Duck and Flannel Trousers, Tennis and Gol Shirts t v I :mitl I WAAL- nera sby it. hat Londlon thinks ablout fashions for you kris thinks w« York thinks icago thinks ill thiese opinions, with the fol-de-rols el- Straw Hats' Is shown here ready. 1wfo ~THE NEW BkL] SLIP-Ol RAGLAN C4J 11 iesibly ericarns tPrefer. re now ready to show you. lesla Under-wear Season 1914---Now on display TINKER & Company Cor. State> and William St. lTe outer garment I I I - - nschidt, Apft & Co. Clothciers and Furnishers _.. +. Mawr EALONG GRIND patii two weeks mo e ill need light dry goods for the Summer. ANNOUNCEMENT J. H. Lar~bert, the well known shoe repair man, has opened a combination shoe re- pairing and clothes pressing estaablishment at 301 S. State St. il 'JNIVIC.SITY NOTICES Baptist Young People's; Guild will hold a picnic at the island today and tonight, Meet at the Guild house at 4:00 o'clock. Attendance commnittee will hold its last meetings oil AMonday acd Tuesday,I June 8 and 9. Band report today at south Ferry field grandstand, 4:00 P. M., in march- ing; uniform. Campus concert at 6:45 o'clock this evening._ 11' Every flung new in Sj Spring Neckwwear, Spa showing in Spring Ml tIt Is high~ time for a can't use too much 4 yours here and you c right in every respec THlE BIG STORE COR. Reule, Car LACES hlOSIERY WINDSOR TIE EMBfROIDERIE;S UND DRWEAR SIULK GLOVES 3. 614 C. Liberty. St.. a lar Does Its Duty He still continues his business at 613 Williams St. B Important meeting of Gargoyle bus- iness staff this afternoon at 4:00 O'clock. Mlen wishing to try out for the re- portorial staff of the Wolverine, Call Burnett, 1283-M. Junior literary class meeting at 4:00 o'clock this. afternoon, room 203 Tap-, [pan hall. Phi Beta Kappa 111 I- Ti i Always some= on account of examinations there wvill be no assembly at Grangers next week Wednesday. The Saturdady as- serblies will take place as usual. 78-8O Buy your key of Arnold & Co., Jewelers, Main Street. They have made the= for several years. Their keys are 14k gold, finely made, prices lower thian some others. Orders nmay be left now for de- livery uponx issuance of the proper certificate from the Secretary. See the samples. IIl I Why you f roini us through e goods- honest in thing new in DRY GOODS, Notionsand Ready=to =wear 'itre cthat always / eats you fauir SCHROEN BROS, Phone 1000 1 24 South Main Save part of your railroad home by buying bags and suit at F. Wilkinson, 325 S. Main. phone 24-J. On account of examinations fare cases Tele- there 3 LOO $has. TRANSIT MARKET Win. LINDEM AN DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats 1 'ers ° will be no assembly at Grangers next week Wednesday. The Saturdady as- semblies will take place as usual. 7 8-80 ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRtING AIND SUMMfER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-All Wool, Hand Tai- lured. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style, Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tomn Work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. df Patronize Goodyear's Drug Store. tU On account of examinations there will be no assembly at Grangers next week Wednesday. The Saturdady as- semblies will take place as usual. 78-80 The home of Rexall Remedies. Ed- iill's Rexall Drug Stora. 122 South Main St. Tue-P'M Seniors, T ake Noticel You must hiave engraved cards to send out with your invitations. Can do your work right here in Ann Arbor. Satisfaction guaranteed. Walter Duf- ford, 711 N. Univ. Ave., second floor. Phione 296-M. SECOND PLACE BATrTLE IS POSTPONED UNTIL SATURDAY The settlement of the tie for second place in the finals of the inter6!ass baseball series was postponed until tomorrow morning at 9:00 o'clock. A class in "Conveyancing" threatey~ ed to keep the junior laws out of their fray with the senior engineers and caused the postponement of the game scheduled for yesterday afternoon, which rain would have set over a day or two anyway. FOR SALE-Rare old violin. 'Mellow tones. Made 1830. Call 189. 644 E. University. W. W. Wheatley. 178 FOR S ALET-Fine old violin in excel- lent condition. If interested call at once. Clyde Zechman. 426 Cross St. Phone 1590-J. 178 LOST-Black leather lady's hand purse containing about nine dollars, and check, in neighborhood of Car- negie library Tuesday evening. Find- er call 1800-Ml or Carnegie Library. Reward. 178 LOST-Fromd library corridor Thurs- day morning, gray raincoat with in- tials \V. S. P. Inside. Please returi 1" 1 1 I RNOLD f CO.r .aw elrs1 220 S. Malm St. FORK, HAMPOULTRYEIc. I one 115 ms A~~ m u s Ball Phan* 2294 212 N.4th Ave.= I , re the First to show time new Tartan s. Come in and see the different to library or call 630-J. 1783 "The greatest his to succeed- MAX P. KRUTSCH ailor 117 E. Liberty St. Hw RAVING -Nowt 19 tine Time to Place r' for those Engraved Cards Will need in a few weeps Our speed camera caught tlw ball leaving' the bat.. See display netxt to Gushing's. Daises & Nickels. Summer opportunity: Sig; meit. Preferably, from Grand Rapids, Chii- cage9o Indiaaapolis, Columbus, Cinein- nati, P'ittsburg, Cleveland (other cities not barred) can swcire profitable w orki. See 11. 11 . Colemia n, 108, Inme-; diately at 12403 Waslitenfaw fronm 10 to 12, ito 6or 7to 9, l1 80 Get a group picture of the house be- fore you pa'rt. Daines & N ickels. 178-801 LOST-Gold topped umbrella, with monogram C. H-. K. Finder kindly call 765-11I 178-80 WA NTED-Copies of The Daily, for June 3, 5. cents paid for thema at Daily office. 178 WVANTED-T'wo rooms and board for younig couple near South University for one year from June 15th. Answer 624 So. Ingalls St. 178-9 LOST-Slipon in Medic building, with Pi Upsilon, Rho in ink on inside. Finder please' call 1043-J. 178 FOR RENTr-Some very pleasant roomis for either summer school or' winter. Could accommodate a club; of 12 or 14. Everything modern. 417 E. University. 'Phone 1576-J. 178-80 When we evolved the Fatima Cigarettes we made them of the purest and choicest of tobacco. We wanted success for this brandl No one better knows the good quality of Fatima than the col- lege fellow-he started its pop-. clarity-toddy Fatimnas are the biggest sellers in the country. Package plain-quality all in the tobacco. a yles and Quality of Workmanship Unsurpassed MAYR-SCHAIRER CO. 112 South M ai Street jOur speed camera caught t leaving the bat. See displayr On account of examinations there Cushing's. Damnes & Nickels. will be no assembly at Grangers next week W ednesday. kThe Saturdiady as- Amlateur finishing;. Prompt & semblies will take place as usual. 78-80 i sfactory. Daies & Nickels. the ball next to 178-80 and sat- 178-80I ON L Spee ester, I Iha, $4.00 per Pair-Che OTHER STYLES) [at Sho( .s and I ye several; that are espeac kind of work. One style in leg proven to be factory for the and surveyin toZop~veone Cadillac 4524 [LET D--i EE L "We Have in" StR~ the latest dance records for Victrola. Als Medley U. of M. Songs Player piano rolls, 88 note. Violins, Weyman. Mandolutes, Masndolins, Guitars, Banjos ,Sm all Musical Merchandise, St ring, etc. I TIailor for Men Make Your Spring Suit. Britih Woolens ,® .to$60. 94 WFest Fort Stroct Shoe Repair-, ing 119 East LibertySt Detroit I GRINNELL BROS. 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phon* 170 7 9- F _ .. I r El r L 04 '