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June 03, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-06-03

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Wheat's Homer in Seventh Inning
Wins Hard Contest For
Near Grads
The first'game in the two game se-
ries for second place in the interclass
baseball series was won yesterday af-
ternoon by the senior engineers in a
closely contested battle with the soph


One run in the first gave the under-
classmen a start, but this lead was
passed by the boilermakers who count-
ed twice in their time at bat. The
third and fourth innings yielded six
more runs for the near-grads and the
fifth started with the score 8 to 2 in
the older men's favor. Three soph runs
in the fifth decreased the engineers'
lead to3. A seventh inning rally net-
ted four more runs for the sophs and
gave them a 9 to 8 lead over their op-
ponents. With one man on, Wheat,
who had been taken out of the box in
the seventh to be replaced by Muller,
came to bat and knocked out a'clean
home run between center and left,
scoring the winning run of the game.
The score:

eeting of the
in the new
Kt year's offi-
the secretary
ssociation of

1 2 34
Soph lits ....1 0 1 0
Sen. Eng. ....2 0 2 4
Batteries: Warner,
tander; Wheat Muller

5 6.7 R H E
3 0 4- 9 10 3
0 0 2-10 11 4
Fee and Alex-
and LaLonde.

for the new residence halls for women,
g to be ,erected on the cornev of south
University avenue and south Ingalls
a street, under the supervision of the
- George A. Fuller Co., of New York
e City. The dormitories will be ready
for occupancy by September 1, 1915.
The name of the donor of the build-
ing is being kept secret as it was stip-
ulated at the tipme the gift was made
that no publicity be given his name
g without his express consent.
e Thegeneral form of the building
y will be rectangular. It will extend 213
feet in a north and south direction,
and the width will be 50 feet, with the
exception of the north wing of the
' building, which, will be increased to
t 89 feet in width. The building will be
constructed of red brick with trim-
mings of Indiana limestone, and willf
be four stories in height. The roof will
g be of variegated slate.
b Accommodations for more than 100
I women will be provided. The main
3. parlor and dining room, on the first
t floor, are so situated that they may be
- easily made into one spacious hall
e suitable for dancing. An elevator will
o be located near the main entrance, on
g, South University avenue.
A wide terrace partly of cement and
partly of grass will be situated east
of the building, for a distance of 60

Freshman engineers, following the
precedent set by the yearlings of last
year, will congregate Friday night in
cascade glen for their annual Pow-
Wow The first year boilermakers
will meet at 7:30 o'clock on the even-
ing of the appointed day at the Michi-
gan Central station and march to the
scene of the festivities to the music of
the class orchestra, reorganized into a
"Rustic Band."
William D. Moriarty and Frank H.
Stevens, along with class officers, will
give short talks, punctuated by selec-
tions by the class glee club and quar-
tette. A liberal supply of smokes, eats
and gingerale is being hoarded up by
the committee.
Police Are After Midnight Revelqrs
Student "keg parties" are under te
ban of the police department, follow-
ing an altercation between the author-
ities and a crowd of revelers south of
Perry field early Sunday morning.
Other complaints have been received
at headquarters recently regarding
"parties" and Chief J. T. Kenny an-
nounced yesterday that further revels
will not be tolerated,
To Give Gargoyle Fobs at Dinner
Members of the Gargoyle staff will
be presented with fobs at the annual
dinner which will be given to the staff
tomorrow night at the Michigan Un-
ion. Talks will be given by various
members of the staff and Professor
-W. G. Stoner will represent the board'
in control. The dinner will begin at
6:00 o'clock.

Decide on Sum of Money Which Will
Be Loaned to Senior Lits.
at Low Rates
A loan fund, which will amount to
more ;than $500 will be left by the
senior literary class for a memorial as
decided at the business session
of the c ass, yesterday
afternoon. The amount is indefi-
nite because the stipulation as to its
size, is that it shall be all the money
left in the class treasury after all bills
are paid, and a suffiblent sum is laid
aside for the alumni secretary-treas-
urer. A. conservative estimate is that
the remainder of the money will be
between five and six hundred dollars.
The fund will be at the disposal of
the president and treasurer of the
university, and will be open to senior
lits in a ounts not exceeding $100 at a
2 per cnt rate of interest. Scholars
ship will not be a basis of -awarding
the loan.
Bruce Miles was elected alumni see-
retary-treasurer, and Leonard Reiser
and Jessie Cameron were choen mem-
bers of the alumni board. The Invita--
tions committee announced that the
invitations will arrive In a few days,
and will be distributed in the main
corridor of University hall,
Professor Alvin S. Johnson, of Cor-
nell University, addressed the students
of 'Prof. W. H. Hamilton's classes on
"Tendencies in International Trade
and Our Commercial Policy" yester-
day afternoon. This afternoon he will
speak in room 101 Economics building
at 1:00 o'clock on "The Future\of the
Socialist Party Policy." On Thursday
afternoon he will speak on "Social
Reform and the Outlawing of Ptbper-
ty" in room 358 new engineering build-
Professor Johnson has achieved con-
siderable fame as one of the most pro-
gressive modern economists and has
charge of one of the largest sections of
economics at Cornell. All the lectur-
es are open both to the students at
large and the general public.
Engineering Society Will Elect Today
The civil section of the Engineering
Society will hold its annual election
of officers from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock
this morning in the society's rooms.
The list of nominations follow: pres-
ident, A T. Ricketts, L. F. Terry; vice-
president and secretary, G. D. Doug-
las, G. F. Prussing; treasurer, C. W.
Smedberg, R. Watt. All the above
men are junior engineers.
Junior Research Club Elects Officers
The following newly elected officers
were installed at the annual banquet
of the Junior Research club last
night: President, D. A. Tucker, grad.,
vice-president, Professor 0. L. Spons-
lor, of the forestry department, and
secretary and'reasurer, Carl D. Hock-
er, grad.

served on the staffs for three and four
Talks were given by Adna Johnson,
Maurice Toulme, Professor W. G.
Stoner, H. Beach Carpenter, Sherwood
Field and Lee White, managing editor
of The Michigan Daily for the year
1910-1911. Regent J. E. Beal acted as
J. S. Leonard, R. V. Leffler, H. John-
son and R. J. Hofmann were appointed
assistants to the business manager by
Sherwood Field, business manager-

with wh
Cosmopolitan Student Out Tomorrow $1,000,O0C
Articles by Professor W. H. Taft, ex- at the re
President of the United States,\Presi', urday w
dent A. T. Hadley and Secretary successfu
Stokes of Yale will feature the Yale expected
number of the Cosmopolitan Student Werne:
which will be placed on sale tomorrow. master a
Mr. A. G. Bryant organization director tom of
of the World Peace Foundation has dinner c
contributed an article on "What Shall ty at the
We Do For Mexico". will call
Westcott. T. Smith, '15E, was elected be obtair
general chairman of next year's regat- near as c
ta by Boat club officers and P. D. a ready:
Koontz, '14, and Selden Dickinson, '13- mitteeme
'15L, last night. Smith acted as chair- that a ca
man of arrangements for this year's hand.
water fest.
Boat club officials decided on the BIG AT]
winners of the different cups yester- T
day afternoon. The cups; as well as
the medals and ribbons for the win- Eighty
ners of each event, will be presented up to att
at the Union dinner tonight. Men not 'hese, tc
having tickets to the dinner, may en- working
ter the dining room after 7:00 o'clock 105 and :
to obtain their prizes. ance at
Schaefer and Staatz tied for highest forty ye:
point winners in the canoe singles and An an:
for best all-around canoeist. Schaefer courses
took first and second place in the 50 by the u
and 300, yard races. Staatz beat out history m


More than 60 Michigan Daily men
gathered together in their final din-
ner of the year at the Union last night
and the customary bronze and silver
fobs for one and two years service on
the paper were presented. Shipment
of the gold fobs and bars has been
delayed but as soon as they arrive they
will be distributed to those who have


the tent
of that
6:00 o'cl

Men Appointed Assistants
Business Manager For
Next Year

Schaefer in the 300 yard pull and came a
second in the 50 yard dash. They will ii
work off the ties by a special race.
The following men will receive cups: I
University Band, Haller Cup for best
entertainment; Druids, Michigan Un-

n past y

June 13
.re prom-
s may b
r $1.50 t

FandeTMe Shoff

e charge o
e given in
esday afte
ek. The &
f the fea

f the

The architects are York and Sawyer
of New York City.

Lucrative Jobs Await Students' Bids
t the The University Y. M. C. A. employ-
ment bureau has several positions for
students who wish to work in summer
resorts this summer. Eight men are
Feds wanted at Put-in Bay to wait on
or the table and will receive $30.00 per
o the month in addition to room, board and
ort to tips. Several students are wanted at
ng to Charlevoix, where they will be able'
sident to earn about $60.00 per month and
'club. room and board.

I Special Offer to Seniors
You will get all the Football Dope firt-hand from the Michigan Daily

ion Cup for best decorated float; Schae-
fer, Triangles Cup for highest individ-a
ual point winner; Delta Kappa Epsi-f
lon, Huston Brothers' Cup for best so- b
ciety concession; Campbell and Kohr,R
Sheehan Cup for highest point win- F
ners in novelties; W. D. Baker, '14E,f
Druids Cup for best decorated canoe;s
Michigamua, Arnold Cup for best cos-
tumed society; Schaefer and Staatzf
tied for Michigamua Cup for highest b
point winner in canoe singles; Schae-
fer and Staatz tied for Sphinx Cup forF
best all-around canoeist; Annache,p
Vulcan Cup for best swimmer; James,S
Busy Bee Cup for best diver, Camp-
bell and Kohr, Griffin Cup'for highest L
point winner in canoe doubles.
Medals will be awarded to the fol-v
lowing men: Schaefer, Boyce, '14, An- a
nache, Domselaar, Staatz, Campbell,
Kohr, Howard, Wheat. The following n
men will receive ribbons: Staatz,.Kohr, F
Zewekh, Hildner, Schaefer, James, T
Newling, Campbell and Theiss. h

As guests of Branc
ager of the St. Lou
former coach of the
ball squad Coach I
will go to Detroit tc
Browns and Tigers pe
field. All of the vars
squads will make the

field at 2:00 o'cl
be provided for t
"Johnnie" Lav
Fresh squad, wil
party. He will
St Louis on Juno
Last Issue of Foi
The last issue
versity of Michig

For U1 0

we will mail the Daily
to any 1914 ALUMNUS
during Football Season.-

I Dont Procrastinate! Leave $1.00 at Daily Office
today. Ann Arbor Press Bldg.

-ive Couples will shakea mean, mean foot in the face



inatlon Dance

Friday June, 5th.

Granger's Hail, 9 to

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