- i Styles' in and OXFORDS NEWEST SHADES. 10& S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR 0, ing Hats IMEDIATE WEAR, AT ON 115 East Llerty Ofintcstto you IFor the convenience of those discrim- inatingfolks who appreciate and desire our High Quality Ice Cream we are pleased to announce that among the progressive firms using our prod- uct are The Delta, University Phar. acy,Sugden Drug Co., Macdon- ald's in the Campus district. Lyndons Annual School End Pie- ture Sale. Begining Friday over 2000 Prints at 1-2 re- gular price . A Few "M" Books Left-"will clean up at 90c About50 second hand and'shop worn Kodaks will be cleaned out at prices unheard of before., Standish-a New ARROW COLLAR for Summer An ultra smart style which correctly ex- presses the fashion 2T Er &?5e CLUE TT, PEABODY c&CO.. Ixc. Makers [ei; Y , ...1 Vj FRIDAY 13111 SATURDAY JUNE t Nghts at 8:15 p. I" Matinee Daily at 2 1-2 HOURS OF MOTIOP Alliletti "THE PERFECT WOMAN" tacular j photo play" DAUCHTER. Direct From the Detroit~C NIGHTS LOWER FLOOR - - BALCONY - - - MATINEE Adults 25c; Child n St. sters and / iii CAMPUS IN BRIEF U >1egale Grocers -Martin Feinstein, '14, wInner of this year's Field poetrFprize, has been ap- pointed an assistant in rhetoric for next year. Ltd., 214 S. Main St. OLFOLK e arrival of k Coats $15.00 's at $8.50 Hard Cloth Trousers -The semi-finals f the Union "doub. les" tournament will be played off to- day, and the finals are to be played to- morrow if weather permits. The win- ning couple are to be presented with a cup trophy. -Donald 1i. Wells, '17, left for his home in Grand Rapids last Tuesday, suffering from tuberculosis. The case was discovered by the university health service last week. It is not known whether Wells will re-enter the= university next year. -Anonncemnt has been made of the miarriage of W. W. Reed, '1511, to Miss T. D. Stem of Ann Arbor, in Ypsilanti, on Mfay 1F3. Miss Stem is a teacher in the Ann Arbor public schools. The couple will live in Ann Arbor next year. -Plans for a club house for next year were formulated at a meeting of the Cosmopolitan club Wednesday night, and a canvass of the members will be started immediately. Plans were also made for a public'lecture course to be started by the club next year. A num- ber of men will be elected at the end of the week to represent the Cosmopol- itan club on the extension lectures next year. -Members of the Gargoyle staff gath- eyed at the Union in the final dinner of ORPH E UM Wed.June 3- Captured by Mexicans Thar. June 4-Kleiue's Lion and the Mouse Fri. June 5-Pathe Weekly The Salvation of Nance O'Shaughnessy Sat. June 6 -Darwin Karr in The pirit and the Clay Mon.-Tues.June 8-9-adward AbIee n Brewster's Millions Matinre 21K,04C-5 25C and3s -ondSOc Lyman H. Howe DEPICTS THE PANAMA CANAL -The engagement of Dr. Mark Mar- shall, '05-'08M, to Miss Lois Kortland- er, has been announced. We Have Some Good Bargain IN HO ES that we can sell on so small a payment down that you can n( affcrd to be renting, especially when the houses for rlent arew scarce. Come in and let us tell you about them. HOUSES FOR SA LE -Fine 8 room house on Church Street, lot 56 x 13 $6,8oo ; fine 8 room house on Forest Ave.. mahogany and enamel finis $6,8oo; fine 8 room house on Cambridge, large lot, $io,ooo ; fine 9 roo home just off Cambridge, mahogany and enamel finish on contract, $7,5o We have other very attractive homes which we think woil attract university people, some of whom wecan'give very easy term We also have money to loan. List your houses with us for rent IWi HALEY & IIS - Real Estate and Insurance First National Bank Bldg. Tel. rI PACKARD ACADEMY will be newly decorated and in fine shape for the fall opening. Also our. present efficient instructor will be prepared to give you the latest in all the new approved dances. WORKS OF JEFFERSON WILL BE EXHIBITED IN LIBRARY 2 Telephono 416 ECT ICE CREAM SODA ERSITY AVE. PHARMACY GOULDING &'WIKEL 1219 SOUTH UNIVERSITY THA WASHINGTON CANDY the year. Fobs for one and two years service were awarded. Gold tokens of service will be distributed later. Speeches were made by Prof. W. G. Stoner and by several members of the staff'. -During the summer session the weekly Union membership dances will be continued but they will be held on Friday nights instead of Saturday as at present. -Senior homeops elected Rollin V. Hadley permanent secretary of the class. 1 f 3 t f i -The retiring cabinet of the Univer- sity Y. M. C. A. presented Carl Smith, '04E, graduate secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and Wellington H. Tinker, religious director, with silver loving cups in ap- preciation of the Iwork done this year at its meeting last night. -Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of the depart- ment of landscape design, left Wed- nesday night for ,Kancelona,. Mich., where he will deliver the last of his' extension lecture series for this year. -Senior dents at their meeting Tues- day decided to appoint a committee to select a class memorial. The commit- tee will report within a few days. -Eive pictures depicting life in the engineering camp at Camp Davis have been given to the university health service by Prof. C. T. Johnston of the engineering department. These pic- tures are the first that have been giv- en to the health service by any de-- partment of the university. An interesting collection of facsim- iles and photographs illustrating the work of Thomas Jefferson as an archi- tect, has been placed in the exhibi- tion cases at the library for the next few days. These reproductions are from the original architectural draw- ings of Jefferson recently found among the papers of his great-grandson, the late T. Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., of Bos- ton. The collection is loaned by Mr. Kimball of the architectural depart- ment.I E PLEA- FRIDAY, JUNE 5th ERMINAL O R a Telephone 418 .. ....... . . . ....a.,_a....._.. _ .,_. LET THE ES H mANMN A Well Made Suit .s an important part of being well-dressed-- A good appearance is of course necessary, but perman- ent satisfaction can only be had when the garment is well iade. Our coatmakers are experts in their line and do the work, in our own shop. I I JUNIOR LITS MEET TODAY, TO FIX ADVISORY SYSTEM PROF. TURNER LEAVES FOI EXTENSIVE TOUR OF EUROPE Prof. E. R. Turner, of the history department, left yesterday afternoon for New York city, where he will sail tomorrow afternoon, on the Campania, for Europe. Prof. Turner will spend several weeks in London, where he is going to do research work in the Brit- ish Museum, and the Public Record Office, in continuing his work on the history of the Cabinet. He is then going to Ireland, where he will spend some time in studying the Ulster question. From here, Prof. Turner plans to go to Italy and Greece for a few weeks, expecting to return to this country toward the latter part of Sep- tember. COMMUNICATIONS PA THE FEATURE Five Reels - Press Your Clothes The Junior literary class will hold a meeting at 4:00 o'clock this after- noon in room 203 Tappan hall for the purpose of arranging for the senior advisory system for -next year. Presi- dent P. H. Crane will appoint a com- mittee to take charge of the system. It is probable that this committee will not issue a call for senior men to act as advisors however, until next fall. Karl B. Hoch, '14, chairman of. this year's committee, will be present to assist in organizing the new commit- tee: 0of LABORU l 3 1 .AND PRESSING Oc - ADMISSION - 1Oc I I WAGNOM Importing Tailors State Street I JITS 25c TROUSERS 10c I I C.1. KIDDI '17 Lit. If Yo u FR IH Expect PHONE US AND SAVE TROUBLE Ca E. GODFREY, 410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 82-L (Continue1 from page 1) onstrations coming from the uncouth fan at the league games, and in games of minor importance from town row- dies, but should it be heard at a col- lege baseball game where the onlook- ears and rooters are supposed to be ed- ucated men? In spite of it all Michi- gan did not win the game. The visiting team is at enough dis- advantage in playing away from home, why put them atna greater disadvan- tage? Colleges in the east have real- ized the unfairness and unsportsman~- 'ship of such conduct an to abstain from any d that would tend to dist -ill feeling among the vii The idea in playing c teams is not to foster ay friendliness and we cai this end when we act li Let us be guided by the ample of true sportsma the eastern colleges and FRANKIIN H. RC FOR .RENT-A five .ro honise for rent for su tricity, gas, batle piar 1112 S. University Ave. a 16 I