--- 7 D ' ' Prlze 100c. offer a all scenarios suitable ements of the Comr purchased and paid ly upon acceptance. ite Thomas A. Edison, Inc. v for further particulars. VIILNUL UUILUINi TO ADDFEATURES When Michigan's new science build- ing is completed, that portion of it as- signed to the zoology department will he replete with many of the most mod- ern conveniences known to science. Among these is a temperature-control room for the purpose of rearing ani- mals and controlling their environment. A preparation room has also been planned for the purposed of giving in- jections, and for the preparations of skeletons, skins, etc. A special ex- haust ventelating apparatus will be in- stalled in this room. So far as is known, Michigan will be the first university to employ moving picture apparatus in the regular teach- ing of scientific subjects. For this pur- pose, a special room will be installed, and all facilities for preparation of the infs will be included in the plans of the building. A large photo-enlarge- ment studio for the enlargement of charts, and a micro-photographic room, will give the department a photographic equipment that will compare favorably with that of any other university. Anotlher feature of the building will be a cave in the sub-basement. In this cave-room animals will be reared under cave conditions and by this means or- iginal research work will be made pos- sible. This cave will insure a closer study of animal ecology at the uni- versity. Added to these features the building will contain a complete plant for the purpose of preparing the skeletons of dead animals for use as specimens in the zoological laboratories. The completion of the new building will mean that Michigan will possess one of the greatest science buildings in the country. Three or four times as much floor space will be available in this new building as i the quarters now occupied by the science depart- mnents.° No.1 Charcoal Stoves i INCLUDINC NEW, HANDY, AND SUBST THE THING FOR BOAT TI THEY BROIL OR FRY. Prices 75 1914 CAMPING OUTFITS FOR YOUR II L No. 2 CAMPERS Minnows No. 3 HAMMOCKS La sh one between the cool shady trees. The swish of the current and soft evening breeze will help you forget the big one you lost No. 4 COOLERS- ThermosBottles Refrigerator Baskets SPORTSMEN Cet Ready to Come Down the Contest Dept. SON, In. N. Y. SCHUMACNER 508.810-31; SOUTH MAIN ST. HARI specting tour, is expected to return next week. This semester it has been found necessary to send extra men out for a week at a time to assist Professor Breed, but the work is now nearly completed, with the exception of a few schools in the northern part of the s. I so e BLOOM ADEMARK 1 FRS, Lq SING G This Label is your Protection against Inferior Garments in which all Gymbloom garments are tailored' :htful people. As you know all Gymbloom gar- ual measurements which of course necessitates further expense. ority of students and physical instructors pre- im garments in June and have them delivered ng of the fall term. Write now for order blanks which will be gladly sent. n" Gymnasium irments s of experimenting to produce the perfect suit onderful increase in orders last year proves e "Gymbloom" garments are gradually assum- n among merclandise of quality. ic that is especially adapted for use in gym. e in the summer school. Samples of this fabric ring the different styles will be gladly mailed : your orders for the famous "Gymbloom" cross o popular for the out of door girl. The ideal suits sh and will give excellent service. TWO BIG, DAYS FOR VISITING ALUMNI Plans for entertaining the alumni during commencement week are rapidly being completed under the direction of general secretary Wilfred B. Shaw. Two days are to be devoted to the alumni' festivities this year instead of only one day as was the case last year. Tuesday will he given over largely to class re- unions, while Wednesday will be a gen- eral alumni day. Reunions have been planned by twen- ty-five classes for Tuesday morning, and class badges and handbooks of in- formation will be given out at the alumni headquarters in Memorial hall. A student vaudeville show will be given in honor of the returning alumni on Tuesday afternoon, after which, the university band will lead the way to Ferry Field for the Michigan-Pennsyl- vania baseball game. In the evening will occur the annual senior promenade on the campus, which has been post- poned from Monday to Tuesday night for the benefit of the alumni. Dean C. Worcester has been secured to deliver a lecture on Tuesday night after the senior promenade. His sub- ject will be "The Philippine Islands," and the alumni will be given the first chance to secure seats for the lecture, which isto se held in Hill Auditorium. The annual business meeting of the general alumni association will be held on Wednesday morning, after which the dedlication of the bronze tablets to former President Tappan and to the nation's soldiertdead will take place. At noon, a luncheon will be served by the Collegiate Alumnae in Barbour Gymnasium, at which arrangements have been made for 70 persons. On Wednesday afternoon, an alumni mass meeting will be held in Hill Audi- torium, featured by moving pictures, yells and songs After the mass meet- ing, the alumni will march in a body to the Pennsylvania-Michigan game, dress- ed( in parade costumes. Th~ie twvo days' festivities 'will be brought to a close on Wednesday night by the annual Senate Reception. Regents Order Fire Rules Posted By an order of the Board of Regerts, framed circulars containing fire pre- ventative regulations have been dis- tributed throughout the campus build- ings. these have beentwritten up with particular regard to the latest regu-' lations of all the largest insurance com- paries. Library Receives New Set of Books Amiong the books recently acquired by the University library is a set of 18 volumes of the Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburg, and "The Life of Cervantes," by James Fitzmaurice Kelly. ANNOUNCE SUBJECTS FOR HARRIS PRIZE CONTEST StudentsGsven Year to Complete Manuscripts-Large Prizes , Are Offered Subjects for the Harris prize in polit- ical science have been announced for next year. Any student is eligible to compete, and since there were no Michigan students in the contest this year, Prof. J. S. Reeves, who is a mem- ber of the committee which judges the essays, hopes that more interest will be shown in next year's contest. The subjects are announced early so that the students may use the summer months in preparation. They are as follows: "The Reorganization of State Governments," "City Managers' Plan of Municipal Government, "The Monroe Doctrine; Should It Be Modi- fled or Maintained?" "The Public Regu- lation of Wages." First place offers $250, second $i5o, and third $ioo. All work must be submitted by May i, 1915. A our Summer Vacation can mean profit as well as pleasure to you The Outlook Company is desirous of securing a limited number of college men as exclusive representa- tives to secure subscriptions during the State s a _9 largest manufacturer of gym- s in the country using the sumers League Label. 1It was J. W. Knapp Company only after estigation of the mannerin which i garments were made. Write for Catalogue, This handsomely illustrated catalogue will be mailed on request. It pictures from actual photographs the different styles of "Gym- bloom" garments. It describes in detail each of the different styles and no woman who buys gymnasium suits can afford not to investigate this pro- position further. These catalogues are now being sent out and if you have not received one send your name and address and one will be mailed immediately. sumner months. T ne Outlook is a recognized au- thority on current events and appeals only to the educated, intelligent class, of people. You can secure subscriptions from your own circle of acquaintances. The work is pleasant/and therem - neration attractive. Write us to-day for full particulars about our college m~en's agency plan. Address the Treasurer, .._ .,._ .._.... 1 I; liful surroundings s better garments hinking people. for the em- and should Catalogue 14 .KPWrite for Catalogue Lansing Michigan sole Manufacturers THE OUTLOOK '1 287 Fourth Avenue, New Y