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May 31, 1914 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-05-31

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Like Ju11his Caesar of Old, Annette
Kellerman Comes, Sees and
A good idea of the beauty of "Nep-
tune's D aughter," the photoplay in
which Annette Kellerman will be seen
at the Whitney theatre June 5 and 6,
may be gained from the following
article by the dramatic critic of the De-
troit News:
Sipegrlatives are so indiscretely used
in the theatrical business that it is with
some Misgiving one writes down the
motion picture for which Annette Kel-
lerman posed entitled "Neptuiie's
Daughter, and which is on exhibition
at the Detroit opera house this week,
as the finest entertainment of its kind
ever seen in this city. With a great
fanfare of publicity came "Quo Vadis?"
to Detroit, and then "The Last Days of
Pompeii," preceded by a voluable and

cool depths may distinguished myriads
of fish darting among the gliding tails
of "the mermaids.
And after N',eptune's daughter be-
comes a mortal, .there are fetching pas-
toral scenes in which a score or more
of sweetly naif children skip. The
scenes in which the king, his court and
his castle are shown are dignified and
proper in their management and
Of course the eye is always drawn to
the perfect figure of Miss Kellerman.
Whether as a mermaid or as a mortal,'
she is delightful, displaying histrionic
po ers hitherto unsuspected. In the
scene in which she is transformed by
the action of the magic shell from a
mermaid to a girl, she is shown lying
nude on a beach counting her toes, a
mysterious acquisition. A fisherwoman
draws near and the new-bQrn girl rises
and hides from mortal eyes. Although
the actress is devoid of clothing, there
is no offense, no suggestion, in the
picture. So chast ly does Miss Keller-
man appear to the camera, and through
it to the spectator, that one must be
puritanical indeed to find anything im-
proper in the spectacle.
It may seem to the reader of these

Annette Kellerman, known to the-
atergoers everywhere as "The Per-
fect Woman" and "The Diving Ve-
nus," in the remarkable film drama,
"Neptune's Dapghter," will be the at-
traction at the Whitney theatre Friday
and Saturday, June S and 6, with a
matinee Saturday at 3:00 o'clock. The
film has been the sensation of New
York.Fvery New York newspaper de
clared "Neptune's Daughter" to be the
last word in motion-picture art. The
following is taken from Burns Mantle's
review of the offering in the New York
"Without claiming to be anything of
an expert in the matter, we should say
the difference between Annette Keller-
man's exhibition in vaudeville and her,
appearance as the heroine of "Nep-
tune's Daughter," is in favor of the
pictures. For while in vaudeville Miss
Kellerman was limited to a display of
her prowess alone, in the pictures she is'
enabled to displa both her prowess and
her charm. Retealing two virtues, in
other words, where but one was re-
vealed before. Of course, of the two
her prowess is the most important, but
her charm should not be overlooked.
The first view of "Neptune's Daughter"
was given yesterday, and many of the
views proved startlingly beautiful.
They were taken on and around the
island of Bermuda, where the climate
is salubrious and the swimming par-
t cularly good. Miss Kellerman doubles
as a mermaid member of Neptune's
family and a wood sprite wooed by the
king in disguise. With the assistance
of a water witch and a very good trans-
formation effect, she is enabled to
change herself at will, The views
showing Miss Kellerman in the water
with her fair limbs wound in a fishtail
effect, or posed on the rocks at the
edge of a cave or grotto, are the most
striking ever seen. And the scenes inl
wvhich she appears as th~e wood sprite
are charming."



All jung
past have
tion of wi

to lbe shown at the Majestic Thursday, Friday
and Saturdlay.



k. motion picture which will prob-
s usher in a new era in that formhof
tertainment is underlined as the
xt attraction at the Majestic theatre,
is is "Sealed Orders," which swill be
ewn in Ann Arbor June _d s and 6.
Sealed Orders" is probably the first
lly big dramatic work designed pri-
rily for cinematograph production.
the past, numerous ig plays that
ge achieved stage success have been
roduced in motion picture form,
sequent to their stage opularity.
this instance, the story, dialogue
I situationstwere all designed for the
st effective results possible on the
een, in consequence of which the
duction enjoys an advantage that
ne of its predecessors have had.
Sealed Orders" is particularly timely
it is a novel play. The fact that the
ale is Europe means nothing, for the
pry is one quite as comprehensible to
average American as to the Con-
ental. A fleet of dreadinauglits and
oarmies were employed in the mak-
of the picture, in addtition to a re-
rkable cast of principals.
[he story deals withi two ;nations on
verge of war. A titled traitor is
tching the movements of the home
vernment for the enemy, and report-
to his masters through the medium
carrier pigeons. The head of the
me navy is Admiral Van Houven,

whose son is lieutenant in the same ser-
vice. The wife of yo'ng Van Houven
has had a perfectly harmless flirtation
with the spy Count Spinelli. he latter
persists in his attentions to an embar-
rassindegree and when war actually
has been entrusted with 'the first attack,
governed by sealed orders, the spy, be-
lieving himself absolutely safe, forces
a visit 01 the lieutenant's wife at her
A second later the husband himself
appears to bid his family farewell. The
wife kloes not dare to tell him of the
presence of the spy in the room, and
goes with her husband to the nursery,
where he takes leave of his children,
whilethe count remains in hiding in
the reception room. In turning from
his children. the Tieutenantpicks up *a
paper lepant that the nrse has, made
for oe s -of the babies, and 'laughing at
its grotesque outline, he is horrified to
find it-'fashionede'fromaettesi ad-
cIressed 1he Crunt Spinelli to his wife
It hadbeen-a most cunningly insinu-
'ating mssive, and the part cut away by
the nurse left it a most damaging dou-
tent During the intense scene that
follow , t e spy takes advantage of
their absence to seize the bag with the
sealed orders, open it, copy the latter,
and return it to the port folio. t
Onlreturning to the reception room,
the young oetkter looks for his bag, and
liscovers the spy hiding behind thi
mantel. His deter ination to wreck
vengeance is interrupted by the appear-
ance o another oficer 'from his ship,
who car es to urge him to hirry away.
He suaprosses his fury and turns away
with his brother officers rather than
expose what eregards as the betrayal
of his home.
The tspy.teo lea es, and having
copied the order "Attack at sunrise"
sets about to transmit it to his masters.
For this' pdpoeehe repairs to an old
windmill on the crown of a hill on his
estate, where his pigeons and tpara-
phernalia are concealed. After hiding
th esg u d ra br' i g nturning it loose on its fateful mission,
the spy repairs to a pit under the an-
cintstructure to hide away his equip-
ment. A burst of wind sways the door
which closes the trap over the pit, and
wedges it beyond all power of the
prisoner to dislodge. INemesis, 'too,
overtakes the mu4,te feathered mes-
senger. The bird is shot by a man in
Van Houven's division before it reaches
the lines of the enemy. The feet that
the sealed orders have become known,
causes investigation, resulting in the
arrest of Van Houven his trial and
condemnation to death.
Count Spinelli, realizing that his end
is near, writes out a confession in his
death pit. whecre le and it are found,
almost on the hour of the innocent
lieutenant's &ectioi. A race for life
saves the latter, and the tagled web of
circumstance straightens out with the
reslt that the (distressed family is re-
united and 'everything made perfectly
Throughout, this action the parts
played by thehildren stand out as one
of the most appealing and beautiful
things ever introduced into a cinemato-
graph .prodluction.
"Sealed Orders" is the work of a
D anish director ad company, and has
been welcomed by the moving picture
trade as a flawless masterpiece.

A scene' from "The Battle of the Sexes," at the Majestic' this, week.
enthusiastic press agent. "Neptune's
Daughlter" was just as superlatively
praised and one could iiot but a bit
dlubious. The fact that the film is show-
ing to crow~ded houses in the Globe and
Fine Arts theatres in New York and
Chbicago ;made it easier to swallow thef
advance adjectives' with a grain of salt
smaller than usual.
But Annette, came,' ivas" seen andY
conquered 'an audience in the Detroit

todrama, "Between Savage
however, goes a step fur
only shows the animals an
the jungle but also relates
story of love and heroisn
the interest in the beginni:
it fast until the very lash
on the screen,
The jungle episodes, w
enough to satisfy the most
mands for thrills and ex
subsidiary to the love inte
the great Cines Company
shown the master mind,f
love is the miainspring o:
In "Between Savage and
is the love between the
wife, which proxm>ts the h
the perils of India to find
Then there is the mother's
little daughter whose swee
her everyone with whoa
in contact. The child' inte
a potent influence on the s
the little one isexposed to
ordeals. Then again there
the daughter of the chief o
who holds the hero prison
the course of the story the
wife are united and the sav
izes that her love for the
less, her affection turns t
desire for vengeance. It i
plots and machinations t
family is exposed to dange
result in their destruction.
'Thus love plays the imps
this drama of life in the w'
where the other actors ar
tigers, elephay ts and sava,
"Between a'vag and Tige
one of George Klein's bid
makers because its appeal h:
It will be eagerly seen an(
young and old of all static
presentation at the Mlajesti
be at an early date.

last night which completely filled the
lower floor and left only the less desir-
able seats in the balcony vacant. There
is no doubt about it-the picture is a
siperlative entertainment.
In the first place-first because folks
go to the theatre to see a story unfolded
before them-"Neptune's Daughter" is
well plotted. There is a tale of in
trig~ue, sufficiently complicated to hold
the interest, which keeps the spectators,
in the. proper degree of suspense and
sotis fies his desire for a happy conclu-
n when the last foot of film is flashed
on the scene. It concerns a mermaid,
the daughter of old Father Neptune
himself, whose sister is caught in the
net of fishermen and left to-die. The
mermaid seeks revenge for the death
of her sister, and ifnportunes a sea
witch to aid her. The sorceress gives
her a magic shell by the aid of which
she may change at will from an im-
mortal mermaid to a mortal girl. And
the child of the sea invokes the spell
and becomes a child of the earth. The
story need be told to no greater detail.
There is a good king-young and hand
some-a wicked duke plotting for the
throne, conspiracies and dark deeds,
!,But while the story of the photo-
drama holds the interest, it is in the
beautiful settings that the attention
centers. Nothing more pretentious or
more beautiful has been seen in the
movies. The cave of the sea witch,
an eery place. bristling with stalactites
andi stalagmites, and crawling with
squirmy creatures, is a masterpiece of
stage setting because it is the real
thin The producers of the film went
to Bermuda for their atmospheres and
they found it there in abundance.
The cave of Neptune to which a
great school of mermaids-beauteous
maids they are--returns every night, is
a vasty cavern of green and dripping
walls, and cool recesses. The pool in
which the mermaids sport i like a fine
Itransparent and liquid emerald in wh~ose

A story of


A scene from "The Battle of the Sexes," at the Majestic June 1-3.

opinion over the quest
standard of moral re
men and woman-is to
of the Sexes," which
the 'Majestic theatre fo
days of this week.
demonstrates the utter
theory justifying the
double standard.
"The Battle of the S
by D. W. Griffiths wi s
Frank Andrews.....
Mrs. Andrews, his wi
John, his son......
Jane, his daughter ...
Cleo ..............
Alec ................

words tliat the praise is indeed ex-
travagant, but they are written with
confidence that he who reads will
agree once he has seen the pictures. To
combine in the movies the fairy coral
isles and spired caverns of Bermuda;
the sunlit sea with its groat rolling
breakers; an absorbing story, told by
capable actors, at whose head is the
world's most accomplished swimmer,
and a producer with an artistic sense
for patomime and stage settings-and
all this is what "Neptune's Daughter"
does-is to make an entertainment
which at once thrills, amuses and de-
Farrington Outwits Doctors
Less than a decade ago William Far-
rington gave up his position as lead-
ing man with the famous Pike stock
company in Cincinnati. He went West
with his doom pronounced by phyji-
cians. Ill health would soon put an
end to his histrionic career, the doctors
told him, and Cincinnati lost a favoirite
But Farrington did not die as the
physicians prdained. His face may be
seen flashing from the# film screen in
almost every city in the civilized world,
as lie plays the part of the hero in "Be-
tween Savage and Tiger," which will
be shown at the Majestic at an early

"\Neptunie's Daughter" lasts an entire
afternoon or evening and shows about
8oo scenes. The story is thrilling and
interesting, the scenic coloring ex-
tremely beautiful' and striking, and the
acting, and acquatic feats of Miss Kel-
lerman without compare.

A scene from

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