. Finney, in
1869, Henry S. Frieze, then acting
president of the university, set apart
Wednesday, Nov. 17, for a general
celebration of the students. This
celebration was to be christened 'Uni-
versity Day,' and to be held every
November. Classes were suspended
and in spite of a snowstorm, a proces-
sion of nearly 1000 students and fac-
ulty members was formed. After
marching about the streets, they pro-
ceded to the Methodist church on State
street, where the exercises were
Mr. Finney relates that the innova-
tion was a great success, and the cus-
tom was continued on November 9 of
the following year. That celebration
proved successful and everyone
thought it would become a permanent
institution. Unfortunately the third
year there was so much discussion be-
tween departments as to their position
in line that the idea of having a cele-
bration was abandoned.
Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric de-
partment states that the present en-
rollment is the largest of any univer-
sity in this country insert, if not in all
the world. Fifteen hundred have al-
ready been classified in the work, 852,
of which are taking freshman courses.

Signiticance of lRussian Tentones is
Explained by Professor
.. I-. I-obs.
"The news of the recent discovery of
a new island north' of Siberia by a
Russian exploring party comes as a
great surprise to scientists," said Pro-
fessor W H. Hobbs, of the geological
department. "The new land is esti-
mated to be about the size of Green-
land, lies approximately in latitude
81" N. and longitude 105 i.. Al-
though definite information isckimg,
the general opinion among s< .ntists
seems to be that the land is covered
with ice, and that its inhabitants, if
any, are eskimoes, living on musk
ox and seal."
"From an economic standpoint,"
continued Professor Hobbs, "the dis-
covery is of small account, as the only
commercial value that might be de-
rived would be from the seal fisheries.
The successful Russian expedition is
one of two that were fitted out as the
result of a report by Rear-Admiral
Peary, upon his return from the Pole,
to the effect that land had been sighted
by him north of the Mackenzie River.
The second expedition is thought to
be at present north of Alaska, in
search of the land reported by Peary."
Will (dve Address to English Teachers.
Prof. F.'N. Scott, of the rhetoric de-
partment, as president of thy. Council
of Teachers of English and the North
Central Association of Colleges and
Secondary schools, will give the ad-
dres at their respective convenitions, to
be held in Chicago during the months
of November and March.
Walter McDougall, Ph.D., and
Charles H. Otis, Ph.D., who were grad-
uated from the university last June
have received positions as instructors
in botany in the University of Illinois
and Cornell respectively.

FootbaIl Excitement and Fall Weather
lo Not Prevent Cinder Men
From Their Daily
JIAFF I EL(l 1BL T() Al)
fore Athietes Appear for Practice as
Tlim3e for Fall Relays
Although football occupies the cen-
ter of the stage for the next few
months, track men are preparing in
a quiet way for the time when they
must do their turn. With only the
remnants of last year's varsity for
material, Michigan would be assured
of a strong team, but added "to them
will come 'the stars of the 1916 All-
fresh squad. Welcome news of great
possibilities in the Pennsylvania re-
lays comes with the announcement
that Carroll laff, Varsity captain from
last year will be eligible for this com-
Trainer Farrell is taking time from
his football duties every afternoon to
devote to the track men who are turn-
ing out for the fall practice. Bond,
Seward, Kohler, Jansen, and other les-
ser lights are attendants at the prac-
tices, while the distance 4nen spend
their afternoons running with the
cross country squad. It is the middle
distance runners that are doing the
most strenuous training at this time,
as they have the interclass relays,
scheduled to be run between the
halves of the Syracuse. football game.
With the news of Haff's eligibility
for the Pennsylvania relays is the ad-
ditional detail that there is no rule
but only a "big university" custom,









Madison,, Wis., Oct. 18.-The com-
plete reversal of form shown by Coach
Juneau's aspiring champions in the
Marquette game, promises to bring
about a number of changes in the line
up as well as the hardest grind of the
season during the present week. Sat-
urday's game not only brought out
several weak spots on the Badger
team but also showed that even the
veterans are in need of the ghost ball
and more strenuous scrimmages.
Iowa City, Oct. 18.-Every effort is
being made to secure an all-university
Union, which is to be called "The
Iowa Union." This has been tried here
before but owing to lack of organiza-
tion it fell through. This time, how-
ever, the studentsbody is taking up the
proposition themselves and from the
present outlook there will probably
be a union here within a short time.
Committees appointed, representing
the different colleges are meeting
nearly every evening.
The plans, as yet, are somewhat in-
definite but it is proposed that the
student council appoint permanent
committees from the different col-
leges and classes, thus forming a gov-
erning body. This will give every col-
lege and faction representation.
Iowa City, Oct. 18.-Yesterday about
three thousand students posed before
a swinging camera back of the new
physics building. The day was ideal
for a picture and practically every
student and faculty member was out
to get into the group
Iowa City,, Oct. 18, Special.-Final
registration figures for the university
show a 22 per cent increase over the
enrollment a year ago. The total as
given out from the registrar's office
shows 2,629. On the same day last

Arrangements have been made
the pharmacy department to fi
prescriptions issued by the s
infirmary. Prof. A. B. Stevens,
dean of the pharmacy departmen
be in charge of this work.
Owing to the press of work
H. Cummings, who is in charge
dispensary, has shortened his
hours to from 10:00 to 12:00 and
1:00 to 3:00 o'clock.
Work on the interior of th
student dispensary has progres
far that the doctors in charge h(
open the building the first of
week. The building will contain
ception room, examination room
tors' offices and a laboratory.
Office hours for nien will be
8:00 to 12:00, and for womer
1:30 to 3:00 o'clock. One docto
be in attendance throughout th
Charles Alfred Dean, Jr., '1
married to Miss Helen Ryan,
troit, in that city, October 15. 1
member of Alpha Delta Phi frat
Special Features in Addition to Re
Note: Only a Part of Daily Prograi
Travelogues on Isle
Wight- Parisian Fashi
is Brother's Keep
In 'Two Acts
Pueblo Indians--Motor Bi
Racing-=John Bunny Come
"The House That Jo
In Two Aots
All Over the World
"Parson Jiiin
Horse Show at Washington
Keystone Farce CGo
Complete Change ProgramI
Coming Oct. 30-31
Old Morality Play


that will

prevent him from flying the 1 year the registration was 2,145.u
colors at the Eastern inter- years ago it was 1,911.



Snapalore =



Clothes for
College Men

It Isn't what you pay, but what you get that
counts most in clothes-buying, and the more conserva-
tive you are in buying tailored-to-order apparel the better
yo'11like togs from our famous Chicago tailors,

collegiate for another year. As far as
any existing rule is concerned, a man
is eligible for four years of inter-col-
legiate competition; but it has always
been the custom of Michigan and the
larger universities in the East to enter
a man for only three years. In this
manner a fairer chance is secured for
the smaller colleges as they are held
in no way from using their stars a
year longer. It is not probable that
Haff will be used, but developments
may arise that will change the inter-
fering sentiment.
More athletes from the ranks of the
freshmen are expected to put in an
appearance this week, and more Var-
sity candidates are intending to come
out for a week or two to limber up.
When the roll of the afternoon prac-
tices reaches greater numbers, a bet-
ter idea can be had of this spring's
prospects on track and field.
Professor Louis Strauss, chairman
of the Comedy; Club's prize play-writ-
ing contest, has received but one
manuscript in competition for the $100
prize which is offered by the club.
Friday night was the time set at which
all manuscripts were to have been pre-
sented to the committee, but owing to
the fact that several of the amateur
playwrights have been tardy in see-
ing the committee the time may be ex-
tended. Those who were interviewed
seemed in favor of extending the time
in order that more plays may be pre-
In case a student play is used by the
Comedy Club, the, author will receive
the $100 prize. But if the committee
decides that the club should not use
the local production, then in that case
the author will receive but $25.
"TheAmerican Boy" for October con-
tains an article by Walter Kellog
Towers, '12, entitled "Letters From
Brother Bill-'Varsity Sub." Towers
was elected managing editor of The
Michigan Daily for the year 1911-1912,
and is now assistant editor of The
American Boy.



4 Nights and Matinees
Oct. 22 -23 -24 -2!

Iowa City, Oct. 18, Special.-Military
drill has started at Iowa with a regi-
ment of 457 cadets. Of this number
there are 130 from the college of ap-
plied science.
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 18.-With
Carlisle Indians, Penn 'State, Dart-
mouth, Michigali and Cornell still to
play, the Pennsylvania -schedule looms
up as the hardest of any college in the
East. To bring them through a win-
ner in all these games will bring out,
not only all the football lore that
Coach Brooke has but will also neces-
sitate great attention to the condition
of the men.

'The Greatest of Photo Dramas





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Mr. Charles Boucher, instructor in
American History, married Miss Ida
J. D'Ooge, '09, in Ann Arbor during
Commencement week, this year. Mrs.
Boucher is the neice of Professor
Emeritus Martin J. D'Ooge, former
head of the Greek department. Mr.
Boucher is conducting courses 14 and
15 in history during Prof. C. H. Van
Tyne's absence.

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