l Doks TAILOR S to you the suit possible uitable price. ip the best. built to fit. f woolens of uality. The tment in the from. Wit D co S. State St. - ) LINES TABLEk New and second-haud, all departinents DRAWING INSTRUMENTS We can save you money by buying the RichterBrand. LOG tOG SLIDE RULES Ask to see our Special 50so FOUNTAIN PEN . P. NOTE-BOOKS The Original Loose-Leaf. All kinds of. Students' Supplies at- SHEEHAN &I01 STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE It's easy to secure Clothes of authoritative style, per- fect fit and genuine dura- bility if they're hade expressly for you, We have the styleand wool- - 'ens that will please you no Maier how ex- f ~acting y o ur taste may be, ON LIBERTY TAIE MICHIGAN DAILYJ Olficial newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan-under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail $300. Want Ad Stations:aPress Building; Quarry's Pharmtacy ; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard and State. Phone: Bell, 96o. Maurice Toulme ..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson...........Business Manager News Editor Sporting Editor L. Beach Carpenter Gordon Ildredge Assistant to Manager Tred Foulk. F. M. Church ....Assistant Sporting Editor Leonard Rieser.......Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill-........-Music and Drama Harold Abbott.......... .....Cartoonist NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett r REPORTERS Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline Y. F. J. Hsu Chester Lang F. IF. McKinney H. C. Rummel ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Harry Johnson Joh" Leonard BUSINESS STAFF Myron WatkinsIF. G. Millard SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1913. Night Editor-F. M. McKinney. _-i I. Unitarian Church STATE cor. HURON Rev. P. S. LORING, Minister SUBJECT OCTOBER 19th at 10:30 HE QUIETNESS OF SA' VATION YOUNG PEOPLES SOCIETY AT 7 SUBJECT PRAGMATISM AND RELIGION Speaker: Prof. Vibbert Progress, Fellowship, Character In Religion; Foot Ba l Goods the most complete in Washtenaw will find our stock of Trousers, $1.50-$3.50 Shoulder Guards, $1.50 $4.oo Head Gears, Shoes, $ .50-x3.OO $3.5o$4 00 Athletic goods of all kinds Every article guaranteed. W A R'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES e Your ,Appearancec reflected in your mirror and friends eyes, will be satis- factory if your New Fall suit bears our label, (The Quality Tailors.) Our showing is the most magnificent assortment of Woolens for Men and Young Men that has ever been shown in Ann Arbor at Popular prices- VA ,AL! Cars for Detrit- 7: 6k o p. in., also 8:o' -5:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. in., to 6:o6 p. m., s:o6 p. P. :I., andTo :45 P. iM. 1 :15 P. in., 12:15 P. In. mn. :kson-7 :46 a. in. and :46 p. Ij. to 6:51 P. Ill., also 9:3o COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave,, NEW YORK MAKERS F, CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. $17.50 to $25.00 S. O.S m Harrison stile V. President AL BANK Mich. The i ody n ows Tsy e The Old® Mission Shop= in Soda-The Best. Lunches-Most Delicious Home-Made Candies-Delightful 313 SOUTU- STATE STREET The distress signal is up. Some- thing, or somethings, at Michigan must be righted, not next week or next month, but immediately. On Wednesday or Thursday night, Michigan sends a team aw'ay. That team must leave, only after it has been inspired with an expression of stu- dent support. An expression that amounts to a declaration of faith. That loyalty, so far, has been subdued, sup- pressed. hy? Because of the total absence of cheer leading of the proper sort and because the Michigan student body has had no opportunity to meet en masse. The competitive scheme for selecting cheer leaders has failed, and failed, miserably. Possibly there are some "M" men on the campus, who call help Michigan out of this dilemma. Person- al success or failure must not stand between Michigan's rooters and Mich- igan's team. As for the mass meetings, Michigan was never better equipped. We suggest that the Hill Memorial auditorium was not dedicated entirely for the "evening dress" clique. And possibly it was in- tended to be °used. We also have two gymnasiums, that have been used more than once for the purposes that we now suggest. Be- sides these, there is old University Hall, which is not any more dangerous now than it was a few months ago. It- was considered dangerous for years and years, but it was used. With prop- er precautions, it can be used again. The Michigan Union also has a large hall, and a much larger yard. Open air meetings have proved a success, where there was much less cause. Michigan is sick and tired of nursing its loyalty. How about this, student council? It is high time that you ad- ded this responsibility to your list. Either care for this or co-operate with the Michigan Union. Together, you cannot fail. Care for the mass meetings for this week, for next week and for all the weeks to come. We want to forget our dignity, we want to whoop like In- AUF WIEDERSEHEN. Congratulations! M. A. C.'realized an ambition of eight years' standing yesterday. The vic- tory comes after eight years of fren- zied attacks against Michigan's stone wall. It will be many years, before Ferry field *will stage a finer exchange of courtesies. The band, the team and the rooters richly deserve congratula- tions. For the present, our heartiest best, wishes; for the future "Auf Wieder- sehen." A Pure Drugs diaAs, yell like mad men. We want to support our team, like the Michi- gan teams have always been support- ed. Who would prevent us or neglect our wishes? LOUIS DEL PRETE FINE TAILORING CLANING AND PRES NG LIBERlY STREET. above Liberty Bar- ber Shop Formerly head coat-maker for Dieterle he Proper Place to e ourad y Friend The woolens are all well chosen for long and satis- factory wear; the patterns are fresh from the mills, and every inch is cold water shrunk. Style, Fit and Workmanship is'guaranteed. All garments fitted to you before finishing. The Quality Tailors E. C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. Raino ats, Mackinaws, and Custom Shirts Everything in Gilbert's I UIJN1ERSITIY NO T]1 C S. Crane's for Dinner, Luncheon or Refresh- ments is I I NORM Mary Garden S T O MFN )UR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HAVE UALITY thatF U A L I F Y.S U I C K L Y y Ave. HENRY & CO. ES Kalamazoo 'club meets Monday ev- ening at 7:30 o'clock at the Union. Soph lit football practice at south Ferry field at 3:00.o'clock tomorrow. All senior engineers desiring to run in relay races to be held between the halves of the Syracuse game call Cook, 820-J. Junior lit football practice at Ferry field 3:00 o'clock tomorrow. The junior lits need few more foot- ball players. Practice at south Ferry field Monday, 3:15 o'clock. Everybody out. Important meeting of the executive committee of -Deutscher Verein Mon- day, October 20, at 5:00 o'clock in Ver- ein rooms. This includes all general and sectional officers. Remember you can buy pictures from Hoppe cheaper than elsewhere. 18 Qurry Drug Co. The Druggists on tihe Corner r. Chocolates MACK'S TEA ROOM Combines seclusion with culinary perfection. Service a la carte. Open 8 a in. to 5 p. i. on atur- days till 9 p. m, Orchestra Satur- W 4 SECOND FLOOR Mack &TCo. MAIN'STREIIT WAI KING LOO Come Up and Try George's Chop Suey Delicious Chinese and American Dishes. 41 South State Street SHOE REPAIRS ? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Official Shoe Doctor to Michigan's Football'Team ClolhShop Dln's Fountain Pens, 703 Packard Street from $1.50 up. Come In and get fitted. I otbes that are Tailored Right " That's the kind that we make." A call is solicited. 607 E. William St. Second Floor nn Arbor Savings Bank ock $3oo,ooo Surplus $xoo,ooo Resources $3,O0,000 ral Banking Business Transacted has. F. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. IIar- Vice-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier inderer-& Seyfried ARROW' VoJZCOLLAR Cliiett. Peabody & Co., Inc* Makers eare $ 1 Hill Auditorium welry Repairing 63 L l ' 2' Date to be Announced Later 7 :)