.-. ....... .. .... .- -..:-.:.. .- -:.; - . .:, ......,. ... ... ...:- . :. --: . :. :--.: -. .:. -.:;..::. . .- ---.:..-- :-- --...-- -- .... .. ....:- I 11 KODAK FINISHING Anything that you bring In today before 6'p. m. will be ready tomorrow night, sure. The Work Speaks fcr 'ise"f as to Quality Calkins' Pham HOT WE I In g Come in and select your straw hat Vadhams & Co. an save you money. est Panama Hat ever to at $5.0 0 m C. South Main Street Beach suits, the coolest suji weather. o We also have of Olus, B.V.D., and spo: for outing wear, and also trousers. PROFILE. I i _.____ M I - I mm""MVI t 1N'1 A. MARQUARDT Ire Cailortug Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor, Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank,, I 9. Scarf slide space and lock front .JNITdes COzLAR! C.4.Y. 'UNITED SHIRT & 'COttLAR. GO. TRCOY N.Y. Sopi LdT-JULO1R L AW GAME E211E1ULED FOR PLAY TODAY Oi: one cass baseball game has been chcdued for play today, the junio. law-soph lit tilt, to take place at 9: o'clock. Wh! her the laws win or lose this gamne the camnpus chamipionship rests in the law department, since, Win or lose, the title will be decided between the senior and junior laws. i UNIVERSITY NOTICES JEWELRY Extensive stock at Reasonable Prices Skilled and Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPLIES Michigan Pins, Fobs, ANN I I ARO SOAPS, and -- EG... s. Shoes a dollar ;4 o U L Make Us Prove OVER I FOR SALE-Oliver typewriter, new style, printype. Price is very low. Cash or payments. Mack & Co. WANTED-For next year. Rooms, for club of 12 or 14 boys. Address R. S. care Michigan Daily. tf WANTED-Fifteen students to handle a good proposition for summer .work. Call at 1317 Wilmot or phone 1407-M. 1 Load your Kodak with Ensign films and get results. Hoppe. 171 Try our Sundaes and Sodas. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 So. Main St. tf "etter get your Gargoyle today; they won't lest very long. Granger's will continue their Wed- nesday night assemblies through the summer school, from 9-12, with Fisch- er's Orchestra. 50 cents per couple. tf Granger's will continue their Wed- nesday night assemblies through the summer school, from 9-12, with Fisch- er's Orchestra. 50 cents per couple. tf Get your Gargoyle now, before the "big men" buy up the issue. ..... Membership buttons for the Union Boat club will be distributed at the Union desk tomorrow to members on presentation of their cards.cIn the af- ternoon, they may be secured at a booth at the Regatta. These who have signed up in the Union tennis tournament should watch bulletin board at Union. Band men report in front of house at 9:00 o'clock today, white trousers and blue coats. Tip Oxfords our Price court with Bars and Spoons POW J. B. EIBLE R SUGDEN 109 West Liberty Street ,302 S. STA Across from Mack's Side Entrance PHOIN Ann Arbor Taxicab New Number Is SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR S COOKING LOST-Pair of nose glasses in case in University Hall. Dr. Rhonehouse, Toledo, Ohio, printed on case. Call 1766. Reward. 173 WANTED-Student barber to work Saturdays. 121 W. Liberty St. WANTED-One young man and one young woman to act as our special representativesat the U, of M. for the year 1914-15, good pay. The Glenmoor Company, East Liverpool, Ohio. 173 HOUSES FOR SALE-Fine 8 room 132, $G,800; fine 8 room house on Ch urch streetrn-gS. .n.w4-,6.. . Forest Ave., Mahogany and enamel finish, $6,800; fine 8 room house on Cambridge, large lot, $10,000; fine 9 room home just off Cambridge, Mahogany and enamel finish on con- tract, $7,500. We have other very attractive homes which we think would attract university people, some of whom we can give very easy terme. Whaley & 'Fischer, 310-311 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Phone 1821. tf FOR SALE-Light housekeeping fur- niture for sale. Inquire 200 N. Thayer or Tel. 1392-M. 173 LOST-During May Festival week, gold crescent pin with three small clover leaves in green enamel with- in crescent. Finder please return to 109 N. Thayer St. 173-4 WANTED--25 men for a quick selling canvassing proposition. Call Rabin- owitz, 1104 or at 114 No. Division St. 172-3 FOR SALE-A brand new M and M motorcycle. Cheap for cash, if sold immediately. Call at Switzer Hard- I ware Co. 172-3 NNW 711 N. University Ave. 2280 Can meet all competition in of our 20 years' experience garments. Prics from $20 up. tailoring Also as makers of HENRY & CO., Merchant Ta T Ann Arbor, Service Guaranteed Par4 300 N. MAIN STREE Quality-Service and Prices EdsllI's Rexall Drug Store. Right. Tue-Fri For Fraternity and Club Houses I Best shine at French Parlors on Lib- erty just off State. Step in. Granger's will continue their Wed- nesday night assemblies through the summer school,. from 9-12 with Fisch- er's orchestra. ' 50 cents? per couple. tf Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone for our Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Equip- ment. Washtenaw Gas Company The 'Squeeze' T e'q z'must be executed by the athl can think fast, who is quick ment, keen of eye and swift ,He must outguess and out Swimming suits of all sorts Wahr's University Book Store. at tf of of m The Sugear Bowl Confecitonery We have the best assortment of Chocohs.t s Md Bon Ben.s All kinIds of feuny Ic Creams for Parties Try our Fruit sundaas after the Theatre ALLEN SELLS GOOD CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. Suits at $10.00-All Wool. Suits at $15.00-A11 Wool, Hand Tai- lored. Suits at $20.00-Adlers' Make and Style. Suits at $2.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom Work. ALLEIN' GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf opponents to bring home the run Mek,1ft Street R 4mm We Have in Stock the latest dance records for Victrola. Also Medley U. of M Songs Player piano rolls, 88 note. ---the most nourishing and digestible form wheat gives the athelete and the student food for building brawn. brain and bone. It nourishes the mind and body, strengt tissues and hel as diet can--- an athlete h .=' and fit. 11 Don't Wait-Now is the Time to Place your Order for those Engraved Cards which you Will need in a few weeks Styles and Quality of Workmanship Unsurpassed THE MAYER-SCHAIRER CO. STATIONERS-PRINTERS-BINDERS 112 South Main Street Violins, Weyman Mandolutes, Mandolins, Guiars, Musical Merchandise, Strings, etc. Banjos, Small GRINNELL BROS. 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone1707 THE SHREDDED NIAGARA FAL I Stop at the Crest The New Ligbt Lunches Ice Cream Candy We make our own candy 302 S. Main St. Near Liberty J;